There was this time an old friend of mine whom ive not heard from in ages asked me.
“Eh.... if Aik and Henry were in the middle of a storm in the middle of the ocean, who would you swim to?”

Nabei..... I playing CS he come ask me stupid question.
“who ar...?”
I think a bit.
“Aik lor.”

Then I continue play game.
But he sighed and shook his head. Wtf?
“I cant believe you.”, he say.
Wtf now I do what...........~~~~~~~~~~~~
I ask him what then he come lecture me, the pcb kia.
He say somehting like, “I cant believe you actually choose amongst your friends. It’s such a shame. Im so disappointed in you. It’s a bad thing to treat ur friend unequally you know.”

If there is one thing that pisses me off is when someone criticizes the way I do things.
Ok la I know that is like... so anti social la budden then.. I give and take. :)
But this wan I cannot give and take. Its like.... who the fuck are you to criticize my values of friends and family?!! And for one that is soOOoooo ....... never use brain wan?!
I slam my mouse and scold the fucker.

Sometimes I listen to these so-called “values” and I just..... .... I pity those who think that way la. How the cb can u just apply that “one size fits all” simi lan jiao idea?!?!?! What... your friends all come from same factory ar?
Amongst those I find irritating is that stupid mentaility some of the girls we know have.
U noe which one anot?
The fucking irritating wan after they break up with their boyfriends.
The, “All men are liars. All men are two timers. All men are heartless. I will now be lesbian.”
Its like.. pls ar....its like as if you either get A... or B..... there is no aB or Ab. White or black. No grey. Noe wht I mean anot?
These kind of goldfish brain ppl only think of “one correct so the other wan wrong.”. This is stupid. Its like u compare Jay Chou with Lee Hom. Some will say JAY CHOU THE BEST IN EVERYTHING LOR! LEE HOM IS SUX. (the grammatically correct way to say the last sentence is, "Lee Hom sux." There is no need for "is". Thank you.)
But they dun see that u can cut cut everything smaller. Because to comparing Jay chou and Lee hom alone is very generic. Very big. You can compare between Jay chou’s music videos and lee hom’s music video rite? I must be honest and say that Jay Chou’s new musci video... the one where he wearing blue... that video sux so much. Lee Hom’s video is nicer. (and we all know im a Jay chou fan.)
So what im saying is that... there is both good and bad for both ppl. Just like in relationship. U think u girl u always correct ar? Always think of ur needs. Ur boyfriend neh?!!??!!? GUYS ALSO GOT PROBLEMS OKAY. THINK WE BLOODY SLAVE AR SUCK OWN LAMPA TO ENTERTAIN YOU?! We don’t have all the time to please you. You msut be following the, "I got chee bai so everyone must come serve me so i can give them the key to touch it."
But granted... sometimes we guys very xia lan dun care about you cos got new PC game to play.

So what I think is that... so maybe ur partner is not ur dream wan. Dun have that jaw line. Dun no how to tell jokes. But I say its not really big problem if at end of day u two can still pei each other go buy chicken rice in the middle of the night. Know what i saying?
Someitmes u win. Sometimes u lose.
Can dun be so selfish think that everything is about you?
Another wan is the, “eeu and I will stay forever! Our love is eternal. Nothing can tear our love apart. I lurbbee euu shoooo much! I will die for you.”
Even disneyland not so bo liao like that lor.
Personally I dun believe in all these eternal eternal rubbish. Friend and friend. Brother and brother. Boy and girl. Love and love. One day will eventually dissolve and disappear. It may be tomorrow.. it may be six years after the other person dies. But one day confirm the connection will be broken. The feeling gone. One party will forget and move on with their lives. But it all depends on how much a person wants to keep a relationship la I guess. It will last as long as it will la.
And these are the other few irriating nicks I have in my MSN that is just another sad reflection of negative, distorted values some of us have.

Someitmes I wonder what’s wrong with our education system. I study in lodge I never NEVER NEVERR NEVVEERRRRR felt that life is just...... like that. (ok la.. bluff you. Sometimes only.)
Ok la that is cliched but really ar..... there must be sth wrong with the education system somewhere. Education is supposed to make us tink positively and broadly and be happy fun person. Not so narrow thinking like horse.
Maybe this is why got so many murder case? gang fight case? run away from home case? YOu all go the police website. I heard the crime rates are rising. You all better wash ur hands and pray for ur backside.
And wahliew.... the quality of our jokes today.... haiz... damn sad. (some cant even tell joke.)
Of course.... I try to tolerate la.. cause I admit I someitmes liddat especially during sec school. But now i think i ok. Lucky for me that some of these ppl grow out of these thinkings and those who dun... well.... somehow... we lose contact. Hee hee.
Btw..... I ended my relationship with the fucker above there a few months ago because he pang seh everyone for his lan jiao ex-girlfriend (girlfriend dump him for nerd guy in the end. Muahahaah I bet he damn pai seh). See what happen now la. ALONE and all his old kaki leave him. Now i heard he suffering liek mad, socially, cos actually.... he dunno how to socialise. With this kind of fucking mentality... how can?!
So I tell him...
“you can keep ur fucking values because im better off with mine.”.
“Eh.... if Aik and Henry were in the middle of a storm in the middle of the ocean, who would you swim to?”

Nabei..... I playing CS he come ask me stupid question.
“who ar...?”
I think a bit.
“Aik lor.”

Then I continue play game.
But he sighed and shook his head. Wtf?
“I cant believe you.”, he say.
Wtf now I do what...........~~~~~~~~~~~~
I ask him what then he come lecture me, the pcb kia.
He say somehting like, “I cant believe you actually choose amongst your friends. It’s such a shame. Im so disappointed in you. It’s a bad thing to treat ur friend unequally you know.”

If there is one thing that pisses me off is when someone criticizes the way I do things.
Ok la I know that is like... so anti social la budden then.. I give and take. :)
But this wan I cannot give and take. Its like.... who the fuck are you to criticize my values of friends and family?!! And for one that is soOOoooo ....... never use brain wan?!
I slam my mouse and scold the fucker.

Sometimes I listen to these so-called “values” and I just..... .... I pity those who think that way la. How the cb can u just apply that “one size fits all” simi lan jiao idea?!?!?! What... your friends all come from same factory ar?
Amongst those I find irritating is that stupid mentaility some of the girls we know have.
U noe which one anot?
The fucking irritating wan after they break up with their boyfriends.
The, “All men are liars. All men are two timers. All men are heartless. I will now be lesbian.”
Its like.. pls ar....its like as if you either get A... or B..... there is no aB or Ab. White or black. No grey. Noe wht I mean anot?
These kind of goldfish brain ppl only think of “one correct so the other wan wrong.”. This is stupid. Its like u compare Jay Chou with Lee Hom. Some will say JAY CHOU THE BEST IN EVERYTHING LOR! LEE HOM IS SUX. (the grammatically correct way to say the last sentence is, "Lee Hom sux." There is no need for "is". Thank you.)
But they dun see that u can cut cut everything smaller. Because to comparing Jay chou and Lee hom alone is very generic. Very big. You can compare between Jay chou’s music videos and lee hom’s music video rite? I must be honest and say that Jay Chou’s new musci video... the one where he wearing blue... that video sux so much. Lee Hom’s video is nicer. (and we all know im a Jay chou fan.)
So what im saying is that... there is both good and bad for both ppl. Just like in relationship. U think u girl u always correct ar? Always think of ur needs. Ur boyfriend neh?!!??!!? GUYS ALSO GOT PROBLEMS OKAY. THINK WE BLOODY SLAVE AR SUCK OWN LAMPA TO ENTERTAIN YOU?! We don’t have all the time to please you. You msut be following the, "I got chee bai so everyone must come serve me so i can give them the key to touch it."
But granted... sometimes we guys very xia lan dun care about you cos got new PC game to play.

So what I think is that... so maybe ur partner is not ur dream wan. Dun have that jaw line. Dun no how to tell jokes. But I say its not really big problem if at end of day u two can still pei each other go buy chicken rice in the middle of the night. Know what i saying?
Someitmes u win. Sometimes u lose.
Can dun be so selfish think that everything is about you?
Another wan is the, “eeu and I will stay forever! Our love is eternal. Nothing can tear our love apart. I lurbbee euu shoooo much! I will die for you.”
Even disneyland not so bo liao like that lor.
Personally I dun believe in all these eternal eternal rubbish. Friend and friend. Brother and brother. Boy and girl. Love and love. One day will eventually dissolve and disappear. It may be tomorrow.. it may be six years after the other person dies. But one day confirm the connection will be broken. The feeling gone. One party will forget and move on with their lives. But it all depends on how much a person wants to keep a relationship la I guess. It will last as long as it will la.
And these are the other few irriating nicks I have in my MSN that is just another sad reflection of negative, distorted values some of us have.

Someitmes I wonder what’s wrong with our education system. I study in lodge I never NEVER NEVERR NEVVEERRRRR felt that life is just...... like that. (ok la.. bluff you. Sometimes only.)
Ok la that is cliched but really ar..... there must be sth wrong with the education system somewhere. Education is supposed to make us tink positively and broadly and be happy fun person. Not so narrow thinking like horse.
Maybe this is why got so many murder case? gang fight case? run away from home case? YOu all go the police website. I heard the crime rates are rising. You all better wash ur hands and pray for ur backside.
And wahliew.... the quality of our jokes today.... haiz... damn sad. (some cant even tell joke.)
Of course.... I try to tolerate la.. cause I admit I someitmes liddat especially during sec school. But now i think i ok. Lucky for me that some of these ppl grow out of these thinkings and those who dun... well.... somehow... we lose contact. Hee hee.
Btw..... I ended my relationship with the fucker above there a few months ago because he pang seh everyone for his lan jiao ex-girlfriend (girlfriend dump him for nerd guy in the end. Muahahaah I bet he damn pai seh). See what happen now la. ALONE and all his old kaki leave him. Now i heard he suffering liek mad, socially, cos actually.... he dunno how to socialise. With this kind of fucking mentality... how can?!
So I tell him...
“you can keep ur fucking values because im better off with mine.”.
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