..........Alaska and Canada someone please do tell us the diference.
Anyways Singapore has been raining these past two days. Henry and Aik went for sentosa today to sun tan and they came back around three or so. lol so fast. I knew it was a good idea to stay home and sleep instead.
edit: aik just come message me. He say they never go cos, "how can we go without our baby??". wahahah i so touched. but aik say must go with them tomorrow. -.-
another edit: no, none of us are gay.
So the days have been slow. Did some photo editing.
I love travelling. That is confirm. So the other day when I was out paying my respects to Henry at Sembawang Park, I went to the little “dirty” corners around the area and took some pictures.
Pictures taken with Henry’s Canon Ixus IIs.
Beside the Ah Gua Brigade...... eh I mean.. Boy Scouts/Boy Brigades.
If you listen closely you can hear beds creaking non stop like techno. Aha... now we know. :)
Near the rows of terrace houses.
That day I went to Sembawang park is lucky day. Why is lucky day? Cos I saw something big, long and brown. And we all know I like big and long things. Colour is anything also can. So I know something I will do that day will be very significant in some people's life. To mark this lucky day, I take picture with big long brown thing as background. You know what it is?
Big, long, and brown.. who dun like har????
After that I try make artistic picture. Sian what. dunno what to do. So I go Sian-land and sian-ed my way out!

Aa!! Aik!!! “Hen SUAI leehhzxxXxx~~!!!!!” – Sheryl Choo, 2006
I noticed that a lot of teens like the grunge layout as their blogskin.
Some examples are like Tianyu’s blog and amalina and Tomoyasumuttoncurryrotiprataajinomoto a.ka. Zabeth’s blog skin.
I dunno la... personally I find it cool.. but... eeyer like so depressing like that lei. Most of it is talk about suicide or ask ppl die or go eat rusty nails then jump down building into sewage truck and force lan jiao into meat grinder. I really dun like. English ppl say with little finger in the air, “Not my forte”.
Not my siloso....
But whatever... I try nmaking one grunge photo. So at sembawang park I find one nice road which got a lot of dustbin holder but no dustbin at all and pose my soon-to-die bicycle on the road.

Ho sei liao.
But I think I find this one so kawaii nehhhXXxzzz.....
So I allow you all download the big big wan. LOL.
Use as you may please.
Okay.. come.. lets go somewhere else.
I wan to show you all something.
Remember my old post, “Pulling a Kenny Sia”?
Now I show you this!

See! I never joke! I really go buy ticket to Kuching AND travelling alone!
But got some change in plan. I got dreamt of being raped by Johor taxi driver so I thought better go from Changi to Kuching straight! Price is SGD313. now I am officially BANKRUPT!
I going this 22nd to 28th. Go and come alone. Swee bo??
I will update more on trip on next post okay?
Malaysia airline will definitely get some coverage soon!

Some may go... HAAHHHHH?!?!!!? WHAT THE CB?!?!!? YOU TAKE MALAYSIA AIRLINES AR?!?!!?!? THEY SO “LC” WAN LEI!!! (Lc = low class/ bo standard/ask for peanut they give you kachang putih.)
I know I know! But please lar har..... I know that Malaysia airline is really not so popular la but their slogan say, “Going beyond expectiations”!
so give them chance la... they still going. Anyways the trip is only an hour or so so its okay.... I dun mind sitting on cushion chair which feel like wood and leg room as much as my friend’s uncle’s coffin for that period of time.

Can the readers who understand malay please explain what “sial” means. Thank you.