*this wil take very long to read. 40-over pictures. I warn liao hor.*
I was up and ready to go. Every trip to Kuching would be such a dilemma for me when im packing my things. Cos its more like a trip back home or some "home away from home" story tale. I solved it the usual way... dumping anything i could find. And usually it works out.
Took a ride to Terminal 2 at around 12pm yesterday. Finally... a trip alone. Like.. coolio potato!

THis is gonna be like... my virgin trip alone la. So hope its gonna be cool. An airport staff wasnt friendly today. I asked where i should head to for ticket collection and all he did was scratch his armpit and went, "orh.... there there... *snort* " then he siao siao and started turning about in his chair like how we all used to do when we were five years old.
" can i leave my luggage here infront of you while i go collect?" (the counter was just 5 metres away)
"NOH NOH!! CANNOT! Later we get in trouble! you take your bag!" he skali shout.
ok la ok la i sorry disturb you scratching ur armpit ok?
OKay time to scrutinize malaysia airlines!
Got the economy class tickets simply because im humble HAHHAAHAH. ..... -.-
Malaysia Airlines evaluation :
I see that MA has started using Photoshop as well. GOOD! presentation i give you 9 over 10.
Why i give so high? cos unless other company somehow manage to include moving pictures on the boarding passes then i will lower ur marks.
U beat my expectations. I was expecting Air Asia-like tickets.
I came a bit early. SO i had time to fool around the Changi airport FREE INTERNET station.
FREE leh!! kiasu-ism.
and that is when i happen to chance upon one of my sweet friend's blog and learnt of her recent situation. Left a tag already.
Gave Aik and henry my good-bye sms-es:
"Okay (insert name here). Off I go."
Aik's reply.

Short, sharp, and super heck care. and that's how i know him to be.
Then Henry's one came in. I almost vomit. i mean... my heart sank to basement one then now i have to pay money help them repair the big hole.

Really... Henry... a lot of thanks. You damn happening. (yeah i censored some parts. Too unique to share for now. haha.)
After that i switched off my phone. Its still off. I dont have auto-roam. SImply because im humble. HAHAHAAA i no money!
TIme to board. I boarded. Found my cute little window sit. The service was fine. Non-intrusive or anything like that. The crew gave smiles as usual... some act only give smile (dun think i can tell!) but its ok. Not everybody have happy day at same time.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Service - 7 out of 10. Almost happening. but not there yet. maybe after the flight i see how then change score ok?
OKay tonight i want to make a confession. A very big wan. Super big.
i have phobia of flying.
LOL ok la seriously. Ever since i watch Final Destination in 2000, ive been afraid of flying. Afraid that some circuit underneath someone's chair will spark, then the plane explode.. then got one big hole and i kanna suck out of the plane, into the sky, with my seat and seatbelt and all.
so after that.... all my plane flights i suddenly become like soldier in foxhole; kao tao to God. ask for forgiveness. ask for help. ask for shield.
This is ham ji-ness at its best.
It gets even more weird when i realised that my favourite game is a flying simulator, IL-2! in fact im such and addict that i have three monitors for that entire 180 degree view and a joystick and rudder and throtle bla bla bla.... ok whatever.
But this trip i not scared. I also dunno why,. Maybe because got Henry's camera so it gives me the strength to carry on. *cry*

I brought my laptop with me as well. Spent the entire journey taking photos from the sky and Photoshopping them.

This is part of the Johor Coastline.

btw... i've added a new section for Mein Bereich. It's called..... Mein Bereich EXTRAS!!!! (sorry la.. i nto creative with names.)
Ill be posting extra photos there for ur viewing pleasure. Its there because if i included everyhting here... it will tkae you an entire season of Meteor Garden to finish loading one post.
The leg room for this plane was surprisingly more airy then my friend's uncle's coffin. Not bad.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Leg Room - 6 out of 10.
Going beyong expectations, but my leg cannot go beyond 50 degrees.
Then i heard smeone calling my name. I looked around. i looked at that uncle sitting beside me. He was sleeping. His drool dunno why yellow color also. But its not him calling me.
OMFG... it's coming below me!!!!
so i looked below... and saw..

and the thing started laughing at me!
er xin!
Malaysia Airlines Evaluation :
Cleanliness - 6 out of 10
Actually its about 8..... but then i saw that thing look like go teeth stuck to it you make my dick shrink. And when my manhood shrinks so will ur points.
The flight is almost over. I was clearing up my desktop for a bit when suddenly my wireless network detected something!

GOT ghost ar!
So i tried connecting la just for fun.
it connect....
try to connect...
i wait...
i wait some more...

In the end i just cancelled the thing and kept my laptop away. I dun wan the plane to crash.
ALL planes would have this sign flashing every now and then.

This means "buckle up".
Seat belting is cumpolsory everytime the light flashes on. Even those in the toilet are not spared. Whenever the light comes on, the seat belt buckles would slide out from under the toilet bowl and the person using the toilet bowl must then buckle up. THis is important. Cos when there is turbulance and the plane is dropping up and down like elephant having sex, we need a butt to plug the toilet so the shit wun spill out. This is called a butt plug.
But i was naughty today.

Look, ma! No seat belt!! .... for the entire journey!
Ok la actually i FORGOT to put it on. And i didnt. for the entire journey.
and look! i wasnt the one who got sucked outta the plane with my chair and all just because i was strapped in!

THe best thing is.... none of the crew noticed. NONE of them asked anyone near us to buckle up!
tsk tsk tsk.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Safety of passengers - 3 out of ten.
Firstly..... you gave us hope of a wireles internet connection which we can never connect to. If we prolong the connection tries we will interfere with the plane instruments then we all will die when the plane drop like stone. Your fault. Secondly, you never come with your sexy attire and help me buckle up below there (hee hee). What if got turbulance? You wan to catch me when im bouncing all over the cockpit?
FInally.. at 2:45pm... the plane landed and we disembarked safely at Kuching International Airport.

For that.....
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Overall - 8 out of 10
hahahhh.... ok la you didnt make me pek chek. No baby were crying on the plane. You still forced urself to smile. YOur food was sibeh damn tasty. and best of all... we touchdown.... at correct place!
They have been renovating KIA for the past two years... ever since Donald and the rest came down for the ugly trip.
Its good to see that they have completed most of it.

KIA used to look like a kopitiam... only with aircon. And the seats had SOOOO much stains on it that you wonder whther it's old man yellow semen stain or coffee stain. Believe it.

Not bad, really. I like. Now the aircon is stronger.
Oh ya.... and i saw this!

Any MENU fans here? any explanation why this plane is here?
Now im stuck.


YUP. SOMEBODY WAS A RAT! my dad came to pick me up!
lol.... all he could do was put his hands on his hips and shake his head. HAHAH! daddy ar.. your boy boy 18 already ler....

dad drives. son is back home.

Kuching was where i grew up since i was four months old. ALl the way tll Sec One. The way back frm the airport to the hotel has never changed. Same road. Same kind of stupid drivers (red light = speed up. zebra crossing = artistic design/ no meaning/ speed up)

However, Kuching is growing very rapidly. Roads are being enlarged. Trees are growing. More colours are making the atmoshphere lively. (omg i just had a deja vu.)
best thing is..... I CAN SEE THE SKY! Singapore very hard to see.
however, yin and yang..... black and white... tyco and skill..... Kuching has its sad side; the buildings are not well maintained.
You guys remember my recent post, "You wanna reflect anot? Part One"?
The last picture had this super cute boy surrounded by ladies (i heard he still is)?
ok come.
I show you where the picture was taken.
It was taken here.

Opposite was this "haunted house" , But they tore it down already.
Back when the picture was taken, this photo studio was gleaming and gleaming and gleaming!

Now its just... dull and grimy.
im gonna do a tribute of some for Simon's photo studio. Just keep a look out!
Reaching home.
Nearing the heart of Kuching CIty (yes, it's a city). The Waterfront (at the end of the clip) signals the final stretch home. and uh... that's my father singing. Dun play play ok! i noe in the clip he sound like dunno what but he got into Malaysian Idol-like contest ok! anyways anyone noe the name of the song?

THe Hilton, and Holiday Inn's biggest competitor.
Ever since Tianyu showed me the Paris Hilton sex video back in 2003.... i just cant look at the Hilton the same again. LOL!
imagine if we had a Paris Hilton for Holiday Inn... HAHAAHAHHHHAHAH (looks at sister).
Everyone of us had their childhood street, so to say.
Like how those hip-hop shit-shop bunnies have their alleyways. Like how Clara and Henry has their 600+ and Jiemin. Like how Donald has Orchard road as his backyard when he was younger. Like how Javis had Toa Payoh and Hougang.
As for me.

This is my street.
and this is home.

and this is where i live.

and this is my room.

and how do i noe? how would you noe?
because everything here has me in it. (and some of sister. She threw a lot of her things away. I cant throw things. I can hear them cry. THis is called siao lan kia)

books ive never read.

Did this when i was young and hairless. Its one of those gel thingy that you play around with.... then when it dries you peel it off the glass you drew it on and stick it anywhere.
More pictures to be added into Mein Bereich Extras soon.
Time to rest
YOu should too.
When i dressed myself up this morning, i made a point that no one would recongnise me when i walk into the hotel.
Not yet. A trip to the salon first.
THis is my disguise.

I call it, "The Sylvester" !
so i slept till dinner time. My dad woke me up and off we were for dinner.
Just father and son. First time. like... seriously.

Ding dong... i pressed this lift everyday.
Then we crossed the street, to my dad's second workplace.

Holiday Inn Crowne Plaze Riverside.
"We're gonna have Japanese buffet today."
I dunno what it was with my dad and Japanese buffet.
He keeps pushing my friends and everyone else to come over and try te Jap buffet. The shushi. THe shashimi. The miso soup. THe california roll. the whatevershishi.

Im not particularly a fan of Japanese buffet (cos a lot of them are quite messy.). But today they had LAMB CHOPS so wht the hey!
My dad walked in and we were ushered straight to this little dark corner of the restaurant (which was super dimly lit. Henry's cam had some problems with the shutter speed).
then, one by one, came endless streams of huge black suits that went up to my dad, went on one knee, kissed his hand and commented on how grateful the way things ar.
LOL ok la that was a scene from The Godfather but realy.... its like suddenly my father become mafia boss then now all the pai kia coming ask for protection and bla bla bla. sibeh damn cool.

THis one fat guy came while we were eating. Immedietely he came to my dad and said " thank you" in malay. wooo.... and the two started talking.
I was figuring out why the fug my lamb chop so hard (i was eating the bone).
Then i heard somehting like " chief of army" then got " major" then got "whole of Sarawak" some more!
then this guy give his name card to my dad and left.
my father turned to me and said, "that is the guy i told you last time that if you wan to go see see the malaysian army, find him and he will arrange an escort for you."
simi what the butterfly?!?!?!?
apparantly the fat dude WAS a major and just got promoted. he's now the second in command of the malaysian army in sarawak. swee bo. I didnt know big balled army rank guy can be so jovial and cute.
"but cannot take picture rite? cannot fire rifles rite?" i asked.
"i dun think so"
okay..pass on the lamb chops, then..... malaysia dun wan to see North View Air Unit's top ranking marksman for 25m range (ya la! 25 m only!) in action.

The meal was over.
I found out why my dad was pushing this Jap Buffet so much. Because, in his words, "We are the best in town."
oookay.... daddy dun get it too deep in yourself, ok? may never noe what'll happen
Back in my room now. on my laptop. its 3 am in the morning and ive been blogging since 11. How cool is that. ahhahaa....
tomorrow should be fun. Uncle Angeles might take me along for his rounds around the hotel (last time he took me in his arms. lol. Now i big boy.). I think i wanna go get a haircut at Uncle Richard's salon.... if he's still there.
So you ask....
Audi... are you happy?
I say....

I call this," The Stacie Sim Smile". HAHAAHAHHAHA
Stacie is Sly's sister.
next post i hope not this long.
I was up and ready to go. Every trip to Kuching would be such a dilemma for me when im packing my things. Cos its more like a trip back home or some "home away from home" story tale. I solved it the usual way... dumping anything i could find. And usually it works out.
Took a ride to Terminal 2 at around 12pm yesterday. Finally... a trip alone. Like.. coolio potato!

THis is gonna be like... my virgin trip alone la. So hope its gonna be cool. An airport staff wasnt friendly today. I asked where i should head to for ticket collection and all he did was scratch his armpit and went, "orh.... there there... *snort* " then he siao siao and started turning about in his chair like how we all used to do when we were five years old.
" can i leave my luggage here infront of you while i go collect?" (the counter was just 5 metres away)
"NOH NOH!! CANNOT! Later we get in trouble! you take your bag!" he skali shout.
ok la ok la i sorry disturb you scratching ur armpit ok?
OKay time to scrutinize malaysia airlines!
Got the economy class tickets simply because im humble HAHHAAHAH. ..... -.-
Malaysia Airlines evaluation :
I see that MA has started using Photoshop as well. GOOD! presentation i give you 9 over 10.
Why i give so high? cos unless other company somehow manage to include moving pictures on the boarding passes then i will lower ur marks.
U beat my expectations. I was expecting Air Asia-like tickets.
I came a bit early. SO i had time to fool around the Changi airport FREE INTERNET station.
FREE leh!! kiasu-ism.
and that is when i happen to chance upon one of my sweet friend's blog and learnt of her recent situation. Left a tag already.
Gave Aik and henry my good-bye sms-es:
"Okay (insert name here). Off I go."
Aik's reply.

Short, sharp, and super heck care. and that's how i know him to be.
Then Henry's one came in. I almost vomit. i mean... my heart sank to basement one then now i have to pay money help them repair the big hole.

Really... Henry... a lot of thanks. You damn happening. (yeah i censored some parts. Too unique to share for now. haha.)
After that i switched off my phone. Its still off. I dont have auto-roam. SImply because im humble. HAHAHAAA i no money!
TIme to board. I boarded. Found my cute little window sit. The service was fine. Non-intrusive or anything like that. The crew gave smiles as usual... some act only give smile (dun think i can tell!) but its ok. Not everybody have happy day at same time.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Service - 7 out of 10. Almost happening. but not there yet. maybe after the flight i see how then change score ok?
OKay tonight i want to make a confession. A very big wan. Super big.
i have phobia of flying.
LOL ok la seriously. Ever since i watch Final Destination in 2000, ive been afraid of flying. Afraid that some circuit underneath someone's chair will spark, then the plane explode.. then got one big hole and i kanna suck out of the plane, into the sky, with my seat and seatbelt and all.
so after that.... all my plane flights i suddenly become like soldier in foxhole; kao tao to God. ask for forgiveness. ask for help. ask for shield.
This is ham ji-ness at its best.
It gets even more weird when i realised that my favourite game is a flying simulator, IL-2! in fact im such and addict that i have three monitors for that entire 180 degree view and a joystick and rudder and throtle bla bla bla.... ok whatever.
But this trip i not scared. I also dunno why,. Maybe because got Henry's camera so it gives me the strength to carry on. *cry*

I brought my laptop with me as well. Spent the entire journey taking photos from the sky and Photoshopping them.

This is part of the Johor Coastline.

btw... i've added a new section for Mein Bereich. It's called..... Mein Bereich EXTRAS!!!! (sorry la.. i nto creative with names.)
Ill be posting extra photos there for ur viewing pleasure. Its there because if i included everyhting here... it will tkae you an entire season of Meteor Garden to finish loading one post.
The leg room for this plane was surprisingly more airy then my friend's uncle's coffin. Not bad.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Leg Room - 6 out of 10.
Going beyong expectations, but my leg cannot go beyond 50 degrees.
Then i heard smeone calling my name. I looked around. i looked at that uncle sitting beside me. He was sleeping. His drool dunno why yellow color also. But its not him calling me.
OMFG... it's coming below me!!!!
so i looked below... and saw..

and the thing started laughing at me!
er xin!
Malaysia Airlines Evaluation :
Cleanliness - 6 out of 10
Actually its about 8..... but then i saw that thing look like go teeth stuck to it you make my dick shrink. And when my manhood shrinks so will ur points.
The flight is almost over. I was clearing up my desktop for a bit when suddenly my wireless network detected something!

GOT ghost ar!
So i tried connecting la just for fun.
it connect....
try to connect...
i wait...
i wait some more...

In the end i just cancelled the thing and kept my laptop away. I dun wan the plane to crash.
ALL planes would have this sign flashing every now and then.

This means "buckle up".
Seat belting is cumpolsory everytime the light flashes on. Even those in the toilet are not spared. Whenever the light comes on, the seat belt buckles would slide out from under the toilet bowl and the person using the toilet bowl must then buckle up. THis is important. Cos when there is turbulance and the plane is dropping up and down like elephant having sex, we need a butt to plug the toilet so the shit wun spill out. This is called a butt plug.
But i was naughty today.

Look, ma! No seat belt!! .... for the entire journey!
Ok la actually i FORGOT to put it on. And i didnt. for the entire journey.
and look! i wasnt the one who got sucked outta the plane with my chair and all just because i was strapped in!

THe best thing is.... none of the crew noticed. NONE of them asked anyone near us to buckle up!
tsk tsk tsk.
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Safety of passengers - 3 out of ten.
Firstly..... you gave us hope of a wireles internet connection which we can never connect to. If we prolong the connection tries we will interfere with the plane instruments then we all will die when the plane drop like stone. Your fault. Secondly, you never come with your sexy attire and help me buckle up below there (hee hee). What if got turbulance? You wan to catch me when im bouncing all over the cockpit?
FInally.. at 2:45pm... the plane landed and we disembarked safely at Kuching International Airport.

For that.....
Malaysia Airlines evaluation:
Overall - 8 out of 10
hahahhh.... ok la you didnt make me pek chek. No baby were crying on the plane. You still forced urself to smile. YOur food was sibeh damn tasty. and best of all... we touchdown.... at correct place!
They have been renovating KIA for the past two years... ever since Donald and the rest came down for the ugly trip.
Its good to see that they have completed most of it.

KIA used to look like a kopitiam... only with aircon. And the seats had SOOOO much stains on it that you wonder whther it's old man yellow semen stain or coffee stain. Believe it.

Not bad, really. I like. Now the aircon is stronger.
Oh ya.... and i saw this!

Any MENU fans here? any explanation why this plane is here?
Now im stuck.


YUP. SOMEBODY WAS A RAT! my dad came to pick me up!
lol.... all he could do was put his hands on his hips and shake his head. HAHAH! daddy ar.. your boy boy 18 already ler....

dad drives. son is back home.

Kuching was where i grew up since i was four months old. ALl the way tll Sec One. The way back frm the airport to the hotel has never changed. Same road. Same kind of stupid drivers (red light = speed up. zebra crossing = artistic design/ no meaning/ speed up)

However, Kuching is growing very rapidly. Roads are being enlarged. Trees are growing. More colours are making the atmoshphere lively. (omg i just had a deja vu.)
best thing is..... I CAN SEE THE SKY! Singapore very hard to see.
however, yin and yang..... black and white... tyco and skill..... Kuching has its sad side; the buildings are not well maintained.
You guys remember my recent post, "You wanna reflect anot? Part One"?
The last picture had this super cute boy surrounded by ladies (i heard he still is)?
ok come.
I show you where the picture was taken.
It was taken here.

Opposite was this "haunted house" , But they tore it down already.
Back when the picture was taken, this photo studio was gleaming and gleaming and gleaming!

Now its just... dull and grimy.
im gonna do a tribute of some for Simon's photo studio. Just keep a look out!
Reaching home.
Nearing the heart of Kuching CIty (yes, it's a city). The Waterfront (at the end of the clip) signals the final stretch home. and uh... that's my father singing. Dun play play ok! i noe in the clip he sound like dunno what but he got into Malaysian Idol-like contest ok! anyways anyone noe the name of the song?

THe Hilton, and Holiday Inn's biggest competitor.
Ever since Tianyu showed me the Paris Hilton sex video back in 2003.... i just cant look at the Hilton the same again. LOL!
imagine if we had a Paris Hilton for Holiday Inn... HAHAAHAHHHHAHAH (looks at sister).
Everyone of us had their childhood street, so to say.
Like how those hip-hop shit-shop bunnies have their alleyways. Like how Clara and Henry has their 600+ and Jiemin. Like how Donald has Orchard road as his backyard when he was younger. Like how Javis had Toa Payoh and Hougang.
As for me.

This is my street.
and this is home.

and this is where i live.

and this is my room.

and how do i noe? how would you noe?
because everything here has me in it. (and some of sister. She threw a lot of her things away. I cant throw things. I can hear them cry. THis is called siao lan kia)

books ive never read.

Did this when i was young and hairless. Its one of those gel thingy that you play around with.... then when it dries you peel it off the glass you drew it on and stick it anywhere.
More pictures to be added into Mein Bereich Extras soon.
Time to rest
YOu should too.
When i dressed myself up this morning, i made a point that no one would recongnise me when i walk into the hotel.
Not yet. A trip to the salon first.
THis is my disguise.

I call it, "The Sylvester" !
so i slept till dinner time. My dad woke me up and off we were for dinner.
Just father and son. First time. like... seriously.

Ding dong... i pressed this lift everyday.
Then we crossed the street, to my dad's second workplace.

Holiday Inn Crowne Plaze Riverside.
"We're gonna have Japanese buffet today."
I dunno what it was with my dad and Japanese buffet.
He keeps pushing my friends and everyone else to come over and try te Jap buffet. The shushi. THe shashimi. The miso soup. THe california roll. the whatevershishi.

Im not particularly a fan of Japanese buffet (cos a lot of them are quite messy.). But today they had LAMB CHOPS so wht the hey!
My dad walked in and we were ushered straight to this little dark corner of the restaurant (which was super dimly lit. Henry's cam had some problems with the shutter speed).
then, one by one, came endless streams of huge black suits that went up to my dad, went on one knee, kissed his hand and commented on how grateful the way things ar.
LOL ok la that was a scene from The Godfather but realy.... its like suddenly my father become mafia boss then now all the pai kia coming ask for protection and bla bla bla. sibeh damn cool.

THis one fat guy came while we were eating. Immedietely he came to my dad and said " thank you" in malay. wooo.... and the two started talking.
I was figuring out why the fug my lamb chop so hard (i was eating the bone).
Then i heard somehting like " chief of army" then got " major" then got "whole of Sarawak" some more!
then this guy give his name card to my dad and left.
my father turned to me and said, "that is the guy i told you last time that if you wan to go see see the malaysian army, find him and he will arrange an escort for you."
simi what the butterfly?!?!?!?
apparantly the fat dude WAS a major and just got promoted. he's now the second in command of the malaysian army in sarawak. swee bo. I didnt know big balled army rank guy can be so jovial and cute.
"but cannot take picture rite? cannot fire rifles rite?" i asked.
"i dun think so"
okay..pass on the lamb chops, then..... malaysia dun wan to see North View Air Unit's top ranking marksman for 25m range (ya la! 25 m only!) in action.

The meal was over.
I found out why my dad was pushing this Jap Buffet so much. Because, in his words, "We are the best in town."
oookay.... daddy dun get it too deep in yourself, ok? may never noe what'll happen
Back in my room now. on my laptop. its 3 am in the morning and ive been blogging since 11. How cool is that. ahhahaa....
tomorrow should be fun. Uncle Angeles might take me along for his rounds around the hotel (last time he took me in his arms. lol. Now i big boy.). I think i wanna go get a haircut at Uncle Richard's salon.... if he's still there.
So you ask....
Audi... are you happy?
I say....

I call this," The Stacie Sim Smile". HAHAAHAHHAHA
Stacie is Sly's sister.
next post i hope not this long.
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Travel and Adventure