I got up. Went to school. For five minutes. Took the train back to Yishun. Ate at Burger King. Played an hour of CS. Sat down infront of Funland, drawing cartoon in my notebook (yes! With a real pen and paper!). Walked to Esso to get the Straits Times. Read through most ads under the classifieds for work. Walked back home but not after playing hide and seek with a stray cat (yes I am that.... childish.) and then here I am.
And it’s only 1pm.
See what happens when all your friends have exams, are working part time and some simply start living their lives after 4pm?
Or you’re just a bum who finds enjoyment in enlarging people’s heads.
Like how i did to someone we all know.

I TOLD her not to run...... :(
I learnt from Storytelling class that a good story is one that has a conflict (duh), which means it has a plot, which then means it NEEDS to have a twist, and then this little bitty bit called anagnorisis and that is basically how the main characters fails because of his lack of knowledge (like, not knowing his brother was gay). And of course, resolution (straight brother has one night stand with gay brother.)
I’ve heard people complaining of “WHY DO THE GOOD GUYS KEEP WINNING!??!!?!”
Ya I know.. the bad guys ALWAYS look so cool.
Welll.. surprise!
The answer is mostly because of film censorship. Its just morally unethical for little satan to win over huge almighty God. Even if they want to die die end it that the demented hairy ass freak baddie wins over the smooth shaven err..... brad pitt (?... oh pls la.. he’s so last last year...and he HAS a hairy ass.) .. then they’d have to resort to the classic black – screen – with – little – little – words. Ever seen those, “twenty years later... Bob falls into a comma and rolls off the mountain.”
Then it continues, “He was never seen again.”
Yup? Yeah... I learnt that filmmakers simply CANNOT SHOW the good guy losing. So they have to tell the story either by words or... err... audioly? You know.. audio – ly. ?
So anyways I have two months ahead of me of complete nothingness.
And that irritates me. I NEED to learn something! I NEED a conflict! I need a freaking anagnorisis!
From the looks of it now I think if my two months were to be made into a film..... it’ll be the BIGGEST EVER BOX OFFICE flop.
NO! I cannot!
So I registered for my highway code.
Muahahaha..... that Corolla Altis is mine!
Actually im pretty busy at the moment. Ive got a wife to run... a company to take care of... and two children to breed.
Sly’s video is currently up on my video editing list. Im planning to get it all done and polished by end of this week to pass it to him.
Then there’s my experimental film entitled, “Peng You” which was inspired by Royston Tan’s Mother. As in... Royston Tan made a film called, “Mother”. It’s a short film.. abt 5 minutes long... and I was already crying at the transition of one and two minutes, which effectively makes it one and a half minutes! It was an entirely narrated film with flashes of images of families in old singapore hving fun together.
Ok wait.. I cant tell you all about it. itll spoil the surprise of mine. But basicaly the story for Mother was about a son relating his deep, hurtful feelings towards his mother.
Tearjerkers, I say.
and i so prefer Royston Tan over Eric Khoo. Reason is because Royston is more human.
Anyways after that’s done... I think I wanna try producing an anime short.
Like u noe.. anime? Hentai, anyone? Yup. Green dicks and purple breasts. 0.0
Who the hell comes out with the colour schemes!?! It’s sick!
I find that im the only male blogger within my small blemish – on – a – backside society who updates regularly. I feel so... gay.
Like wtf..... ? Is blogging a girl thing? Is blogging NOT cool?
No no.. I’M cool! I am!!!
And then news came yesterday night that Clara is closing her blog. That is so such a wrong move
*does the roll eye/waving “stop” hand signal, bimbo style*
No Donbei = No Mein Bereich = No news from either one of us = We both die.
But I hope she brings it back again. Last night she sent me some....
*looks at clara*.... uh.... suggestive pictures. ...... I mean..... pictures for me to suggest on..... (cos its for her blog header).
*looks at clara. brows lower this time*
0.0 ..... so many blogs are starting to close now. Xialanxue is dead. Cheeky is dead. Michelle Malkin is getting eff-ed upside down left right centre for her comments. Girl Issues (North View Sec’s ONLY entertainment blog. And the entertainment factor isnt what I would expect from North View kids. Very well done.) is also dead since their server, Diary-X, crashed. (DONT YOU DARE, BLOGGER!)
Sheryl’s on a mini-hiatus since she has exams. I’m feeling so lonely, and without a camera.
Well at least kennysia.com is updating regularly. That guy’s so cute AND entertaining. AND he has a camera! A Sony T9 which costs a mahde-fah-king SGD$800 dollars! I checked! ..... at Sim Lim.
It’s people like him that makes me wanna go back to Kuching.
The other day I was talkin to bird bird.
Uh... Beth... Elizabeth.. Queen of the Nether Regions. (pi gu...)
One question.
Just a simple one.
A VERY simple one.

Did that question really asked for a lot?

Okay... girls and puberty.
I get it now.
And it’s only 1pm.
See what happens when all your friends have exams, are working part time and some simply start living their lives after 4pm?
Or you’re just a bum who finds enjoyment in enlarging people’s heads.
Like how i did to someone we all know.

I TOLD her not to run...... :(
I learnt from Storytelling class that a good story is one that has a conflict (duh), which means it has a plot, which then means it NEEDS to have a twist, and then this little bitty bit called anagnorisis and that is basically how the main characters fails because of his lack of knowledge (like, not knowing his brother was gay). And of course, resolution (straight brother has one night stand with gay brother.)
I’ve heard people complaining of “WHY DO THE GOOD GUYS KEEP WINNING!??!!?!”
Ya I know.. the bad guys ALWAYS look so cool.
Welll.. surprise!
The answer is mostly because of film censorship. Its just morally unethical for little satan to win over huge almighty God. Even if they want to die die end it that the demented hairy ass freak baddie wins over the smooth shaven err..... brad pitt (?... oh pls la.. he’s so last last year...and he HAS a hairy ass.) .. then they’d have to resort to the classic black – screen – with – little – little – words. Ever seen those, “twenty years later... Bob falls into a comma and rolls off the mountain.”
Then it continues, “He was never seen again.”
Yup? Yeah... I learnt that filmmakers simply CANNOT SHOW the good guy losing. So they have to tell the story either by words or... err... audioly? You know.. audio – ly. ?
So anyways I have two months ahead of me of complete nothingness.
And that irritates me. I NEED to learn something! I NEED a conflict! I need a freaking anagnorisis!
From the looks of it now I think if my two months were to be made into a film..... it’ll be the BIGGEST EVER BOX OFFICE flop.
NO! I cannot!
So I registered for my highway code.
Muahahaha..... that Corolla Altis is mine!
Actually im pretty busy at the moment. Ive got a wife to run... a company to take care of... and two children to breed.
Sly’s video is currently up on my video editing list. Im planning to get it all done and polished by end of this week to pass it to him.
Then there’s my experimental film entitled, “Peng You” which was inspired by Royston Tan’s Mother. As in... Royston Tan made a film called, “Mother”. It’s a short film.. abt 5 minutes long... and I was already crying at the transition of one and two minutes, which effectively makes it one and a half minutes! It was an entirely narrated film with flashes of images of families in old singapore hving fun together.
Ok wait.. I cant tell you all about it. itll spoil the surprise of mine. But basicaly the story for Mother was about a son relating his deep, hurtful feelings towards his mother.
Tearjerkers, I say.
and i so prefer Royston Tan over Eric Khoo. Reason is because Royston is more human.
Anyways after that’s done... I think I wanna try producing an anime short.
Like u noe.. anime? Hentai, anyone? Yup. Green dicks and purple breasts. 0.0
Who the hell comes out with the colour schemes!?! It’s sick!
I find that im the only male blogger within my small blemish – on – a – backside society who updates regularly. I feel so... gay.
Like wtf..... ? Is blogging a girl thing? Is blogging NOT cool?
No no.. I’M cool! I am!!!
And then news came yesterday night that Clara is closing her blog. That is so such a wrong move
*does the roll eye/waving “stop” hand signal, bimbo style*
No Donbei = No Mein Bereich = No news from either one of us = We both die.
But I hope she brings it back again. Last night she sent me some....
*looks at clara*.... uh.... suggestive pictures. ...... I mean..... pictures for me to suggest on..... (cos its for her blog header).
*looks at clara. brows lower this time*
0.0 ..... so many blogs are starting to close now. Xialanxue is dead. Cheeky is dead. Michelle Malkin is getting eff-ed upside down left right centre for her comments. Girl Issues (North View Sec’s ONLY entertainment blog. And the entertainment factor isnt what I would expect from North View kids. Very well done.) is also dead since their server, Diary-X, crashed. (DONT YOU DARE, BLOGGER!)
Sheryl’s on a mini-hiatus since she has exams. I’m feeling so lonely, and without a camera.
Well at least kennysia.com is updating regularly. That guy’s so cute AND entertaining. AND he has a camera! A Sony T9 which costs a mahde-fah-king SGD$800 dollars! I checked! ..... at Sim Lim.
It’s people like him that makes me wanna go back to Kuching.
The other day I was talkin to bird bird.
Uh... Beth... Elizabeth.. Queen of the Nether Regions. (pi gu...)
One question.
Just a simple one.
A VERY simple one.

Did that question really asked for a lot?

Okay... girls and puberty.
I get it now.

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