blog update: added Kuching Trip - Day Three. Look under "previous posts"
"Does it really matter what these affectionate people do-- so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!" -Mrs Patrick Campbell
The youth of Canada are pretty promiscuous. Not all of them, mind you, but a fair percentage. Some have girlfriends/boyfriends and stick with them. Others get drunk on weekends and piece whoever they can get their hands on. Im not so sure about teens in Singapore. Perhaps they're just as promiscuous, just not as public. ??? I've heard about the Tammy video... It's fairly common to hear about who pieced who last weekend or at semi-formal, no biggie. But when the act of copulation occurs under your own roof, loud and clear...it's kind of weird, unsettling. Ok, ok, let me fill you in before you guys jump to conclusions.
Let me start from the beginning. It was in the morning, at the end of first period. My cousin and I have the same class, religion. And we're waiting by the door for the bell to ring.
Cousin: Are you working out tonight? (I go to the gym for boxing classes and sometimes just to work out)
Me: No...why?
Cousin: Aren't you working out tonight?
Me: No...I have boxing tomorrow but not today...
Cousin: You should work out today
Me: Why???
(the conversation was a bit longer but fairly repetitive)
The bell rings and we have to go so I cant question him anymore. Im totally curious about why he's so eager to get me out of the house. Then I realise, someone must be coming over! So at lunch I ask him, "Why am i not supposed to be home? Whos coming over??" He offers a feeble answer of "Ty", one of his buddies... I was like "K, it's not Ty"...but one of his friends was calling him so again, the questioning ceased.
On the way home he was in a really good mood...probably cos he knew he was getting laid today! His girlfriend calls and he says, "K, ill come and pick you up." His girlfriend was my friend before she was his girlfriend. But now she's more his girlfriend than my friend. It was really weird when they first started going out. I was also suspicious of both they're intentions, whether my cousin just wanted to use her and whether she was just being a golddigger. *que Kanye West and Jamie Foxx* Turns out they're both really into each other. Which is a good thing I suppose. So anyways, they're in the basement and they move into his room *raises eyebrow* Shortly after, I'm walking up the stairs, and I hear the bed squeaking. Let me just say that my cousin has a really squeaky bed. He's been sleeping on the same one for the past...fifteen years I'd say, since he was two maybe? Everytime he moves on it, you can hear it squeak. As I was saying, I heard the bed squeaking...
Then there were the little gasps...I suppose you could call them gasps...
I don't REALLY need to describe it to you do I? We all know what it sounds like... And don't pretend that you don't. Then the squeaks got faster...and faster...and then they stopped. I had stopped midway on the stairs and all I could think was... oh my... Here was my cousin, who I've known all my life and is four months younger than me...and my friend...getting it on in my cousins room, just about three feet above my head. And my cousin KNOWS how squeaky his bed is...have they no SHAME? *shudder* Well, what can I do? Nothing really... sigh... Hey, as Mrs Campbell said, so long as they dont make a display of it, im fine.
But anyways, on a more pleasant topic, grad is coming up, i.e. graduation. Everyone's excited about the dinner/dance, talking about dresses and dates and limos and such. Two days ago I asked a friend to be my date. He's a year older so I had to ask since it isnt his grad. He's an adorable guy, great personality and he's finneeee ;] (lol, i can just imagine audi rolling his eyes) He's sooo fine *dreamy eyes*...how typically female of me. Unfortunately he has a girlfriend. But he said yes and his girlfriends ok with it too...she knows me and knows that i wouldnt pull anything on her...or would i? *twinkle in eyes* alcohol is a wonderous elixer that can totally transform you and put u on top of the world. Even if i did do something, it's not like he'd be cheating on her for the first time. I've heard loads of stories abt them piecing other people. but i'm not that evil. =] Hmm...seems like last week's word of the week would be more appropriate this week. Before I end with my word of the week (hmm, more like phrase of the week today) I'd just like to apologize, my computer is f-cked, ive got a virus - Bloodhound.W32 - and its been making my com worse and worse. Can't open hotmail, can't cut and paste things, and when I type this out, its not in colour, its in the black and white code...so i'm on another computer right now. Which means that I can't post any pictures. Sorry audi...I'll figure out something soon. I reallllyy have to reformat my com. If anyone has any knowledge on how to get rid of that stupid Bloodhound virus, do tell...my precious laptop is severely ill
Word of the week
kayyyy...payce buddy
payce is an exaggerated peace. Used in response to what a person has just said, an indication of disapproval. e.g. when someone asks a stupid question or makes a stupid remark:...(i can' t think of a good example right now. But i'll use it when i get the chance.)
*audi comes in*
Takes a step back and shouts,"OMFG! my text is in BLUE!"
Anyways teens piecing each other is quite common in Singapore. But i dun think its as pronounced as those ang mohs la. Ang moh ar anything will tell everyone.
I got one Dutch ang moh... he is boyfriend to someone i noe... I have NEVER seen him before. i have NEBER talked to him before... but then after about a small meal with him in the canteen ar.. he start telling me how he kiss his girl la... touch his girl la... what they do at night la even when the parents are just next door.
But i think amongst our Singaporean Chinese teens (because that's my social network), yeah we do fuck around a bit. But we keep it low profile, only sharing it with really close friends i guess. Like i said before, i can take ten of my friends, confirm at least five got poke hole before.
Which again i think is generally done amongst all teens worldwide, in modern times, if not since forever. Rememebr that the Arabs last time married off their sons and daughters once they got hair. COnsidered teen sex also what.
Thus.. my attitude towards teen sex; "It is NORMAL"
but i guess it's like taboo due to religious and cultural influences.
WAH LAU vanilla...... i wanted to ask u out -.-...
so now i understand your reaction when i said i loved you. COuldve just said you were head over heals for someone taller than me rite?
"Does it really matter what these affectionate people do-- so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!" -Mrs Patrick Campbell
The youth of Canada are pretty promiscuous. Not all of them, mind you, but a fair percentage. Some have girlfriends/boyfriends and stick with them. Others get drunk on weekends and piece whoever they can get their hands on. Im not so sure about teens in Singapore. Perhaps they're just as promiscuous, just not as public. ??? I've heard about the Tammy video... It's fairly common to hear about who pieced who last weekend or at semi-formal, no biggie. But when the act of copulation occurs under your own roof, loud and clear...it's kind of weird, unsettling. Ok, ok, let me fill you in before you guys jump to conclusions.
Let me start from the beginning. It was in the morning, at the end of first period. My cousin and I have the same class, religion. And we're waiting by the door for the bell to ring.
Cousin: Are you working out tonight? (I go to the gym for boxing classes and sometimes just to work out)
Me: No...why?
Cousin: Aren't you working out tonight?
Me: No...I have boxing tomorrow but not today...
Cousin: You should work out today
Me: Why???
(the conversation was a bit longer but fairly repetitive)
The bell rings and we have to go so I cant question him anymore. Im totally curious about why he's so eager to get me out of the house. Then I realise, someone must be coming over! So at lunch I ask him, "Why am i not supposed to be home? Whos coming over??" He offers a feeble answer of "Ty", one of his buddies... I was like "K, it's not Ty"...but one of his friends was calling him so again, the questioning ceased.
On the way home he was in a really good mood...probably cos he knew he was getting laid today! His girlfriend calls and he says, "K, ill come and pick you up." His girlfriend was my friend before she was his girlfriend. But now she's more his girlfriend than my friend. It was really weird when they first started going out. I was also suspicious of both they're intentions, whether my cousin just wanted to use her and whether she was just being a golddigger. *que Kanye West and Jamie Foxx* Turns out they're both really into each other. Which is a good thing I suppose. So anyways, they're in the basement and they move into his room *raises eyebrow* Shortly after, I'm walking up the stairs, and I hear the bed squeaking. Let me just say that my cousin has a really squeaky bed. He's been sleeping on the same one for the past...fifteen years I'd say, since he was two maybe? Everytime he moves on it, you can hear it squeak. As I was saying, I heard the bed squeaking...
Then there were the little gasps...I suppose you could call them gasps...
I don't REALLY need to describe it to you do I? We all know what it sounds like... And don't pretend that you don't. Then the squeaks got faster...and faster...and then they stopped. I had stopped midway on the stairs and all I could think was... oh my... Here was my cousin, who I've known all my life and is four months younger than me...and my friend...getting it on in my cousins room, just about three feet above my head. And my cousin KNOWS how squeaky his bed is...have they no SHAME? *shudder* Well, what can I do? Nothing really... sigh... Hey, as Mrs Campbell said, so long as they dont make a display of it, im fine.
But anyways, on a more pleasant topic, grad is coming up, i.e. graduation. Everyone's excited about the dinner/dance, talking about dresses and dates and limos and such. Two days ago I asked a friend to be my date. He's a year older so I had to ask since it isnt his grad. He's an adorable guy, great personality and he's finneeee ;] (lol, i can just imagine audi rolling his eyes) He's sooo fine *dreamy eyes*...how typically female of me. Unfortunately he has a girlfriend. But he said yes and his girlfriends ok with it too...she knows me and knows that i wouldnt pull anything on her...or would i? *twinkle in eyes* alcohol is a wonderous elixer that can totally transform you and put u on top of the world. Even if i did do something, it's not like he'd be cheating on her for the first time. I've heard loads of stories abt them piecing other people. but i'm not that evil. =] Hmm...seems like last week's word of the week would be more appropriate this week. Before I end with my word of the week (hmm, more like phrase of the week today) I'd just like to apologize, my computer is f-cked, ive got a virus - Bloodhound.W32 - and its been making my com worse and worse. Can't open hotmail, can't cut and paste things, and when I type this out, its not in colour, its in the black and white code...so i'm on another computer right now. Which means that I can't post any pictures. Sorry audi...I'll figure out something soon. I reallllyy have to reformat my com. If anyone has any knowledge on how to get rid of that stupid Bloodhound virus, do tell...my precious laptop is severely ill
Word of the week
kayyyy...payce buddy
payce is an exaggerated peace. Used in response to what a person has just said, an indication of disapproval. e.g. when someone asks a stupid question or makes a stupid remark:...(i can' t think of a good example right now. But i'll use it when i get the chance.)
*audi comes in*
Takes a step back and shouts,"OMFG! my text is in BLUE!"
Anyways teens piecing each other is quite common in Singapore. But i dun think its as pronounced as those ang mohs la. Ang moh ar anything will tell everyone.
I got one Dutch ang moh... he is boyfriend to someone i noe... I have NEVER seen him before. i have NEBER talked to him before... but then after about a small meal with him in the canteen ar.. he start telling me how he kiss his girl la... touch his girl la... what they do at night la even when the parents are just next door.
But i think amongst our Singaporean Chinese teens (because that's my social network), yeah we do fuck around a bit. But we keep it low profile, only sharing it with really close friends i guess. Like i said before, i can take ten of my friends, confirm at least five got poke hole before.
Which again i think is generally done amongst all teens worldwide, in modern times, if not since forever. Rememebr that the Arabs last time married off their sons and daughters once they got hair. COnsidered teen sex also what.
Thus.. my attitude towards teen sex; "It is NORMAL"
but i guess it's like taboo due to religious and cultural influences.
WAH LAU vanilla...... i wanted to ask u out -.-...
so now i understand your reaction when i said i loved you. COuldve just said you were head over heals for someone taller than me rite?
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