They put you on quick-dry too?
Just one of those moments where we can find amusement in things that come natural; Sun and luck.

I think I find you cute :)
Partly one of the reasons why I enjoy photography.
A few posts before I showed one of the cats at home.
Today I wanna show another one. This time it’s my pussy.

Aww~~ ... just look at donald.
Wait.. what? DONALD?!!? Isnt that that plump guy’s name?
There’s a story. A story so corny it’ll make you cringe.

It was that fateful night in March of 2002.
I just got transferred from a crappy school called Bedok View to a soon-to-be-very-crappy school called North View. So that means I’m starting all over again from step 1 in terms of my social life in Singapore since, honestly, I don’t think I mix well with the bland of smarty pants in Bedok View. And they are super tall ar!
its like.... im trying to find my ASS club. Sarah has her bird birds April and Sarala (A . S . S. get it? rite...) ... ... ...
Okay whatever... so Donald and I just splurged 300 dollars on this little craze which basically alsmot every singaporean chinese boys would go through... like some "door to manhood" kind of thing la.

Magic: The Gathering of nerds.
I’ll let you in on a little truth here; I DIDN’T LIKE PLAYING CARDS.
But hey anything to be cool AND nerdy. Correct?
Donald dumb dumb here kept his promise and we split the entire box which contained about 30 packets of cards.
Ok. fine.
(in my then Lodge School accent)
“How’dya play this?”
Dropping 150 dollars you don’t know anything about when you’re 14 years old. Very smart.
So what followed was a could-be-mistaken-for-a-Brokeback-Mountain-inspired scene of Donald coaching me undr his block (yaaa... we humping each other.. funny rite?).
Which is quite fascinating because his backside is always so itchy and he NEVER sits down coaching someone ....
*looks at clara*
for two hours or so.
We said our goodbyes after that and I just felt I had to jot the date down or whatever! (I didn’t.)
Omigosh a kitten!
About three days before my sister brought home a zebra.
No.. a cat.
So when I saw this little black kitten in a small drain miaw-ing its head off, whaddya think it meant?
COMPETITION!!! If she has one then I cannot izzit? muahahahah.....
So I brought this kitten back from under Donald’s block.
So in all things corny-sounding, I named it Donald. Ta da. Its like u noe the story about Red Indians naming their children after the first thing they see when they are born? Like Wil Buffalo or Floppi-Donki-Dik?
I wonder how Donald's came about.... 0.0 ..... LOL
Four years later its doing this:

Ba long long.
Of course.. I never told my family its real name cos they stuck with some silly name. Like...,”Black”.
And thought it will be much cooler to call it “hitam” (which is a direct translation from english to malay)

Now it’s just “Tam”.
And my sister has this habit of calling it “Tammy”.
Tammy Yishun?

Freddie opened up a website.
I just kacau kacau disturb it and I suggest you guys take a peek on the pictures he took for the photography final assignment (photo-fine-ass) which he called, “Don’t Pass Me By”
Teacher: So Freddie.. what do you think of your pictures?
Freddie: *furiously waves arm in the air*
Thanks ar Kwang Wei for that laser tongue comment. I swear ar u say that to other ppl the person will whack you. LOL.
I wonder if Freddie realise anot that his webbie has the word “shit” in the middle.
I liked this picture. No reason. Just like la.

Mmm lemme see what I can do...

I destroyed it. neh boo...

I really really need to get a camera of my own.
Currently listening to this super damn bloody good cd:
MINISTRY OF SOUND - The Annual 2006.

One of the tracks have been loaded unto the player too. Enjoy!
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I did it for the lulz