THe last few days have been really draining for me. There was that walk around the beach... then the heavy dinners and food huntings. I travelled along the border of Indonesia for a bit as well.
Today is the last day ill be in kuching. Its monday, the first day of the week (if u're modern. otherwise its the second).
I did a visit to my old school, Lodge Preparatory School and Kindergarden.
I entered Lodge in Grade 1, when i was seven. THat's like.. a decade or so ago. After which left for Singapore under mother's orders in fear that i will not "fit in" during NS. Too bad the ocmpany i'm fitting ion now isnt what she had hoped. To her, I made friends with the enemy or sth like that.
ANyways Lodge, to me, was the best school around. Education was under the British so we followed everything the British did. Meaning it wasnt book drills everyday and constant memorizing.. liek how SIngapore is. Imnot saying singapore is evil or anything but jsut that im so accustomed to learning by doing in Lodge. While Donald was learning fractions and algebra in primary school i was learning maths with the ABACUS and the history of Britain like the Vikings and Anglo Saxons and King something something which had something to do with Wessex. Oh oh and Guy Fawkes. The drawings scared me.
Lodge was divided into two schools; Lodge Senior and Junior. Basically the Junior school, in my time, held those frm Kindy to Grade 3 (that's pri 3), formr both the national stream (ang moh and cute japanese and handsome koreans bla bla) and intertantional stream (malaysians). THe senior held Grade 4 all the way to Form 5 (that's sec 5. We no graduate at form 4 cos we is SPM takers).
HOw today i came back to school and my heart dropped and crumbled and now its fertilizer for tau ghey.

ITs was around 430.... school just finished (last itme we ended at three.)
I tell you... the school today is in HORRIBLE shape.
simply disgusting.

Fomr the centre courtyard. I think its still the original paint. but now its grimy and moldy and all that. THere are cracks on some walls as well. And is not paint cracks... its CEMENT CRACKS. I told u Kucing nv take care of buildings.

I had this section of the second floor for my Grade 5 classes. Last time there was this little shoot of plant growing. THough its not there now.... but wtf look at the CRACKS!
I think there was this story of someone jumping off this second floor. She landed on her legs, and her entire thigh went up to her hips.
I met a teacher here. It was by pure luck. Earlier i was planning of coming early. BUt it dragged since dad washeld in a meeting. SO i wanted ot cancel. Thank God i did. I was about to run into the school from the front but i entered frm the back instead and met this teacher.
He was on his phone... he saw me... walked abit, immeditely glanced back and shouted.
na beh... i thought even over here i can get in trouble for takin pics.
I turned around. Eh! he looked familiar!
OMG HE KNEW ME! and omfg he has NV thought me before.
Here's a picture. See if u ex-Lodgians would recognise. He looks like that Jap actor, Watanabe, who acted in Memoirs of a Geisha and Last Samurai.

We talked. A LOT. liek old friend! he has been teching in lodge for 15 years. I asked how ome he remmbered me.
"Oh! because last time you were..... tsk. you were......"
I was hoping he was gonna say sth abt me drawing comics or being naughty (i broke many glass windows while wrestling in class. Vanilla was a prefect and she LOVED bitching abt me to teachers).
".... you were.... from Red House right! You were in sports day many times!"
omg la of all things he remebers me frm sports day. Cos in Lodge they choose who to run for sports day. Apparently he was the Red House master ( i was a Red guy) for 8 years. SO he remmebered me.
After all i was playing basketball.....(filling up space. lmao. ppl throw ball at me i throw back.)
ill save the sotry for later posts. THis teacehr is damn happening.
As usual i didnt get his name. But he has my number. He is a VERY important contact.

This is the backside of the canteen. I always sat down here with a friend of mine, Shaun, catching earthworms or eating kway tiaw (yes, sitting with legs int he drain). omg it used to be soo much cleaner. Behind the fence was a thick forest. Also got ppl living! Now its been cleared and i heard they gonna build a shophouse. THis is called waste money.

Took a turn at the hall. aa this is where Mrs Au always drill me for dunno how to play basketball or me always notti take wet tissue and throw on the ceiling (or friends. haha). But then again she like princess on her chair. Surrounding by cotton!
... tissue la! all used tissue filled with her snot. if u recycle her tissue for every PE lesson, you can make one logbook.

THis is the hall. Everyone will come here every teusday to sing national anthem (i was singing "Negaraku". Sorry ar Lee Kuan Yew.) and talk cock sing song. Also, this is my pai seh moment when i was playing wrestling and my long pants tear (and i was using cute pink underwear), and it was so big that three pins also not enuf to cover the thing. Worse ar, i sit rriittteee behind the "hairless classes" group. So all the ppl got hair behind can see my clean smooth backside.

This is the hall ont he right, and the extended block on the left. I watched this block build form a hole in the ground to this algae infested building. The basketball court used to be a field..... but the grass always cannot grow so playing soccer was like u playing on Mars... very rocky and a lot of hidden holes. Thats why now i pro when walking through the Yishun Field infornt of Northpoint; from the shade of the grass i know where got deep hole. Also this was where i learn to play softball. I gues it was good they built a basketball court la. Lodge is famous for bball now and last time the field got snake.
YOu see the top-right most class? That's my last classroom. My Grade 6 classroom. All the pneumonia story... all the wrestling story.. all the glass breaking.. all the thumbtacks on floor then i kanna body slam on it and all the glue i pour in the ants nest story all over there.

Notice board infornt of the hall. Depressing. Notice board become art display board.

Btw, this is my Grade 4 classroom. This was where i started drawing comics, and my teacher Mrs. Michael saw me draw draw and she started this whole buzz and ask me draw for school magazine. And every story has a sad side. THis is the last time i met my friend from Cebu, Phillipines. His name is Ian. We like brother brother like that will fight, scold, talk abt erections, talk about sex (long time noe abt sex already lor....) and try sex (no la LOL). Everynight well be on the phone talkin and talkin. Best soem more is that his sisters is my sister's good friends so it was all complete. After he left we wrote letters (yes.... write and put stamp and send then wait one week for reply.) Now no more already. He died in fishing accident. :S
Anywys the class now is a blardy PING PONG ROOM!! na beh i come see throught the windows and children over there ping pong ping pong.
btw vanilla... u remember we had this topic for geography... the one about water bodies like lakes? THen we had to make this model of the water bodies? I remember u make plasticine ais kachang when u supposed to make mountain and the river coming form the top to the sea! muahaha then my grp's model scored the best. Four of the naughtiest kids in class scoring higher than you smarty pants girls.
and yes..... i kept the model.

Squashed and dusty (lol.... 8 years of dust.)... but still alive.
I have no freakin idea where my habit of keeping momentos came about... but i think im a bit too extreme. I have a strand of Henry's hair that i pulled in 2002, wrapped up in plastic and locked in a chest. eh wait where you all going?! IM NOT A FREAK!
Anways i asked the teacher why isnt the school painting itself?!??!
he inched closer to me and went, "You sponsor la. I knowu very rich."
what the~~~~~~~~!!! pls la Lodge's school fees are already like university fees like that (malaysian university fees HAHHAHA) and so many of the Dato' and DAtin children studying there la! Somebody sucking up money aarrrr.....

Just goes to show how much damage this school is going through. THe pipe looks like something from That Goblet of Fire charcter. The one with the magic 8 ball for an eye.

This was the very spot i got in the biggest big ass trouble before i left for Singapore. I was throwing rocks at my friend who was standing near the car there (YES I KNOW! I WAS NAUGHTY!) and duh la some stones hit the Proton Wira that was that.
and i tell you... some ass went to call the teacehr who owned that car and when she came by ar.... she shouted and soon i was alone. na beh my friends all run away. She saw the scratch on her car door (and it was a SMMALLLLL SCRATCH! so small that my littlebrother last time also bigger.). YOu know what she say?
"YOu have to pay me RM300 for the damage to repair the door. Follow me to the office to call your father."
.......... i tell you ar i sweat until the whole of Kuching flood.
for the whole week i kept quiet... trying to break it to my parents. Eat at dinner will tiam tiam slowly eat my chicken rice.
but then after a while its like she suddenly my friend! when she saw me she come smile smile and say hello. nae boo. If this ugly incident happen today, confirm New Paper damn happy and gahment will pass a bill to pave up everything so got no more rocks and stones.
btw... that small car is my teacher's car! LOL! she very old still teaching here.

So i left lodge.... not after the usual security-guard-see-camera confrontation.
I passed by the Junior school too.

After i left the school dcided to seprate the malaysians and expatriates. Angmoh get junior school (the old one) and malaysians get the new school. As if that is not segregrating enough, they just opened up a new house (there was red, blue, yellow and green) especially for the expats and its called the PURPLE house!
Dont they noe that purple is a gay colour?!?!?!!?
i asked the teacher,"Isnt its a bit dsicriminating or sth like that?"
he can only nod his head and give a disappointed smile.
Lodge ar pls dun crumble.
leaving for Singapore in 5 hours.
Today is the last day ill be in kuching. Its monday, the first day of the week (if u're modern. otherwise its the second).
I did a visit to my old school, Lodge Preparatory School and Kindergarden.
I entered Lodge in Grade 1, when i was seven. THat's like.. a decade or so ago. After which left for Singapore under mother's orders in fear that i will not "fit in" during NS. Too bad the ocmpany i'm fitting ion now isnt what she had hoped. To her, I made friends with the enemy or sth like that.
ANyways Lodge, to me, was the best school around. Education was under the British so we followed everything the British did. Meaning it wasnt book drills everyday and constant memorizing.. liek how SIngapore is. Imnot saying singapore is evil or anything but jsut that im so accustomed to learning by doing in Lodge. While Donald was learning fractions and algebra in primary school i was learning maths with the ABACUS and the history of Britain like the Vikings and Anglo Saxons and King something something which had something to do with Wessex. Oh oh and Guy Fawkes. The drawings scared me.
Lodge was divided into two schools; Lodge Senior and Junior. Basically the Junior school, in my time, held those frm Kindy to Grade 3 (that's pri 3), formr both the national stream (ang moh and cute japanese and handsome koreans bla bla) and intertantional stream (malaysians). THe senior held Grade 4 all the way to Form 5 (that's sec 5. We no graduate at form 4 cos we is SPM takers).
HOw today i came back to school and my heart dropped and crumbled and now its fertilizer for tau ghey.

ITs was around 430.... school just finished (last itme we ended at three.)
I tell you... the school today is in HORRIBLE shape.
simply disgusting.

Fomr the centre courtyard. I think its still the original paint. but now its grimy and moldy and all that. THere are cracks on some walls as well. And is not paint cracks... its CEMENT CRACKS. I told u Kucing nv take care of buildings.

I had this section of the second floor for my Grade 5 classes. Last time there was this little shoot of plant growing. THough its not there now.... but wtf look at the CRACKS!
I think there was this story of someone jumping off this second floor. She landed on her legs, and her entire thigh went up to her hips.
I met a teacher here. It was by pure luck. Earlier i was planning of coming early. BUt it dragged since dad washeld in a meeting. SO i wanted ot cancel. Thank God i did. I was about to run into the school from the front but i entered frm the back instead and met this teacher.
He was on his phone... he saw me... walked abit, immeditely glanced back and shouted.
na beh... i thought even over here i can get in trouble for takin pics.
I turned around. Eh! he looked familiar!
OMG HE KNEW ME! and omfg he has NV thought me before.
Here's a picture. See if u ex-Lodgians would recognise. He looks like that Jap actor, Watanabe, who acted in Memoirs of a Geisha and Last Samurai.

We talked. A LOT. liek old friend! he has been teching in lodge for 15 years. I asked how ome he remmbered me.
"Oh! because last time you were..... tsk. you were......"
I was hoping he was gonna say sth abt me drawing comics or being naughty (i broke many glass windows while wrestling in class. Vanilla was a prefect and she LOVED bitching abt me to teachers).
".... you were.... from Red House right! You were in sports day many times!"
omg la of all things he remebers me frm sports day. Cos in Lodge they choose who to run for sports day. Apparently he was the Red House master ( i was a Red guy) for 8 years. SO he remmebered me.
After all i was playing basketball.....(filling up space. lmao. ppl throw ball at me i throw back.)
ill save the sotry for later posts. THis teacehr is damn happening.
As usual i didnt get his name. But he has my number. He is a VERY important contact.

This is the backside of the canteen. I always sat down here with a friend of mine, Shaun, catching earthworms or eating kway tiaw (yes, sitting with legs int he drain). omg it used to be soo much cleaner. Behind the fence was a thick forest. Also got ppl living! Now its been cleared and i heard they gonna build a shophouse. THis is called waste money.

Took a turn at the hall. aa this is where Mrs Au always drill me for dunno how to play basketball or me always notti take wet tissue and throw on the ceiling (or friends. haha). But then again she like princess on her chair. Surrounding by cotton!
... tissue la! all used tissue filled with her snot. if u recycle her tissue for every PE lesson, you can make one logbook.

THis is the hall. Everyone will come here every teusday to sing national anthem (i was singing "Negaraku". Sorry ar Lee Kuan Yew.) and talk cock sing song. Also, this is my pai seh moment when i was playing wrestling and my long pants tear (and i was using cute pink underwear), and it was so big that three pins also not enuf to cover the thing. Worse ar, i sit rriittteee behind the "hairless classes" group. So all the ppl got hair behind can see my clean smooth backside.

This is the hall ont he right, and the extended block on the left. I watched this block build form a hole in the ground to this algae infested building. The basketball court used to be a field..... but the grass always cannot grow so playing soccer was like u playing on Mars... very rocky and a lot of hidden holes. Thats why now i pro when walking through the Yishun Field infornt of Northpoint; from the shade of the grass i know where got deep hole. Also this was where i learn to play softball. I gues it was good they built a basketball court la. Lodge is famous for bball now and last time the field got snake.
YOu see the top-right most class? That's my last classroom. My Grade 6 classroom. All the pneumonia story... all the wrestling story.. all the glass breaking.. all the thumbtacks on floor then i kanna body slam on it and all the glue i pour in the ants nest story all over there.

Notice board infornt of the hall. Depressing. Notice board become art display board.

Btw, this is my Grade 4 classroom. This was where i started drawing comics, and my teacher Mrs. Michael saw me draw draw and she started this whole buzz and ask me draw for school magazine. And every story has a sad side. THis is the last time i met my friend from Cebu, Phillipines. His name is Ian. We like brother brother like that will fight, scold, talk abt erections, talk about sex (long time noe abt sex already lor....) and try sex (no la LOL). Everynight well be on the phone talkin and talkin. Best soem more is that his sisters is my sister's good friends so it was all complete. After he left we wrote letters (yes.... write and put stamp and send then wait one week for reply.) Now no more already. He died in fishing accident. :S
Anywys the class now is a blardy PING PONG ROOM!! na beh i come see throught the windows and children over there ping pong ping pong.
btw vanilla... u remember we had this topic for geography... the one about water bodies like lakes? THen we had to make this model of the water bodies? I remember u make plasticine ais kachang when u supposed to make mountain and the river coming form the top to the sea! muahaha then my grp's model scored the best. Four of the naughtiest kids in class scoring higher than you smarty pants girls.
and yes..... i kept the model.

Squashed and dusty (lol.... 8 years of dust.)... but still alive.
I have no freakin idea where my habit of keeping momentos came about... but i think im a bit too extreme. I have a strand of Henry's hair that i pulled in 2002, wrapped up in plastic and locked in a chest. eh wait where you all going?! IM NOT A FREAK!
Anways i asked the teacher why isnt the school painting itself?!??!
he inched closer to me and went, "You sponsor la. I knowu very rich."
what the~~~~~~~~!!! pls la Lodge's school fees are already like university fees like that (malaysian university fees HAHHAHA) and so many of the Dato' and DAtin children studying there la! Somebody sucking up money aarrrr.....

Just goes to show how much damage this school is going through. THe pipe looks like something from That Goblet of Fire charcter. The one with the magic 8 ball for an eye.

This was the very spot i got in the biggest big ass trouble before i left for Singapore. I was throwing rocks at my friend who was standing near the car there (YES I KNOW! I WAS NAUGHTY!) and duh la some stones hit the Proton Wira that was that.
and i tell you... some ass went to call the teacehr who owned that car and when she came by ar.... she shouted and soon i was alone. na beh my friends all run away. She saw the scratch on her car door (and it was a SMMALLLLL SCRATCH! so small that my littlebrother last time also bigger.). YOu know what she say?
"YOu have to pay me RM300 for the damage to repair the door. Follow me to the office to call your father."
.......... i tell you ar i sweat until the whole of Kuching flood.
for the whole week i kept quiet... trying to break it to my parents. Eat at dinner will tiam tiam slowly eat my chicken rice.
but then after a while its like she suddenly my friend! when she saw me she come smile smile and say hello. nae boo. If this ugly incident happen today, confirm New Paper damn happy and gahment will pass a bill to pave up everything so got no more rocks and stones.
btw... that small car is my teacher's car! LOL! she very old still teaching here.

So i left lodge.... not after the usual security-guard-see-camera confrontation.
I passed by the Junior school too.

After i left the school dcided to seprate the malaysians and expatriates. Angmoh get junior school (the old one) and malaysians get the new school. As if that is not segregrating enough, they just opened up a new house (there was red, blue, yellow and green) especially for the expats and its called the PURPLE house!
Dont they noe that purple is a gay colour?!?!?!!?
i asked the teacher,"Isnt its a bit dsicriminating or sth like that?"
he can only nod his head and give a disappointed smile.
Lodge ar pls dun crumble.
leaving for Singapore in 5 hours.
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Travel and Adventure