Kuching just opened a new state mosque on the opposite banks of the river, in the Petra Jaya area, replacing the state's super old (and i mean sibeh old. THere are baby graves marked around the 1800s on its lawn) former state mosque. Kinda pulls my heartstrings since i knew the old mosque since forever. I always find the graveyard intriguing (unmarked baby graves, old trees, bent tombstones... u get it.)
anyways this new mosque is DAMN HUGE!

The praying area is about as big as.... err..... esplanade?

..or something like that la.
The walls are carved with Arabic writings and verses from the holybook as well. Windows of stained glass line the walls of the mosque, showing off real cool light displays when the sun shines through. Not forgetting the gold and gold and gold! THe colours gold and blue and white seem to be the theme of the design. and really, it's a very good combintation between contrasts.....

The dome you see on the top of the mosque isnt filled up with floors or concrete or anything. It, in itself, is a work of art. It's hollow, so you get a VERY LARGE DOME which u can see from underneath and its just breathtaking to see all the intricate designs running across the underside. I love looking at things liek this. ITs like... i can see the effort (i tried painting upside down.... ... its like.... na beh....) and the planning and all that. Basically its art la. and im air headed. So we make a great pair!

Sadly, the mosque is UNDERUSED.

the space is HUGE!... but every friday, maybe about three quarters of the praying area is filled up. My dad says, "The only time where it is ever full, is during the Hari Raya prayers. And full, means some pray ont he road as well."
One of the major reasons why its underused is because a typical village here has probably about five small mosques.
and the journey to the state mosque isnt that easy.

For the City people, they gotta travel the distance of Yishun to Ang Mo Kio and a bit further before reaching..... and on a bus. muahahaa... ON A BUS LEH!!!
After that I had the whole day to myself.
So i took this time to mingle around with the staff down at the coffee house.
Uncle Angeles was there and he gave that old man smile that he always does. lol.
I took a sit, somehwere as far away from the main entrance as i could. Trying to keep a low profile.

Had one of my favourite ice cream.
Come... let me intro to you all....

"DEEP FRIED!.. you funny."
serious! ok back in sec school during physics class when we were learning about heat and condcution and whatever..... this was used as an example in the book. YOu ppl in NVSS please look at ur physics textbook and find the one on heat. U can find some weird ass french name for this dish.
Anyways for those of us not stuck in studying from books day in day out, what is deep fried about this realy really sweet favourite is the "crust". i dunno what the hell it is... but its defnitely pastry.... and it is SOAKED in sweet sweet things like honey or caramel or sth like that la. I really dunno. Its then baked int he oven till tenderly crispy (got such word ar...). After that its served with bits of fruits like papaya... pineapple... apple... watermelon....
SO where is the ice cream ar?
Neh!!!! *points*

So when u eat ar... u get a mix of hot and cold. Hot sweet thing plus dough and then the ice cream. It is damn super heaven la!
especially when no one is rushing u to finish a meal.
however its quite sad la.. the ice cream ar is not the home made type. I find home made icecream damn nice. Cos its damn creamy and its fresh! THis wan they put is the normal Marigold kind which sometimes there is a bit of frost (ice) inside so thats where u get the crunchy crunchy in ice cream. Italians see this ar they throw away wan.... cos Italians are ice cream pro.
DUn believe? ask Sarah and Henry.. they ate it.... muahahaha..
Then a short walk outside just ot see how things have grown. Nothing much la. still same.

Riverview deck.
After that i took a short walk around the waterfront.......

THe waterfront was built back when i was in kindy or in early grade school. I think i quite remember what it looked like... a river bank. jsut a plain one where crocodiles can come on and eat babies (ya.. there WERE crocodiles. but the gabamen (gahment, in singapore) here realised that tourism here will make all the crooked teens and croco disappear and fly fly so they started to clean up the river banks and built this waterfront.
There waterfront stretches for about a kilomtre.... and is lined with eating stalls (higher class versions of hawker stalls la.... and htis one can move.) and atriums for functions and all that la. There WAS a cyber cafe as well but it closed so now Kuching city has officially no cyber cafes for you. THe only internet u gonna get here is in the hotel, hozay!

Then i took a turn and started to walk ont he other side of the waterfront cos i realised my zip was undone. LOL.... i dunno la i get messy when i find a small boy peeing beside me and he's looking at my dick.

The roads u see here were once nothing more but........

This temple here is also sibeh cool.
U see where the dragon carvings and all that are?
you know last time that is where the water came up to! then all the china men from china (duh..) would come with their little too too boats and park down there..... then walk up the temple and pray.
Today no more water... only concrete. BUt this temple is still there and is not dying!
TOday, this temple is one of the richest temples around town. Rich as in....... RRICCHH!!!!!!!
oh.. and its a national heritage now. lmao.

These are sampans. That time Sheryl use "sampad" on her blog i thought she meant "sampan". But then it makes sense la. Since sampan and sampan in real life also the same; made of wood.
THe locals use this as a mode of transport to get to and fro the city and vilage. why? because it will take you twenty thousand times more the time and money to use car or bus to go one round the city to go to the other side. Might as well pay twenty cent give uncle row u across. ........ but it costs ten rinngit if u are angmoh. LOL.
Oh ya... a lot of foreigners think that this sampan is only a gimmick and not really a mode of transport. WAh their eye open as big as their backside when they realise that the little children in shcool uniform is REALLY children in school uniform!

THis is the Main Bazaar. The last post i said that u can compare this to Changi? Bugis village? yup. This is it. Changi and Bugis village...... in the 1800s. lol.
This used to be like the Orchard Rd of Kuching. u can buy ANYTHING!
but now its damn sianz. like.. SUPER SIAN.... pseudo culture has taken over and now every shop is tourist shop and best of all.. ALL SELL SAME THING!
beads beads beads beads beads beads beads DAMN SIAN CAN ANOT!
just ask clara and donald.

an alleyway. I told u already. Is really like old Singapore.
Inside here was where my mother buy her jewellery.

This part also got history.
The blue area down there u see?
now its a big empty ghost land. only grass and wood.
THere used to be scorch marks all over the walls and stuff. Means it got burned. When i was young i saw. its only two years ago that they painted it blue. but why they dun wan to rebuild? the shop burn liao more than ten or twenty years already!
aa... now u noe.... ppl here believe in supernatural.

A bit of self portrait wun hurt la correct?

THis was a section of a fort, built by the ang mohs. Where its standing on now is on a depression in the pavement of the waterfront. In the 1800s, it used to be on raised land, above the river. Aaa... so its like Marina Bay Condominiums.... only many times smaller la.
Opposite is the mother of all pearls, Fort Margharita.
THis is where the cowboys and indians story come in. THe ang mohs who are colonizing Sarawak built this fort as a form of deterrent against the native rebels.... those ppl who live in woods. THere are many tribes, like the Ibans and rebels, as the ang moh would call it, would make sneak attacks onto the fort. Just liek terrorists. But then again....some terrorists dun see themselves as terrorists. but as liberators. and they see the "good" ppl as terrorists. Aaa... and this issue is still well and alive in th emiddle east now; arab call america terrorists, america call men in turban terrorists. But who terrorists? well it depends on how u define terrorists. Both same la.
There are cannons located on the top of the fort. Ang mohs use this to shoot naked Iban men backside clearly off their boats.

The fort was then transformed into an infamous Japanese interrogation quarters during WW2 (the usual) and then as a police museum... which it still is now. But its under renovation.
If u see close close u can see this little hut on the right side of the fort. Ive been there last time, before they locked it up. Inside it is a room FULL of SKULLS.
THe story is that.... the heads of the executed are thrown into here, left to rot. THen there lor. But they locked it up a few years ago when ppl come complain got ppl laughing inside there at night.
On the opposite bank is a spot equavilant to Singapore's Clarke Quay.
THis is where the Kuching version of Sir Stamford Raffles, Rajah James Brooke, landed.

Of course, the road replaced a riverbank. The place used to be some hall of justice or sth. Now i dunno. I think its empty, with a very lousy Lebonese restaurant in the back quarters.
I think there was this old photo passed around the class when i was in Grade 6..... i think it was cheryl's uncle or something... having lunch with Rajah James Brooke. Now THAT is sibeh cool!
Rajah James Brooke did come to Singapore before. I think he buy Sir Raffles' book la when he come S'pore; How to conquer Asian tribal people 101.

THe waterfront officially ends here at the landing spot. Continuing further would lead you to the market. Kuching's original market ever since the 1800s, and is still going strong.
I took a walk there. This is probably the first tme im exploring this part of the city.

Fishing trawlers dock behind this market, then the ship crew will start heaving in and out the catch for the day after which stall owners will sort the fishes out, throwing away fishes that are either too young or pregnant and stuff like that, and selling them on the wet table. The smell WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i smelt like old man. HAHAAHAA.

opposite is another row of old shophouses. Original, untouched, the most recent addition being one shop that was built in the 1950s. While the main bazaar sells pseudo culture, the row here sells authentic spice (meaning no msg, no processing, not touched by oily machines and all that. This is where KFC gets its herbs.)
And the smell is sooo india. Makes u wake up.

oh ya.... btw... if u are indian and u come to Kuching... u will feel so pang seh-ed.
this is prbably the first indian ive seen since i came.
and he's a tau kay!

The big lone building u see up up up there is the poultry farm. I took video of them slaughtering the chicken but i dun think u want to see blood and screaming chicken head.

I once asked my mother....... "can we buy one and keep as pet?"
she got me a pigeon. KNNCCB! LOL!
but the pigeon like so ke lian living in hotel room. So after a while we open the window and let it fly away.
There were more stalls behind the market as well.

THen i remmebered i was gonna meet Kenny Sia later so i quickly left. I dun wan him to eat me cos i smell like fish. HAHAAHAHAHH!!!!
But first, a BBQ dinner!

LOL.. I saw my primary school sports teacehr, Mrs. Au and another teacher who was my sister's teacher. Mrs. Au always had this sinus problem so everytime during PE her nose always block and she always got used tissue around her chair when she scolding us to run. TOday i meet her is no difference. Her eye still red, nose still red. And stil so xia lan.
"Mrs au!"
*looks at me.*
"Its me... Audi... u remember?"
*stare stare..... then continues eating*
"ah ya.... is audi. (turns to other teacher).. only now he's taller and has thick hair."
*silence.....she continue eating*
na beh..... so i walked away. Xia lan kia.
ahaah ok la we talk abit.. but the mood wasnt that happening.
Kenny Sia is a blogger from Kuching, having forced to return from Perth due to personal problems. His blog, Kennysia.com, has gone quite popular in the Singaporean blogosphere for his humor and personality. Even more so when he gets interviewed by Mass Commers and winning some blog award. PErsonally, i find his blogging personality mature and attractive and duh la he come from Kuching so i curious a bit. Even more interesting than Xiaxue.
So one day i went to his blog.. and he was giving the Sony DSC T9 review, a camera he bought to replace his one and a half year old Kodak which has been serving Kennysia.com forever. Well i needed a camera... and dun ask me why.. i just emailed him asking if i can buy. ta da. liddat la.
"wtf u can buy at sim lim what!!!!" i hear u say.
ok la i noe but i see his pics on his blog damn nice so i thought might as well get the original camera AHHAHAHAA.
I might Kenny at the lobby. He suddenly appearf rom behind he pillar with an Osim paper bag. I immedietely knew it was him because he was having this face on him.

I went up shook his hand. My father immedietely took over. I dunno why ar... but everytime he meets someone new, he will start scolding his staff askinthem to hurry up and all that. Its damn pai seh. esp when Kenny was like... blur blur like,"who the heck is this guy scolding the hotel staff?!"
i dunthink he found out.

Kenny was nice... damn on the ball and he has obviously been meeting a lot of ppl since his diction and communication all okay. okay wtf im evaluating him.
My dad dunno who the heck is Kenny Sia, initialy. I had to explain to him that kenny is this this this this then my father started going oooooo..... I guess Kenny achieved his goal of keeping is blog low-profile in Kuching because.... in Kuching ar... word spreads damn fast. Either that or my father really blur this time. He asked his staff if they noe Kenny Sia and they say ya. Age gap la.
ITs funny when you have been reading someone's blog forever and its liek as if u and him fren fren already noe everything. Then when u meet him in real life its like an unbalanced situation or sth. Cos here I am knowing of Kenny's whereabouts and there he is figuring out who the hell is this ah gua boy and near-botak man.
Kenny was nice to explain the camera functions and all. My father was asking aorund abt his blog and all that. Kenny did explain and stuff... and he took his Sony T9, which he kept in a small side puch, out for us to see a few times.

My father itchy finger go take.
Keny keeps mentioning he's fat and all that. I dun think so lei. He';s just plump. Fat = body no shape; just round.
My dad is a health-concious convert. Soon enough, i am there kanna suan by him for eating KFC EVERYDAY (ya i got the money hor.....) and all my ugly dietry habits. Then he mentioned me not being adventourous that food also not interested.... nature not iunterested.... dun wna climb mountain or visit caves (....... my father doesnt know me. pwnz! but damn pai seh he say until like that.)
So kenny gave me a little lecture on what to do in Kuching. He even asked me,"Have u been to Damai?"
WAH LAU!!! --..--

anwyays he say Kuching is famous for food and nature. Shopping = shop air.
Thanks... Ive known kuching for 18 years and only NOW someone comes and tlel me what Kuching is famous for. Now i noe.
therefore.... im planning a return trip to kuching within the next two weeks. THis time is to get dirty with mother.
... mother nature la!
I think my dad and kenny got along okay.

So after that we split. Kenny left for an event, which he covered later in his site (the one on the hairdressing thing), and I left for Damai.
So that's the end of my celebrity meeting. I bought the camera for RM750 (around 350 dollars) and its pretty decent now that ive played with it.

Celebrity camera lei! LOL
I think Sly is calling me. A few nites ago he appear in my dream. I also shocked. ANd best is.. i was with this girl from my FSV batch.. she's tall i look like a 15 year old beside her...... and she was my GIRLFRIEND!
like... wtf......
ok ok i tell u FSV ppl the name ok? THe name was...... .............................. eff i forgot. ITs that girl la the one we call "Xena".... HAHA.
Ok this post is too long alreadu. must end!
But i would like to thank Henry for lending his camera. SO far ive taken 300 over pictures with it... and it has served me well. I damn like this camera. As a tribute, i give it one final photo of it.

Yes it has served well. See the battered finishing on the body? ITs testimony to the amount of love put into it.
THanks ar henry.
Im now in Damai... here comes the beach pictures!

....wait for next post.
anyways this new mosque is DAMN HUGE!

The praying area is about as big as.... err..... esplanade?

..or something like that la.
The walls are carved with Arabic writings and verses from the holybook as well. Windows of stained glass line the walls of the mosque, showing off real cool light displays when the sun shines through. Not forgetting the gold and gold and gold! THe colours gold and blue and white seem to be the theme of the design. and really, it's a very good combintation between contrasts.....

The dome you see on the top of the mosque isnt filled up with floors or concrete or anything. It, in itself, is a work of art. It's hollow, so you get a VERY LARGE DOME which u can see from underneath and its just breathtaking to see all the intricate designs running across the underside. I love looking at things liek this. ITs like... i can see the effort (i tried painting upside down.... ... its like.... na beh....) and the planning and all that. Basically its art la. and im air headed. So we make a great pair!

Sadly, the mosque is UNDERUSED.

the space is HUGE!... but every friday, maybe about three quarters of the praying area is filled up. My dad says, "The only time where it is ever full, is during the Hari Raya prayers. And full, means some pray ont he road as well."
One of the major reasons why its underused is because a typical village here has probably about five small mosques.
and the journey to the state mosque isnt that easy.

For the City people, they gotta travel the distance of Yishun to Ang Mo Kio and a bit further before reaching..... and on a bus. muahahaa... ON A BUS LEH!!!
After that I had the whole day to myself.
So i took this time to mingle around with the staff down at the coffee house.
Uncle Angeles was there and he gave that old man smile that he always does. lol.
I took a sit, somehwere as far away from the main entrance as i could. Trying to keep a low profile.

Had one of my favourite ice cream.
Come... let me intro to you all....

"DEEP FRIED!.. you funny."
serious! ok back in sec school during physics class when we were learning about heat and condcution and whatever..... this was used as an example in the book. YOu ppl in NVSS please look at ur physics textbook and find the one on heat. U can find some weird ass french name for this dish.
Anyways for those of us not stuck in studying from books day in day out, what is deep fried about this realy really sweet favourite is the "crust". i dunno what the hell it is... but its defnitely pastry.... and it is SOAKED in sweet sweet things like honey or caramel or sth like that la. I really dunno. Its then baked int he oven till tenderly crispy (got such word ar...). After that its served with bits of fruits like papaya... pineapple... apple... watermelon....
SO where is the ice cream ar?
Neh!!!! *points*

So when u eat ar... u get a mix of hot and cold. Hot sweet thing plus dough and then the ice cream. It is damn super heaven la!
especially when no one is rushing u to finish a meal.
however its quite sad la.. the ice cream ar is not the home made type. I find home made icecream damn nice. Cos its damn creamy and its fresh! THis wan they put is the normal Marigold kind which sometimes there is a bit of frost (ice) inside so thats where u get the crunchy crunchy in ice cream. Italians see this ar they throw away wan.... cos Italians are ice cream pro.
DUn believe? ask Sarah and Henry.. they ate it.... muahahaha..
Then a short walk outside just ot see how things have grown. Nothing much la. still same.

Riverview deck.
After that i took a short walk around the waterfront.......

THe waterfront was built back when i was in kindy or in early grade school. I think i quite remember what it looked like... a river bank. jsut a plain one where crocodiles can come on and eat babies (ya.. there WERE crocodiles. but the gabamen (gahment, in singapore) here realised that tourism here will make all the crooked teens and croco disappear and fly fly so they started to clean up the river banks and built this waterfront.
There waterfront stretches for about a kilomtre.... and is lined with eating stalls (higher class versions of hawker stalls la.... and htis one can move.) and atriums for functions and all that la. There WAS a cyber cafe as well but it closed so now Kuching city has officially no cyber cafes for you. THe only internet u gonna get here is in the hotel, hozay!

Then i took a turn and started to walk ont he other side of the waterfront cos i realised my zip was undone. LOL.... i dunno la i get messy when i find a small boy peeing beside me and he's looking at my dick.

The roads u see here were once nothing more but........

This temple here is also sibeh cool.
U see where the dragon carvings and all that are?
you know last time that is where the water came up to! then all the china men from china (duh..) would come with their little too too boats and park down there..... then walk up the temple and pray.
Today no more water... only concrete. BUt this temple is still there and is not dying!
TOday, this temple is one of the richest temples around town. Rich as in....... RRICCHH!!!!!!!
oh.. and its a national heritage now. lmao.

These are sampans. That time Sheryl use "sampad" on her blog i thought she meant "sampan". But then it makes sense la. Since sampan and sampan in real life also the same; made of wood.
THe locals use this as a mode of transport to get to and fro the city and vilage. why? because it will take you twenty thousand times more the time and money to use car or bus to go one round the city to go to the other side. Might as well pay twenty cent give uncle row u across. ........ but it costs ten rinngit if u are angmoh. LOL.
Oh ya... a lot of foreigners think that this sampan is only a gimmick and not really a mode of transport. WAh their eye open as big as their backside when they realise that the little children in shcool uniform is REALLY children in school uniform!

THis is the Main Bazaar. The last post i said that u can compare this to Changi? Bugis village? yup. This is it. Changi and Bugis village...... in the 1800s. lol.
This used to be like the Orchard Rd of Kuching. u can buy ANYTHING!
but now its damn sianz. like.. SUPER SIAN.... pseudo culture has taken over and now every shop is tourist shop and best of all.. ALL SELL SAME THING!
beads beads beads beads beads beads beads DAMN SIAN CAN ANOT!
just ask clara and donald.

an alleyway. I told u already. Is really like old Singapore.
Inside here was where my mother buy her jewellery.

This part also got history.
The blue area down there u see?
now its a big empty ghost land. only grass and wood.
THere used to be scorch marks all over the walls and stuff. Means it got burned. When i was young i saw. its only two years ago that they painted it blue. but why they dun wan to rebuild? the shop burn liao more than ten or twenty years already!
aa... now u noe.... ppl here believe in supernatural.

A bit of self portrait wun hurt la correct?

THis was a section of a fort, built by the ang mohs. Where its standing on now is on a depression in the pavement of the waterfront. In the 1800s, it used to be on raised land, above the river. Aaa... so its like Marina Bay Condominiums.... only many times smaller la.
Opposite is the mother of all pearls, Fort Margharita.
THis is where the cowboys and indians story come in. THe ang mohs who are colonizing Sarawak built this fort as a form of deterrent against the native rebels.... those ppl who live in woods. THere are many tribes, like the Ibans and rebels, as the ang moh would call it, would make sneak attacks onto the fort. Just liek terrorists. But then again....some terrorists dun see themselves as terrorists. but as liberators. and they see the "good" ppl as terrorists. Aaa... and this issue is still well and alive in th emiddle east now; arab call america terrorists, america call men in turban terrorists. But who terrorists? well it depends on how u define terrorists. Both same la.
There are cannons located on the top of the fort. Ang mohs use this to shoot naked Iban men backside clearly off their boats.

The fort was then transformed into an infamous Japanese interrogation quarters during WW2 (the usual) and then as a police museum... which it still is now. But its under renovation.
If u see close close u can see this little hut on the right side of the fort. Ive been there last time, before they locked it up. Inside it is a room FULL of SKULLS.
THe story is that.... the heads of the executed are thrown into here, left to rot. THen there lor. But they locked it up a few years ago when ppl come complain got ppl laughing inside there at night.
On the opposite bank is a spot equavilant to Singapore's Clarke Quay.
THis is where the Kuching version of Sir Stamford Raffles, Rajah James Brooke, landed.

Of course, the road replaced a riverbank. The place used to be some hall of justice or sth. Now i dunno. I think its empty, with a very lousy Lebonese restaurant in the back quarters.
I think there was this old photo passed around the class when i was in Grade 6..... i think it was cheryl's uncle or something... having lunch with Rajah James Brooke. Now THAT is sibeh cool!
Rajah James Brooke did come to Singapore before. I think he buy Sir Raffles' book la when he come S'pore; How to conquer Asian tribal people 101.

THe waterfront officially ends here at the landing spot. Continuing further would lead you to the market. Kuching's original market ever since the 1800s, and is still going strong.
I took a walk there. This is probably the first tme im exploring this part of the city.

Fishing trawlers dock behind this market, then the ship crew will start heaving in and out the catch for the day after which stall owners will sort the fishes out, throwing away fishes that are either too young or pregnant and stuff like that, and selling them on the wet table. The smell WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i smelt like old man. HAHAAHAA.

opposite is another row of old shophouses. Original, untouched, the most recent addition being one shop that was built in the 1950s. While the main bazaar sells pseudo culture, the row here sells authentic spice (meaning no msg, no processing, not touched by oily machines and all that. This is where KFC gets its herbs.)
And the smell is sooo india. Makes u wake up.

oh ya.... btw... if u are indian and u come to Kuching... u will feel so pang seh-ed.
this is prbably the first indian ive seen since i came.
and he's a tau kay!

The big lone building u see up up up there is the poultry farm. I took video of them slaughtering the chicken but i dun think u want to see blood and screaming chicken head.

I once asked my mother....... "can we buy one and keep as pet?"
she got me a pigeon. KNNCCB! LOL!
but the pigeon like so ke lian living in hotel room. So after a while we open the window and let it fly away.
There were more stalls behind the market as well.

THen i remmebered i was gonna meet Kenny Sia later so i quickly left. I dun wan him to eat me cos i smell like fish. HAHAAHAHAHH!!!!
But first, a BBQ dinner!

LOL.. I saw my primary school sports teacehr, Mrs. Au and another teacher who was my sister's teacher. Mrs. Au always had this sinus problem so everytime during PE her nose always block and she always got used tissue around her chair when she scolding us to run. TOday i meet her is no difference. Her eye still red, nose still red. And stil so xia lan.
"Mrs au!"
*looks at me.*
"Its me... Audi... u remember?"
*stare stare..... then continues eating*
"ah ya.... is audi. (turns to other teacher).. only now he's taller and has thick hair."
*silence.....she continue eating*
na beh..... so i walked away. Xia lan kia.
ahaah ok la we talk abit.. but the mood wasnt that happening.
Kenny Sia is a blogger from Kuching, having forced to return from Perth due to personal problems. His blog, Kennysia.com, has gone quite popular in the Singaporean blogosphere for his humor and personality. Even more so when he gets interviewed by Mass Commers and winning some blog award. PErsonally, i find his blogging personality mature and attractive and duh la he come from Kuching so i curious a bit. Even more interesting than Xiaxue.
So one day i went to his blog.. and he was giving the Sony DSC T9 review, a camera he bought to replace his one and a half year old Kodak which has been serving Kennysia.com forever. Well i needed a camera... and dun ask me why.. i just emailed him asking if i can buy. ta da. liddat la.
"wtf u can buy at sim lim what!!!!" i hear u say.
ok la i noe but i see his pics on his blog damn nice so i thought might as well get the original camera AHHAHAHAA.
I might Kenny at the lobby. He suddenly appearf rom behind he pillar with an Osim paper bag. I immedietely knew it was him because he was having this face on him.

I went up shook his hand. My father immedietely took over. I dunno why ar... but everytime he meets someone new, he will start scolding his staff askinthem to hurry up and all that. Its damn pai seh. esp when Kenny was like... blur blur like,"who the heck is this guy scolding the hotel staff?!"
i dunthink he found out.

Kenny was nice... damn on the ball and he has obviously been meeting a lot of ppl since his diction and communication all okay. okay wtf im evaluating him.
My dad dunno who the heck is Kenny Sia, initialy. I had to explain to him that kenny is this this this this then my father started going oooooo..... I guess Kenny achieved his goal of keeping is blog low-profile in Kuching because.... in Kuching ar... word spreads damn fast. Either that or my father really blur this time. He asked his staff if they noe Kenny Sia and they say ya. Age gap la.
ITs funny when you have been reading someone's blog forever and its liek as if u and him fren fren already noe everything. Then when u meet him in real life its like an unbalanced situation or sth. Cos here I am knowing of Kenny's whereabouts and there he is figuring out who the hell is this ah gua boy and near-botak man.
Kenny was nice to explain the camera functions and all. My father was asking aorund abt his blog and all that. Kenny did explain and stuff... and he took his Sony T9, which he kept in a small side puch, out for us to see a few times.

My father itchy finger go take.
Keny keeps mentioning he's fat and all that. I dun think so lei. He';s just plump. Fat = body no shape; just round.
My dad is a health-concious convert. Soon enough, i am there kanna suan by him for eating KFC EVERYDAY (ya i got the money hor.....) and all my ugly dietry habits. Then he mentioned me not being adventourous that food also not interested.... nature not iunterested.... dun wna climb mountain or visit caves (....... my father doesnt know me. pwnz! but damn pai seh he say until like that.)
So kenny gave me a little lecture on what to do in Kuching. He even asked me,"Have u been to Damai?"
WAH LAU!!! --..--

anwyays he say Kuching is famous for food and nature. Shopping = shop air.
Thanks... Ive known kuching for 18 years and only NOW someone comes and tlel me what Kuching is famous for. Now i noe.
therefore.... im planning a return trip to kuching within the next two weeks. THis time is to get dirty with mother.
... mother nature la!
I think my dad and kenny got along okay.

So after that we split. Kenny left for an event, which he covered later in his site (the one on the hairdressing thing), and I left for Damai.
So that's the end of my celebrity meeting. I bought the camera for RM750 (around 350 dollars) and its pretty decent now that ive played with it.

Celebrity camera lei! LOL
I think Sly is calling me. A few nites ago he appear in my dream. I also shocked. ANd best is.. i was with this girl from my FSV batch.. she's tall i look like a 15 year old beside her...... and she was my GIRLFRIEND!
like... wtf......
ok ok i tell u FSV ppl the name ok? THe name was...... .............................. eff i forgot. ITs that girl la the one we call "Xena".... HAHA.
Ok this post is too long alreadu. must end!
But i would like to thank Henry for lending his camera. SO far ive taken 300 over pictures with it... and it has served me well. I damn like this camera. As a tribute, i give it one final photo of it.

Yes it has served well. See the battered finishing on the body? ITs testimony to the amount of love put into it.
THanks ar henry.
Im now in Damai... here comes the beach pictures!

....wait for next post.
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Travel and Adventure