Greetings all! Allow me to introduce myself as Mein Bereich's newest Canadian correspondent. I will be making appearances around once a week, sharing my outlook on life in Canada and showing you the oddities on the ang mo way of life.
Many have a hard time adjusting to change, and to Mein Bereich's loyal readers I may come as a foreign intruder, infiltrating Mein Bereich's territory. Rest assured, I come in peace, wanting only to offer entertainment and a fresh perspective. Perhaps you would be more comfortable if I told you a bit about myself? Well, I'm not just a random person that our beloved master blogger picked off the cyber streets. We have a history together and go waaaayyyy back. Back to the days of Lodge. I first met Audi when I moved to Kuching from Canada and joined Lodge International School in Grade 2. We were classmates and his sister and my cousin Jennifer were also classmates. Mind you, Audi wasnt exactly the greatest welcoming party. I soon discovered he was a cheeky lil fella, picking on all the girls and causing mischief in class.

About myself...well, to put everything in a nutshell, I was born in Canada, moved to Kuching when i was 7, lived there for 9 years and then moved back to Canada when I was 16. My parents are still in Asia and so I live with my aunt and uncle and 2 male cousins, a big shift from living with 2 little sisters. Well, now we're all well-aquainted!
I leave you now with our word of the week. Word of the week will feature a word from the slang of the Canadian youth. Kind of like how Singaporeans had shiok or ex. Stay tuned next week for more Canadianisms!
Word of the week
piece v.
a word used to describe making out/sleeping with someone: I'm going to piece him tonight. / I pieced him last night.
Lol.... yes ppl... I have finally found a co-blogger.
Hahaah dun worry ppl. Anything I choose wan is for sure good wan!
Now I know I just rammed Clara off a cliff cos she told me not to get a co-blogger but I dunno.. im just trying out. So tada.. here she is! My good old friend from Canada whose-real-name-she-dun-wan-me-to-say.
yes.. she actually has been in hiding for the past two weeks or so because I was giving her some time to get over the joy of becoming my partner. ..... Lol.. ok la actually she resisted. But whatever... my muscle and my charm and my machoness got her la. I told you i can be singapore idol....
for now we’ll just see where this will go to. She’ll be blogging every weekend or so.... other days its still me. So its fine.
But why? why the need for a co-blogger?
I dunno. Sometimes we all need a bit of a breather. Something new and different. So this is it. So whenever im losing steam, she’s there to save the day. And vice versa! All in the name of goodwill; to give you all a purpose for your bandwidth usage. Noble enuf? Her idea wan.....
So ladies and gentleman.. I present to you... MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
......... what?!?!! ......girlfriend..... so what?!?!?!
chit-chat session
Eh you you........ uh..... whats ur screen name ar.... eh you..... I REALLY DUN REMEMBER TOUCHING GIRLS’S ASSES OKAY!!! I SERIOUSLY DON’T!
Althought that’ll be cool... ahhaaha.....
Now I end off with my story of the day using her word of the day....
Guy 1: So yesterday I piece on China girl.
Guy 1 : Arbohden! Wei...... china girl ar... damn ex okay!
Guy 2: ooooo I noe I noe. I got hear before. Two hundred dollars ar! Must be shiok!
Guy 1: You damn rite, brother. I piece on her ar! Owned China girl!
Guy 2: good la good la. So your piece what colour.
Guy 1: Simi?
Guy 2: ppiiieeecce.... PPIIEEECCEEEE....
Guy 1: ......
Guy 2: .......
Guy 1: you damn sick.