lmao. not a bad intro eh?
its 230 in the morning. I just got back from the pub below.

My old combination as usual; nuts (today they had muruku instead for what the effing reason i dunno.) and a glass of the bestest drink in the world.....MALTA.
i noe i noe... my sister, and everyne else who has tried it is going, "EEEEEEEEE"
because i think... the best way to describe the taste of malta is.....uh...
essence of chicken plus sparkling water.
LMAO.. then my mother always give me essence of chicken to drink everyday so malta is now no problem for me.
Uncle Angeles intro me the drink two years ago when i was pubbing at Tribes with Clara and Donald.
Chatted a bit with one of the old staff member there. I made a point to see the nametag because i know so many faces... but dunno names. His name damn special.
John Kennedy. swee ar!

I took a walk around the house this early afternoon. My dad was already up and running the hotel from his office one floor below.
THere is this long table at the far end of the house... and this is where my dad has set up a kind of display section which he fills with antiques, medals and photographs.
Amongst them are his favourite photos.

This him with Siti Nurhaliza. SOme big ass Malaysian star. She is like what Jay Chou and Sly are to me, to my dad.
okay u dun understand wht i just said? i rephrase la ok.... what i meant was.... imagine she was Jay Chou... and my father was me. Aaa.... now u get it? Jay Chou was a WOMAN!

Then there's this photo one of my cousin/uncle (i seriously dunno if he is my cousin or uncle) took of my sister. My father commented on how sharp and skilful the photographer was.
I call it overexposed.(xia lan in action!)
And this other photo that i noe he likes a lot. COs he took it with one of his favourite actors.
its none other than....... (kwang wei get ready to tell him this!)

no no my sister not considered a star so its only one star in the picture and that is Phua Chu Kang!
My father like him soooo much that he brought us for the PCK musical.And i got the shirt to prove!

I overheard him telling one of my uncle (aiya every old man he knows i call my uncle la!) that Gurmit was SOOO talented; before the picture was taken, Gurmit was going around.... not smiling or whatever... very serious serious liddat... then once the photographer looked throught the viewfinder, Gurmit immedietely got into character and gave that pose. THis is called pro. and it's true! I met Gurmit during the Singapore Idol Auditions and he was DAMN HAPPENING OKAY!
Then there are some pics i dunno why he wan to put so big big and frame up so nicely some more.

THis is the picture of North View Air Unit's Best cadet for 2002, Best 25m Range Marskman with a grouping size of a mere 0.5cm and best of all.... the FIRST GUARD OF HONOR to FAINT for NCC Day parade 2004. And some more.. he was front center. Clear for all to see. Papa.... you proud of ur son? HAHAHAHA
THen i saw this photo in his room and my backside tear.

Please la that is so not me...... and stop looking at my face!
Today's plane was to meet Uncle Richard and get my hair cut and stuff.
So i crossed the road to his salon whihc is located in Tun Jugah

This is the newest of the three shopping complexes around the hotel. Also the boringest. and the two other shopping complexes are not that happening either. So overall, ppl come here to shop for air.

Uncle Richard has been cutting my hair ever since i was born. like.. literally. His shop used to be some average small fry shop in the complex opposite. But a few years back he got enuf cash to open a new shop in TUn Jugah and is now making it big.
I saw Uncle Richard and he didnt recognise me. He thought i was looking for someone when i approached him and smiled.
"yes may i help you?"
*long stare......*
"..... uh i wana get a haircut"
dotx... this is damn pai seh.
Let me give a typical Kenny Sia haircut sequence for this bit.
THis is the before shot.

Long hair. Ugly face. Cock eye. Every guy's nightmare.

Then this is my hairdresser for the day. At firs ti thought it's Uncle RIchard's son but nooooo....... this guy used to be working in Singapore, under the Jean Yip franchise. He was at Choa Chu Kang branch for about and year and then transfered to Bugis. THen now he come here.
BUGIIS you noe!!! you know that is considered big balled already?!?!
"so u come from Singapore ar.... " he asked.
"....why u come here? Kuching so boring!"
HAHAAH oookayyyy.......
This guy...(shit i forgot ask his name) is super pro. His hand movements is super damn fluid.... its like he eagle. From far he can see which part of the hair got rpoblem then he immedietely kiap it with his two fingers.... then immidetely after that, the scissors come rushing in, wide apart some more! then snip! done. Circumcised. HAHAAH
It was fun also. He noes how to talk. and i dont feel that he is gay. THis might be a minus for some since the best hairdressers are mostly gay or something like that (just look at Far East Plaza!!!). I can smell the smell of burnt tobacco on him. ooo... i like....
Soon it was done. But its not enuf! i not shiok yet!
"uh could i have a wash?"
So there! FREE wash! HAAAHAAHA
and im quite happy with the final result. My ego kanna boosted. My dick become bigger.
SO big that when i walked out, a model talent person come find me and before you knew it, i'm doing this:

Sorry i no muscle.
hahah seriosuly. im hapy with the cut. and the price?
a mere RM25.... that is like.... 10 dollars.
After that i bumped into all the other old staff that ive seen sincew forever but dunno the name. The usual " hi". But this time it was different. One of them, Molok, who is a bell boy (last time small small bell boy. Now is big balled bell boy) told me his opinions about the Malaysian National Service. Overall, he find it a joke. 3 months do what?!?! might as well go Outward Bound fly kite. ANd he not hapy that cannot hold rifle... not even come close to stripping it. lol i find this stupid also la.... since the vilage people are already going around with shotguns hunting deers.
then he told me this tale of him hunting brids int he jungle. When i find tiem i will tlel you all.
A family from SIngapore arrived today. I also duno whether its my uncle or just my father's friend. But this guy is the head "priest" for a mosque in Singapore. My father took them for a tour of this special suite.
THis is the suite all the old men come to stay when they go Kuching.
old men? what i mean? Old mean means ppl like Mahathir... Badawi.... Lee Kuan Yew... Goh Chok Tong.... these kind of ppl.
I also brought Clara and the rest here two years ago.

Located on the 19th floor, the Pinnacle Suite.

Living room...

With a bloody high ceiling with a small chandelier.

This is one of the three "common" room for the personal assistant or mistress or whatever. each of them got own toilet.
Actually i've been to this place soo many times. My dad has the tendency to bring ppl here to ooo and aahh at the suite.
but i guess what makes it more special than a "hey look im showing off i have this!" kinda thing, is that he does become a tour guide of soemsort, knowing, surprisingly, the history of Kuching and sarawak so intimately. He explains the culture here, why the Ibans have long ears.... the waterfront.... the mountains.. the stories behind the mountains.. all that.
Some managers will just keep talkin and talking and talkin about their hotel from the foundation stone.

Since my dad is busy doing that, i took pictures.

From the second floor.

THe waterfront, and Kuching's first few towns. YOu can equate the rows of pre-war houses there to Singapore's Bugis, Changi, etc etc..... all the pioneeer settlements.
Actualy Kuching is so same to Singapore history.
Angmoh come tkae over, set up a port state, port grows, ang moh build forts and houses, port become busy, then run by Chinese, and now everything is expanding.
the only difference is that the old buildings didnt go under a major facelift. So pretty much the roof is original.... and the wall is grimy with 100-over year old slime.

Street below.
This suite even has an altar!

In case the old man die, can use this lor.
There's this table ont he first flor where all the old men with ties come to meet adn discuss the price of mangosteens. Lee Kuan Yew will sit at the head of the table while Lee Hsien Loong will sit on the immediete left (or right. got meaning wan) followed by the prata uncle, the milo uncle, the teh tarik and the dessert person, and of course.... the shoe cleaner.
Big decision were made here sometimes. A big decision was made here by many of us here two years ago as well.

during the unfateful trip.
The "common" toilet has a......

ya! Jasussi lehhhh!!! big big got power jets got soap got mirror some more!
best of all....

never leave ur son alone with a camera.
After that i left to the secnd floor to see where the king will sleep.

opposite the bed is a tv (small wan). behind is the changing room and the super cool toilet which i wil show.

A toilet with a view, who dun wan! its like this is Fort Canning ar.. and while Ang moh commander come shitting, he can at the same time command army to attack which spot of Jurong to protect!
in case u are wondering, the thing beside the toilet bowl is where ppl can piss or wash backside...... which essentially makes it another toilet bowl... just less comfortable
I think this is a bit too much la....

Wash backside station also wan to use golden tap!
wah lau if the TiTless Durai do this ar... sooner or later can fit China workers in his ass.
Then this is the main area of the toilet. THe size of the entire toilet is about.... a normal room of a 5-room hdb flat.

Also come with jasussi (ya la.. i noe.t he correct spelling is Jacuzzi. but some ppl lie to pronounce jasussi.)

THey also got put decor.... So its overall damn shiok la to be totaly naked, and 19 floors above everyone. Only birds wil get horny when they fly by.

and tomake things more horny....


This is the changing room. Which is quite siao. because this is about how big my room is..... and the cupboards are about a metre deep!
Mahathir need to dress up so much meh?
anyways ive sent too much time talkinabt this alreayd. SO its time to move on.

my father can really talk a lot. Now i noe where i come from. HAHAHAHA.

The price for one night is four thousand ringgit.... and that is on discount!
original price is six thousand.
After that we took a litte stroll downt he waterfront. Henry's camera ran out of space so i managed to take one picture only.

You'll only be thankful for the sky and its glory.... if u stay in Singapore.
Later on we had dinner at Coca. THis is fun.

Coca is a Thai restaurant and is famous for their sweet sauce.

Singapore does have Coca, and is located in Takashimaya.
The difference between this Coca and Singapore is that for this Coca, they can say,

THe concept of Coca is nice.... its like a steamboat... jsut wihtout the mess. We were ushered into another private room for our dinner, after which the waitresses prepared all the stock, all the cookig, taking a bit of a length to describe to us what food they are pushing into our tom yam and chicken soup and all that.

I took pics of the tom yam pot onyl simply because it has more colour and stuff. The chicken stock really damn plain to see. I cant eat tom yam, though. Will get stomach ache everytime got chilli in my stomach.

Anyways my dad was talkin about many things with all of them. Like the Middle Eastern market. The complacency of the Malays. Lee Kuan yew's lifestyle (our dear grandfather wakes up at 530 in the morning everyday to swim. Then eats cereal for breakfast.) and how he whack SIA during the recession.
You know..... Lee Kuan Yew is really damn special. He very fit that's for sure. and also damn regimental. There was this time my uncle was sitting with him for a meal. LKY ordered steamed fish (cos he dun eat KFC). my uncle take chicken. THen as he was about to eat, he saw LKY slicing his fish... and it was damn amusing. YOU know how he cut? LKY will delicate slice the fishmeat cleanly off the bones and everything, like sibeh damn pro chef. then, he will skali turn into Japanese Shushi master and start to slice the fish ever so cleanly and evenly, following the grain of the meat. What's left after that is just the fish bone, still intact, and the head and tail.
LKY looked at my uncle and went,"Please.. enjoy your meal!"
my uncle go," I dun wan la... i see you eat i full already."
The adults got alot of story wan la. I like to hear.
I saw soemthing damn funny today. SO erotic. This is what im doing under the dinner table.

We left the place at 1030.. wayyyy after the closing time.
THen ileft for the pub after editing some pics. then here i am.
and here i am again uploading the post because i fell asleep while blogging. LOL.
Tomorrow (today) should be fun.
Im meeting Kenny Sia in the evening for his camera. THat should be fun.
Then there's friday prayers to go to. Will tkae pics of the mosque cos its damn fucking huge and SOOOO much less smelly than the many mosques in Singapore...... the sad thing is that its underused. And the mosquues in Singapore are overused.
Going to the beach on Satruday i guess. Going to climb mountain. muahahaah..
and uh... VANILAA!!!! my co-blogger girl you.... your post is almost due! i really damn tired already. lol
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Travel and Adventure