Saturday, April 02, 2005 |  
That means "hello" in Korean.

Yup.. Ladies and gentlemen... Currently ive taken a leap forward and am now learning Korean! wahaha... i'm a language freak. i know English, Mandarin, German, Korean and err... that little thing called Malay; useless language.

After I conquer Korea....well... its basic... ermmm im gonna take up Russian and after that.. Japanese! then ill be the most happiest man alive!!! Well maybe until a find a girlfriend then my world will start to crumble. :(

Oh yeah... remember last year i talked about entering the Film, Sound and Video course in Ngee Ann? well.. I MADE IT!!!!

Everybody said.... well... except mdm aini... said "nooooooo u cant make it there because u have dark skin......................"

Like that held any integrity.

I took a big risk actually. I never applied for any other course... well except NAFA; Diploma in Theatre (dun ask). So there i was... with Vis... applying for the course... took the form... filled my particulars... answered their "Explain in less than hundred words, why you should be chosen for the course.". Did a lot of ball-licking down there. LOLZ. quote-"I believe this course will help me fulfill my potential...."

Then i was shortlisted for the written test. If exams were like tt written test than WOW.... maybe Singaporeans wont be so narrow-minded and lame these days. The written test.. well.. the first part... 25 marks.... was more of a comprehension passage really. But the second part.. the killer... was entirely different. They gave me 5 boxes. Four of them were random images. The last box was blank. More on that later. The first image was a radio... those.. old rectangular radio with the FM dial thingy. Second was a fiqure of a man in a running pose. Next was a fountain in the middle of wht looked like a park with a couple talking and a sole man slightly slanting towards them. Maybe the artist didnt draw it properly, i dunno... it was like tt. Fourth was a picture of a child... with curly hair.. and surrounded by huge stuffed toys. He was reading a book.

So with all these pictures.... they wanted us to make up a story. The last empty box was to reinforce ur story. You get wht i mean.

I sat down... shook my pen.... looked around.. thinking... The guy on my right was scratching his head and was clearly stressed. The guy on my left was smelling the ink on his paper (his face was buried in there). Then i thought... normally ppl would right abt stuff like... oh this boy is at home.. suddenly there's an announcement on the radio to kepp fit and healthy living and stuff so ppl start running and going to parks. Boring. So i thought of another story. It went like this.

Back in 1945, war in Europe was over. There's an announcement on radio. No it wasnt abt the war in the Pacific is over. The breaking news (plus crackling of static on radio and stuff) was that some miner in Europe found a huge gold ore that was shaped like a man in a running pose. :)
Then new spread abt it.. rumours... black magic.. stuff like tt. ppl started talkin abt it in parks... everywhere... ppl were interested.

Then i drew in the last box the figure of the man. this time... surrounded by guards and lights and barricades. It was on display in a museum.

Then offers were made by collectors.. all turned down.. research was done on it and it lead to the advancement of technology and social well-being. -.-. Yeah i know.

Then the story cuts back to the boy. He says,"What a BOGUS story!"
It so happened tt the story was frm a CHILDREN's book. and it was all in difficult english because the boy's parents were so nuts abt improving their child's english (even though it was uber-fantastik for his age of five) and bought im the book.

The end.

Well i got through... i thought i wouldnt.. normally these kinda endings would really piss off Mdm Sung and Mdm Aini. I gt shorlisted for an interview.

Interview. When my father heard tt he immediately told me to give up. Cos of the dark-skin thingy. Well maybe it was luck.... my interviewers were Caucasians. Not some desperate Asian talkin with an accent. Their names were Mark and Adam. Adam, meet Audi. Audi, meet Adam. Mark, meet Audi, Audi, meet Mark. Mark, meet Adam. Adam, meet Mark.

We had laughs in the classroom. Long laughs. I imitated a German who ran out of beer (happens that Mark was from the Netherlands), talked abt how i loved making war videos... and also gave them a cd with all my uber-fantastik videos. All NCC stuff.

I came out... And looked at the other ppl shortlisted. Slouching... acting cute.. talkin without pace. Ah whtever. But i saw this little girl though. She was a goddess! i mean she's like... err nvm.. she aint a dark-skin though. :)

And now... i called to see if i was accepted. I WAS. WHOO!!!! i took a big risk.. and i won!!!
Posted by Audi