I went over to Tharik's house just now around 9pm. I had many stories to tell. We spent the next two hours, him standing at his front gate, me standing against my bike, talking about things. I let him see (and touch) the results of my training. He said,"You look smaller than Henry... but I can see that your arms are much more firm."

This is the window that i look out of everytime in Whampoa.
Henry and I used to have broad shoulders and only a CM of difference in height. Then I started to carry heavy things in school and I got shorter and smaller. Zzz.
There seems to be some sort of air unfavourable towards me too. Tharik was kind enough to tell me about it and what was wrong so I have it in check. At the same time i told stories about my adventures in the film industry.

Luck seems to still love being with me. Today I was offered an Assistant Director role in Mediacorp by none other than Uncle Jimmy's brother, who has a position there. He told me to follow him this monday together with the director who did the Street Fight shoot I went to the last time. I havent accepted the offer yet, seeing how I still want to be under Uncle Jimmy.
After the painful post, "One Hand, Five Fingers", I got to calling some old friends again. The next day i met up with Don and Daryl and we had a blast together. I cannot live without Don's charisma, and I cannot live without Daryl.
At the same time i got a hold of Viky. He's been complaining about everything under the sun and rightfully so once you know his backstory. I once lent him my laptop for six over months (or was it a year) so that he could do his school work. When I had to take it back (mom's orders) I was thanked by the whole family for lending him my laptop.

During secondary school he was playing some wrestling with his cousin and he was at the end of some move... i forgot the name.. i think it was an inverted shoulder carry move and suddenly his back got into much pain. I remember the period of time after that
where he simply couldnt run or carry anything anymore. He couldnt play soccer, which then affected all of us in the end... cause you know... at that time all of us cant meet deadlines and keep to plans.

He spent so much money to find some sort of treatment for his back. X ray showed that a tissue was pressing against his vein in the spine which was causing the pain. Therapy, he couldnt afford. He went for indian massages... 45 dollars per day... every day.. then once a week... then once a month... then never. He went to the temple and they said he was being followed by an angry spirit.
I have to admit that because of this problem he limited himself - not excercising, not going out to mix around. I also have to admit that some of us simply forgot about him and never called anymore. I'm not even close to him but I still call the whole bloody world just to get to him.

I was talking to Uncle Jimmy about things when suddenly i asked,"How do you maintain a friendship that long? 30 years?"
"Call.. ask how are you.. have coffee... simple."
"I only wish my friends had that kind of character."
Then I went on to do some work while he left the office for about three hours. I had the office to myself.

How can i get bored?
I've seen Uncle Jimmy treat some patients before in his office in Whampoa. They come, he does this this that that. Then after everything the person goes out happy.
So i thought i should call Viky... I only wanted Uncle Jimmy to see if his back problem is really bad.
Uncle Jimmy took a look at him, asked a few questions then laid out an exercise mat onto the floor.
I've never thought of touching Viky's back, much less push him playfully. But the first thing Uncle Jimmy did was lay him onto the floor, chest down, and then pushed in his spine.
Then the needles came in. That was fun. Watch the video.
And finally a patch of a special mix of Chinese herbs, developed by Uncle Jimmy's father, stuck on his back.
That was it.
Viky was happy, but I told him to wait till tomorrow.
The next day, he came in and Uncle Jimmy asked,"So? Still have pain?"
"No more.. Yesterday no more... but today this morning before i left the house got."
"How can?"
Uncle Jimmy told him to bend over.

According to Viky, he was never able to bend this low before.
Then he had to touch his toes.

Uncle Jimmy thought him an exercise move, much like how he teaches me kung fu.
And infornt of my eyes I saw this:

Watch the video. Its pretty cool.
Viky stood up... amazed himself. Uncle Jimmy then asked,"Where got pain?"
"No... No pain..." Viky smiled.
"You are not sick. But psychologically you are sick."
I've heard that too many times. Only this time it wasnt directed to me.

"If you keep thinking you're sick, you'll end up like our friend here." He points to me.
While waiting to Leon at AMK later, Viky said to me,"Audi... thanks la... finally... my back pain has been relieved. I've wasted so much money the last time."
For three years he has endured this pain. Finally he can stand up and say it's cured.
"I'm only helping."
All Viky could do was smile. But it wasnt a happy smile. Not long later he received a call from the family and all he could do was sigh.
You cant help everthing, in the end.

I told Tharik about Viky just now. I didnt want to but it slipped. Tharik stared at me with his mouth wide open. Everybody did think the back problem was serious.
Before I left I told Tharik something. We used to be at loggerheads. I dont like his cb mouth sometimes so there were some friction. Not sure if the cb mouth is still around but before I left I told him,"I'm happy that you have some direction in your career. At least you already have contacts for next time. You know where you're heading."

Right now I've pretty much given up on giving advices to old friends. People are free to roam the world and it's up to them to pick up what they want to. Offers can be made but if they refuse then fine. I dont blame them for not picking it up or anything. It only takes a little to think of it in their shoes. Even when they break promises.
But one thing that has always made me keep on my toes is the possibility of a friend who constantly nags at you suddenly stops nagging. I was in cold sweat the day Don stopped nagging at me... and was until a few days ago when i finally met him. We settled our differences, I showed him a good piece of work I was assigned to and we moved on with life.
How can it be so difficult when it is so simple?

This is the window that i look out of everytime in Whampoa.
Henry and I used to have broad shoulders and only a CM of difference in height. Then I started to carry heavy things in school and I got shorter and smaller. Zzz.
There seems to be some sort of air unfavourable towards me too. Tharik was kind enough to tell me about it and what was wrong so I have it in check. At the same time i told stories about my adventures in the film industry.

Luck seems to still love being with me. Today I was offered an Assistant Director role in Mediacorp by none other than Uncle Jimmy's brother, who has a position there. He told me to follow him this monday together with the director who did the Street Fight shoot I went to the last time. I havent accepted the offer yet, seeing how I still want to be under Uncle Jimmy.
After the painful post, "One Hand, Five Fingers", I got to calling some old friends again. The next day i met up with Don and Daryl and we had a blast together. I cannot live without Don's charisma, and I cannot live without Daryl.
At the same time i got a hold of Viky. He's been complaining about everything under the sun and rightfully so once you know his backstory. I once lent him my laptop for six over months (or was it a year) so that he could do his school work. When I had to take it back (mom's orders) I was thanked by the whole family for lending him my laptop.

During secondary school he was playing some wrestling with his cousin and he was at the end of some move... i forgot the name.. i think it was an inverted shoulder carry move and suddenly his back got into much pain. I remember the period of time after that
where he simply couldnt run or carry anything anymore. He couldnt play soccer, which then affected all of us in the end... cause you know... at that time all of us cant meet deadlines and keep to plans.

He spent so much money to find some sort of treatment for his back. X ray showed that a tissue was pressing against his vein in the spine which was causing the pain. Therapy, he couldnt afford. He went for indian massages... 45 dollars per day... every day.. then once a week... then once a month... then never. He went to the temple and they said he was being followed by an angry spirit.
I have to admit that because of this problem he limited himself - not excercising, not going out to mix around. I also have to admit that some of us simply forgot about him and never called anymore. I'm not even close to him but I still call the whole bloody world just to get to him.

I was talking to Uncle Jimmy about things when suddenly i asked,"How do you maintain a friendship that long? 30 years?"
"Call.. ask how are you.. have coffee... simple."
"I only wish my friends had that kind of character."
Then I went on to do some work while he left the office for about three hours. I had the office to myself.

How can i get bored?
I've seen Uncle Jimmy treat some patients before in his office in Whampoa. They come, he does this this that that. Then after everything the person goes out happy.
So i thought i should call Viky... I only wanted Uncle Jimmy to see if his back problem is really bad.
Uncle Jimmy took a look at him, asked a few questions then laid out an exercise mat onto the floor.
I've never thought of touching Viky's back, much less push him playfully. But the first thing Uncle Jimmy did was lay him onto the floor, chest down, and then pushed in his spine.
Then the needles came in. That was fun. Watch the video.
And finally a patch of a special mix of Chinese herbs, developed by Uncle Jimmy's father, stuck on his back.
That was it.
Viky was happy, but I told him to wait till tomorrow.
The next day, he came in and Uncle Jimmy asked,"So? Still have pain?"
"No more.. Yesterday no more... but today this morning before i left the house got."
"How can?"
Uncle Jimmy told him to bend over.

According to Viky, he was never able to bend this low before.
Then he had to touch his toes.

Uncle Jimmy thought him an exercise move, much like how he teaches me kung fu.
And infornt of my eyes I saw this:

Watch the video. Its pretty cool.
Viky stood up... amazed himself. Uncle Jimmy then asked,"Where got pain?"
"No... No pain..." Viky smiled.
"You are not sick. But psychologically you are sick."
I've heard that too many times. Only this time it wasnt directed to me.

"If you keep thinking you're sick, you'll end up like our friend here." He points to me.
While waiting to Leon at AMK later, Viky said to me,"Audi... thanks la... finally... my back pain has been relieved. I've wasted so much money the last time."
For three years he has endured this pain. Finally he can stand up and say it's cured.
"I'm only helping."
All Viky could do was smile. But it wasnt a happy smile. Not long later he received a call from the family and all he could do was sigh.
You cant help everthing, in the end.

I told Tharik about Viky just now. I didnt want to but it slipped. Tharik stared at me with his mouth wide open. Everybody did think the back problem was serious.
Before I left I told Tharik something. We used to be at loggerheads. I dont like his cb mouth sometimes so there were some friction. Not sure if the cb mouth is still around but before I left I told him,"I'm happy that you have some direction in your career. At least you already have contacts for next time. You know where you're heading."

Right now I've pretty much given up on giving advices to old friends. People are free to roam the world and it's up to them to pick up what they want to. Offers can be made but if they refuse then fine. I dont blame them for not picking it up or anything. It only takes a little to think of it in their shoes. Even when they break promises.
But one thing that has always made me keep on my toes is the possibility of a friend who constantly nags at you suddenly stops nagging. I was in cold sweat the day Don stopped nagging at me... and was until a few days ago when i finally met him. We settled our differences, I showed him a good piece of work I was assigned to and we moved on with life.
How can it be so difficult when it is so simple?