What a week.
No matter what, a pampered boy receives more pampering. I should say I'm lucky i realised the dangers of being pampered. More so that I was born in such an unusual situation. I've taken steps since the beginning of my teenage years to not be like one of those High-Elves type or snotty carrot cakes. Maybe it's work, maybe it hasnt. I've had friends who werent *that* well off financially and they've turned out to be disgustingly needy and spendthrift. Lol okay so i spend a lot too but i dont spend that often... It's always transport and food. Damn this country and it's strong currency. But when i do spend it's normally one lump sum then i go home, happy.
This month I'm going off to a few places arond the world. I'm more interested to head over to Macau, Hong Kong sometime this week or next week for some money matters of the family. Wow... I didnt know I could say that. After my father's retirement it's been getting kinda woozy around. The parents have been travelling up and down Malaysia and all over its states very regularly. They jsut left for Johor this morning. Used to that i didnt see my father for weeks on end. Now, I dont see any of my parents and my sister's working in some fat ass company. Sweet.
And i'm not always home, too.
Uncle Jimmy loves to blast me about me pampered and spoilt. He says its in the way i work - slow, lost, getting tired easily....
Ironically I think i do labour work better than most of my friends. Have at you!
He said he's training me to break me away from the Malay mentality. He once commented on how i liked to eat sweet things. I donno... my appetite for anything sweet seems to have grown after i stopped smoking. He said, "You Malays all like to eat sweet things. Cant take anything bitter. Cant take hardships...."
I started laughing. It's funny because it's true.
Everyday I return to Whampoa to carry heavy stuff. And I mean *heavy*. And big. I cleaned up and rearranged the storeroom. I stank like nobody's business. I felt my muscles tightening with every single push or pull I do.
I'm training you, he says.
He never calls down anyone else to help do all these. it's jsut me.
Then the day before yesterday when we finished what we could, I was tired so i sat watching tv. Not even after ten minutes, he got up and told me to stand behind him.
He raies his fist to one side, then swung it back.
"This is your first excercise. Do."
So i did. 50 times.
"This is your kungfu training. Keep doing."
I rememebered we had an arrangement with Henry, Kang Sheng and Singwei about training every week.
"Then the rest? Arent you going to train them?"
He doesnt think for a bit and says, "They'll come when they want to."
I still didnt understand that.
One one side he's saying i'm getting too much ease in life. And that i'm pampered. and that i get things easily.
In actions, I seem to be getting the "special treatment".
At least I know this special treatment is not as laid-back as it sounds like.
No matter what, a pampered boy receives more pampering. I should say I'm lucky i realised the dangers of being pampered. More so that I was born in such an unusual situation. I've taken steps since the beginning of my teenage years to not be like one of those High-Elves type or snotty carrot cakes. Maybe it's work, maybe it hasnt. I've had friends who werent *that* well off financially and they've turned out to be disgustingly needy and spendthrift. Lol okay so i spend a lot too but i dont spend that often... It's always transport and food. Damn this country and it's strong currency. But when i do spend it's normally one lump sum then i go home, happy.
This month I'm going off to a few places arond the world. I'm more interested to head over to Macau, Hong Kong sometime this week or next week for some money matters of the family. Wow... I didnt know I could say that. After my father's retirement it's been getting kinda woozy around. The parents have been travelling up and down Malaysia and all over its states very regularly. They jsut left for Johor this morning. Used to that i didnt see my father for weeks on end. Now, I dont see any of my parents and my sister's working in some fat ass company. Sweet.
And i'm not always home, too.
Uncle Jimmy loves to blast me about me pampered and spoilt. He says its in the way i work - slow, lost, getting tired easily....
Ironically I think i do labour work better than most of my friends. Have at you!
He said he's training me to break me away from the Malay mentality. He once commented on how i liked to eat sweet things. I donno... my appetite for anything sweet seems to have grown after i stopped smoking. He said, "You Malays all like to eat sweet things. Cant take anything bitter. Cant take hardships...."
I started laughing. It's funny because it's true.
Everyday I return to Whampoa to carry heavy stuff. And I mean *heavy*. And big. I cleaned up and rearranged the storeroom. I stank like nobody's business. I felt my muscles tightening with every single push or pull I do.
I'm training you, he says.
He never calls down anyone else to help do all these. it's jsut me.
Then the day before yesterday when we finished what we could, I was tired so i sat watching tv. Not even after ten minutes, he got up and told me to stand behind him.
He raies his fist to one side, then swung it back.
"This is your first excercise. Do."
So i did. 50 times.
"This is your kungfu training. Keep doing."
I rememebered we had an arrangement with Henry, Kang Sheng and Singwei about training every week.
"Then the rest? Arent you going to train them?"
He doesnt think for a bit and says, "They'll come when they want to."
I still didnt understand that.
One one side he's saying i'm getting too much ease in life. And that i'm pampered. and that i get things easily.
In actions, I seem to be getting the "special treatment".
At least I know this special treatment is not as laid-back as it sounds like.