I called my Mediacorp contact last Monday and asked about the call time for the next day.
The person replied back,"Oh, we dont need you anymore. Thanks a bunch."
I replied,"You mean I dont need to come tomorrow?"
Imagine if i hadn't called earlier.
Anyways, I have been allowing myself to go lose and enjoyed myself for a little bit. In a way, I feel very guilty about it seeing how I havent been training and havent been listening to advices given by Uncle Jimmy... like not eating fried food and not drinking cold water. It looks like little things but come to my side here and see it from this angle.
I tried a bit of a photoshop job since Daryl was away making love to his spanking new queen size bread. I mean, bed.
I dunno man.. but "Queen" + "Daryl" simply gives me mixed emotions. I like the sound of "Super Single Audi" though.
Here's what i managed to vomit out:

Kang Sheng's always been saying how my pictures lack color and vibrancy. I keep telling him that's how I see my world. I hate vibrant, bold colours. They remind me of girl-things and my tormented childhood. No... No mommy... Not the pliers again! NNnnOOooooo!!!!!!
When I was young I always felt like vomitting when I saw colorful toys. I have no idea why. So there. I'm messed up.
I got really bored of idling so i picked up the X360 version of Bioshock and have been having fun times in the late night with Tharik while we chat and listen to each other breathing on Xbox Live. I highly recommend playing this art of a game. It's like watching an art film... but it's a game!
I did a little bit of picture browsing in my picture library. It's nice have 20 over gigabytes of random digital photos on your computer. I remember Daryl's little DP that showed him in kindergarden (or pre-school) so I thought i should make my own little cute DP to make him vomit.
I did.

I kind of laughed at the end result. Then I looked further, beyond the picture, and thought, "Holy Mother of Pearl... who is this cute little boy?"
I digged up more pictures and created this whole timeline of me from 1989 to now. I looked back at the results and then it hit me; I'm like Michael Jackson! I'm a FREAK!

I guess this is life; the fat become thin, the thin become fat, the ugly become the presentable, the cheeky becomes the bastard...
For some sick reason, you could download the bigger picture here.
And now for something sane, our very own Uncle Leon has burned out the completed DVD of the KL shoot for Biscuit Films. Luckily he did a little teaser trailer so I've uploaded it up to Photobucket. If anyone would like the full DVD which is about ten minutes long and shows the setting up of each stunt (plus, you get an extra stunt not in the trailer for free!), give me a shout and I'll throw one in your direction.
I wish you all happy Moon Cake Festival and please clean up the candles that have melted on the sidewalk.
Video: The Stunt Production (S) KL Shoot for Biscuit Films Trailer!
The person replied back,"Oh, we dont need you anymore. Thanks a bunch."
I replied,"You mean I dont need to come tomorrow?"
Imagine if i hadn't called earlier.
Anyways, I have been allowing myself to go lose and enjoyed myself for a little bit. In a way, I feel very guilty about it seeing how I havent been training and havent been listening to advices given by Uncle Jimmy... like not eating fried food and not drinking cold water. It looks like little things but come to my side here and see it from this angle.
I tried a bit of a photoshop job since Daryl was away making love to his spanking new queen size bread. I mean, bed.
I dunno man.. but "Queen" + "Daryl" simply gives me mixed emotions. I like the sound of "Super Single Audi" though.
Here's what i managed to vomit out:

Kang Sheng's always been saying how my pictures lack color and vibrancy. I keep telling him that's how I see my world. I hate vibrant, bold colours. They remind me of girl-things and my tormented childhood. No... No mommy... Not the pliers again! NNnnOOooooo!!!!!!
When I was young I always felt like vomitting when I saw colorful toys. I have no idea why. So there. I'm messed up.
I got really bored of idling so i picked up the X360 version of Bioshock and have been having fun times in the late night with Tharik while we chat and listen to each other breathing on Xbox Live. I highly recommend playing this art of a game. It's like watching an art film... but it's a game!
I did a little bit of picture browsing in my picture library. It's nice have 20 over gigabytes of random digital photos on your computer. I remember Daryl's little DP that showed him in kindergarden (or pre-school) so I thought i should make my own little cute DP to make him vomit.
I did.

I kind of laughed at the end result. Then I looked further, beyond the picture, and thought, "Holy Mother of Pearl... who is this cute little boy?"
I digged up more pictures and created this whole timeline of me from 1989 to now. I looked back at the results and then it hit me; I'm like Michael Jackson! I'm a FREAK!

I guess this is life; the fat become thin, the thin become fat, the ugly become the presentable, the cheeky becomes the bastard...
For some sick reason, you could download the bigger picture here.
And now for something sane, our very own Uncle Leon has burned out the completed DVD of the KL shoot for Biscuit Films. Luckily he did a little teaser trailer so I've uploaded it up to Photobucket. If anyone would like the full DVD which is about ten minutes long and shows the setting up of each stunt (plus, you get an extra stunt not in the trailer for free!), give me a shout and I'll throw one in your direction.
I wish you all happy Moon Cake Festival and please clean up the candles that have melted on the sidewalk.
Video: The Stunt Production (S) KL Shoot for Biscuit Films Trailer!
Posted by
Jimmy Low
My Life