Sunday, August 06, 2006 |  
Last Saturday I was over at my friend’s project 3 shoot in Bedok as their main actor.
Justin, their director, was planning some stuff with the DOP, Rahman, after lunch so the rest of the crew (Ke Song and Deborah) went out for some smoke.

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Ke Song was like pulling me to follow him cos he has “something cool” to show me and he had the 1.5 litre coke bottle waving about infront of me.

Maybe he’s gonna piss in it eh?

But then he did show me something cool and it was awesome; a home-made bong!

A bong is basically this thing ppl usually use to inhale huge amounts of smoke/drugs/blabla. It makes the feeling more intense.

It was cool!!! He lit a cig, melted through a part of the bottle to create a hole, put in the filter end of the cig into that newly made hole and he started inhaling from the mouth of the bottle.

In an instant a dense cloud of cig smoke formed in the bottle and I ‘m all WAAHHH!!!!!!!

Just one of those things you tend to pick up on production shoots.

P.s. Thanks Kwang Wei for the camera!

Posted by Audi Labels: