A burly old auntie walks in with her flowery shirt and many handbags under her arms. She’s balding but tries to cover it up by not tying her hair.

She looks around at the HP laptops I’m promoting. One by one, going up the line of notebooks on display, she reads the descriptions that come together with the notebooks and occasionally closes and opens their displays, looking about at the USB ports.

She makes a call. Her hands wave and point at the notebooks on display as she speaks to the other person on the line. Seems like she’s discussing something.

So I gathered my balls and answered my call of duty.

“Da jie may I help you?”

She looks at me.
Then looks at the notebook, smiles innocently and points.

“Zhe shi laptop ar?”

I grabbed the laptop and smashed her face - she flew back to Clementi.

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Eh got two chiobu working with me. Shiok!
One of them is 19 years old in SP doing Maritime and the other is taking O levels private.

I like the younger one because she so cute look like Hui Shi like that lmao. But then because she’s so sweet and all so the guys working there start crowding around her disturbing her and touching her head and all that.

Doo lan....

The other girl I managed to talk cock with her. Then skali got this plane fly above us with the banner, “It’s a cb small world after all!”; she’s my NCC senior’s girlfriend.


Back to younger girl….
From the start of the show, I was on the other end of the aisle. We two saw each other from far already. By the time 8 hours was up, I itsy-bitsy spider to her end of the aisle, occasionally stealing glances at her. She also doing the same thing.

That’s about as far as I can go la. Cos I had stomach cramps – eat ten dollars worth of KFC.

But the day was sibeh damn boring! So I thought… better disturb her.

I went down five storeys to Cold Storage, bought two bottles of Green Tea, koo koo bird stand at the escalator as it brings me up five storeys, walked right up to her and said….

“Nah… for you.”

Then I turned around and resumed my I-not-interested-in-you routine.

For the rest of the night she stoned down there dunno what to say.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting our bangla fren….

“Ni mei you nu ren ar?”
“Wo? Nu ren ar? Mei you la. Mei you qian… mei you car….shenme nu ren?”
“orh... eh customer lai liao….”


Posted by Audi Labels: