i've always had plenty of recurring dreams since i was young. I've dreamt of the month of october being erased from the calender (in 2007 i think).
I've dreamt of this great war that i'll be fighting in as a foot soldier, ultimately getting shot in the head and die.

Some of us know of this phenomenon referred to as "vivid dreams". It's those kinda dreams when you feel like youre half asleep, half awake. Like this sense you are just "taking a dip" somewhere between the line of two worlds.

I do honestly believe in out of body experiences.. the one where the spirit leaves the body and walks around in the world. Only differnce that we can see all the other beings running the world as well.

More often than not, when i have vivid dreams, they're feelings of fear. I know im having a vivid dream. I can see purple colors.. i can see blue colours... i can see other people as well.

At the same time i either sense or see these awfully frightening beings. Like tortured souls. It's scary. They float, they glide, they scream, they crawl up to you....
Sometimes they come and "talk" to me and warn me of stuff. Like how i should return to religion. How some of the people i know are having evil intentions. How they'd suffer after death.

And how at the end of it all i'd be in a completely different situation than where i am now; not in singapore, not with the guys.

I have this idea that yes indeed there are ways to "tell the future". But rather than saying "this will happen" it's more like a warning of "what will happen if..". This idea of spirits and aliens do in fact make sense to me. The consistensies between the Bible and Quran on the supernatural are astounding. I remember reading the Prophet said something like... "...and other beings (if there are) in space.... ".

Then there was the big comet that scientists said that striked earth and i was wondering whether it's possible that comet was Adam himself being flung from the garden of Eden, throwing away the entire evolution theory.. which i think is false... or maybe it doesnt apply to humans?

Having had myself surrounded by devout Christians (the real ones) and Muslims and this knack for the exploring world's mysteries, eventually anyone would find some consistencies between everything. But back to vivid dreams.....

There was this story back in sec 2 that i had a vivid dream and found myself in Donald's room, up above his sliding doors looking down at him sleeping. I've never really seen his room before or know him well enough to recognise his habits but the nedxt day i asked if he was wearing black shorts and white top lying on his right hugging a bolster on a green/red mattress. He was shocked.
Well if that's true then maybe the other time i had this image of him getting a blowjob could be true as well.

I fear vivid dreams. I know when it comes; my legs twitch whenever i feel like i tripped in my dreams. And not only once or twice... they are many times... and one time i thought maybe if i trip more often, i'd twitch in real life! and i was right!
Sometimes my legs twitch, or my back jerks. THat's when i know i'm in that twilight state. But the sights and sounds of troubled beings hiding behind tables, curtains and so on just denies me to explore further in this seemingly different world.
It doesnt help that i sleep alone.

They perfectly fit into the descriptions of imps, elves, devils and so on... horns and all. Flowing red gowns, white tattered robes, long hair.. you name it.

But over the years I've accepted this phenomenon and when it comes i'd open my eyes.... but not before i bury my head in the pillow for fear that i'd see something when i wake up.

and also.... that "iiiiiiinnnggggg" sound ringing in my ears everytime i get "pulled" into the other side.

Any of you find this familiar? Or am i just crazy?

Posted by Audi