Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |  
Bla Bla: I watched Silent Hill last Friday. As a gamer who played the original back in 2000 and developed this sense of love for it, the movie owned. Textures were excellent. The CG was a bit game-ish though but it's probably what they wanted. However, for people who've never played the game, like Henry and Aik, the movie was a total bore. henry said by watching the show he alreayd knows how the game plays. Aik said it was just boring... too many long idle moments. Which is quite true cos the action was never rising steadily. It kinda plataeu-ed for a while. I still liked the whole setting though. Just like the game (if you've played the original Silent Hill, just watch for the sequence she turns into the alley. And smile.) There was this qhole scene where everything was CG including the actors. Henry and Aik didnt notice it. I saw it. muahahahahha!!! It's the last few scenes, btw. Around the climax.

My dad just left for kuching again this morning at around 4am. He takes a hired car through johor, to senai, then fly down to kuching.. all for a cheap less-than-200 dollars including air tickets.

Whenever he returns to Singapore I’ll start buying things. Ohh the feeling of releasing the urge… the urge that mom keeps resisting. She needs to learn that containing pressure will eventually lead to an explosion.

She needs to learn somethings from this “How to be a happy teen” book she bought for me:

“If you keep doing the same things in life, you keep getting the same results!”

Im not gonna touch that book again. I’m an adult, dammit!

Anyways I spent about 200 bucks on books when I visited Kinokuniya and Borders. That’s not bad…. Not expensive.. if you realize that the girls spend so much more on their shoes and clothes and urgh… all that flowery stuff.

I got three books….

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Yup… these books are all on CG modeling. CG = Computer Graphics (I cant believe henry and aik doesn’t know what it means.).

The program that FSV has been teaching us to use for CG is called Softimage XSI. They used this program on features such as Van Helsing and I think Silent Hill as well. Because Softimage really isnt the best programme out there… I think it’s strong point is creating uber-disgusting looking models (like grimy monsters…).

Maya is the popular one and is being used by Sony pictures. These programmes usually cost about four thousand a piece. Not. Cheap. At. All.

And how did I get mine? Hee hee hee….

I found this book particularly interesting.

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Bought at Kino. I found this book wrapped up so tightly in plastic packaging and a sticker that said, “please refer to counter to check contents of this book.”

I brought it at the counter, they referred me to another counter, that countere referred me to the Chinese/comics counter, and then referred me to another counter. At the end of the day, I lost 3kg, developed buns of steel and know al the girls working behind the counter in Kino. Did you know that one of them is married?

The girl I passed the book to just tore open the cover and gave it to me. Wth….

When I passed my dad the books to buy… he flipped through everything with my mom and they went, “Why did you CHOOSE the books with naked women?!”

I knew it! They want me to look at naked men!

Actually it’s either women or robots. I prefer women.

Then the whole day they keep nagging at me,
“I don’t want you to surf porn okay!”
“You be careful when you read all this stuff!”
“Why is the school teaching all these!”
“Is your little boy okay?”

The last question was put up by mom. She likes to ask all this cb questions. Knn like I wanna tell her my about my little boy like that. It’s just incest!

So my family wants me to be a homosexual with incestual tendencies. I'm so thankful that my door's always locked all these six years.

I got home… read through the books… honestly reading on how they did those models… and then I realised something and found it a miracle that my father bought me the books.


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Hey this model owns.

There were LOTS of nude models in there. No doubt they are all CG all the way from their bones to their skin.. but ohh myy.. goodddd……

I like it all!

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I found this one funny/scary/erotic. The erotic part is obvious.
The title went something along the lines of, “Angry Girlfriend.” That’s the funny part.
Having a girlfriend so huge and a “passage” so deep and big you can be trapped in? That is super scary.

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These are the kinds of pictures I wanna produce. Naked girl + mean creature…. It just brings out the vulnerability of our female readers…
I find the female body very vulnerable… like in Silent Hill… every hole means more ways of torture (then comes the tearing the body in half from the vagina. That one was disgustingly awesome.).
So when I see my friends in bikini… my mind turns dark and macabre. Clara + bikini = blood.

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Its not all erotica or art pieces… Three professionals are featured in the book and they describe the steps they took to produce the models. This one was talking about how he made the front cover model.

These pros have nice little resumes; working on the Final Fantasy game series with Squaresoft… working on the upcoming movie, Barnyard… working on Xmen3… all that for a nice 90 bucks books.

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This one was created on Softimage. Browsing through the galleries, whenever I see a model that’s along those lines or scenery that’s just dark and moody.. I know it’s softimage. Most of the times I’m right. What’s amazing about this model are the creases and folds of skin on the face. It’s not easy to do, really. Those of us taking the CG stream in FSV know that creating sharp edges/deep creases/folds etc is very difficult. Most of the times our models end up being some pink smooth toy out of Kiddy Palace instead of a lean mean fighting bull.
The girmy skin is kinda easy.. it’s bumpmapping. Have a look back on my pevious posts. The one with the head shot of my Centaur.

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More artistic nudity. Aww damn I really wanna make models like these…. It’s just… beautiful….. and yeah I don’t use that word often.

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Where 3d Porn was born…
Throughout the books all the models started of naked complete with pubic hair. I’m like… why? At the end of everything the model’s gonna be clothed anyways. Ah well… the modelers were guys… lol…. Another reason why I wanna make models such as these. (cheap fun. Haha.)

And finally.. I came across a picture that got me staring at it for quite a long while. Everything else just dropped out of my mind.

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Her eyes… the lighting… the straight hair… the skin….
Oh god…
Honestly.. this was how I saw my last girlfriend… before she died.
Everythng was spot on.. the eyes.. the way she looks at you.. the tilted head.. etc… bla bla bla… memories..

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I love this.

Would you believe I kissed the picture?
Posted by Audi