Saturday, June 03, 2006 |  
ahh god... i'm really tired. The aftermath of MOS was worse than the beginning. But mre on that later.

We kinda got lost in MOS... shouting at each other.. mistaking the staircase for the toilet, and mistaking the toilet for a club house. This was ineveitble of course.. seeing that Don and I were leading our little herd of friends who for some reason held on to each other's waists like the devil.

Eventually we found the main dancefloor and WOW.

i guess pictures say a thousand words. Videos even more.

I'l let that take you forward instead of words because i'm honestly really really disturbed rite now.

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The party was an absolute bore. i've been to pubs that were much more exciting than this. Yes, it was substantially exciting int he beginning, but tha'ts only because we were playing hide and seek on two levels in MOS.

We met up with Jeremy in the middle of mos. You know... i like this natural behaviour of human beings; that when they're insecure of themselves and all that, they see someone they know and suddenly a relationship that was just superficial sudenly becomes increasingly deep. It's those times when you see a grp of... "guitar players" whome you know from school under a block.. and you're being chased by a pack of hungry policemen. Suddenly you call those assholes for their help even though in normal situations, you throw sand on them from the 5th floor. Okay wait... let's make it clear; Jeremy's one of the nicest ppl i know so i'm NOT comparing him to the lowlife "guitar players" under my block. I dont throw sand anyways... i throw eggs.

We also met up with Vis and gang. Kasson has become unbelievably mature now. Awww i rmemeber the time he was in Sec one and we were in sec three.... and how i detested the teachers who just loved to pick on him because they deemed him "inappropriate". I dont see anything wrong if a guy cant stand a school he doesnt like to be in. To think about he.. he probably was right to actually skip school and free himself from the workings of our school.

Wewank guys were in the background...

"Audi lets go buy drink"

Don's starting his nonsense already. I told him to go ahead. So we went. I loked down at the dance floor form the second storey, for the first time, and saw this amazing sea of human heads and torso in between the flickering of lights. It reminded me of hell, just without the fire and torture.

oh i like this video. if only i had recorded longer.

We were told to make a u-turn by the bouncer at the bar, to take a tag at the ntrance that will deem us old enough to drink. I love being 18.... it's like a pass. I flick my ic, give the "small boy-pity me" and they'll let us go. Going back to the bouncer, i sheepishly had them look at the tag on my wrist and i walked in with a huge THANKS. Then i spent the next hour or so with Donald and Jason, lookign at them drink shots after shots after bottles while i sat there trying so hard to keep my 12 dollar jug of diluted coke from finishing. See... i dont drink.

pretty soon everyone jump onto the dance floor.

We played "train" just for the sake it; trying to get to the centre podium. I cannot describe enough the uneasy feeling of getting humped by Don the whole time. He was humping and humping and humnping and grabbing and hugging and i'm like FUCK YOU GO AWAY LA KNNCCB. It isnt your pushing/humping kind. It was REAL humping. I loked around and saw all these hot chicks (most of them short) swaying and grroving with their hands in the air.... so snake-like.. so sweet... and they have a guy to dance with. Here I am with a sweaty hockey player who's shouting in my ear to the lyrics of "Hey Ya".. and he has his hands on my back. NOT SO FUCKING COOL, YOU KNOW. At times like this i wish my dick was bad it's so big that is has its own gravity.

I pulled out after a while... i jsut cant beat to hip hop and rnb be. I'm better off with Jason in the Smoove room where they play electronica music. I mean the girls there are so ah lian so i like~~~~ LOL


Nothing much the rest of the day. Henry went off with Jeremy at 3 am... Henry was bored already. The hwole night he didnt groove, didnt shake, didnt drink nuts. All he did was lying down and me beside him telling him how cool eveyrthing was. As Aik puts it,"he needs to relax".

The second time round we went to the bar again, where the Channel 5 ident was filmed (spot me!). Aik followed and as usual he got alled ot put ont he tag. Trouble started here. He went down, carrying another person's IC. The bouncer came around.


I gave mine. Jason gave his. Aik stayed put.


Aik flicked it out, turned it the other way round and passed it to the bouncer. He checked. ... and peered.... and was about to flip it to the other side where the photo was but Aik cquickly snapped it back.


We waited. Another came around tellign us to not stand int he middle. wtf man we're the smallest children around why the hell does Big Bumbo get to stand in the middle of the lobby?!?!

I dont know whether the alcohol has gotten to them, but he exact same bouncer came to us and asked,"IC PLEASE".

We were shocked.


"We gave you already."


"We already did!"

We just love to put our bodies on the line to save the identity of a friend....


we got our tags, and went to the bar.

We sat down for a while and suddenly Don comes around, walks straight to the dancefloor and shaked like the duck he is. Aik covered his face, i sat back down and Jason talked to Donald, telling him to get off the dancefloor.



Two bouncers came into the bar. They were TALL and really buff. one had ash-cloured hair and looked something out of an anime. Don and Jason were in behind us. I turned around, they were being caught by another bouncer.

I watched as Aik got his Ic out...... the ash guy cleverly flips over the card, checks it with his little UV light and BHAM. Out came the scissors. Snip snip.

"Exit's here please."

And off went a friend of mine. I looked at the others and Jason was being escorted out. That ends his drinkin gsession.

"Why was Son sent out?" I asked Don after coming up beside him at the bar.

"His birthday havent come yet. And Aik?"

"The guy cut his wrist."

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Don started drinking and drinking. I was looking at the bartender, trying to figure out hw he looks like because i honestly cant see his face.


Donald was on the floor. Did someone hit him?

Maybe he knocked out.

"OIE!" and i kicked him.

"OIE! Are you okay?!"

He mutters and rubs his eyes and all that...

"... i tripped."

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We went for another round at the main dancefloor. This time we got to the podium.. not after getting a lot of angry stares from the really really tall guys around us. Fuck man i think we're really short. I stand at 170, which is the avergae height amongst all of us. I really hope puberty hasnt stopped for all of us.

And we got to the podium. Clara was swaying... Kai was jiggling with Xue... it was nice. Took a lot of photos.. and yes i got angry stares but that's okay. They cant swing a punch without hurting other people.

Then i felt a sharp jab in my kidney. It was a knife. Someone stabbed me!!!!!!!

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The dance floor was closing, the song cycles were horrendously short so it was repetitive and mundane. Ah god... i just dont like Rnb and hip hop! give me a freakin VIP room and let me play my own music - Classical!

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The girls.... they are all girls.... yes. Im serious. All girls. From left, Kai, Xue, Clara, Eileen and Li Fang (i have no idea who the last girl is. We just met. And she's only 15.)

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and jason looking into their shirts.

Eveyrone else was ont he floor, i was up in the walled up area overlooking it with Eileen. Aww damn she was sexy. In the kind of light, at least. lol. They were playing this song which had some country elements in it and for some reason, i got the groove. and got up and asked Eileen for her hand.

"Hah?! Why?"

"Nothing! Just hold my hand!" i shouted.

She placed her hands on mine.... and my god were they small.

"Audi.. what you doing??!?!"

"Nothing! i'm jsut holding you!"

"You lame sia!"

"Wanna dance?!"

I did a two-step sideways then held her hand down.

"Okay! i'm tired! Thanks for the dance!"

And we sat.

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The night ended pretty much after that. We left at 5am, only to meet a ton of teens sitting along the streets. it was like in Bangkok... just much more classier. A car made a u-turn nearby with its windows unwind. A guy was in it and he yelled at someone, "FUCK YOU!". I looked behind, the grp of ppl were confused The car drove further up and i saw him giving the fnger as they sped along a group of teens. Taxis were already piling up and since there were nine of us, inevitably it will lead to those,"So we meet at yishun hor? we take three three three in one cab each hor than bla bla bla" discussions... which wil then lead to a major pileup onthe roads.

"come on move in"

Aik, son and I got the worst taxi cab driver around. We were alrecy up inthe traffic light ahead, and around us were the other booked cabs with clubers inside. Suddenly out cabbie wound down his window and called to the cab driver on our left.


We looked on.


and he just changed into gears and ZOOMED off into the tunnel.

"kannina ccb...." he goes.

Jason then got lectured by him. You see, Son is in Chem Engineering in SP... they guy said it's a good course.. but useless to take since universities are bloody strict in their.. enrollment for Chem Engineering. in other words, he just told jason he wont have a good future. Jason, of course, fought back.. with pockets of laughter here and there. The cabbie kept advising Son to heed is advice... and he went on with his education.

I liked it when he said,"Wo ying wen bu hao ar... fucking hell..."

Maybe his mandarin isnt so good either because i understood 90 percent of the conversation, plus minus certain characters.... and the last time i studied mandarin religiuously was in March 2005. (Top 5 in class ok!)

"Donald.. describe you experience-- memory card full."

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The day ended. I told my mum the night before i wil be in school doing some production the whole night so i cant possibly go home that early so i bunked over at Don's place. Just two guys at home in boxers. Classic. It's like one of those films whereby in the middle of the night, a friend calls u up and say's in his trouble, you come down immedietely and save his ass, get caught by police, sent to jail, bailed out by another friend and now you're at his place waiting to go to school in two hours. i like this kind of life.

Don went to sch after an hour or so. i went home. My sister was alreayd putting on her seventh layer of make up and my school starts in about an hour.

"Screw school.. i'm going to bed."

and i did. To much regret.

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you see, this week was a busy week for me. A very important assignemnt was due that day itself (Cam and lighting Ass 1) but i havent mounted it on any display or whtever. Worse stil, i left it with clara. So at 4pm, i left to her house, had a sleepy Donald come down ffrom her room to passme the photos, i rushed to school, bought a few pieces of paper and had the auntie bind them al up for me. Then i went to the FMS office, stole their glue and started pasting the photos into the booklet. Obviosly, i made a lot of mess. Glue stains were everywhere. But i passed it up anyways.

Only then i realised i couldve just put them all in a photo album. D'oh!
and i forgot to hand in the two other parts of the assignment. D'oh!

I fucked it. Got home, sms-ed clara saying i was dork. and went to sleep.

But oh no... next day, i had my 2-act script to pass up!

And i dont have a story! and screenwriting's the first class of the day!

Ryan was obivously pissed on thursday morning.. with me coming in half an hour late and me with my probing emails to him complaining of my dilemma. I jsut upset my advisor. When it was time to pass up the scripts, i raised my hands and he just went,"Wwwwhhhat is it now Audi." in the "oh my god not you again" tone. If i had gun i'd kill myself already. I cant believe i allowed myself to be such a whine.

After class he called me back, i pitched to him my story and he just went,"The idea is messy.". It was long as well.... and very violent.

"Maybe if i just stopped at the part where Bobby finds out he has a mentally retarded sister instead?"

He went,"That's possible... but pitch that story to your mom and see how she likes it. You could hurt other people's feelings, you know."

That comment says a lot. Because Ryan IS a Rotary Scholar.... and a very respectable man for his experiences.

I hate myself for not being able to tell stories.

I lost a lot of sleep. I'm tired, even now. Test week's next week. I've got Film History to study.. Cam and lighting to plan (i'm the Director of Photography this time)... a few more assignments to do.. another screenwriting assignment to think about (three-act). Bloody hell.

I probably have made Andrew, my Cam and lighting teacher, angry as well... sinc just today i handed in the remaining two pieces of work in. That's two days late = twenty percent off. And i've learnt form all the way in primary school that making a Westerner angry is a very very very bad move. My primary 2 science teacher had a grudge on me all the way till her death three years ago.

Damn i'm a mess. The whole sem i have been pretty much low-key and suddenly two weeks before term break i appear in the most ugly fashion imaginable. I guess there goes my spot in the Director's list.
To make matters worse... we bumped into each other in the lift as i was holding the glue-smudged booklet.

"So what subject do you think you're good in?" he says.
"Ohh i'm really not sure what i'm good at."

Slap my head ten thousand times then put a dynamite in it and blow me to Jakarta. Hurry.

Ryan told me sth before i left. He said,"You should know that what matters is your passion for filmmaking. Not the grades."

He's right... i've been caring too much about my grades this semester. I'm becoming like another one of those nerds in sec school who memorize books and vomit them all over the place in the exam hall and still cant get good grades and start scratching his heads wondering what's wrong. What happened to the days i'd just do something for the sake of experimenting?

I think what i'm doing is overkill. Best part is.... noone outside school understands my course. I tell them about the three at structure and they call me nuts.

Damn... all this just to get into USC.

P.S. I handed to Ryan another war screenplay. My god.. dont i have any other ideas?
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