Whahah I still have month of vacation left. Looks like it;’s gonna go wasted cos I really dun have anything planned. The kuching trip have to cancel cos now the gahment decided to bring forward (or is it pull backwards?) the BLARRDDYYY RAINING SEASON!!!! (remember, in Singapore, gahment control EVERYTHING!)
And why!?!!!?!
Cos election coming they dun wan election time to rain!
Remember ar. Vote for PAP.
Huh? What you mean you dun wan? Just vote la. I noe la their upgrading and “better place to live” ball-playing is so true machiam I got girlfriend liddat but just vote la. Especially u all in Lao Kang and Potong Sand. Doing so will make PAP easier run our lives. Eh I mean.... make Singapore more beautiful.
Anyways today limpei wan to talk about women.... AGAIN!
Cos these few days a lot of girl girl make me doo lan. And this girl girl I dunno face dunno backside they come add me in MSN.
Strangers add me in msn is ok but CAN DUN KEEP MSN-ing ME ANOT?!!??! Nae boo you nudge nudge nudge think fun arhz?!?!?! Then I nudge you back you knnccb scold me that I hang your com!
Lucky limpei got strong computer and off ALL my alerts since last time so u nudge also you nudge shit.
Anyways got this girl keep showing me pictures of guys. She say she llike she like! Wah liao eh all the ccb “shuai lEhjHZhzhhzh~!!! *star star star heart star star*” and “eeu think hiee cute mahRzxZZ?” all come out. Noe what is diao? So diao until I cannot sleep understand! I must go doctor whack him up to give me sleeping pills ar! Now im a drug addict. THANKS HOR!
After the torture I notice something. There is a trend on what kind of guys that girls in Singapore like!
I noe inoe... some girls just say,” he must be cute and charming.”
Na beh you think that is like so easy to get wan ar?! Cute and charming not fixed wan leh! I find my backside very cute but some ppl say look like half-eaten PAPAYA!
So I say..... what these girls mean.. when it comes to look ar... is that... their ideal guys most ploplaply have:




And it’s either they give the most dao-est smile.

Or the cutest.

Its actually quite depressing for us “common-ers” to sit down here and have char bor come sit on our laps and commenting about everything this guy has (which we don’t). Then skali it sound like we all average people machiam rejects of the society; bo looks, bo body, bo money, bo talent.
Then they will go, “if moii boyfriend dun have any of these, I will break!”
diaoz x 10^(900,0000)
like.. CAN GROW UP!??! Like as if YOU YOURSELF so special like that! And hor.... relationship is nt about looks only ok!. Some ppl look like boy-god but the mouth so vulgar like china punk boy!
Also ar.... they dun realise that these photos have been EDITED!
Come.. I show you all soemthing.
I downloaded this program called De-Star and basicaly what it does is to erase ALL the evils of photo editing on photographs so that we all can see how our stars all look like! It is sibeh powerful and secret service also using!
So I ran some of the pictures these girls sent me la.


This is Andy Lau. Actualyl in real he got one pimple down there but the ppl go edit away so that it look like he got smooth skin even though he got wrinkle.
But i think this one not so correct lor so i upsize the options, from "minimal De-Star" i put to "maximum De-Star"
Limpei saw results hor... limpei backside vomit ar! Superstar-looks my ass!


Lee Hom is actually Thai girl!


Jay is Bollywood star!


I nothing to say!
And the most shocking......i see liao wan to whack people face.


So now I say... you girls......
.....got weird taste!

And why!?!!!?!
Cos election coming they dun wan election time to rain!
Remember ar. Vote for PAP.
Huh? What you mean you dun wan? Just vote la. I noe la their upgrading and “better place to live” ball-playing is so true machiam I got girlfriend liddat but just vote la. Especially u all in Lao Kang and Potong Sand. Doing so will make PAP easier run our lives. Eh I mean.... make Singapore more beautiful.
Anyways today limpei wan to talk about women.... AGAIN!
Cos these few days a lot of girl girl make me doo lan. And this girl girl I dunno face dunno backside they come add me in MSN.
Strangers add me in msn is ok but CAN DUN KEEP MSN-ing ME ANOT?!!??! Nae boo you nudge nudge nudge think fun arhz?!?!?! Then I nudge you back you knnccb scold me that I hang your com!
Lucky limpei got strong computer and off ALL my alerts since last time so u nudge also you nudge shit.
Anyways got this girl keep showing me pictures of guys. She say she llike she like! Wah liao eh all the ccb “shuai lEhjHZhzhhzh~!!! *star star star heart star star*” and “eeu think hiee cute mahRzxZZ?” all come out. Noe what is diao? So diao until I cannot sleep understand! I must go doctor whack him up to give me sleeping pills ar! Now im a drug addict. THANKS HOR!
After the torture I notice something. There is a trend on what kind of guys that girls in Singapore like!
I noe inoe... some girls just say,” he must be cute and charming.”
Na beh you think that is like so easy to get wan ar?! Cute and charming not fixed wan leh! I find my backside very cute but some ppl say look like half-eaten PAPAYA!
So I say..... what these girls mean.. when it comes to look ar... is that... their ideal guys most ploplaply have:




And it’s either they give the most dao-est smile.

Or the cutest.

Its actually quite depressing for us “common-ers” to sit down here and have char bor come sit on our laps and commenting about everything this guy has (which we don’t). Then skali it sound like we all average people machiam rejects of the society; bo looks, bo body, bo money, bo talent.
Then they will go, “if moii boyfriend dun have any of these, I will break!”
diaoz x 10^(900,0000)
like.. CAN GROW UP!??! Like as if YOU YOURSELF so special like that! And hor.... relationship is nt about looks only ok!. Some ppl look like boy-god but the mouth so vulgar like china punk boy!
Also ar.... they dun realise that these photos have been EDITED!
Come.. I show you all soemthing.
I downloaded this program called De-Star and basicaly what it does is to erase ALL the evils of photo editing on photographs so that we all can see how our stars all look like! It is sibeh powerful and secret service also using!
So I ran some of the pictures these girls sent me la.


This is Andy Lau. Actualyl in real he got one pimple down there but the ppl go edit away so that it look like he got smooth skin even though he got wrinkle.
But i think this one not so correct lor so i upsize the options, from "minimal De-Star" i put to "maximum De-Star"
Limpei saw results hor... limpei backside vomit ar! Superstar-looks my ass!


Lee Hom is actually Thai girl!


Jay is Bollywood star!


I nothing to say!
And the most shocking......i see liao wan to whack people face.


So now I say... you girls......
.....got weird taste!
Then ar i took these picture show my brother brother in kopitiam 925 there. WAH LIEW we all quickly go temple thank our blessings ar!
I go home quickly delete all the girl MSN. I dunwan make friends with siao char bor!

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