Something's up with me. These few days i find that i get pissed off real quickly at all the little bitty bits that's happening around me. Like for example this girl kicked my chair in lecture class and i gave her one of the meanest and baddest look i could give to her, then leaned and asked sth like,"What are you trying to pull?". blah.. normally i'd just brush it off but wth.. i think im having PMS; pre-masturbating syndrome.
hahaah honestly xiao di di down there hasnt been active lately LOL... a very reliable indication something is bothering me i guess. Even when playing online with the guys i get so pissed off so easily that, they dont know it... but behind my screen im smashing and cursing the keyboard and slamming hte mouse up and down the tabletop. And everynight i scream into my pillow for the sake of screaming. It's weird... i think it's school lol.
or maybe.... im turning into a butterfly!

School started last monday and so far it's been a blast! Joyce is no longer in FSV but she went over to Mass Comm and has a whole year of cross-leveling and sprinting back-and-forth exercises ahead of her. My previous class T1A1, the self-proclaimed elite (they say wan! lmao.), has been jumbled up pretty much and i think i like the arrangement now quite better. I mean im mingling with the other cool ppl from the other class (and a really sweet lady i used to have a crush on AAAAA!!!!!! LOLLL!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!! Well, used to. Till she got this omfg-rich-well-travelled-rich-rich-and-parties boyfriend and wth i can never top that; I spend my time playing Dota! My gawd she's like the bomb of all top-scoring students la!) ok moving on....
24th April marked the day i came to school as a Year 2 poly jackass.... and in film! OWNED! Hello Ngee Ann poly!

...the home of huge smiling round faces with slits for eyes.
Monday was fine. Had my IS module elective, Product design and innovation bla bla bla its cool ya... DNT stuff. At least i can put up with this... not some other elective i was shoved into like... ahem... Malay Society (wth?!?!?!). ANyways a short survey around class and i found out that the Jap Language elective wasnt the most popular languiage class!!! WHOOO!!!! which means our kids arent so Jap crazy anymore so finally all these peace signs and "Hello, people call me Takaneru Shinohaku.... but my real name is Ahmad." should disappear soon, rite?
WRONG!!! ARRGHH!!!! IT's one after the other!!!! i foresee a sudden rise of people trying to converse in Spanish (i dont know how the hell Spanish sound like) or roll their tongues in French, complete with the pouty noses and rolling eyes.
"Le Jemboure ce sheli po toun mua Parie ze bua le I support PAP bon apetit!"
haahh sometimes i laugh at people who act so much with their language and so say they will fit in with their natives but omfg..... EVERYONE KNOWS that many of these europeans shun ANYONE who speaks their language.. or converse in English. So OWNED ya outcasts-to-be!
yeah they may be arrogant at times but hey.. at least they are proud of who they are.
ok whatever. I had this Spanish boy as a friend for a brief moment when i was eight and he thought me how to say,"I fucked your mom" in Spanish. His mom heard that and i got lollipop but i never saw him again that night.
My DIP teacher is someone of a very huge but near-invisible ego. I walked into class and the first thing that came to my mind was that i gonna have a retarded teacher every monday morning! Cos he was awfully old and skinny, his hand showed signs of burning, he was wearing this oversized jacket and a cap that was probably two thousand years old because it just hung on his bald head, all grey and faded..... with torquise printing!
But my teacher hear.. mr... Tan Yong Hoa.... is one AWESOMELY COOL old man. and he was sick that day so he had the cap on "to protect frm the aircon cos im tall."

I mean yeah old people go bla bla bla all day but hey thats forgiveable if they actually have SUBSTANCE in their speech. And he does. I mean some people are just so fucked up. He asked around, sitted behind his laptop all frail and weak-looking, how did they ended up in his elective and omfg.... the outcome reminds me of Mr. Lee's recent dialogue.
"orh... (insert accent here)....i missed the last bus... so i was put into here... i dun like this class."
then he ask this other boy. Good looking. Probably gay. From Mass Comm.... and he goes...., "I hated all the other IS classes.... i think il hate this one as well."
..... ..... ahem...
Me: Hello... Uncle Lee ar....
MM Lee: ah yes audi... ?
Me: I got complain wan to tell u hor...
MM: Sure thing. Shoot.
Me: Wait i ask you hor. What is your vision of our youths today?
MM: I envision them to be the best there is in the region, with high skill points, high health point, +65 attack points plus a bonus of 25 Intelligence plus 60% Mana regeneration with a Kibald Sword in hand, able to be innovative and inventive and creative and flexible in times of crisis and peace, leading the region in economy, science, and foreign workers usage.
Me: ..... then I got news for you.
MM: What is it?
Me: u is N00B!
So anyways Mr. TYH started talkin abt his daughter and im not joking.. he was verbally PUSHING us to ask abt his daughter!
and when he told us he carries his youngest daughter to the Ngee Ann Playcenter we just shat in our pants.
but then we started to notice he was REALLY pushing it. I mean.. he fixed the projector up... and quipped,"Okay later i will show you about how DIP will work this sem.... righ tafter i show u my daughter."
oookay Mr. blue jacket.....
and he DID show us pics of his daughter! the youngest is now in Sec 2 and he showed us them having dinner.. having an adventure at tanah merah.... VIDEOS of some bday celebration... OOOKKAAAYY!!! WE GET IT!!! WE UNDERSTAND!! A FATHER LOVES HIS DAUGHTERS SO MUCH!!! but cmon this is too much!
thne he pulle dout an excerpt from the news paper that read," ACJC produces 2 top scholars for A levels"
and he boomed,"See.. that's my daughter getting the award!"
................. we shat in our pants again.
And yes.. i did a bit of research and his daughter's name is Tan Li Feng. Cannot mistaken wan.. is confirm the daughter. Surname is "Tan" what!

oh ya he brought us some bananas and chocolates as well. The chocolates are like whatever its nothing special but ooo LO AND BEHOLD MY BANANAA....... that is on the table....!!!

this is special banana. Cannot buy in Cold Storage. Cannot buy in Sim Lim square. Cannot buy in Geylang. and no is not from temple the offering. (siao ar take ghost food!??!)
This is.....

I think we will noe it's Singapore de banana because as usual... it's uh... notmore than 6 inches. Also.. it's hard, yes... but very brittle. Knock a bit the thing start to break. Not like Thai banana where it wil bend bend a bit then break. U wil also noe its Singapore banana by the taste. .... NO TASTE! nt sweet. not sour.... and also... NO JUICE! But then.. it's attractive and cute and come in green colour foreskin so that is big plus becaus ei dun think ppl like Indonesia banana.... lots of black spots. ee.. LOL. So there u have it. our very own backyard production; the Banana With No Taste!

Today was not bad as well. Did a bit of 3d computer graphics and i am so so so so so SOOOOOO enjoying the class. Ok sure the teacher is the typical nerd u get whenever the subject requires a computer. Meaning... dull.... dull.... uh... dull... nerdy... talks to himself.. and... dull. So yeah. I foresee myself fitting perfectly in the position of "IT Teacher."
the other guy we had, Liswanto, was much much muich more happening. He helps yeah he does he helps. keep asking for help then u become the asshole.
Interestingly, onyl Charlene/ Mrs. Jolin Fan club Public Relations/ Jolin Singapore no1 fan/SCB and I are from the first class. Quite a lot ran off for the Audio stream. Makes a bit of sense though since Charlene and I are true blue hardcore game-addicts and we LOVE anything to do with gaming. WE once challenged who can stay up the longest playing games and i did it with 64 hours and she got it at around.... god knows.. 70 plus?
Anyways little Miss Sheryl from -brokensmile.blogspot.com has decided to take a downturn in terms of contents in her blog. So i guess i need to fill in for a while to keep our tiny blogosphere community alive a bit.
Clara has been quite siao lately with some personal probs and all the bombardment she's getting just for going out with JOSHUA ANG. like wth.... how come when i go see Sly no one come sms me say wan to be my friend!??!?!
I got Uncle Larry's number lei!!! LOL!!!
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