See? Told u I was busy... But anyways...it is unfortunate that our beloved blogger has decided to take a hiatus in his blogging...Well, every writer comes to a point where they have writers block or lack of motivation. Perhaps this will be an opportunity to seek new inspiration and come up with new material. We look forward to your return!
Back to the post... This weekend is a four-day weekend, a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of school...Plus the teachers have been kind and have not given any homework. When people think of Easter, the first thing tht comes to mind is probably the Easter bunny followed by chocolate...mmm...chocolate... It is only during Easter that Cadbury and Hersheys produce a special kind of chocolate called Mini Eggs, or Eggies for Hersheys... Basically they're just candy coated milk chocolate but they are sooo addicting...
There is always conflict between the Mini Eggs/Eggies lovers over which is better. Most people say Mini Eggs are better but I disagree...Eggies are better because they're bigger and softer... Honestly, I could just sit at my computer and pop Eggies non-stop. Its dangerous.
So what do people do during Easter? Usually family dinners and egg hunts... And eat lots of chocolate. Its quite fun really.
Along with Easter comes the beautiful season of spring. Being in Asia, you basically experience two seasons during the whole year - hot&dry and rainy season. Over here we get winter...bleh...I hate winter. Its cold and ur skin goes dry and scaly. So the coming of spring is always so nice...the weather gets warmer, the sun brighter, the grass greener...ahhh... But anyhoo... I'd just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
lmao well hello again little girl.
yeah well i am on a hiatus. Had a lot of things flying around me these few days and some of the guys here need some attention frm me. (hahah... need attention from me....)not sure when ill be back again. thats why im letting you, vanila, to run this thingabob for a bit.
The other day i was having a film shoot as an extra for Michelle Chong/Chua at MOS. I stil havent figured out who the hell she is.
lmao wth!??!! ppl can argue over chocolates?!!??! kids htese days eh?
things are getting a bit ridiculous in singapore as well. Just the other day i was watching our Minister Mentor Harry Lee Kuan Yew having a dialogue with some rather cynical youths of the republic. It's sth to do with the election coming out so as usual all the, "PAP you suck ar! control ppl onli!" type of questions appear.
Honestly i find the attitude of the youths quite sad. Imean soem of them were cutting in or smashing the face of mr lee straight on (verbally, of course.)!
its like... wth!?!?!! MR LEE IS YOUR FATHER!
think Star Wars.
or " MAN" in this case.. cos hojnestly Mr Lee beats all other gahment ppl (in my opinion).
So whatever.. im just sad at how we can be rather ...blunt..or sharp.. or whatever... to our saviour (saviour cos the Brits cant do nuts with Singapore.).
ANyways it seems like some of us here think voting for the opposition is sth cool cos " it's different" .
blah....!!! it makes sense to vote PAP because DUH!!! THEY HAVE THE FREAKing lINKS tO GAHMENT OFFICIALS!!!!
people and their desire to be different/unique. tsk tsk.
uh.. ok.. sorry for the rambling.
but hey! i LOVE winter! i love stuffing myself with clothes! Just look at what i'm in now!

yup.. thats a WWII american overcoat. gotta love it.