You can say that im a history buff. I liek to study history, especially when it comes to those that tell of the area im familair with like my home, background and friends plus of course other interests such as World War Two and battlefield tactics and warfare. I dun think there ever was a time i stopped talkin to tharik when we're playing online to secure a position via pincer movement or calculating terrain to the speed of enemy advancement bla bla bla even though we're jsut playing a game of freakin CS! oh and i can never get the Blitzkrieg manuever out of my gameplay style; come in before anyone, make a lot of noise liek throwing nades and riddling area with bullets, pull out when mates comes in then go round another area, make a lot of noise and disruption, harassing them, then back to the place i was before an clear up the rest my mates finished. Of course, this rarely gets me any frags but whatever it's an early opening!
anyways i thought of a few things and figured this might be interesting for those who have their hearts in Yishun to know.
The original village name of Yishun was "Patinggi Wak Hassan", named after the great Malay warrior that lived in the area in the 19th Century. He was killed during a squabble over dinner.
The road leading to Yishun (The one between the MRT and NP) used to be a dirt road no wider than 2 metres. it wasnt as long as it is now, linking from Khatib to Sembawang, but a mere two blocks long with walk paths extending from it.
Northpoint and GV Cinema stands on a 100 year old Muslim cemetery. Walkpaths run through them.
The area of Chong Pang was a thriving market that was famous for its fresh vegetables and poultry since the area was littered with padi fields and farms.
70% of Yishun was thick jungle. The number of original forests in Yishun are slowly disappearing, with the area around Mayang (North View Sec's area) being the most recent removal.
In 1912, the year the Titanic sank, there was an influx of Chinese comng into town. Among them was a Chinese businessman named Lim Nee Soon came into town and bought over most of the fields from the Malays, and grew bananas and durians, which he sold. His business soon grew throughout the north of Singapore and he became the head of the town, after which it was named after him.
During the Singalore years, brutal kidnappings and rapes were happening every other night. Young daughters were taken away while they were asleep, sold to rich traders or broothels in Bugis as prostitutes and many died of diseases or inhumane torture after sexual intercourse. Villagers were so afraid that they dressed up thier daughters to look like young boys as a form of deterent against kidnappers. Some added grills to their windows.
The plot of land that Yisun Polyclinic and Yishun Reservoir stands on now belonged to Neo Taik Soon; the distant great grandfather of filmmaker Jack Neo.
Popular in the school's book of myths, North View Secondary School was indeed built on a cemetery, althought not entirely. The school's new block and southern half of the field is built on exhumed cemeteries.
In March 1942, with the Japanese massacres and torture techniques fresh in the air, residents of Nee Soon committed mass-suicide by drowning, in a pond, in fear of being captured by the rapidly invading Japanese soldiers. This pond has since been filled and the library stands on where it once was.
There exists a hot spring in Yishun and is free for use.
Uncle Lee has never been to Yishun.
20% of the population still think the sun revolves around the moon.
If you havent learn how to ride a bicycle, you belong to the 5% of the residents that dont know how to do so.
Fridays hold the most number times you would see someone with a Chuppa Chup in their mouths.
What is now a landmark of visitors entering Yishun, the Lower Seletar Reservoir did not actually exist. It was mainly flat farm land. Once the Yishun dam was built, the area submerged and disappeared. Similarly, Orchid Country Club is built on reclaimed land that took almost a decade to fill. This was because of the disproportionate number of deaths that occured on the worksite. Companies were afraid that there was a curse and the project was left hanging, until the formation of the EDB drafted foreign workers to complete the project in 1966.
1967 was a year of tragedy for the town of Yishun;
A big fire swept through the village of Chong Pang around midnight that totally razed the market and surrounding houses, accounting to the loss of hundreds of the population.
In another part of Yishun, where the 600++ blocks are, villagers discovered a horrifying act that took place there; skeletons of many Singaporeans lay entombed in the trunks of the trees in the jungle. Explanation was that a demonic ritual took place in which a chunk of a tree was carved out, then bodies of sacrificed victims, whether intentional or not, were placed into the carved out trunk of the tree. Over the years as the tree grew, the new trunk enveloped around the bodies, leaving them entombed. Documents and photographs of this incident can be found in the National Archives Museum.
In an unknown part of the town, police found the body of a pregnant indian lady that was hung infront of a shop house. Her jaw was torn open. Officers took it down quickly but what followed the next few weeks were reports of countless suicides of residents living around the immediete area where the body was found. A witness has quoted what her father said before he maimed himself by smashing his head repeatedly on the wall," You ren zai ni ho mien."
A paranormal explanation to the tragedies that occured was that the year coincided with the Javanese calendar that stated the year was the year of their god of war. The years crossed path again quite recently, in the year 2003.
Before 2002, Yishun Park was a brothel of some sort for teens; contacts would arrange a meeting with a pimp, and a deal is made. This occured on a regular, organised basis that it was easy to spot the pimps; they wore school uniform even when it was two in the morning. A huge police raid was executed that eradicated this trend.
A dead baby was found in the newly renovated pak near Jie Min primary school. However, it was interesting to note that a few hours earlier, the baby has indeed already been discovered by a group of primary school girls, but they ran in horror and failed to call the authorities.
An ageing Buddhist temple is located in the forests beyond Yishun Dam.
There are two airports on the outskirts of Yishun; Seletar and Sembawang Aiport. Both are regularly used with military installations.
Sources have indicated a working mini missile silo (surface to air) housed underneath the ground in two areas of the town. This will be used to intercept foreign missiles or aircraft that is deemed threatening. They were once armed and raised up in the cool night air during the 1998 National Day celebrations when commanders noticed Malaysian infantry and armour congregating inland Johor. F-16s were sent to patrol the north after which the congregation slowly dissipated.
In the unlikely event of a war in the region, Yishun will be declared military property and be the central command for artillery strikes.
Al-Qaeda once tranported a truck full of Ak74s, RPGs and anti-personnel mines through the very road the MRT sits along to Sembawang port where they were unloaded as film props and sent to countries in the regions. This was done in a response to the unpublicised crackdown of terrorists in Singapore by the CIA in wake of the September 11 attacks.
Audi is the most popular blogger in town as of now.
DISCLAIMER: haha ok if u dont already know..... what up there is purely a work of fiction la! Uncle Lee HAS been to Yishun (i think). Of course, ive added in some real info down there like the hot springs and yes i AM the most popular blogger in town. HAHA.
anyways i thought of a few things and figured this might be interesting for those who have their hearts in Yishun to know.
The original village name of Yishun was "Patinggi Wak Hassan", named after the great Malay warrior that lived in the area in the 19th Century. He was killed during a squabble over dinner.
The road leading to Yishun (The one between the MRT and NP) used to be a dirt road no wider than 2 metres. it wasnt as long as it is now, linking from Khatib to Sembawang, but a mere two blocks long with walk paths extending from it.
Northpoint and GV Cinema stands on a 100 year old Muslim cemetery. Walkpaths run through them.
The area of Chong Pang was a thriving market that was famous for its fresh vegetables and poultry since the area was littered with padi fields and farms.
70% of Yishun was thick jungle. The number of original forests in Yishun are slowly disappearing, with the area around Mayang (North View Sec's area) being the most recent removal.
In 1912, the year the Titanic sank, there was an influx of Chinese comng into town. Among them was a Chinese businessman named Lim Nee Soon came into town and bought over most of the fields from the Malays, and grew bananas and durians, which he sold. His business soon grew throughout the north of Singapore and he became the head of the town, after which it was named after him.
During the Singalore years, brutal kidnappings and rapes were happening every other night. Young daughters were taken away while they were asleep, sold to rich traders or broothels in Bugis as prostitutes and many died of diseases or inhumane torture after sexual intercourse. Villagers were so afraid that they dressed up thier daughters to look like young boys as a form of deterent against kidnappers. Some added grills to their windows.
The plot of land that Yisun Polyclinic and Yishun Reservoir stands on now belonged to Neo Taik Soon; the distant great grandfather of filmmaker Jack Neo.
Popular in the school's book of myths, North View Secondary School was indeed built on a cemetery, althought not entirely. The school's new block and southern half of the field is built on exhumed cemeteries.
In March 1942, with the Japanese massacres and torture techniques fresh in the air, residents of Nee Soon committed mass-suicide by drowning, in a pond, in fear of being captured by the rapidly invading Japanese soldiers. This pond has since been filled and the library stands on where it once was.
There exists a hot spring in Yishun and is free for use.
Uncle Lee has never been to Yishun.
20% of the population still think the sun revolves around the moon.
If you havent learn how to ride a bicycle, you belong to the 5% of the residents that dont know how to do so.
Fridays hold the most number times you would see someone with a Chuppa Chup in their mouths.
What is now a landmark of visitors entering Yishun, the Lower Seletar Reservoir did not actually exist. It was mainly flat farm land. Once the Yishun dam was built, the area submerged and disappeared. Similarly, Orchid Country Club is built on reclaimed land that took almost a decade to fill. This was because of the disproportionate number of deaths that occured on the worksite. Companies were afraid that there was a curse and the project was left hanging, until the formation of the EDB drafted foreign workers to complete the project in 1966.
1967 was a year of tragedy for the town of Yishun;
A big fire swept through the village of Chong Pang around midnight that totally razed the market and surrounding houses, accounting to the loss of hundreds of the population.
In another part of Yishun, where the 600++ blocks are, villagers discovered a horrifying act that took place there; skeletons of many Singaporeans lay entombed in the trunks of the trees in the jungle. Explanation was that a demonic ritual took place in which a chunk of a tree was carved out, then bodies of sacrificed victims, whether intentional or not, were placed into the carved out trunk of the tree. Over the years as the tree grew, the new trunk enveloped around the bodies, leaving them entombed. Documents and photographs of this incident can be found in the National Archives Museum.
In an unknown part of the town, police found the body of a pregnant indian lady that was hung infront of a shop house. Her jaw was torn open. Officers took it down quickly but what followed the next few weeks were reports of countless suicides of residents living around the immediete area where the body was found. A witness has quoted what her father said before he maimed himself by smashing his head repeatedly on the wall," You ren zai ni ho mien."
A paranormal explanation to the tragedies that occured was that the year coincided with the Javanese calendar that stated the year was the year of their god of war. The years crossed path again quite recently, in the year 2003.
Before 2002, Yishun Park was a brothel of some sort for teens; contacts would arrange a meeting with a pimp, and a deal is made. This occured on a regular, organised basis that it was easy to spot the pimps; they wore school uniform even when it was two in the morning. A huge police raid was executed that eradicated this trend.
A dead baby was found in the newly renovated pak near Jie Min primary school. However, it was interesting to note that a few hours earlier, the baby has indeed already been discovered by a group of primary school girls, but they ran in horror and failed to call the authorities.
An ageing Buddhist temple is located in the forests beyond Yishun Dam.
There are two airports on the outskirts of Yishun; Seletar and Sembawang Aiport. Both are regularly used with military installations.
Sources have indicated a working mini missile silo (surface to air) housed underneath the ground in two areas of the town. This will be used to intercept foreign missiles or aircraft that is deemed threatening. They were once armed and raised up in the cool night air during the 1998 National Day celebrations when commanders noticed Malaysian infantry and armour congregating inland Johor. F-16s were sent to patrol the north after which the congregation slowly dissipated.
In the unlikely event of a war in the region, Yishun will be declared military property and be the central command for artillery strikes.
Al-Qaeda once tranported a truck full of Ak74s, RPGs and anti-personnel mines through the very road the MRT sits along to Sembawang port where they were unloaded as film props and sent to countries in the regions. This was done in a response to the unpublicised crackdown of terrorists in Singapore by the CIA in wake of the September 11 attacks.
Audi is the most popular blogger in town as of now.
DISCLAIMER: haha ok if u dont already know..... what up there is purely a work of fiction la! Uncle Lee HAS been to Yishun (i think). Of course, ive added in some real info down there like the hot springs and yes i AM the most popular blogger in town. HAHA.
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