My recent discovery that i had a mild case of love-handlelicious-schizoporousspongebob, along with other similar cases of dark-skintonio-banderas and other computer related illnesses.... ok what the hell.. all m saying is that ive been very fucked up lately.
i mean cmon... my room is in a mess. The whole family calls it something even WORSE than a pig sty! They call it,"Bangla quarters"! wth!
my hair is in a mess.... my face is in a mess... my love life is pretty much as happening as a dead man's heartbeat and omfg!!!!! Two of my closest friends think i'm gay.
wth! my friends!!! brother brother stay together simi lanjiao wtf?!?!?! six years. haiz. depressing.
oh i just have to say this.... i found out one of my old friends is gay. -.- dotx. Not that somebody being gay is anything bad but wtf i just cant stand it when these sissy ones appear out of nowhere! Thank god my pal isnt those sissy ones. but WTH~! he should tell me sooner rite! omg then that time i slept with him......... 0.0
anyways i thought of my problems and figured what i needed was a boost in self esteem..... like duh.... mr. happy isnt naturally happy all the time ya know?. ..... and maybe learn sth new.
So i thought but waht i needed. Do i need a girlfriend? heck no... i have plenty on my social dinner plate now i cant have another freaking ice-cream-lollipop-goo-goo-bear round to go! I'll drain myself! besides... girls stink. HAHAHHAH!!!!!
Or maybe i need to change parents! Im telling u they are stressing me out like a bloody too too kueh. Its like.. helloooooo?!???? anyone home?!?!?! i've been living here for 6 years and u STILL dont get the picture that i HATE BEING STOPPED WHILE DOING SOMETHING?!?!?! Doesnt my silence mean anything?!?!
hahahaaaaaa i keep thinking abt this and cant stop getting pissed/tickled. Its like my parents are scolding me..... and if i say soemthing... jsut maybe a bit of "No i think you got it wrong" and I get accused of TALKING BACK! WTH~! Then goes on a long lecture of filial piety and respect for elders and islam's point of view bla bla.
And if i go to the other side of the world and keep quiet.... they say im being rude by ignoring. So what the hell do u want me to do?! MIME?!?!?!
Put that into the famous condom issue:
Mother: okay audi i have to talk to you. You do know that condoms are banned in this house and i keep finding them in your roo....... audi audi WTH ARE YOU DOING STOP THAT YOU'RE SCARING ME!!
and when my dad comes it's even worse. I mean he is like overseas for 80 percent of every month so obviously he doesnt know how his two children run their lives!
I was called USELESS jsut for being on the fucking COMPUTER! It's 2006, daddy! Not 1995!
and please.... i noe how to handle my cats, thank you. Im not breaking its arms off.
anyways i thoguht about everything and decided to return to one of my hottest interests; martial arts. Recent experiences have told me i'm pretty much a failure in singing, acting, storywriting, entertaining, gaming, writing and completing things on time. Having the sense that you can beat opponents up and really feel good about it because you KNOW you WILL own them is pretty shiok, dont you think? Not that i'e ever had someone chase with me with weapons so maybe im just farting from my ears but being confronted by a pack of hungry China punks is credible, rite? (btw.. thanks Jason for saving my ass. and Henry wth were u doign just standing there?!!?)
Rejoining Ki-Aikido class isnt exactly what i wanna do cos honestly.... the emphasis on using Ki energy in Aikido makes time turn backwards. Cos normally my Ki-Aikido classes in Woodlands CC would go on with plenty of meditation, breathing exercises, and repetitive lectures on what the hell Ki is and how magnificient babies are cos they are pure. Then the sparring. In the end we'll be sitting on the mat for an hour rolling on the floor and making strange noises with our mouth. and the next 45 minutes doing some moves that resembles Tai Ji.... only 43,245,798,731 time faster.
but honestly.... Ki-Aikido was swell! my balls grew bigger frm the breathing and flexing (and can shoot very far!) and i got to learn moves that are so simple yet bloody effective. And i got to learn how to slice someone with a sword. wootz!
did i mention that, quite oftenly, we'll be flying all over the mat?
But no. No more Ki-Aikido. Gomenasai, Tohei Sensei. Anata no art is just too kom-pli-kei-tato for me.
browsing through the Ngee ANn poly CCA list ( too lazy to look for private martial arts centre.)... i scanned for oen of my favourite sports; Kendo.
I like Kendo a lot. I liek whacking people up cos i truly is chao ah beng deep inside! dun pray pray! but i scared of dark.
in fact hor..... limpei so like kendo ar.... I go Marina Bay go buy Kendo stick ar!!! they call it shinnai. But I got status so i call it..... sword. Even though it made of bamboo poo.I had sibeh lots of fun with it! I whack my punching bag with it... i put my vietnam helmet on my ncc juniors then limpei go ask them stand one dark dark corner and i keep whacking their head and asking them,"Pain anot?". Of course, they say,"Bu tong!" If not pain i keep whacking la! LMAO! Shiok!
But ngee ann doesnt have kendo. NAH BEH!
so i opted for the second best.
I joined lion dance. :)
I hope i can recover my Lost Treasures of the Pain-Enduring-Four-Pac that used to recide so firmly on my abs by the end of the semester. ...and increase my bloody agility; I cant stay at 1995 speed!
laptop's down. No pics for the time being.
i mean cmon... my room is in a mess. The whole family calls it something even WORSE than a pig sty! They call it,"Bangla quarters"! wth!
my hair is in a mess.... my face is in a mess... my love life is pretty much as happening as a dead man's heartbeat and omfg!!!!! Two of my closest friends think i'm gay.
wth! my friends!!! brother brother stay together simi lanjiao wtf?!?!?! six years. haiz. depressing.
oh i just have to say this.... i found out one of my old friends is gay. -.- dotx. Not that somebody being gay is anything bad but wtf i just cant stand it when these sissy ones appear out of nowhere! Thank god my pal isnt those sissy ones. but WTH~! he should tell me sooner rite! omg then that time i slept with him......... 0.0
anyways i thought of my problems and figured what i needed was a boost in self esteem..... like duh.... mr. happy isnt naturally happy all the time ya know?. ..... and maybe learn sth new.
So i thought but waht i needed. Do i need a girlfriend? heck no... i have plenty on my social dinner plate now i cant have another freaking ice-cream-lollipop-goo-goo-bear round to go! I'll drain myself! besides... girls stink. HAHAHHAH!!!!!
Or maybe i need to change parents! Im telling u they are stressing me out like a bloody too too kueh. Its like.. helloooooo?!???? anyone home?!?!?! i've been living here for 6 years and u STILL dont get the picture that i HATE BEING STOPPED WHILE DOING SOMETHING?!?!?! Doesnt my silence mean anything?!?!
hahahaaaaaa i keep thinking abt this and cant stop getting pissed/tickled. Its like my parents are scolding me..... and if i say soemthing... jsut maybe a bit of "No i think you got it wrong" and I get accused of TALKING BACK! WTH~! Then goes on a long lecture of filial piety and respect for elders and islam's point of view bla bla.
And if i go to the other side of the world and keep quiet.... they say im being rude by ignoring. So what the hell do u want me to do?! MIME?!?!?!
Put that into the famous condom issue:
Mother: okay audi i have to talk to you. You do know that condoms are banned in this house and i keep finding them in your roo....... audi audi WTH ARE YOU DOING STOP THAT YOU'RE SCARING ME!!
and when my dad comes it's even worse. I mean he is like overseas for 80 percent of every month so obviously he doesnt know how his two children run their lives!
I was called USELESS jsut for being on the fucking COMPUTER! It's 2006, daddy! Not 1995!
and please.... i noe how to handle my cats, thank you. Im not breaking its arms off.
anyways i thoguht about everything and decided to return to one of my hottest interests; martial arts. Recent experiences have told me i'm pretty much a failure in singing, acting, storywriting, entertaining, gaming, writing and completing things on time. Having the sense that you can beat opponents up and really feel good about it because you KNOW you WILL own them is pretty shiok, dont you think? Not that i'e ever had someone chase with me with weapons so maybe im just farting from my ears but being confronted by a pack of hungry China punks is credible, rite? (btw.. thanks Jason for saving my ass. and Henry wth were u doign just standing there?!!?)
Rejoining Ki-Aikido class isnt exactly what i wanna do cos honestly.... the emphasis on using Ki energy in Aikido makes time turn backwards. Cos normally my Ki-Aikido classes in Woodlands CC would go on with plenty of meditation, breathing exercises, and repetitive lectures on what the hell Ki is and how magnificient babies are cos they are pure. Then the sparring. In the end we'll be sitting on the mat for an hour rolling on the floor and making strange noises with our mouth. and the next 45 minutes doing some moves that resembles Tai Ji.... only 43,245,798,731 time faster.
but honestly.... Ki-Aikido was swell! my balls grew bigger frm the breathing and flexing (and can shoot very far!) and i got to learn moves that are so simple yet bloody effective. And i got to learn how to slice someone with a sword. wootz!
did i mention that, quite oftenly, we'll be flying all over the mat?
But no. No more Ki-Aikido. Gomenasai, Tohei Sensei. Anata no art is just too kom-pli-kei-tato for me.
browsing through the Ngee ANn poly CCA list ( too lazy to look for private martial arts centre.)... i scanned for oen of my favourite sports; Kendo.
I like Kendo a lot. I liek whacking people up cos i truly is chao ah beng deep inside! dun pray pray! but i scared of dark.
in fact hor..... limpei so like kendo ar.... I go Marina Bay go buy Kendo stick ar!!! they call it shinnai. But I got status so i call it..... sword. Even though it made of bamboo poo.I had sibeh lots of fun with it! I whack my punching bag with it... i put my vietnam helmet on my ncc juniors then limpei go ask them stand one dark dark corner and i keep whacking their head and asking them,"Pain anot?". Of course, they say,"Bu tong!" If not pain i keep whacking la! LMAO! Shiok!
But ngee ann doesnt have kendo. NAH BEH!
so i opted for the second best.
I joined lion dance. :)
I hope i can recover my Lost Treasures of the Pain-Enduring-Four-Pac that used to recide so firmly on my abs by the end of the semester. ...and increase my bloody agility; I cant stay at 1995 speed!
laptop's down. No pics for the time being.
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