Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girl, jie jie and kor kor and di di.
Let me share with you some thoughts.
U noe hor people blog for some reason one. Some say that they blog not for anything they just wan to blog. This is of course bullshit la there msut be a reason wan!
Some blog for ppl to read. Some blog in hopes of getting popular. Some are to keep little momentos for their friends and themselves. Some blog ar just to suan other ppl mother and father.
But I guess most of the time ar... bloggers blog in hopes of attaining the highest number of readership. This is confirm.
I must admit that I wil always happy when I see my site stats and see that a lot of ppl come. Dun care whether its only 20 unique ip adresses or sometimes 50 ! dun care if its only 20 hits per day or 180 hits! but as long as I entertain even at least one or two people, I also happy. Because I like to entertain ppl. This is my dream. That why i blog. :)
now ar life so stress for singaporeans. run here run there sit here sit there waste time waste money work whole day get peanuts and then come home got family to entertain and girlfriend to whack up down left right centre. In fact ar... i find that a lot of us cannot laugh anymore. ppl make fun a bit then wan to call police for defamation. CCB UNDERSTAND! noe what is satire?! Satire is no anyhow suan okay! ALWAYS GOT MEANING WAN!
I thanks you all for putting up with all my knnbccbsimiwtfbutterflylanjiaochaocheebai and all my ugly self-photos which I noe sometimes look very ah gua. All this acting is very fun to do. And even more funner when ppl get entertained! See! I should be actor! but sister never give lobang! (translation: she hasn’t made the effort to find an oppurtunity for me to work in the entertainment industry. Not other perverted meaning okay!)
But what I trying to say now is that limpei now got a lot of things happening. Limpei social life now having a major overturn ( I not gonna say good or bad. but I must say I going with the flow).
These few days I go out morning morning come home late night at arun 12 all the time and stay up all night till 6 then go sleep. See... really got a lot of tings happeing.
So I must say that its quite difficult for me to sit down at one spot and update. U dun believe u can come follow me around for one day. I like army scout ar! Pass message to battalion headquarters in ang mo kio... then must rush to tampines to rendevous with squad leader, then take bus to khativ see chio bu and then go dhoby gaut kill enemy general! Is very hectic! So hectic ar wanna pcc also must do quickly wan! Cannot slowly stroke stroke stokre.. must kin kin use three fingers sot sot sot shoot shoot wipe then on the move again!
Thus, I am passing on the baton to Vanilla for these few days (or weeks if she doing sibeh good job) until I find some time to stop, sit down, and write.
Vanilla u on anot? MAKE A SWEE ONE OKAY!
Oh uh... no no no.. I dun have a girlfriend or looking for one so is not girlfriend-related problem.
- Audi a.ka. BroK3n (screen name bo use liao la. u all noe my real name. -.-)
Let me share with you some thoughts.
U noe hor people blog for some reason one. Some say that they blog not for anything they just wan to blog. This is of course bullshit la there msut be a reason wan!
Some blog for ppl to read. Some blog in hopes of getting popular. Some are to keep little momentos for their friends and themselves. Some blog ar just to suan other ppl mother and father.
But I guess most of the time ar... bloggers blog in hopes of attaining the highest number of readership. This is confirm.
I must admit that I wil always happy when I see my site stats and see that a lot of ppl come. Dun care whether its only 20 unique ip adresses or sometimes 50 ! dun care if its only 20 hits per day or 180 hits! but as long as I entertain even at least one or two people, I also happy. Because I like to entertain ppl. This is my dream. That why i blog. :)
now ar life so stress for singaporeans. run here run there sit here sit there waste time waste money work whole day get peanuts and then come home got family to entertain and girlfriend to whack up down left right centre. In fact ar... i find that a lot of us cannot laugh anymore. ppl make fun a bit then wan to call police for defamation. CCB UNDERSTAND! noe what is satire?! Satire is no anyhow suan okay! ALWAYS GOT MEANING WAN!
I thanks you all for putting up with all my knnbccbsimiwtfbutterflylanjiaochaocheebai and all my ugly self-photos which I noe sometimes look very ah gua. All this acting is very fun to do. And even more funner when ppl get entertained! See! I should be actor! but sister never give lobang! (translation: she hasn’t made the effort to find an oppurtunity for me to work in the entertainment industry. Not other perverted meaning okay!)
But what I trying to say now is that limpei now got a lot of things happening. Limpei social life now having a major overturn ( I not gonna say good or bad. but I must say I going with the flow).
These few days I go out morning morning come home late night at arun 12 all the time and stay up all night till 6 then go sleep. See... really got a lot of tings happeing.
So I must say that its quite difficult for me to sit down at one spot and update. U dun believe u can come follow me around for one day. I like army scout ar! Pass message to battalion headquarters in ang mo kio... then must rush to tampines to rendevous with squad leader, then take bus to khativ see chio bu and then go dhoby gaut kill enemy general! Is very hectic! So hectic ar wanna pcc also must do quickly wan! Cannot slowly stroke stroke stokre.. must kin kin use three fingers sot sot sot shoot shoot wipe then on the move again!
Thus, I am passing on the baton to Vanilla for these few days (or weeks if she doing sibeh good job) until I find some time to stop, sit down, and write.
Vanilla u on anot? MAKE A SWEE ONE OKAY!
Oh uh... no no no.. I dun have a girlfriend or looking for one so is not girlfriend-related problem.
- Audi a.ka. BroK3n (screen name bo use liao la. u all noe my real name. -.-)
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