Tuesday, July 19, 2005 |  
I spent my night with Vicky today... after a day of having my story ideas thrown back at me even before i got my story out by the director. I guess I'm just too deep in my stories. Or it's basically crap.

My masterpiece was scrapped within the few lines he heard my synopsis.

And the crew settled on a story of a person who has a deep love/craving for chocolates..... split personality and all that.. the person talkin to himself...

haiz... here we go again.

Anways... Vicky... well.. on the way back frm Ngee Ann . it was abt 7... erm... currently im having a bit of an emotional breakdown (PMS again...) . Everyone needs a friend to talk to. I called Vicky.. we met at Sembawang MRT and yeah i guess he noticed my all teary-weary even in the dark. Lolz.. imagine me.. all teary in public. oh well..

we got down at Sembawang Mart all the way till 10 pm... we talked. A lot...

He told me stories about the rest. He told me about Donald. His family.. his cousins ( i wonder how he can stand them bullying him.)... ... ... ...

but what i lok forward when talkin to him is his superb control and knowledge of the things and experiences that i lack as a SPOILT and PAMPERED boy who gets everything he wants. Vicky talked about really high-end stuff. Priests.. monks... thrid eye... spiritual things... death...

Did you know that the policeman who shot himself int he gym.... was actually playing Russian Roullette? the game whereby u put a bullet in revolver, spin the thing and clamp it back shut and pull the trigger with the gun pointing to ur brains? They were playing that game. It's not in the news.

and the other story of the other guy who died during NS... also has a twist behind it.

How does he know? His cousin's friend... and it was his cousin's brother that was playing Russian Roullette.

he also told me that twist with coming along with Zhi Jian but im nt so sure if its credible. But he also told me wht Donald told him back of the truck a few weeks ago.

I told him how Vis and I had this immense unknown pressure on us... as if we or someone we know is gonna pass on... for maybe abt a month or so. We even had a long discussion about it. Made a little pact too. I even old clara about that heavy feeling. Adn there was a time i really got freaked out (sissy little me), i stayed over javis' that night........ all these before the Yishun story came out.

and also the story on how Kasson was supposed to be at yishun dam but he didnt go cos his family priest or sth warned him not to go near the sea or lake or huge water bodies for this year...

Kasson related this story to his brother, who then passed on to me; Kasson didnt heed the preist/monk's advice and still wne swimming in the sea somehwere and something DID pull him down.

Now i wonder if i ahve a video of zhi jian... because i read on sheryl's blog that aloysius was his friend.... and if i got the correct aloysius... he was out fishing with a huge grp of his frens that time i released my turtles with dion and marcus. I took a video of all of them. i really wonder.

and vicky agreed with me on my hypothesis; war will start around the time we or I go for NS.

I spoke to him about how, since young, i dreamt that i was going to die in battle, as a foot soldier (probably with a video camera). He stared at me... and he revealed that... he too.. thinks he's life has stopped. He claims he has nothing else to life anymore. personal issues longer here...

In short, he claims that his life has stopped.. now he's just waiting for that time to pass on.

and we both agreed that the world is going to end soon.

He told me about the meteor that was supposed to crash into earth 2 weeks ago (i didnt noe that) but instead it hit a sattelite... both exploded.

my stand is based on religious grounds (yes.. essentialy... i AM still a Muslim.). Our Holy book gave us the few signs on the comin of Judgment Day.

Some of them i can remmeber are: change in wheather climate (vicky told me that its been very hot in the daytime lately and super cold at night.), increased number of deaths and tragedies ( Im confused... is it because im growing up and hearing more about people dying... people who are of very close proximity with us... or is it really that more people are dying... in a very close proximity to us.), new outbreak of diseases, human beings will slowly behave like animals ( lack of modesty.. sex everywhere... lack of clothes... dun we see that already.), humans would forget about religion completely and trn materialistic (welcome to modern Singapore) and the rise of homosexuality among the society.

Yes... I am indeed terrified.

Vicky, in short, isnt as happy as i may be.

I hear stories of how my friends... my close friends. (!!!),, are suffering in life with this and that... and im so lucky to be having what i have now.

So i concluded with him," I think... God gave me all these.. so that i can help others with them."

Vicky said,"No, Audi.... you shouldnt try to help... how much can u do to help the world?!"

I shot back,"Who said i were to help the world?! I believe that God gave me a very remarkable talent; writing stories! I believ my video camera can do wonders!"

i sensed he was thinking i was all air-headed and stuff but i continued..

"I actually have the ability, with hthis camera, to bring things on to screen! I see beggars on the street and no one helping them! With this camera, i can make a short story about him... and put it on screen! at least.. i hope... people would open their eyes."

I had a conversation with a beggar very long ago... i was still young... he told how he was thrown out of the house... hardships... adn the psychological abuse he has been given by the society in general.

and just today, during scoial psychology, my leturer, Danny Boey, talked about how these charity shows and campaigns are using the foot-in-the-door theory to get money from people.

he gave me the example of the NKF charuty show... when it started out, it was only one donation line... FIVE dollars... now wht do we see? many many many .... its depressing really.. it gives the society a very fake perception on those who need help. because the strategy plays on the society's sympathy. other people see this strategy and they get disgusted.

Vicky is a very good conversationalist. He and i have been hitting it off whenever it comes to spiritual things... but other than that i think we dont have that much to talk about.

He sent me off at the bus stop.. took 856 back home to yishun... and had an impromptu meet up with Hui Shi...

yeah well she and a few people noe stuff i've been doing so she and i talked about the "thing"...

Hui Shi's such a big girl now.... she looks happier too. lolz...

yes yes i was all teary with her too . -.- ... ... ...

guys have a sissy part too u noe... but maybe im having more that other normal guys.

Tomorrow a few of my classmates are revisiting Old Changi Hospital... ive been so gracious to lend them my video camera.

I really hope that my camera comes back as i left it. I hope God accepts that i lent them to do a recording of the hospital because i want to see the colour tones and variations of the hospital. And of course.. if the presence of secret societies and drug addicts are there... nothing else.


I think i'll be gradually returning back to religion.

Sarah... help~~~
Posted by Audi