Thursday, July 28, 2005 |  
Dear Friend,
Aye... I remember a time long before this. I remmeebr a time when everything was good and the vegetables were fresh.

Aye.. everything was peh-fect here in Das Grosser Deutschland. Aye...

Whot I'm aboot to tell us hier is a story about a little boy who had a friend. Aye.. a sad story it is indeed.

This little boiy... he had a friend. His friend was magical. Thought they didnt have a constant relationship, aye, he was always there when the little boy was in trooble.
He was doire when the little boy was forced to live with a bunch o' low-life children, ja. Aye... he was there to give comfort, ja, when the little boy felt left out. Aye.. the little boy was very insecure. Aye.. after the torture, when life started getting brighter, alas, the friend and the boy departed again, when the friend was seperated from the county they lived in. Ja.. it was sad.

But then the little boy ran into trooble again. The little boy got very sick and depressed. Aye.. he felt like dying. But, good heavens! His old friend came out of nowhere and took the little boy in his arms. The little boy felt a bit better and soon they both parted again.

Aye... but then, one day, the old friend came running to the little boy's house early in the morning, ja? And with no speech at all, the little boy let him in. Aye... the old friend was sad, this time. The little boy returned the favour and made him feel more comfortable.

Ja... this was beginning to be such a beautiful story. But then, our Mother wont let them. Thus, they departed again for a long time. The little boy found a young lad, whome he stuck by for time.

The little boy grew up. He became a man of many skills. A master saw him and offered him a place in an instituition. Ja, they boy was indeed happy. But he was not contented. His favourite companion then had left the county to get married. Aye... The little boy had no one to share his experience with.

And then.. he met his old friend. He too has not been having a very happy time. The two friends met each other by luck in a forest, and immediately understood each other. They also happen to be transfereed to the same institution, albeit different areas of studies, but in close proximity of each other.

Aye.... they both enjoyed life with each other as old friends do. Ja... the little boy always felt left out in his new community. His old friend was enjoying new company. The little boy was not open to new people and would often hide when he sees them. Aye... even when the old friend agreed to meet for a meal, he would bring his friends along and the little boy would quietly eat his meal while the others have a good laugh over things that the little boy cannot comprehend.

The little boy was distraught. His old friend had become someone else. He didnt like it. He didnt want him to change. Aye. So the little boy kept forcing his old friend away from anyone he didnt like. Aye... he controlled his old friend. But his old friend willingly gave in.

Then one day, the little boy went too far and the old friend did the only thing he knew that would really hit the little boy in his soft, tender heart. The old friend packed his things secretly while the little boy was sleeping.

The next morning, after the little boy has left the house, the old friend stayed back for awhile.

Aye... little did the little boy know that that was the last time he would hear from his old friend; the old friend had left for the woods, never to return again.

The little boy searched high and low for his old friend. he asked the townfolk where he is but many didnt help. Those who did tried their best to no avail. Evenntually, the little boy fell sick, longing for the person he has depended too much on.

On his bed, he played a little song on his mini piano for his lost friend. After he wrote the final note, the little boy fell into a deep sleep. Never to awake again.

If he had had a bit more energy in him, aye, he wouldve met his old friend again, because a few moments later, his old friend came back, to give his final message.

One that the little boy would never hear.

Aye..... We all could learn from this little story about the little boy.

Signing off,
Der Kleine Boy.
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