Saturday, September 17, 2005 |  
So shaun and i shot flames at each other because of the last post under the comments section. There has so far been no conclusion. Each of us stand opposite each other on that grounds. What happens now? Does one of us whine of each other from now on? NO. ABSOLUTELY NO. That is just so utterly CHILDISH!


I met up with Hai Ting and Sheryl a couple of days ago along with Beth. And now since the guys from OBS are back and stuff, NVP1 can carry on with the next phase of the project; PRODUCTION (shooting).

Story has been finalised. Rastus and Rasmus will be acting. Beth and Zar will be the main characters (for now). Jia Hui the cameraman is having a helluva sunburn on both his legs (He pulled down his pants infront of me and showed my the sunburns on is legs; fair and smooth at the inner thighs and lobster-red on the others parts ) and i wonder how is he gonna stand walking around with the camera.

Sheryl and I actually thought of having Guo Xiong and Clara to be main characters as well. But O levels are coming for them, "in 47 days.". We'll call them if we have no other choice.

Shooting commences next week after school. On monday, i'll be conducting a little mock shooting on one of the scenes so that everybody knows their places. After that, we'll be expecting shootings for thenext couple of days, three, if a reshoot is needed.

Storyline's simple really. Let me post up the synopsis they wrote in to me:

A boy And a girl were best friends. They had been through thick and thin together. One day, there’s this new transfer student in their school. The boy took a liking to the girl and decides to buy a necklace for her. His best friend thought he was buying for her. Instead, he gave it to the new transfer student and they got together. After a few months, his best friend asked him why he did not say “ I Love You” to his girlfriend after so many months. He then told her that he will tell that to her tonight. At night, he calls up to his best friend instead and told her “ I Love you”. ( had not thought of the names of the characters)

I liked the story. Jason liked the story. Most everyone else liked the way it went (but i have this feeling that other crewmates dont know what the story is about yet.)

Hai Tin wrote the script, as mentioned before. i intended to discuss with her on ways to shorten the script because it was a bit too draggy and chatty. Sheryl chipped in and said it was too formal as well. So we did some edits here and there.... Jason's currently adding a few things as well and i'm yet to receive the new script.

I'm very excited of this NVP. I was reading a forum dedicated to my camera and I'm amazed that i havent been using my camera to its fullest potential. it really is a good camera!

Watch this trailer of a feature length video sent in for a competition: Sundowning.. just an example of the quality Sam is able to deliver:

* This video is copyrighted to Gum Spirits Productions.


I'm thinking of opening up a business soon as well. Maybe after NVP1.

I'll be registering 305 Studios Productions into the.. um.... official thingy.... .

But then again... i still need a crew. Otherwise 305 Studios Productions will only be doing editing. NO. I want to shoot stories!

Will be discussing with Justin and the guys after the Kuching trip on this business idea.


Kuching trip has been confirmed. Joyce (yes, i put-ed your name first), shaun, I and Mitch (yes, i threw your name last. i am PISSED with your knowledge of words i do not understand.) will be going over to Kuching.

* and Mitch just made something very clear to me. My Audio Tech Tutor, Tan Chin Boo, was born in Kuching (or so she says). After she said that, i think i know Chin Boo from somewhere. I'll ask if he knows Holiday Inn Kuching.

The awaited itinerary would be the same as when i brought the guys over to Kuching last Novemeber (one week after i bought Sam!). Well... at least... the itenerary of what we were SUPPOSED to do.

There'll be trekking... eating... ocean sports (count me out.)... travelling to the Mulu Caves (maybe) and other activities that just get us all out and naked in the forestry of Sarawak.

Ok maybe not all is forest. Some city... (oh yeah... the city size is about as big as Ngee Ann. Small? yes. Though i'm counting city as in the places where tall buildings and hotels are nucleated at.) stuff.

There's an upright piano in one of the bars there (Serapi Restaurant. Shaun, TAKE NOTE OF NAME!) and i would just love it if Shaun were to play on that piece of musical instrument tht i think no one has tuned in decades.

And yeah... they'll be sleeping in my room. Enjoy the soft toys! and dust!


Enjoy the video playing now: My Twin.

It's just another snippet i took when i was bored this afternoon. (and pondering what to reply to Shaun's comments in the most SUBJECTIVE manner possible.)

* Notice that my shelvings, boxes and BED are gone? yup. No bed for me from now on. And my living room is practically furniture and tv-less. All's in Johor now.
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