Friday, September 09, 2005 |  
I'm on a mission now. I keep hearing our friends (as in... teens)... as well as the adults that "SINGAPORE IS BORING" and that "THERE IS NOTHING TO DO."

I also notice that many of these come from well-to-do families. Have you ever seen Ah Tua saying that?

So this holiday... my beloved Sam (camera) and I are going all round the country to make our friends drop that irritating tagline forever more.

I will be rather harsh here (since this is my country. hmph.) and say that i will be putting up pictures and videos instead with less words since many of these teens CANT READ MORE THAN FOUR paragraphs without getting bored. This goes even to the most interesting of all interesting books. But give them nonsensical and fake articles like "How to deal with your boyfriend" about THREE magazine pages long (well... to them its long...) and they will start claiming that their "eyes have been opened" and start coming up with similar nonsensical and worrying conclusions about things ("All men lie" or maybe "Don't look back at the past". Rings a bell?)

I have to say that the so-called advice, "Don't look back at the past.", or something similar, is at the least, disgraceful for any human being to heed to. Why? because it's as good as "forget". Forgetting about previous actions and experiences doesnt develop personal character at all! It is IMMATURE to think so. It may also develop a SNOBBISH and PROUD character within a person.

I hear yawns and clicking of the 'x' button already. Well... naturally... our youths...

* I would just love to hear opinions of readers who take to the side my opinion is on.


Anywyas i received an email from Ngee ann a few days ago and seems like XIAXUE will be coming over to school to give a talk about.. well... HOW TO BLOG SAFELY. (of all people...)

Sometiems i wonder what are the intentions of people who blog. Especially those who keep saying,"If you dont like what you read, then buzz off... this is MY space." I find it very arrogant. For one... IT IS ONLINE!!!... you know how many people are connected to the net within a 5 minutes times frame!??!

As Justin would say,"keep a diary if you dont want others to read about ur life and thoughts."

It makes sense really.

but im actually very proud that some of my friends who blog do blog about interesting things that are WORTH reading in GOOD LANGUAGE (wtf is up with other bloggers replacing all the "you"s to "eu"?".... and "coolio"???!?!?.. my God...


ijust realised that my school starts on Halloween... not bad... Manas''s birthday...


Vis is distraught now... apparently something that "i should not disclose online" has happened to his girlfriend.


Till then... ill be off exploring Singapore. ill be leaving you clips of my classmate, Syah, everyday for these few days..... A real comical guy, i must say.... and also not forgetting my other friends like Mitch and Joyce and Thena.... all of which have some different personalities to each of them that make things on video have more substance to them. (for one... they do things for the camera....)



So today i went to the ICA building to get my passport renewed. Guess what i saw on CNA?


not a bad start for the day, eh? Just two days ago i was with Shaun walking along that MRT.... currently there's some construction going on there.

Did somebody lose their head? Anyone?

Went to take videos of the city today.. will be posting up the video for you guys to download as part of my "Singapore is NOT boring" campaign.

Posted by Audi