The floors are wailing again. They won't shut up. So much pain under my knees. Rocking, and rocking.
I don't want to get up.
My god. What's that. Behind the shadows, I see your face. Bright. Glowing. No... I cannot. Shyly, I turn away. Don't touch me.
But let me touch you. I strain a breath as my fingers glide over yours. Fuck you. Fuck you for making me nothing more than an object. A carton box. A broken chair. But, please. Don't move. I'm not done yet.
I'm getting used to the dark.
I don't want to get up.
My god. What's that. Behind the shadows, I see your face. Bright. Glowing. No... I cannot. Shyly, I turn away. Don't touch me.
But let me touch you. I strain a breath as my fingers glide over yours. Fuck you. Fuck you for making me nothing more than an object. A carton box. A broken chair. But, please. Don't move. I'm not done yet.
I'm getting used to the dark.