This is BULLSHIT. The pussification of society. A New Cigarette Hazard: ‘Third-Hand Smoke’
Hey, it's Mr. Doom and Gloom here!
Not really, I'm writing this out of random. My basis for these predictions don't come from staring into a pool of water in a dark room illuminated by candles ala Nostrodamus or sleeping the whole day and having a magical fairy come to tell me shit. Instead, I'm looking back at history and following the current trends in the recent year.
They say history will always repeat itself.
Predictions for 2009
On another note, here's a video!
Wire Test from Audi Khalid on Vimeo.
Hey, it's Mr. Doom and Gloom here!
Not really, I'm writing this out of random. My basis for these predictions don't come from staring into a pool of water in a dark room illuminated by candles ala Nostrodamus or sleeping the whole day and having a magical fairy come to tell me shit. Instead, I'm looking back at history and following the current trends in the recent year.
They say history will always repeat itself.
Predictions for 2009
- Major unrest in the middle east, leading to bigger wars and at it's worst, another world war. Probable causes include prejudice, religion and oil.
- Increase in frequency of natural disasters. Particularly, earthquakes. Some will hit quite close to home, while others will happen in unheard of locations like New York, Florida, or Yellowstone National Park.
- Change in weather patterns.
- Weird behaviors from animals like birds. Mass migration, cannibalism in colonies. Keep an eye out for ant movements.
- Police/military state in certain countries. Could lead up to civil unrest.
- More talk of space travel.
- More talk of nuclear power.
- Biofuels won't be a favorite alternate fuel.
- Talks to point towards a disclosure from authorities on alien life forms or UFOs.
- The Internet might change becoming less liberal and more controlled.
- A major crisis to happen again, much like 9/11. False flag or not, it's for our children to see.
- Increase in military operations and mobilizations.
- Push towards the direction of marijuana legalization.
- Increase in cigarette prices. Also, inflation to omfg proportions.
- Leaps in science that may include anti-gravity, free energy, invisibility and weapons much lethal than before but with less bang.
- Nothing Better Than Being Alive will move over to Wordpress.
- Audi Khalid will finally get a girlfriend to call his own.
On another note, here's a video!
Wire Test from Audi Khalid on Vimeo.
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I did it for the lulz