I've currently been harassed by most of my IBP group members including my advisor (well... almost. He's so kind.)
I'm in charge of the scriptwriting for this 15 minute final project of the course. After weeks of Don, the director, doing the writing, the baton has been passed to me.
The story's basically about an Indian boy, 8, who finds friendship with a wheelchair-bound Chinese old lady, 78.
I'm practically writing with only a rough plan lined up. After writing so many scripts I've expected the story to grow itself rather than be regimented to like a Bonsai Kitten.
Amidst all the harassing from the rest on why the script isnt out yet, I noticed something about everything else around me.
It's like Yin and Yang, birth and death, the cycle of life and you are what you are because of what your parents did to their parents.
What is the difference between a child and an adult?
From such a young age we've all learned to lie. We've al learned to deceive. We know what makes us happy and what doesnt make us happy.
From the time we couldnt walk to the next time we couldnt walk.
Maybe the only reason why babies dont talk is because their vocal chords and mouth coordination isnt developed yet?
Why do we take such good care of the children when we neglect the older people?
If the child "has so much to live for" then shouldnt the older people be "had so much life lived"?
I've had this image in my mind recently. You know how people keep saying "to climb up" or "to achive the top" in life or success or whatever.
So in the mind is a graph that goes up and up and up. A little streak of light that climbs up from a single entity. Around this single entity are more streaks of light that beam from other entities - these are their friends, parents, the people around them.
But what if the real image isnt a blanket of lights streaming up from little balls?
What if all the balls are on the same level. Everyone starts off from the same level. Instead of how high your streaks of light are to measure ur success, what if the more successful you are equates to how big the glow is of the ball? Then the only way to measure ur success is by how many other balls around you are swallowed from your glow.
Finally, instead of a bumpy terrain of balls shooting light up in the sky, you have a field of glowing balls in the night, some glowing brighter and bigger than others while others fizzle and die out after a while.. even before the beholder passes on in real life.
Maybe this is how the angels see the good deeds you do? Maybe this glowing is what they equate to the level of your enlightenment?
It's kinda interesting for me to think about this. To think about the common goal we all should achieve as long as we're alive.
But until then, i've got to finish up this damned script.
I'm in charge of the scriptwriting for this 15 minute final project of the course. After weeks of Don, the director, doing the writing, the baton has been passed to me.
The story's basically about an Indian boy, 8, who finds friendship with a wheelchair-bound Chinese old lady, 78.
I'm practically writing with only a rough plan lined up. After writing so many scripts I've expected the story to grow itself rather than be regimented to like a Bonsai Kitten.
Amidst all the harassing from the rest on why the script isnt out yet, I noticed something about everything else around me.
It's like Yin and Yang, birth and death, the cycle of life and you are what you are because of what your parents did to their parents.
What is the difference between a child and an adult?
From such a young age we've all learned to lie. We've al learned to deceive. We know what makes us happy and what doesnt make us happy.
From the time we couldnt walk to the next time we couldnt walk.
Maybe the only reason why babies dont talk is because their vocal chords and mouth coordination isnt developed yet?
Why do we take such good care of the children when we neglect the older people?
If the child "has so much to live for" then shouldnt the older people be "had so much life lived"?
I've had this image in my mind recently. You know how people keep saying "to climb up" or "to achive the top" in life or success or whatever.
So in the mind is a graph that goes up and up and up. A little streak of light that climbs up from a single entity. Around this single entity are more streaks of light that beam from other entities - these are their friends, parents, the people around them.
But what if the real image isnt a blanket of lights streaming up from little balls?
What if all the balls are on the same level. Everyone starts off from the same level. Instead of how high your streaks of light are to measure ur success, what if the more successful you are equates to how big the glow is of the ball? Then the only way to measure ur success is by how many other balls around you are swallowed from your glow.
Finally, instead of a bumpy terrain of balls shooting light up in the sky, you have a field of glowing balls in the night, some glowing brighter and bigger than others while others fizzle and die out after a while.. even before the beholder passes on in real life.
Maybe this is how the angels see the good deeds you do? Maybe this glowing is what they equate to the level of your enlightenment?
It's kinda interesting for me to think about this. To think about the common goal we all should achieve as long as we're alive.
But until then, i've got to finish up this damned script.
Posted by
My Life
Sincere coffessions