Our AFP film, Black and White (lame title, I know), seems to be doing pretty good so far. Sure it isnt the best and sure there is no story and whatever bullcrap that has been flying around these days but currently it seems to be standing on its own new-found/realised merits. Many thanks to our buddy the editor, Yi Chang, on his effort.
We added in a couple of special effects three days ago and among them were sparks from a ricochet. A bit of eye candy for us since we were waiting for our soundman to come down and bring the edit up to the soundroom to do his magic.
The footages i gave YC came to good use and i find the results pretty nifty. And here's a video. Just a couple of minutes long.
Today's the screening for Leonard. Gonna come down in the afternoon with YC to add in the sound effects, listen to the improved audio (Soundman went "You go and listen to it" so it should be good) and the music he did since the original person tasked to do it shrunk on his balls.
And of course, finally, a little visual touch by me since i hate the look of it now. I love destroying things.
We added in a couple of special effects three days ago and among them were sparks from a ricochet. A bit of eye candy for us since we were waiting for our soundman to come down and bring the edit up to the soundroom to do his magic.
The footages i gave YC came to good use and i find the results pretty nifty. And here's a video. Just a couple of minutes long.
Today's the screening for Leonard. Gonna come down in the afternoon with YC to add in the sound effects, listen to the improved audio (Soundman went "You go and listen to it" so it should be good) and the music he did since the original person tasked to do it shrunk on his balls.
And of course, finally, a little visual touch by me since i hate the look of it now. I love destroying things.
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