Sorry Ting... but i still have nothing else to write about that you would like (girlfriends, boyfriends, who slept with who, who died who got lucky etc etc). But what I do want you to know is that I've borrowed your name for one of the main characters of my IBP group's story.
And Henry... I'm sorry, man.
A lot has been going on amongst everyone in school, now that they've shot a few times on 16mm film, about how to achieve that almighty film look. It doesnt help that now HD/HDV is rearing its premature-soft-supple-baby-head at every oppurtunity it could.
We've also been made to believe that film is 4 TEH WIN (!!) and anything lower is just bullshit.
Well we've seen people who've made film look like video (and more to come), and some made video look like film (hopefully more comes).
i dont really bother about this elitist fiasco. To me its really fruitless to discuss all this. I mean they're just tools not a fucking badge. I can go on and on and give both sides of the story but I wont want to. I'm just gonna say that you fuckers sound like fucking Apple fanboys and the Microsoft Cavalry together with rear end support of the Linux Geeks taking it all out in some random blog.
So instead of riding around on some imaginary high horse (The ground is down here, dude.) like a fucking queer I took it on myself to research this elusive holy grail... the FILM LOOK. Fuck theory if you cant do practical. Am i right to say u gotta fuck first to know what the fuck sex feels like?
Throughout the years (yea surprising isnt it.) I've boiled down the film look effect to just a few points. I cant say it out yet because i'm still experimenting. Even so i wont wanna tell it out so openly because douchebags will think they've known everything already. Bullshit.
But here are a few things i managed to come up so far with the help of other people who were willing to let me in on tips and tricks. I'll let pics do the work.

This is the original snapshot i got from recordings i took.
And here it is after a bit of tweaking....

Meh... could be improved.
I tried this simple method I came up with after a bit of common sense and reading up on a few more stills and showed them around to Kwang Wei.

It's quite obvious i've been going around with Jimmy Low a bit lately. I like this picture, too.
I tried this method on other conditions as well.

Not sure whether its because of the effect but i think it looks pretty nifty. Definitely not for all situations.

Beauty and the Beast. Left to Right. In case you're wondering; yes, that is my sister. And none shall speak ill of her but me because i'm teh brother, BIATCH!

I just gotta put Daryl. Btw, it's Daryl's birthday today (22nd June). Happy birthday, bro... and so on and so forth like i sms-ed you this morning lol.
I'm still experimenting more on getting that film-look. It's pretty fun. At least i'm doing something instead of being a poser all my life.
Some may like the effect. Some dont. Some go "WOOO!!!" and some would go "Meh i can do better but let me eat my big fat turkey first and get AIDS from fucking this monkey I call 'Mother'."
In case you're wondering, yeah.... i did all these effects in video. MOOOOVVVIINNGGG IMAGES!
P.S. There's a secret video hidden in this post somewhere. Go look for it.
And Henry... I'm sorry, man.
A lot has been going on amongst everyone in school, now that they've shot a few times on 16mm film, about how to achieve that almighty film look. It doesnt help that now HD/HDV is rearing its premature-soft-supple-baby-head at every oppurtunity it could.
We've also been made to believe that film is 4 TEH WIN (!!) and anything lower is just bullshit.
Well we've seen people who've made film look like video (and more to come), and some made video look like film (hopefully more comes).
i dont really bother about this elitist fiasco. To me its really fruitless to discuss all this. I mean they're just tools not a fucking badge. I can go on and on and give both sides of the story but I wont want to. I'm just gonna say that you fuckers sound like fucking Apple fanboys and the Microsoft Cavalry together with rear end support of the Linux Geeks taking it all out in some random blog.
So instead of riding around on some imaginary high horse (The ground is down here, dude.) like a fucking queer I took it on myself to research this elusive holy grail... the FILM LOOK. Fuck theory if you cant do practical. Am i right to say u gotta fuck first to know what the fuck sex feels like?
Throughout the years (yea surprising isnt it.) I've boiled down the film look effect to just a few points. I cant say it out yet because i'm still experimenting. Even so i wont wanna tell it out so openly because douchebags will think they've known everything already. Bullshit.
But here are a few things i managed to come up so far with the help of other people who were willing to let me in on tips and tricks. I'll let pics do the work.

This is the original snapshot i got from recordings i took.
And here it is after a bit of tweaking....

Meh... could be improved.
I tried this simple method I came up with after a bit of common sense and reading up on a few more stills and showed them around to Kwang Wei.

It's quite obvious i've been going around with Jimmy Low a bit lately. I like this picture, too.
I tried this method on other conditions as well.

Not sure whether its because of the effect but i think it looks pretty nifty. Definitely not for all situations.

Beauty and the Beast. Left to Right. In case you're wondering; yes, that is my sister. And none shall speak ill of her but me because i'm teh brother, BIATCH!

I just gotta put Daryl. Btw, it's Daryl's birthday today (22nd June). Happy birthday, bro... and so on and so forth like i sms-ed you this morning lol.
I'm still experimenting more on getting that film-look. It's pretty fun. At least i'm doing something instead of being a poser all my life.
Some may like the effect. Some dont. Some go "WOOO!!!" and some would go "Meh i can do better but let me eat my big fat turkey first and get AIDS from fucking this monkey I call 'Mother'."
In case you're wondering, yeah.... i did all these effects in video. MOOOOVVVIINNGGG IMAGES!
P.S. There's a secret video hidden in this post somewhere. Go look for it.
Posted by
Jimmy Low