After last night's quarrel over my work ethics with my manager, you'd expect me to sit down and think.
No, i didnt. I was too exhausted, too tired of waiting, planning, talking and expecting. I went home to sleep.
This morning i was about an hour late for Documentary Production class. That's already two big fat Os in the attendance sheet; last week i kinda overslept and skipped school. Didnt really bother me; i had the chance to catch Henry online. He isnt really "around" anymore.

The guys were already bringing out lighting equipments for the day's activity. I wasnt feeling that light in the chest so i picked a corner on the tables and sat on it, watching my classmates do their work.
This year's class make-up of students is pretty interesting. After two years of being seperated into cohort A and B, the seals are finally broken and both cohorts are now mixed together in the slush of torrential energy.... if that ever makes sense to you.
I started to observe people that i know have the reputation of being the BEST in this or that this and that etc etc. Maybe i could learn something.
Soon enough an half hour passed and they still were playing with the lights and flags. I figured this couldnt happen. My perception of a film crew equals to that of a mortar team in the military. Sweet, sharp, excellent.

So i got up on my feet and started pointing fingers and leading people to do stuff. After a bit of adjustments to the already fine lighting the DOP did before, i was set and took my seat to the furthest wall for a nap.... with Ronald, of course.
The next round was another turn for other groups of people to do the lighting and stuff for this mock interview. At least now i was a feeling a bit more energetic... what with Kang Sheng and all his horniness. I swear he's a lady's man but the belly gets in the way. No hor fun for him.
Hope you got that..."Whore" fun... yea... class joke.
Craig McTurkeyBalls picked me to be the DOP this time. I gave a resounding OKAY! but deep down in my heart i'm askin myself a few questions.
Sometimes i wonder if i really do can light as well as people say. I remember last semester i was both praised and criticised for my skills as a DOP. Jowell the King of Turd-dome complains i take too freaking long and too many lights to light. Then our good man Chandler, who for some reason wants to look like Wolverine nowadays, comes into the set and strokes his goatee going, "Mm... interesting lighting you have here... and it's set up pretty fast too..."

Another thing i wonder about was WHAT IS the reason i took up directing instead of part of the camera team (that i also liken to a fire team in the military); even though i think i'm doing fairly well in that line. I have other people doing beter lighting than me so to actually have competition in class is good. But then i didnt take Cinematography.
"Okay Audi.. you may light it..."
And then our lovely Director, Jowell, opens his mouth and the first thing he says to me is, "Do the lights, boy!"... naturally not giving me any more info like where the camera's gonna be and what kinda lighting he wants. Damn you!!!! lol.
I threw some lights here and there making decisions on the fly. I had Jeff helping me out.. helpful guy i must say. He works like a bloody machine; I'll be fixing a redhead.... he'll be infornt of me watching and the moment i start to look up and around he gets into position. All i gotta do is say,"C-stand." and BAM he flies and gets me one, complete with the legs spread open and he's already unscrewing the holders before the thing is even on the ground. Efficiency times a hundred million!

Lighting was done. i check the camera, telling the cam operator to give me this this this shot and once i find that everything is fine, i take a seat at the back of the class and was rewarded, along with all of us who were there, with Kang Sheng's superb storytelling skillz. Never knew he was so mature in his thinking. Kudos to you, my fat friend!
McTurk liked the lighting alot. Saying all these bullshit-potentials like, "If this lighting were done in your projects i'd give an A++".
I'm sorry sir. But i've come to know that that's not how it works here. Even if i were to reproduce the lighting and the talents, i'd only get a C. I've learned my lesson.

Do more + Passionate + Being afraid of contacting lecturers for fear of interrupting them = Borderline results.
Do as expected + A sorry excuse for being passionate + ball-licking + having contacts that your lecturer will be willing to be raped for + money, tons + giving lowblows to your teammates then laughing about it = Grade A student.
of course there are exceptional cases but that's pretty much it. The reality of the real world.
And if you may excuse me, I gotta take care of Viky, who has, again, disappeared from the face of the earth. I think i can only be happy in school. The workload numbs the pain in my heart and mind. I hate coming home to problems that i feel need to be solved but they dont.

Well... why do i care so much about them?
What can i say.....

I'm just a nice guy!
No, i didnt. I was too exhausted, too tired of waiting, planning, talking and expecting. I went home to sleep.
This morning i was about an hour late for Documentary Production class. That's already two big fat Os in the attendance sheet; last week i kinda overslept and skipped school. Didnt really bother me; i had the chance to catch Henry online. He isnt really "around" anymore.

The guys were already bringing out lighting equipments for the day's activity. I wasnt feeling that light in the chest so i picked a corner on the tables and sat on it, watching my classmates do their work.
This year's class make-up of students is pretty interesting. After two years of being seperated into cohort A and B, the seals are finally broken and both cohorts are now mixed together in the slush of torrential energy.... if that ever makes sense to you.
I started to observe people that i know have the reputation of being the BEST in this or that this and that etc etc. Maybe i could learn something.
Soon enough an half hour passed and they still were playing with the lights and flags. I figured this couldnt happen. My perception of a film crew equals to that of a mortar team in the military. Sweet, sharp, excellent.

So i got up on my feet and started pointing fingers and leading people to do stuff. After a bit of adjustments to the already fine lighting the DOP did before, i was set and took my seat to the furthest wall for a nap.... with Ronald, of course.
The next round was another turn for other groups of people to do the lighting and stuff for this mock interview. At least now i was a feeling a bit more energetic... what with Kang Sheng and all his horniness. I swear he's a lady's man but the belly gets in the way. No hor fun for him.
Hope you got that..."Whore" fun... yea... class joke.
Craig McTurkeyBalls picked me to be the DOP this time. I gave a resounding OKAY! but deep down in my heart i'm askin myself a few questions.
Sometimes i wonder if i really do can light as well as people say. I remember last semester i was both praised and criticised for my skills as a DOP. Jowell the King of Turd-dome complains i take too freaking long and too many lights to light. Then our good man Chandler, who for some reason wants to look like Wolverine nowadays, comes into the set and strokes his goatee going, "Mm... interesting lighting you have here... and it's set up pretty fast too..."

Another thing i wonder about was WHAT IS the reason i took up directing instead of part of the camera team (that i also liken to a fire team in the military); even though i think i'm doing fairly well in that line. I have other people doing beter lighting than me so to actually have competition in class is good. But then i didnt take Cinematography.
"Okay Audi.. you may light it..."
And then our lovely Director, Jowell, opens his mouth and the first thing he says to me is, "Do the lights, boy!"... naturally not giving me any more info like where the camera's gonna be and what kinda lighting he wants. Damn you!!!! lol.
I threw some lights here and there making decisions on the fly. I had Jeff helping me out.. helpful guy i must say. He works like a bloody machine; I'll be fixing a redhead.... he'll be infornt of me watching and the moment i start to look up and around he gets into position. All i gotta do is say,"C-stand." and BAM he flies and gets me one, complete with the legs spread open and he's already unscrewing the holders before the thing is even on the ground. Efficiency times a hundred million!

Lighting was done. i check the camera, telling the cam operator to give me this this this shot and once i find that everything is fine, i take a seat at the back of the class and was rewarded, along with all of us who were there, with Kang Sheng's superb storytelling skillz. Never knew he was so mature in his thinking. Kudos to you, my fat friend!
McTurk liked the lighting alot. Saying all these bullshit-potentials like, "If this lighting were done in your projects i'd give an A++".
I'm sorry sir. But i've come to know that that's not how it works here. Even if i were to reproduce the lighting and the talents, i'd only get a C. I've learned my lesson.

Do more + Passionate + Being afraid of contacting lecturers for fear of interrupting them = Borderline results.
Do as expected + A sorry excuse for being passionate + ball-licking + having contacts that your lecturer will be willing to be raped for + money, tons + giving lowblows to your teammates then laughing about it = Grade A student.
of course there are exceptional cases but that's pretty much it. The reality of the real world.
And if you may excuse me, I gotta take care of Viky, who has, again, disappeared from the face of the earth. I think i can only be happy in school. The workload numbs the pain in my heart and mind. I hate coming home to problems that i feel need to be solved but they dont.

Well... why do i care so much about them?
What can i say.....

I'm just a nice guy!
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