I was playing pool at AMK with the other three guys (surprise!) when my phone rang.
Tharik, who’s ever undermining the very radius of my social circle, whispered loudly to Henry going, “THAT must be Sly calling….” And he giggles like the little butch he is.
background: Tna hates me going out with people he doesnt know.
I talked on the phone… said “yeah”, “uhhuh”, “maybe” and “lei mak tong guo lei chiam seh….” And put down the phone.
“Eh this Saturday I going Sly’s house.”
Last Saturday was uncle larry’s bday and what other good way for fangirls to use that reason to go to Sly’s house and see him in all his skeleton-skinny glory!
Tsk tsk tsk…. Somebody needs to build muscle….
His house is located *somewhere* in Jurong and I see that the haze is as bad as it is in the west to the north.

Trivia: Indonesia is twice as big as M’sia and Singapore combined and the government control is twice as dumb.
I’ve always found myself as being “the only malay” during gatherings and parties. Not that I really bother… since that line is always complimented with a, “but you dun look malay leh ur eyes/nose/mouth/skin/voice/actions/clothing….”
Just yesterday at the Hari Raya bazaar below GV the Chinese lady behind the counter asked me what race I belonged to.
I made a slip of the tongue and went, “Chinese” and she totally ate it up.
The next time someone asks me I’m gonna say, “Human” because to be honest…. ethnicity isn’t race.
So yada yada yada…. Ting was always there to make me horny.

Let's blind the turtle with our camera flashes!
This is Ting… and yes… whats up with the pink headband you big girl? You were all black-n-hot and suddenly that thing pops out of nowhere….
Anyways, this heap of a buffalo was playing with Sly’s terrapins and I was looking elsewhere when the bloody turtle flew and went “SPLAT” right infront of my leg. I turned to her and she was doing the “OOOOSHHHITTT” look.
Note to Sly: She threw your turtle!
Im not gonna give a bloated review about his room so there. Here’s some fun stuff I saw.
I don’t how many… but omg there were guitars lying all over the place! Behind his bed, on the floor, stacked on the rack, the one with the spiral design that keeps appearing in magazines….
HUGE amplifiers one side, him playing on the other, his friend doing some weird stuff on it….
Posters everywhere~~~~~ couldn’t miss that.
AwARDS! From the Presidnets star charity to the platinum award thing for successfully selling thirty thousand copies of his album and etc…

Hallo Mr. Nathan!
Ting’s favourite thing…. A lamp reading SEX IN PROGRESS. She’s so proud of it cause she bought it.

So now we know… ahem ahem….
Oh and yeah… Stacie…
she.. has… long… legs….
Great fun for the day. Caught up with all the aunties and uncles that I missed. Got acquainted with Sly’s mom. Saw the dog. Saw the two PS2s. But mostly talking to people while Sly was in his room playing on his piano for the girls.
Sly did a little performance on the piano; an instrument he just start learning. Taufik got owned halfway through this clip.
Ting and Sly then left for Dragonfly (Official Opening’s this Friday, okay?) after that and so I took a cab back to Yishun, taxi driver and I scolding the culprits of the haze…

The happy family + the boyfriend.
I was so full of zest. I met Tharik… bombarded him with so many names of people he doesn’t know and showed my pictures and yada yada yada-ed all night long at BK. Who has the small social circle now? It’s not only medium-sized… it’s DEEP!
Throughout the night I kept poking at Aik (he doesn’t fancy Sly… probably because we keep poking fun at him looking like Sly… the fact that they are both BoA fans doesnt help either.) giving messages like…
“WAA… I think you lose liao…”

I think Aik hates me now. LOL.
Tharik, who’s ever undermining the very radius of my social circle, whispered loudly to Henry going, “THAT must be Sly calling….” And he giggles like the little butch he is.
background: Tna hates me going out with people he doesnt know.
I talked on the phone… said “yeah”, “uhhuh”, “maybe” and “lei mak tong guo lei chiam seh….” And put down the phone.
“Eh this Saturday I going Sly’s house.”
Last Saturday was uncle larry’s bday and what other good way for fangirls to use that reason to go to Sly’s house and see him in all his skeleton-skinny glory!
Tsk tsk tsk…. Somebody needs to build muscle….
His house is located *somewhere* in Jurong and I see that the haze is as bad as it is in the west to the north.

Trivia: Indonesia is twice as big as M’sia and Singapore combined and the government control is twice as dumb.
I’ve always found myself as being “the only malay” during gatherings and parties. Not that I really bother… since that line is always complimented with a, “but you dun look malay leh ur eyes/nose/mouth/skin/voice/actions/clothing….”
Just yesterday at the Hari Raya bazaar below GV the Chinese lady behind the counter asked me what race I belonged to.
I made a slip of the tongue and went, “Chinese” and she totally ate it up.
The next time someone asks me I’m gonna say, “Human” because to be honest…. ethnicity isn’t race.
So yada yada yada…. Ting was always there to make me horny.

Let's blind the turtle with our camera flashes!
This is Ting… and yes… whats up with the pink headband you big girl? You were all black-n-hot and suddenly that thing pops out of nowhere….
Anyways, this heap of a buffalo was playing with Sly’s terrapins and I was looking elsewhere when the bloody turtle flew and went “SPLAT” right infront of my leg. I turned to her and she was doing the “OOOOSHHHITTT” look.
Note to Sly: She threw your turtle!
Im not gonna give a bloated review about his room so there. Here’s some fun stuff I saw.
I don’t how many… but omg there were guitars lying all over the place! Behind his bed, on the floor, stacked on the rack, the one with the spiral design that keeps appearing in magazines….
HUGE amplifiers one side, him playing on the other, his friend doing some weird stuff on it….
Posters everywhere~~~~~ couldn’t miss that.
AwARDS! From the Presidnets star charity to the platinum award thing for successfully selling thirty thousand copies of his album and etc…

Hallo Mr. Nathan!
Ting’s favourite thing…. A lamp reading SEX IN PROGRESS. She’s so proud of it cause she bought it.

So now we know… ahem ahem….
Oh and yeah… Stacie…
she.. has… long… legs….
Great fun for the day. Caught up with all the aunties and uncles that I missed. Got acquainted with Sly’s mom. Saw the dog. Saw the two PS2s. But mostly talking to people while Sly was in his room playing on his piano for the girls.
Sly did a little performance on the piano; an instrument he just start learning. Taufik got owned halfway through this clip.
Ting and Sly then left for Dragonfly (Official Opening’s this Friday, okay?) after that and so I took a cab back to Yishun, taxi driver and I scolding the culprits of the haze…

The happy family + the boyfriend.
I was so full of zest. I met Tharik… bombarded him with so many names of people he doesn’t know and showed my pictures and yada yada yada-ed all night long at BK. Who has the small social circle now? It’s not only medium-sized… it’s DEEP!
Throughout the night I kept poking at Aik (he doesn’t fancy Sly… probably because we keep poking fun at him looking like Sly… the fact that they are both BoA fans doesnt help either.) giving messages like…
“WAA… I think you lose liao…”

I think Aik hates me now. LOL.
Posted by
Sylvester Sim