I called up two of my BMT friends, Sean Daryl and Joseph, out on the evening of the 25th for a drink.

Initially, my plan for the night was to trudge along the wet oily roads in the heart of the city with nothing to shield me from the cold blanket of loneliness but my camera as we snapped pictures that mean nothing to us. I looked at my sorry self and cried,"I wish I had a girlfriend."
Yea... I kind of wrote that way before hand.
We met up over at Hooters after a confusing debate on the phone on which is Boat Quay, and which is Clarke Quay. Joseph shouted,"Can't you see me in the middle of the bridge!"
I looked at the bridge near the Parliament House and shook my head,"What the hell?! You're standing in the middle of the road!"
The bridge he was on was at Riverside Point... and it's meant only for pedestrians. We were on opposite ends of the the quays. Anyways, we went to Hooters for dinner.

We caught up with the things we missed and I was glad to be around. However, I'm amused myself at how much less emo I was now. I remember the days when Justin, Nick, Joey and I will spend our time kicking pebbles on the road in near-silence. It's a situation where the use of words weren't necessary to say what's on our minds. BMT was long ago and no matter how much I loved the people there, my memory fails me and I'm starting to forget a lot of things. I'm heavily dependent on my journals and pictures. Losing any of these two means losing a part of my life. And I'm serious! Stop rolling your eyes!
We needed a place to drink. The Hooter girls didn't really fancy us besides Joseph who can't stop gasping 'hot pants! hot pants!'. We walked around aimlessly at.... Clarke Quay.... looking for a pub with a live band. It was Christmas... and damn Joseph if he wanted to listen to his hip hop music.
I was the initiator of the meet-up, so I had the responsibility of taking them to a nice place. AS IF I KNEW!

It was a night that almost ended in disaster. There was a Cuban club playing Cuban music and the place was set up with all things Cuban minus the cigar and Mary Jane. We nearly went in for the sake of doing something but didn't. What the hell were we thinking?! We haven't even drunk yet!
Nearby, we were attracted to a club called 'Lunar' that played Chinese Pop Music. Red decor, quiet crowd, a SGD12 entrance fee with a complimentary drink. I was fine with that.
I love Dragonfly so it wasn't as "weird" as Joseph kept trying to point out. He probably hasn't heard me speak in Mandarin. So we went in.
Okay, fine. I admit. The only reason we went in was because they had an LCD screen outside that showed clips of their live band performing and.... wait for it... POLE DANCERS!

Were we high, and the club was nice enough to let my camera in. We marched up the dark red corridors to a glass door that slid open to reveal a tasteful retro-soft-porn-ish ceiling to floor poster of a lady showing her ass. So what were three guys with a camera going to do? Camwhore?

And, of course...

It was a quiet empty place. The band was playing and we sat at our seats in a little dark corner watching old couples gazing at the performance. True, it was boring as hell. And pretty soon our drinks were finished. I looked at Daryl and he had the knowing look about his face. The kind that says,"Help me. I'm dying."
Joseph and I went into a discussion on where the poles were. Were they going to fix it up on stage during intermission? Where are the girls dancing? How many? Was the video outside the club a fake?
We were about to leave when the giant projector screen showed the girls dancing on platforms. We looked around - no girls. Fake? Was this live?
I spotted the color pattern the lights were giving off and it was in synch with the video. Joseph looked up at the people above and saw them looking at one spot.
We rushed up as quickly as we could in the dark and up the spiral staircase. And, wow. If you ever went over to Lunar.... for god's sake... GO TO THE SECOND FLOOR!

Now, I know what some 'pure' ladies would say. That we're sick in the mind, clouded with nothing but the lust for flesh, drinking till we're silly and smoking till we choke. I've got nothing to say about that. And nothing I say could change your thinking. But just remember that when you gag at the thought of us men not washing our hands after we pee, you'd willingly give a guy you love a blowjob. WHO'S SICK NOW?!

You'd half expect the mob up on the second level to go nuts over the sight of over ten VERY beautiful girls dancing on platforms but everything was pretty civil. Some guys had their girls with them and it was funny because you could see how tightly the guys are holding on to them as their eyes gazed at the performance. It's sort of like saying, "I'm not doing anything wrong! See! I still love you! See how tight my arms are around you!"
Over on our side, Joseph and I were jumping all over the place. So were my eyes. I almost fainted when the lady on the pole gave us a slight smile. Please excuse us... we're kind of like.... army boys.
I'm amazed at the strength of the girl on the pole. I was looking one way and the next moment Daryl gasped. I turned around and there was she climbing up the pole. She then went into a routine with her hands upside-fucking-down. Entertainment value!
I can't remember how long the performance was. Probably half-an-hour, and I was too busy questioning the tingling sensations down south. It's crude, but I knew only of one thing that time.
Three letters.
Figure that one out. HA!
Tilt your head to the left.
The girls packed up and started entertaining the guest, in a civil manner, and we got our drinks to move over to the smoking point.
I'm quite annoyed at this smoking/non-smoking thing. I got an idea... sell us chewable tobacco! We get our nicotine fix, the pompous ladies get their fresh air, no one dies of second hand smoke, and we don't have to stop any activities just for a smoke break.
One could say,"Why not just stop? Or don't start at all?"
Hey, do you know how COOL we look when we smoke?!
It was back to the live band and we were ready to leave. There's one thing I love about Chinese live bands. There are a few musical gems to be found. I heard a rendition of, what I think was, a Bon Jovi Christmas song sung by a guy who had a pleasantly smooth voice.
The guitarist was holding a Les Paul model and he ripped it to bits on one end and made it weep on the other. It was great pub music and a great conclusion to the night.
That, and the camwhoring.
It was around 2am so we left the place in our own separate cabs. I wasn't exactly the best person to initiate a meet-up so we planned to call the rest of the guys for New Year's Eve. I think that'll be sweet.
I found out that looking forward for the fireworks was pretty gay when Joseph screamed WHAT THE FUCK in my face.
I hope I don't miss it. I've never taken shots of fireworks before. But, hey, if I ever had to miss any fireworks, I'd miss it for a great time with the guys.
Well, that concludes how I spent my Christmas this year. Ladies, smooth abs, alcohol, cigarettes, and a pleasant company. It may not be full of explosions, but at least it was honest. And that, really, is the spirit of Christmas, isn't it?
How did you spend your Christmas?

Initially, my plan for the night was to trudge along the wet oily roads in the heart of the city with nothing to shield me from the cold blanket of loneliness but my camera as we snapped pictures that mean nothing to us. I looked at my sorry self and cried,"I wish I had a girlfriend."
Yea... I kind of wrote that way before hand.
We met up over at Hooters after a confusing debate on the phone on which is Boat Quay, and which is Clarke Quay. Joseph shouted,"Can't you see me in the middle of the bridge!"
I looked at the bridge near the Parliament House and shook my head,"What the hell?! You're standing in the middle of the road!"
The bridge he was on was at Riverside Point... and it's meant only for pedestrians. We were on opposite ends of the the quays. Anyways, we went to Hooters for dinner.

We caught up with the things we missed and I was glad to be around. However, I'm amused myself at how much less emo I was now. I remember the days when Justin, Nick, Joey and I will spend our time kicking pebbles on the road in near-silence. It's a situation where the use of words weren't necessary to say what's on our minds. BMT was long ago and no matter how much I loved the people there, my memory fails me and I'm starting to forget a lot of things. I'm heavily dependent on my journals and pictures. Losing any of these two means losing a part of my life. And I'm serious! Stop rolling your eyes!
We needed a place to drink. The Hooter girls didn't really fancy us besides Joseph who can't stop gasping 'hot pants! hot pants!'. We walked around aimlessly at.... Clarke Quay.... looking for a pub with a live band. It was Christmas... and damn Joseph if he wanted to listen to his hip hop music.
I was the initiator of the meet-up, so I had the responsibility of taking them to a nice place. AS IF I KNEW!

It was a night that almost ended in disaster. There was a Cuban club playing Cuban music and the place was set up with all things Cuban minus the cigar and Mary Jane. We nearly went in for the sake of doing something but didn't. What the hell were we thinking?! We haven't even drunk yet!

I love Dragonfly so it wasn't as "weird" as Joseph kept trying to point out. He probably hasn't heard me speak in Mandarin. So we went in.
Okay, fine. I admit. The only reason we went in was because they had an LCD screen outside that showed clips of their live band performing and.... wait for it... POLE DANCERS!

Were we high, and the club was nice enough to let my camera in. We marched up the dark red corridors to a glass door that slid open to reveal a tasteful retro-soft-porn-ish ceiling to floor poster of a lady showing her ass. So what were three guys with a camera going to do? Camwhore?

And, of course...

Joseph and I went into a discussion on where the poles were. Were they going to fix it up on stage during intermission? Where are the girls dancing? How many? Was the video outside the club a fake?
We were about to leave when the giant projector screen showed the girls dancing on platforms. We looked around - no girls. Fake? Was this live?
I spotted the color pattern the lights were giving off and it was in synch with the video. Joseph looked up at the people above and saw them looking at one spot.
We rushed up as quickly as we could in the dark and up the spiral staircase. And, wow. If you ever went over to Lunar.... for god's sake... GO TO THE SECOND FLOOR!

Now, I know what some 'pure' ladies would say. That we're sick in the mind, clouded with nothing but the lust for flesh, drinking till we're silly and smoking till we choke. I've got nothing to say about that. And nothing I say could change your thinking. But just remember that when you gag at the thought of us men not washing our hands after we pee, you'd willingly give a guy you love a blowjob. WHO'S SICK NOW?!

You'd half expect the mob up on the second level to go nuts over the sight of over ten VERY beautiful girls dancing on platforms but everything was pretty civil. Some guys had their girls with them and it was funny because you could see how tightly the guys are holding on to them as their eyes gazed at the performance. It's sort of like saying, "I'm not doing anything wrong! See! I still love you! See how tight my arms are around you!"

I'm amazed at the strength of the girl on the pole. I was looking one way and the next moment Daryl gasped. I turned around and there was she climbing up the pole. She then went into a routine with her hands upside-fucking-down. Entertainment value!
I can't remember how long the performance was. Probably half-an-hour, and I was too busy questioning the tingling sensations down south. It's crude, but I knew only of one thing that time.
Three letters.
Figure that one out. HA!
Tilt your head to the left.
The girls packed up and started entertaining the guest, in a civil manner, and we got our drinks to move over to the smoking point.
I'm quite annoyed at this smoking/non-smoking thing. I got an idea... sell us chewable tobacco! We get our nicotine fix, the pompous ladies get their fresh air, no one dies of second hand smoke, and we don't have to stop any activities just for a smoke break.

Hey, do you know how COOL we look when we smoke?!
It was back to the live band and we were ready to leave. There's one thing I love about Chinese live bands. There are a few musical gems to be found. I heard a rendition of, what I think was, a Bon Jovi Christmas song sung by a guy who had a pleasantly smooth voice.
The guitarist was holding a Les Paul model and he ripped it to bits on one end and made it weep on the other. It was great pub music and a great conclusion to the night.
That, and the camwhoring.

I found out that looking forward for the fireworks was pretty gay when Joseph screamed WHAT THE FUCK in my face.
I hope I don't miss it. I've never taken shots of fireworks before. But, hey, if I ever had to miss any fireworks, I'd miss it for a great time with the guys.
Well, that concludes how I spent my Christmas this year. Ladies, smooth abs, alcohol, cigarettes, and a pleasant company. It may not be full of explosions, but at least it was honest. And that, really, is the spirit of Christmas, isn't it?
How did you spend your Christmas?
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My Life