The flu this time round was bad. Really bad. Is this normal? Whenever I sneeze a sharp pain travels from my chest all the way to my inner elbows. It's paralyzing to say the least. A quick check on Google confirms this phenomena and it may be high blood pressure (I'm fine), or something stemming from a past injury.
The last injury I received was falling off the pull-up bar last week and landing on my ass. Kinda funny, that.

Emo be gone, I don't really bother much about posting out anymore. I've come to terms with myself and decided to enjoy wherever the hell I am now. I've thrown all the OCS, MDC, Armoured Driver dreams out the window. Come what may, they say, and it's a big load off my mind.
Just this week another two guys were posted out to RP. One went to the Guards camp, and the other to Commando camp. I congratulated them. Sad, though, since one of them, Ashwin, I loved to talk to. He was the only one I could have spontaneous debates with regarding marijuana, piracy, and the death sentence.
I bumped into Jayden again this week during lunch. He's lucky enough to be able to go home after office hours. That leaves him a lot of time to do whatever he wants then. I spoke to him again yesterday online and he called upon me to help him in making a short film he was planning. Needless to say, I'm honored, and I would love to pick up a camera again to shoot a film with him. My creative juices are fermenting again and I'm in need to let quite a few farts off.
I caught the Pulau Hantu show yesterday on OKTO. I was amazed... amazed at what turned out. Wow... I'm sorry if anyone watched that. It was miles away than what I was expecting. They didn't even mask out my face for the human torch stunt! It was clear as day!

It's become my dad's default eatery whenever we have a celebration. Cheap prices, quiet ambience and nothing too lavish. I love western food... real ones... and ordered the Meat Lover's meal that I should say hit me in the right spot.
We don't really hang out as a family and I don't really complain about that. It's never come across to me as something that requires attention. Anyone could easily foretell how our dinners would end - my dad will start talking about his dreams on something like money, house, or how the family should bond, then my sister would say something against it, I would chip in, then we'll have this sort of debate which usually ends in my father blabbering about religion and culture with my mother occasionally nodding her head and commenting on how right my dad is. We then keep quiet and let him talk. Personally, I find it useless to argue once he's in that mode. It always ends up with a bad taste in my mouth. And I never liked have these dinners.
I think we, my sister and I, hit the nail right on the head when we argued we weren't brought up in the "traditional", "normal" way.

No plans were made with Joey or the guys this weekend. Well, actually there were, but the plans disintegrated as the hours went by. I didn't even call Nick this week simply because I didn't want to. Everyone's busy now with their own commitments and I don't wanna get involved. I guess it's just one of those things that will eventually come and the faster I accept it, the better.
I think that's one of the biggest lessons in life. Besides, I may have been a bit of a clingy prick lately.
Rearranging myself, I got back to what was important and that was running the stunt company, doing research, reading the news and putting the left side of my brain to work.
I'm currently using Minefield from Mozilla, the creators of Firefox. It's a sort of in its alpha stage but it's fast. Very fast. I'd recommend it while Google Chrome is still getting things ironed out.
My guitar is getting a lot of love from me now. You'd find me every night with my little baby just strumming and fingering her while reading notes of "Don't Cry" by Guns and Roses. It's a lot of fun and it's an avenue for me to silently weep away all the heartaches of missing that special someone. What? You didn't know? I'm in love.

I doodle anything whenever the situation permits and started drawing web designs and headers. The new header you see is a result of one of those scribbled drawings.
The Stunt Production website, abandoned as it looks now, was a little project I did for the company. It's my first website and I still have nightmares from those dark days of Dreamweaver and Filezilla. I've matured a wee bit from those days and drew out a new web design on my journal. The result, of course, is the one of the left after a couple of hours on Photoshop. One of the biggest problems I had on the current website was how confusing and plain everything was.
Then that's another problem... it stops there. I still have no freaking idea how to code and this "Dummies Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" is kinda useless right now. I'll save that for next week. Time to book in.
So what do you guys think of the layout?
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