I inhaled.
A cigarette never tasted so good. I looked across me and gazed into the reflection of the Altis. There, Joey was leaning beside me, dressed smartly casual as usual. We both took another puff. What the hell were we doing at Yishun Dam?!

It's become the norm to spend the company of another by emo-ing at some random place in the middle of the night. But I don't think about it anymore.
We had a whole week of field camp and, luckily (in a way), I was excused from uniform and out-field so I had the delightful opportunity of sitting in the office. Carrying stores out of the tonner? Pfft... I'll hide here under the conference table, thank you.
I did manage to do some different things. Once, we had a trainee who reported sick in the middle of the night just as I was about to sleep. I knew I couldn't sleep anyway so I accompanied him up to his bunk, the showers (yea... sigh), and finally to the MO at midnight.
To manage my loneliness, I brought over my guitar and iPod. People seem to wonder why did I bring an electric guitar without an amp.
I hate going to sleep now. My brain starts working overtime and I start to wonder and fear for things that don't exist. I play the song "Champagne Supernova" on a loop. It's a nice song, and it brings me back to the times I was back in my Yankee bunk and having this ass of a rat climbing into my bed to share my iPod.
Four of our thirteen OOCs have been posted out to the guardhouse. It's good though... they got rid of a couple of bastards. I smiled as they left. I think I've moved on.
I hung around Eunos MRT again yesterday just sitting on the seat across the 7-11. I've been here a couple of times before, sitting on the same seat and placing my hands on the steel pillars. I was looking forward to bringing Justing over to Daryl's place for some fun together with Joey and Nick. Let's just say it didn't happen and Joey and I were back in the car again, driving aimlessly.

The rest of the night consisted of us playing out the MMORPG lifestyle of traveling to towns and meeting people. After that, traveling again to the direction the wind blows.
We spoke at lengths about the economic recession. When I received my bank account transaction letter I took it and met up with Joey to show it to him. I was shocked at how much my SAF allowance has been deducted - close to a hundred dollars. God fuck me for signing up for the magazines and cards and useless nothings during BMT. I mean, who would have thought that your bloody TIMES magazine will come only after BMT? And where are our free gifts and SAFRA card?!
Joey and I came up with plans on how to cut costs. We calculated our smokes and meals. It's a freaking burden to smoke now. A pack of Reds cost close to 12 dollars. I finish a pack in two days!
Being and OOC doesn't help at all, financially. With the freedom of a permstaff on vacation, I've been eating most of my meals at the canteen. Don't blame me... the canteen food I've been sent to sucks. I spend at least 5 dollars a day at the canteen. Let's not count the times I wander aimlessly at the gift shop. It's really not that I have something to spend... there's really no rhyme or reason for me to visit the gift shop. But I'm always captivated to enter and look around at the items... even though I've seen all of them hundreds of millions of times.
We planned to buy an account book that we'll keep with us. I figured, why stop there? And we agreed to challenge each other to see who has saved the most by the end of the month. I guess I'll have to live poor. No more dreams of buying leather jeans.

We drove over to Salvation Army at Upper Serangoon the next day. I was looking for a new pair of slim-cut jeans. Or maybe I could get that leather jeans I've always wanted.
I'm amazed at how big their collection was. I felt like a hippy walking down their isles and rummaging through their items. Who knows, I might find something unique. I did, actually. I found a stack of flasks. They're tiny and concealable. Great for smuggling whiskey in. I paid the cashier five dollars.
Joey got himself a hell of a heavy silver watch for about eight dollars. It looks cool and futuristic with the LEDs and sleek chrome finish. I asked him what was that for?
"I'm buying this to chiong-sua." He was serious.
As we were shopping around the furniture areas, I can't help but think how much I could save if I ever wanted to furnish my room. There were tables that were still strong. Some just needed a bit of touch up. TVs and LCDs were going at rock-bottom prices and tables were aplenty. Just think of the money I can save!
I'm waiting for that one guy to donate away his 24 inch LCD TV. My CRT died infront of me last week, leaving me with only one monitor to look at now. Oh well, it served a good seven years.
I called back our old friend, Jimmy Low, and I asked him for some help. I needed to kick-start my savings account after the bombing a couple of weeks back. Shamelessly I asked if there was work in the weekends. I didn't hope for much - it's difficult for us to get hired in Singapore. They say we're too expensive and niche.
I was surprised though that there's a shoot this 28th that's run by the Army (apparently). They needed explosions so we're coming down to give them some. I hope I could come. In times like now, having just another 50 dollars means another week for survival.
OKTO, the new channel by Arts Central, would be showing "Pulau Hantu" on the 26th of this month. This film's one of my biggest breaks... especially when I was stunt doubling for at least 3 guys (and a girl) and acted as myself in the last few scenes. I remember carrying over my Ultimax 100 everywhere I went on set until the director forgot that it was meant to be used in a scene. Well the scene went on ahead without the SAW and we had to replace it with another weapon later on. I wrote a bit about the shoot here in this post.
Another week, another rambling blog entry. I'm currently in 'Zen' mode where everything just zips by around me and I don't really give a damn. I need some excitement... something to break this monotony of everyday military life.

Having a girlfriend doesn't sound like a bad idea anymore.
Doesn't Joey with bangs remind you of perverts?
A cigarette never tasted so good. I looked across me and gazed into the reflection of the Altis. There, Joey was leaning beside me, dressed smartly casual as usual. We both took another puff. What the hell were we doing at Yishun Dam?!

It's become the norm to spend the company of another by emo-ing at some random place in the middle of the night. But I don't think about it anymore.
We had a whole week of field camp and, luckily (in a way), I was excused from uniform and out-field so I had the delightful opportunity of sitting in the office. Carrying stores out of the tonner? Pfft... I'll hide here under the conference table, thank you.
I did manage to do some different things. Once, we had a trainee who reported sick in the middle of the night just as I was about to sleep. I knew I couldn't sleep anyway so I accompanied him up to his bunk, the showers (yea... sigh), and finally to the MO at midnight.
To manage my loneliness, I brought over my guitar and iPod. People seem to wonder why did I bring an electric guitar without an amp.
I hate going to sleep now. My brain starts working overtime and I start to wonder and fear for things that don't exist. I play the song "Champagne Supernova" on a loop. It's a nice song, and it brings me back to the times I was back in my Yankee bunk and having this ass of a rat climbing into my bed to share my iPod.
Four of our thirteen OOCs have been posted out to the guardhouse. It's good though... they got rid of a couple of bastards. I smiled as they left. I think I've moved on.
I hung around Eunos MRT again yesterday just sitting on the seat across the 7-11. I've been here a couple of times before, sitting on the same seat and placing my hands on the steel pillars. I was looking forward to bringing Justing over to Daryl's place for some fun together with Joey and Nick. Let's just say it didn't happen and Joey and I were back in the car again, driving aimlessly.

The rest of the night consisted of us playing out the MMORPG lifestyle of traveling to towns and meeting people. After that, traveling again to the direction the wind blows.
We spoke at lengths about the economic recession. When I received my bank account transaction letter I took it and met up with Joey to show it to him. I was shocked at how much my SAF allowance has been deducted - close to a hundred dollars. God fuck me for signing up for the magazines and cards and useless nothings during BMT. I mean, who would have thought that your bloody TIMES magazine will come only after BMT? And where are our free gifts and SAFRA card?!
Joey and I came up with plans on how to cut costs. We calculated our smokes and meals. It's a freaking burden to smoke now. A pack of Reds cost close to 12 dollars. I finish a pack in two days!
Being and OOC doesn't help at all, financially. With the freedom of a permstaff on vacation, I've been eating most of my meals at the canteen. Don't blame me... the canteen food I've been sent to sucks. I spend at least 5 dollars a day at the canteen. Let's not count the times I wander aimlessly at the gift shop. It's really not that I have something to spend... there's really no rhyme or reason for me to visit the gift shop. But I'm always captivated to enter and look around at the items... even though I've seen all of them hundreds of millions of times.
We planned to buy an account book that we'll keep with us. I figured, why stop there? And we agreed to challenge each other to see who has saved the most by the end of the month. I guess I'll have to live poor. No more dreams of buying leather jeans.

We drove over to Salvation Army at Upper Serangoon the next day. I was looking for a new pair of slim-cut jeans. Or maybe I could get that leather jeans I've always wanted.
I'm amazed at how big their collection was. I felt like a hippy walking down their isles and rummaging through their items. Who knows, I might find something unique. I did, actually. I found a stack of flasks. They're tiny and concealable. Great for smuggling whiskey in. I paid the cashier five dollars.
Joey got himself a hell of a heavy silver watch for about eight dollars. It looks cool and futuristic with the LEDs and sleek chrome finish. I asked him what was that for?
"I'm buying this to chiong-sua." He was serious.
As we were shopping around the furniture areas, I can't help but think how much I could save if I ever wanted to furnish my room. There were tables that were still strong. Some just needed a bit of touch up. TVs and LCDs were going at rock-bottom prices and tables were aplenty. Just think of the money I can save!
I'm waiting for that one guy to donate away his 24 inch LCD TV. My CRT died infront of me last week, leaving me with only one monitor to look at now. Oh well, it served a good seven years.
I called back our old friend, Jimmy Low, and I asked him for some help. I needed to kick-start my savings account after the bombing a couple of weeks back. Shamelessly I asked if there was work in the weekends. I didn't hope for much - it's difficult for us to get hired in Singapore. They say we're too expensive and niche.
I was surprised though that there's a shoot this 28th that's run by the Army (apparently). They needed explosions so we're coming down to give them some. I hope I could come. In times like now, having just another 50 dollars means another week for survival.
OKTO, the new channel by Arts Central, would be showing "Pulau Hantu" on the 26th of this month. This film's one of my biggest breaks... especially when I was stunt doubling for at least 3 guys (and a girl) and acted as myself in the last few scenes. I remember carrying over my Ultimax 100 everywhere I went on set until the director forgot that it was meant to be used in a scene. Well the scene went on ahead without the SAW and we had to replace it with another weapon later on. I wrote a bit about the shoot here in this post.
Another week, another rambling blog entry. I'm currently in 'Zen' mode where everything just zips by around me and I don't really give a damn. I need some excitement... something to break this monotony of everyday military life.

Having a girlfriend doesn't sound like a bad idea anymore.
Doesn't Joey with bangs remind you of perverts?
Posted by
My Life
National Service
Things to come....