I don't know. Maybe it's something innate about me. I like telling stories, that's a fact, no matter how mundane and how niche the topics are. But I'm having the urge to fucking blog again.
I'll take the less-traveled path this time round; no fancy pictures. No fancy schedules to keep up to. And best of all, no imagined-commitment to "the fans and readers". Simple, plain, text on text post updated only when i have something nice to tell.
I wont even bother looking back at what I've been up to since the last time. I don't even remember. I've taken a huge miscalculated jump into the "adult world" and let's just say I'm not even sure if I am what I was before. Things changed and moved so fast... too fast. Somewhere along the line I picked up the attitude of living for myself. Friends don't matter much to me like before. I can't be arsed to be nice to everyone on the street. I prefer staying within my own circle of privacy now and I can very well entertain myself easily. I even started keep track of my expenditures with a fucking account book. A fucking account book!
All I ever think about now is "When's the next shoot?", "What am I going to read up on next?", "What's the next thing I can research on?". Work and I share a particularly obsessive-compulsive relationship thus far.
I can say that the only thing keeping me sane now is my spanky new electric guitar. It's an Epiphone Les Paul Special II model and I think it's simply fantastic to play. The itch to play came again sometime around the end of last year, during the New Year's Eve. I think that was when I SMS-ed Henry, an old friend, a cheerful new year wish. I recall it went something like, "Happy New Year, motherfucker."
The bitterness on my side is gone, but I'd gladly get up to see him again if the oppurtunity rises.
After that i pretty much disconnected myself from a lot of things. I felt it was time to leave all the time-wasting crap behind and start making a name for myself. As arrogant as it may sound, I don't consider sitting around waiting for the next movie or hanging out at pool tables as productive. If anything, I only felt it gave more oppurtunities for ties to be broken.
I met up with Sylvester Sim again sometime in February and that inflated my guitar interest by the dozens. It was always inspiring for me to have him play or talk about music. I don't mind hanging around his place, waiting till 3am for him to return. Cause it was always worth it. Granted, he doesn't seem to have a good vibe with a lot of people outside, and I have run into some bad faces when he becomes the topic of conversation, but I don't really give a fuck. Sly has always been real nice to me and a great source of inspiration.
Unfortunately shit happens whenever it damn well pleases and I ran into a bit of problem. I'm in no position to talk about it so I won't.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I met Deehellsix, a bandmate of Sly's and a really entertaining guitarist, and we started our first guitar lesson. I've seen him everytime I sneaked into Dragonfly but never really took the effort to look him up. But I love the energy he was showing off to the pub. We got through a few SMS-es first and then when i finally met him at his home, I took the chance to really study his face since I've never seen him in daylight before. Come to think of it, I forgot how Sly looks like in daylight too.
The "lesson" turned out great and I look forward to the next one. I say "lesson" because it was more of a friendly situation where he shows me examples and writes notes down for us (another of his friend was with us). They'd discuss music and I'd sit there listening, trying to grasp all these funny names and formulas. I remember being so exhausted after that 1 1/2hr session that i got home and fell asleep even though i've been awake for only about four hours.
On the filming side, well, surprise surprise I'm still working with Uncle Jimmy. I had a short stint at Mediacorp a few months ago. It started on my birthday and ended in late March. I was under Uncle Lawrence (Jimmy's younger brother) and I held the so-called honorouble title of Assistant Producer for the show "Ripley's Believe It or Not.". You could say that was my first professional job.... where I had to sign papers and received a monthly income. And all that as an undergraduate.
I guess it's pretty well known that I went nuts after the first month there. There was absolutely nothing to do. Everyday I felt that I'm there only to fill up the void; duplicating DVDs and tapes, transcribing, media logging. Uncle Lawrence, on the other hand, always looked so busy. He probably was... because I probably wasn't doing much work. It took a turn when no one said anything about what time I should report, or what will be coming next, and complaceny reared it's ugly head. I came in office in the early afternoons, I spent most time surfing Digg and there are times at home when I'm all dressed up... and then sit back down at this damn computer and never show up for work. I always felt as if I was waiting for the shoot date... which was about a month apart from each other.
The director loved me on set, to say the least, and Allan Wu made an effort to keep the rest of crew occupied and cheerful whenever I'm trying to find my footsteps. I don't know where this came from, but I received news that they wanted to put me on a 2-year contract for a 100-series drama. In retrospect, I'm glad that it didn't amount to anything... not after my two months there in Mediacorp. I don't see myself able to tolerate the kind of nonsense and air-headedness of a majority of the people there. I only remember sticking only with two guys; Uncle Lawrence and one of his good friend. Other than that, I felt like punching everyone in the face. And I almost did, in fact. Some middle-aged woman needed her precious space and didn't like it when I walked by her. She was sitting in the middle of the aisle, and I wanted to get to the box of candy at the other end. She gave me a "tsk". I was cool with it. I think I might have nudged her knee a bit. When I walked back, she rolled her eyes at me and shifted a bit. When i passed, she called me.
"Hello, next time can you go round that way and don't come through here? I'm trying to do my work." she says.
It's a fucking aisle, and you're blocking it. I think she was watching TV.... about 2 inches from the screen and the TV was on the other wall of the aisle. I almost blew up on her... partly because of the boredom... and I believe me eating a ton of candy within my two months there played a part in it. I was very near to the end of my time there and messing things up there would be an extravagant end to it.
But I walked away.
Things didn't really end on a high-note there. I made a major mistake of crossing-over Uncle Lawrence. It might have not come to such a huge fiasco, what with the one-sided shouting in the office, if it wasn't for the double-cross I got from a friend the week before that. The story is pretty infamous now within the FSV kids so I wont repeat it here. As it turns out, everyone involved "up there" took this chance to shoot Uncle Lawrence and none of it ever came to me, even though I was there one who assured him, and I was the one who made the arrangement. The politics there is just awesome... awesomely fucked up. It's like these skanks on menopause need something to prove the need for their existence in Mediacorp.
But that's all over now and I'm happy to be back with The Stunt Production. Uncle Jimmy has been taking care of me very well and we've progressed from the student-teacher relationship to a more work-partner level.
We've got two shoots coming up; one is a telemovie called "Pulau Hantu" and that will be going on for the whole of May and I've got one next week by the people of Tisch Asia. The last film I acted for them (just a small role) received quite a good response from the school. I watched it, and I whole-heartedly believe that these people are the real deal. This time round, another director decided to cast me as a lead actor for his film. It's my first time as a lead actor, and I'll be lying if I said I was not surprised. I look forward to the coming weeks.
- Audi
I'll take the less-traveled path this time round; no fancy pictures. No fancy schedules to keep up to. And best of all, no imagined-commitment to "the fans and readers". Simple, plain, text on text post updated only when i have something nice to tell.
I wont even bother looking back at what I've been up to since the last time. I don't even remember. I've taken a huge miscalculated jump into the "adult world" and let's just say I'm not even sure if I am what I was before. Things changed and moved so fast... too fast. Somewhere along the line I picked up the attitude of living for myself. Friends don't matter much to me like before. I can't be arsed to be nice to everyone on the street. I prefer staying within my own circle of privacy now and I can very well entertain myself easily. I even started keep track of my expenditures with a fucking account book. A fucking account book!
All I ever think about now is "When's the next shoot?", "What am I going to read up on next?", "What's the next thing I can research on?". Work and I share a particularly obsessive-compulsive relationship thus far.
I can say that the only thing keeping me sane now is my spanky new electric guitar. It's an Epiphone Les Paul Special II model and I think it's simply fantastic to play. The itch to play came again sometime around the end of last year, during the New Year's Eve. I think that was when I SMS-ed Henry, an old friend, a cheerful new year wish. I recall it went something like, "Happy New Year, motherfucker."
The bitterness on my side is gone, but I'd gladly get up to see him again if the oppurtunity rises.
After that i pretty much disconnected myself from a lot of things. I felt it was time to leave all the time-wasting crap behind and start making a name for myself. As arrogant as it may sound, I don't consider sitting around waiting for the next movie or hanging out at pool tables as productive. If anything, I only felt it gave more oppurtunities for ties to be broken.
I met up with Sylvester Sim again sometime in February and that inflated my guitar interest by the dozens. It was always inspiring for me to have him play or talk about music. I don't mind hanging around his place, waiting till 3am for him to return. Cause it was always worth it. Granted, he doesn't seem to have a good vibe with a lot of people outside, and I have run into some bad faces when he becomes the topic of conversation, but I don't really give a fuck. Sly has always been real nice to me and a great source of inspiration.
Unfortunately shit happens whenever it damn well pleases and I ran into a bit of problem. I'm in no position to talk about it so I won't.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I met Deehellsix, a bandmate of Sly's and a really entertaining guitarist, and we started our first guitar lesson. I've seen him everytime I sneaked into Dragonfly but never really took the effort to look him up. But I love the energy he was showing off to the pub. We got through a few SMS-es first and then when i finally met him at his home, I took the chance to really study his face since I've never seen him in daylight before. Come to think of it, I forgot how Sly looks like in daylight too.
The "lesson" turned out great and I look forward to the next one. I say "lesson" because it was more of a friendly situation where he shows me examples and writes notes down for us (another of his friend was with us). They'd discuss music and I'd sit there listening, trying to grasp all these funny names and formulas. I remember being so exhausted after that 1 1/2hr session that i got home and fell asleep even though i've been awake for only about four hours.
On the filming side, well, surprise surprise I'm still working with Uncle Jimmy. I had a short stint at Mediacorp a few months ago. It started on my birthday and ended in late March. I was under Uncle Lawrence (Jimmy's younger brother) and I held the so-called honorouble title of Assistant Producer for the show "Ripley's Believe It or Not.". You could say that was my first professional job.... where I had to sign papers and received a monthly income. And all that as an undergraduate.
I guess it's pretty well known that I went nuts after the first month there. There was absolutely nothing to do. Everyday I felt that I'm there only to fill up the void; duplicating DVDs and tapes, transcribing, media logging. Uncle Lawrence, on the other hand, always looked so busy. He probably was... because I probably wasn't doing much work. It took a turn when no one said anything about what time I should report, or what will be coming next, and complaceny reared it's ugly head. I came in office in the early afternoons, I spent most time surfing Digg and there are times at home when I'm all dressed up... and then sit back down at this damn computer and never show up for work. I always felt as if I was waiting for the shoot date... which was about a month apart from each other.
The director loved me on set, to say the least, and Allan Wu made an effort to keep the rest of crew occupied and cheerful whenever I'm trying to find my footsteps. I don't know where this came from, but I received news that they wanted to put me on a 2-year contract for a 100-series drama. In retrospect, I'm glad that it didn't amount to anything... not after my two months there in Mediacorp. I don't see myself able to tolerate the kind of nonsense and air-headedness of a majority of the people there. I only remember sticking only with two guys; Uncle Lawrence and one of his good friend. Other than that, I felt like punching everyone in the face. And I almost did, in fact. Some middle-aged woman needed her precious space and didn't like it when I walked by her. She was sitting in the middle of the aisle, and I wanted to get to the box of candy at the other end. She gave me a "tsk". I was cool with it. I think I might have nudged her knee a bit. When I walked back, she rolled her eyes at me and shifted a bit. When i passed, she called me.
"Hello, next time can you go round that way and don't come through here? I'm trying to do my work." she says.
It's a fucking aisle, and you're blocking it. I think she was watching TV.... about 2 inches from the screen and the TV was on the other wall of the aisle. I almost blew up on her... partly because of the boredom... and I believe me eating a ton of candy within my two months there played a part in it. I was very near to the end of my time there and messing things up there would be an extravagant end to it.
But I walked away.
Things didn't really end on a high-note there. I made a major mistake of crossing-over Uncle Lawrence. It might have not come to such a huge fiasco, what with the one-sided shouting in the office, if it wasn't for the double-cross I got from a friend the week before that. The story is pretty infamous now within the FSV kids so I wont repeat it here. As it turns out, everyone involved "up there" took this chance to shoot Uncle Lawrence and none of it ever came to me, even though I was there one who assured him, and I was the one who made the arrangement. The politics there is just awesome... awesomely fucked up. It's like these skanks on menopause need something to prove the need for their existence in Mediacorp.
But that's all over now and I'm happy to be back with The Stunt Production. Uncle Jimmy has been taking care of me very well and we've progressed from the student-teacher relationship to a more work-partner level.
We've got two shoots coming up; one is a telemovie called "Pulau Hantu" and that will be going on for the whole of May and I've got one next week by the people of Tisch Asia. The last film I acted for them (just a small role) received quite a good response from the school. I watched it, and I whole-heartedly believe that these people are the real deal. This time round, another director decided to cast me as a lead actor for his film. It's my first time as a lead actor, and I'll be lying if I said I was not surprised. I look forward to the coming weeks.
- Audi
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My Life