Hello all,
As you all know, Uncle Jimmy had an accident last Monday.
Here is a picture:

It was a pretty surreal moment. It was the only day I could come over to office to work on our super big project that-i'm-not-telling-what-it's-about-yet aside from the circle jerk IBP has become.
It was then that I saw the router, that Uncle Jimmy simply didnt want to handle but was forced too after all his tools didnt work, flipped out for the second time that day and sliced a bite out of his finger.

Next thing I know was I was yelled at by him when he noticed I was cleaning up the blood from the sink and floor and switching off the radio and lights in the workshop while he's at the front door of the house ready to run to the hospital.

His old friend, Uncle Leow, fucked his meeting and came down to send Uncle Jimmy to Tan Tock Seng. For a moment, I thought Uncle Jimmy would pass me the keys to his van so that I can send him to hospital. Oh well.
I remember while waiting for Uncle Leow to come, the ah ma ah pa from all over Whampoa came over like a pack of zombies on LSD, crawling all over his finger asking what happened. Uncle Jimmy received a free bandage service from the clinic below and a new box of tissue was passed to me from the uncle at the econ-mart. Sometime he took off the tissue and wiggled his finger to see the skin loosely clinging off whatever that was left.
What was more intriguing was the fact that he was air-writing some chinese characters on his finger.. like prayer. I asked him what was that for and he said he was writing a talisman.

When Tan Tock Seng took over my place and served Uncle Jimmy and Leow in the clinic area, I was stuck outside, waiting. I could go off.. but I didnt think that was right. All I could think about was the dripping blood before I cleaned it up and his face, still smiling and laughing in the car. For some sick reason, I imagined the router cutting through the side of my cock. I've no idea.

I sent out sms-es to the others to inform them of what just happened... not because I wanted sympathy... but that a lot of things had to be pushed back now like Mitch's revolver she's booking and some Art Direction stuff I had planned for my IBP.
Btw, thanks Kai Xiang. Heard about the SMS.
I needed someone to call... So who else but..... hauahuahauha.... Yeah man... The very thought of her makes me giggle like a little girl getting a tickle from Kang Sheng before he eats her whole.
Oh, cheesy emotions, thy name is Audi!

Uncle Jimmy came out after a while... and complained he was sleepy after those jabs they gave him. That's when I knew he was back to normal... when the bitching about how fucked up the Tan Tock Seng reception system began. I gotta admit that the two fat ladies at the reception were pretty fucked up. They're slow, unthoughtful, ask stupid questions, dont use their fucking brains and I'm not even sure there was even a system enforced. A system! Yeah.. like.. you know... something Hanna doesnt have.... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

We got back to the office after that (I had lots of gore thrown at me from other patients and their stories that night) and cleaned up the blood all over the place.
I might sound liek a stupid fool, but we were pretty damned sure that someone up there is doing something.

Just a few days ago, when i was left alone at the Whampoa office, a few strange things happened. I kinda figured out what was happening so didnt really bother about it.
We spotted a few signs as well as the days went by. It was kinda cool seeing things happening infront of your eyes.
ok, whatever.

Spot the half-made musket!
It's Thursday now and my IBP shoot starts this Saturday all the way till Friday.
Uncle Jimmy's doing fine. He didnt even take a day off and instead continued working all the way into the night. What was even more sick was that today I found him knocking on his bandage with a pencil while he was talking to Leow. He said it wasnt painful anymore. Then yesterday he met Adrian Pang... and I'm like... like totally!
He showed me a picture of an indian man with him. I asked who was that.
"Do you remember the M1 IDD commercial? The Mumbai prata one?"
"yeah why.."
"That's the actor. He jsut gave me a job for Vasantham yesterday."
Looks like I'll still be working way after IBP is over.
Thanks to all who were concerned... and i think I just made a new friend. His last name is Phobia.
As you all know, Uncle Jimmy had an accident last Monday.
Here is a picture:

It was a pretty surreal moment. It was the only day I could come over to office to work on our super big project that-i'm-not-telling-what-it's-about-yet aside from the circle jerk IBP has become.
It was then that I saw the router, that Uncle Jimmy simply didnt want to handle but was forced too after all his tools didnt work, flipped out for the second time that day and sliced a bite out of his finger.

Next thing I know was I was yelled at by him when he noticed I was cleaning up the blood from the sink and floor and switching off the radio and lights in the workshop while he's at the front door of the house ready to run to the hospital.

His old friend, Uncle Leow, fucked his meeting and came down to send Uncle Jimmy to Tan Tock Seng. For a moment, I thought Uncle Jimmy would pass me the keys to his van so that I can send him to hospital. Oh well.
I remember while waiting for Uncle Leow to come, the ah ma ah pa from all over Whampoa came over like a pack of zombies on LSD, crawling all over his finger asking what happened. Uncle Jimmy received a free bandage service from the clinic below and a new box of tissue was passed to me from the uncle at the econ-mart. Sometime he took off the tissue and wiggled his finger to see the skin loosely clinging off whatever that was left.
What was more intriguing was the fact that he was air-writing some chinese characters on his finger.. like prayer. I asked him what was that for and he said he was writing a talisman.

When Tan Tock Seng took over my place and served Uncle Jimmy and Leow in the clinic area, I was stuck outside, waiting. I could go off.. but I didnt think that was right. All I could think about was the dripping blood before I cleaned it up and his face, still smiling and laughing in the car. For some sick reason, I imagined the router cutting through the side of my cock. I've no idea.

I sent out sms-es to the others to inform them of what just happened... not because I wanted sympathy... but that a lot of things had to be pushed back now like Mitch's revolver she's booking and some Art Direction stuff I had planned for my IBP.
Btw, thanks Kai Xiang. Heard about the SMS.
I needed someone to call... So who else but..... hauahuahauha.... Yeah man... The very thought of her makes me giggle like a little girl getting a tickle from Kang Sheng before he eats her whole.
Oh, cheesy emotions, thy name is Audi!

Uncle Jimmy came out after a while... and complained he was sleepy after those jabs they gave him. That's when I knew he was back to normal... when the bitching about how fucked up the Tan Tock Seng reception system began. I gotta admit that the two fat ladies at the reception were pretty fucked up. They're slow, unthoughtful, ask stupid questions, dont use their fucking brains and I'm not even sure there was even a system enforced. A system! Yeah.. like.. you know... something Hanna doesnt have.... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

We got back to the office after that (I had lots of gore thrown at me from other patients and their stories that night) and cleaned up the blood all over the place.
I might sound liek a stupid fool, but we were pretty damned sure that someone up there is doing something.

Just a few days ago, when i was left alone at the Whampoa office, a few strange things happened. I kinda figured out what was happening so didnt really bother about it.
We spotted a few signs as well as the days went by. It was kinda cool seeing things happening infront of your eyes.
ok, whatever.

Spot the half-made musket!
It's Thursday now and my IBP shoot starts this Saturday all the way till Friday.
Uncle Jimmy's doing fine. He didnt even take a day off and instead continued working all the way into the night. What was even more sick was that today I found him knocking on his bandage with a pencil while he was talking to Leow. He said it wasnt painful anymore. Then yesterday he met Adrian Pang... and I'm like... like totally!
He showed me a picture of an indian man with him. I asked who was that.
"Do you remember the M1 IDD commercial? The Mumbai prata one?"
"yeah why.."
"That's the actor. He jsut gave me a job for Vasantham yesterday."
Looks like I'll still be working way after IBP is over.
Thanks to all who were concerned... and i think I just made a new friend. His last name is Phobia.