So many days. SO many things. I walk i eat i sleep.I tink i see and think and think for more. my god... i looked inthe mirror.. i think i've fallen sick... I didnt even know. Look at those bones.. so skinny...
I saw that person - saw me. never looked. never seen. together sitting. i ask and i ask. why do i even bother? whydoievenbother? whydoievenfuckingwanttobother? so close sitting... the air.. so hot.. the chest... inflating. is ighed.
Whyd Do i Even wahtn to botehr????
long time longtime loved you watcheD ou gudieED you an dthis is fuck. fckgn thrwew back inthe face.>./!!!
tink dammit thinkdammit! why whwywhwyhwywwhywwyyy!!!!
i dotn knwO why... you tell me.
I saw that person - saw me. never looked. never seen. together sitting. i ask and i ask. why do i even bother? whydoievenbother? whydoievenfuckingwanttobother? so close sitting... the air.. so hot.. the chest... inflating. is ighed.
Whyd Do i Even wahtn to botehr????
long time longtime loved you watcheD ou gudieED you an dthis is fuck. fckgn thrwew back inthe face.>./!!!
tink dammit thinkdammit! why whwywhwyhwywwhywwyyy!!!!
i dotn knwO why... you tell me.
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