Well... I think I've had enough of a break for now. Back to normal life.

The Oak 3 shoot ended last last weekend. Old news, yea, but there are some pretty pictures I'd like to share.
It's been a blast so far... I didnt really have a good week to rest after IBP and I'm glad I went through this Oak 3 thing. It's kinda sad now that I dont have anything to do or look forward to.

Sitting around in my room... every morning it's climbing down the ladder from my bed then planting my ass on the computer chair for the next 15 hours, reading Digg.com, watching TED.com, checking out what's the biggest conspiracy happening now (it's the Gamespot thing now...) and being a prick with other people online.

The last few days I simply had to pick up everything again because... my god... I think I put on some fat. Back to the training.

Hello, monsoon season. How do you do?

We were shooting at Fort Canning again on the third day of the shoot. I hate that place.

It was the usual sparks and fight thing again. There were about 30 people on set that day. I was hanging around some of them for a while and overheard some of their conversations. One of the guys are from the Film Commission Board and hails from Europe. They were talking about the industry and shit. All in all, the underlying meaning of all the conversations I've heard of the film industry, around the world, is this:
"This industry sucks."

Pretty much all that everyone's been complaining about the FIlm industry in Singapore is happening in Europe as well. To that, I think we're boned. Like I always tell my friends, "This industry will teach you everything about living a life. But if you can, dont even enter."
Like Uncle Jimmy says as well - this industry's a drug. No matter how you wanna escape from it.... there it is humping your red swollen butt hole.

But the other thing that's good about this hell hole is the diversity. I met up with an old coursemate, Freddy Wee, yesterday and i told him even carpenters can get a job in this industry - Props Manufacture. Uncle Jimmy did build the muskets from scratch.

Let's not forget DRIVERSSSSS as well.
And yeah... I was driving Uncle Jimmy's van one day (as usual) and rammed it into a concrete seat... twice! Do i get a freaking medal now?

They had a change of camera crew that day. I dont know who they are... never seen them before. Kwang Wei, maybe you could identify them?
The shoot ended with some spare effects left. Props to Uncle Jimmy and his foresighting skillz. I let the Director, Wan, have a play with it. He was so happy.

I think I acted as four or five different characters in this film. Once as a main character, and the others as a stuntman... and by that.. the one getting thrown around.
There was one that I pretty liked and was a new experience for me. They had me dressed up in some thin Malay costume and put on a stubble on my jaw and a scarf on my head. The Spanish are bayoneting us from the wall, then I climb up over it, he reels back, I pick up my sword to slash him and he fires - BANG - two spark effects on his rifle, and one body hit right on my solar plex.
The way that Uncle Jimmy got the body hit to work was to put a spark effect behind a blood pack. That whole entire thing is taped on my shirt, resting against my bare skin. You have no idea how shiok the feeling was to have that effect explode next to your skin. I think I wanna do it again.

The crew really loved the effect and cameras and handphone started flashing at all the fake blood over my shirt and hands. Videos of it were shown around the set. If my balls could swell, they would be as big as golfballs.... that's kinda big already for me.

There's a stunt I did which i regretted not thinking ahead of it first. It was a simple stunt - a backfall. I run up to the fortress gates, the dude fires, I fall backwards and die.
First thing was I didnt have the brain to take some padding out from the van. Second thing was I havent been thought how to fall backwards onto stone ground. All i had was Uncle Jimmy up on the fortress gate yelling instructions at me, 6 metres below, on how to fall. I kinda got the "leap up, throw legs up, fall on back" part of the instruction.
So i did... for every damn rehearsal and take. I think i fell about 5 times. I think the total damage, added to the fact that we were running some 20 metres before doing the stunt, was a few scratched toe nails, multiple scratches and cuts on elbows and knees, a deep knee cut and a bajillion other bone pains right after.

I finally drew the line when I did a clean lep-up-leg-throw and practically powerbomb-ed myself onto the stone floor, hitting my entire back and dropping the back of my head flat onto the ground. I thought that was the end... my eyes were closed... the sun was right above me... my lungs felt like it exploded and all the angels in heaven were giggling at me laughing,"You're going to hell~~~"
The director yelled, "Cut", and the cameraman, who was on me, quickly ran up to me and yelled if i was fine. I nodded my head and he called the others,"That boy was SPOT ON man! SPOT ON!"
I thought i would never hear the phrase "SPOT ON" from other people than Leonard the Leotard.
I watched the playback and it looked very nice - exactly like how CS characters die in games. Director was happy... and i had a lot of attention from the lovely Patricia... what with her and her water and her first aid kit. Whoo!!! She may be 28++ but whoo!!!
After the shoot I found this on my elbow:

It was swollen. It was soft at first... but now, after a week, it has gone down but now there's a callous on my bone. I figured it must have cracked a bit or something but nothing big since it's fine now. I gotta say.. it's pretty fun getting all these surface damage.
Day four was by far the most fun I've had.

No more sand being kicked up my nose because I'm a douchebag... but this time Uncle Jimmy was dealing with ASPLOSIONS!

k, fine, I run like a girl.
Learning from yesterday's lesson, I had a knee pad for my right knee since it had a cut from the day before's fall. Sand was my friend this day and Uncle Jimmy had no problems with me doing the stunts on my own. What i did learn that day from him was rigging up an explosion.
I havent really seen much, but I think it's really easy to make IEDs like those crazy Iraqis.
Uncle Jimmy talked to me about the physics of explosions and the vectors of each "spikes" and all the other wave patterns that emit from it. He told where is the safest spot to stand infront of the bomb (or.. "cha dan"...) and how to make it more directional. Being the bastard that I am, ran at the safest place, and let the other stuntman go at all the other dangerous places.

We had six explosions that afternoon. So much sand and powder were laying about that my mind sprouted ideas for my next war film.
The stunt were pretty easy this time... and i loved rolling on the ground. People may call me stupid... or unproductive... or jsut being a plain Malay by doing stuff like this and not even earning money... But well... it's the same as people dribbling balls in the school court, it's the same as Parkour dudes running around Suntec, it's the same as you playing WoW or COD4. It's also the same as you sitting around playing on your guitar and performing LIVE (omgwtfbbq) in a BAND (omgggg!!11!!) with UBER DUPER GUITARS (FTW!!!) and REALISING YOUR ROCK BAND DREAMS (WTF!!!!!).... in a church on sunday. Every Sunday. Rofl?
I'm out of rest already, time to get back to work and see all the rubbish idealogies happening in school. Like Kwang Wei pretty much sums its up on his blog - "Fuck School"
And here's a video.

The Oak 3 shoot ended last last weekend. Old news, yea, but there are some pretty pictures I'd like to share.
It's been a blast so far... I didnt really have a good week to rest after IBP and I'm glad I went through this Oak 3 thing. It's kinda sad now that I dont have anything to do or look forward to.

Sitting around in my room... every morning it's climbing down the ladder from my bed then planting my ass on the computer chair for the next 15 hours, reading Digg.com, watching TED.com, checking out what's the biggest conspiracy happening now (it's the Gamespot thing now...) and being a prick with other people online.

The last few days I simply had to pick up everything again because... my god... I think I put on some fat. Back to the training.

Hello, monsoon season. How do you do?

We were shooting at Fort Canning again on the third day of the shoot. I hate that place.

It was the usual sparks and fight thing again. There were about 30 people on set that day. I was hanging around some of them for a while and overheard some of their conversations. One of the guys are from the Film Commission Board and hails from Europe. They were talking about the industry and shit. All in all, the underlying meaning of all the conversations I've heard of the film industry, around the world, is this:
"This industry sucks."

Pretty much all that everyone's been complaining about the FIlm industry in Singapore is happening in Europe as well. To that, I think we're boned. Like I always tell my friends, "This industry will teach you everything about living a life. But if you can, dont even enter."
Like Uncle Jimmy says as well - this industry's a drug. No matter how you wanna escape from it.... there it is humping your red swollen butt hole.

But the other thing that's good about this hell hole is the diversity. I met up with an old coursemate, Freddy Wee, yesterday and i told him even carpenters can get a job in this industry - Props Manufacture. Uncle Jimmy did build the muskets from scratch.

Let's not forget DRIVERSSSSS as well.
And yeah... I was driving Uncle Jimmy's van one day (as usual) and rammed it into a concrete seat... twice! Do i get a freaking medal now?

They had a change of camera crew that day. I dont know who they are... never seen them before. Kwang Wei, maybe you could identify them?
The shoot ended with some spare effects left. Props to Uncle Jimmy and his foresighting skillz. I let the Director, Wan, have a play with it. He was so happy.

I think I acted as four or five different characters in this film. Once as a main character, and the others as a stuntman... and by that.. the one getting thrown around.
There was one that I pretty liked and was a new experience for me. They had me dressed up in some thin Malay costume and put on a stubble on my jaw and a scarf on my head. The Spanish are bayoneting us from the wall, then I climb up over it, he reels back, I pick up my sword to slash him and he fires - BANG - two spark effects on his rifle, and one body hit right on my solar plex.
The way that Uncle Jimmy got the body hit to work was to put a spark effect behind a blood pack. That whole entire thing is taped on my shirt, resting against my bare skin. You have no idea how shiok the feeling was to have that effect explode next to your skin. I think I wanna do it again.

The crew really loved the effect and cameras and handphone started flashing at all the fake blood over my shirt and hands. Videos of it were shown around the set. If my balls could swell, they would be as big as golfballs.... that's kinda big already for me.

There's a stunt I did which i regretted not thinking ahead of it first. It was a simple stunt - a backfall. I run up to the fortress gates, the dude fires, I fall backwards and die.
First thing was I didnt have the brain to take some padding out from the van. Second thing was I havent been thought how to fall backwards onto stone ground. All i had was Uncle Jimmy up on the fortress gate yelling instructions at me, 6 metres below, on how to fall. I kinda got the "leap up, throw legs up, fall on back" part of the instruction.
So i did... for every damn rehearsal and take. I think i fell about 5 times. I think the total damage, added to the fact that we were running some 20 metres before doing the stunt, was a few scratched toe nails, multiple scratches and cuts on elbows and knees, a deep knee cut and a bajillion other bone pains right after.

I finally drew the line when I did a clean lep-up-leg-throw and practically powerbomb-ed myself onto the stone floor, hitting my entire back and dropping the back of my head flat onto the ground. I thought that was the end... my eyes were closed... the sun was right above me... my lungs felt like it exploded and all the angels in heaven were giggling at me laughing,"You're going to hell~~~"
The director yelled, "Cut", and the cameraman, who was on me, quickly ran up to me and yelled if i was fine. I nodded my head and he called the others,"That boy was SPOT ON man! SPOT ON!"
I thought i would never hear the phrase "SPOT ON" from other people than Leonard the Leotard.
I watched the playback and it looked very nice - exactly like how CS characters die in games. Director was happy... and i had a lot of attention from the lovely Patricia... what with her and her water and her first aid kit. Whoo!!! She may be 28++ but whoo!!!
After the shoot I found this on my elbow:

It was swollen. It was soft at first... but now, after a week, it has gone down but now there's a callous on my bone. I figured it must have cracked a bit or something but nothing big since it's fine now. I gotta say.. it's pretty fun getting all these surface damage.
Day four was by far the most fun I've had.

No more sand being kicked up my nose because I'm a douchebag... but this time Uncle Jimmy was dealing with ASPLOSIONS!

k, fine, I run like a girl.
Learning from yesterday's lesson, I had a knee pad for my right knee since it had a cut from the day before's fall. Sand was my friend this day and Uncle Jimmy had no problems with me doing the stunts on my own. What i did learn that day from him was rigging up an explosion.
I havent really seen much, but I think it's really easy to make IEDs like those crazy Iraqis.
Uncle Jimmy talked to me about the physics of explosions and the vectors of each "spikes" and all the other wave patterns that emit from it. He told where is the safest spot to stand infront of the bomb (or.. "cha dan"...) and how to make it more directional. Being the bastard that I am, ran at the safest place, and let the other stuntman go at all the other dangerous places.

We had six explosions that afternoon. So much sand and powder were laying about that my mind sprouted ideas for my next war film.
The stunt were pretty easy this time... and i loved rolling on the ground. People may call me stupid... or unproductive... or jsut being a plain Malay by doing stuff like this and not even earning money... But well... it's the same as people dribbling balls in the school court, it's the same as Parkour dudes running around Suntec, it's the same as you playing WoW or COD4. It's also the same as you sitting around playing on your guitar and performing LIVE (omgwtfbbq) in a BAND (omgggg!!11!!) with UBER DUPER GUITARS (FTW!!!) and REALISING YOUR ROCK BAND DREAMS (WTF!!!!!).... in a church on sunday. Every Sunday. Rofl?
I'm out of rest already, time to get back to work and see all the rubbish idealogies happening in school. Like Kwang Wei pretty much sums its up on his blog - "Fuck School"
And here's a video.
Posted by
Jimmy Low
My Life