Ya ya ya i know i know i meant to update sooner.
A ton of changes has taken place lately. I calculated my earnings last month and it ran over somewhere in the 800-1000 dollars mark. This month alone has been looking good.... what with all the money suddenly pouring in.
Lucky for me, this time I'm making an effort to save some cash. I'm trying to raise a couple thousand dollars to buy me a QX6857 Quad Core Processor and a new motherboard before I go into NS... Cause you know.. i have a small penis and the size of my computer (e-penis) compensates for it. So I may be a six and half inch-er in real life but I'm a mother fucking 9 inch in real life! Ah ha!
At the time of this writing, I can safely say that The Stunt Production has finally extended its hands into Bollywood. Uncle Jimmy is off in Mumbai now for a meeting, and I have full access to the Whampoa office for the next ten days. Lord knows i love to bury myself in rifles and pistols and swords. Orgasmoville.
Since no one is left in Singapore to run the company, I'm being sent off this 19th to a show with one of his old friend to rig up some effects. It's my first time standing out there on my own doing stuff like this... I'm not sure what to expect. Maybe a missing finger or two at most. And not my finger.
After the hoo-ha a few weeks ago, with the girl, I've somehow felt relieved. Sure, i get restless sometimes and feel like something is missing but that only means I have more free time to chew nuts. And by chewing nuts, I spent it with some of the old guys from secondary school. Just in luck that all of us got dumped by our lovers (oh, wait, I dumped mine...) so what more than to stay over, up all night, cursing all the girls that fucked all over us, waving our angry fists into the air, then regretting not actually doing things we've always wanted to do together, crying rivers at the same time and of course... have little tiny adventures around the neighborhood. It was fucking nice... but god knows there will come a time i better be serious and find one lady to settle down with. Ill give myself a target... hmmm... try ten years.
Honestly, when i came back to school a couple of days ago I'm starting to think whether this little boy inside of me tagging my testicles saying,"YOO ARE NEGLECTING SKOOL!" really is saying the truth. Here I see Daryl stressing out all over the editing station, Kai Xiang and Zhong Hui all moody with their AFP projects. People running around loading lights into box trucks then zooming off to location and every effing second someone comes to me sighing, "I'm so tired.. I didnt sleep last night." What the hell can i do? Keep you company? Would you like a motherfucking pillow?
But hey... school ends the middle of next month. All the best.
Im running a few things right now that I'd like to keep under the sheets for now so this blog probably isnt gonna move much for the next few weeks. Doesn't make a difference anyways... its not like anyone ever leaves this place loving me more. All i get are some bastards telling me what i can and cannot do at every turn I make and accusing me on retarded deductions they brilliantly thought up with whatever tiny bit of thing they know of from this fucking webpage.
Fucked. Up.
A ton of changes has taken place lately. I calculated my earnings last month and it ran over somewhere in the 800-1000 dollars mark. This month alone has been looking good.... what with all the money suddenly pouring in.
Lucky for me, this time I'm making an effort to save some cash. I'm trying to raise a couple thousand dollars to buy me a QX6857 Quad Core Processor and a new motherboard before I go into NS... Cause you know.. i have a small penis and the size of my computer (e-penis) compensates for it. So I may be a six and half inch-er in real life but I'm a mother fucking 9 inch in real life! Ah ha!
At the time of this writing, I can safely say that The Stunt Production has finally extended its hands into Bollywood. Uncle Jimmy is off in Mumbai now for a meeting, and I have full access to the Whampoa office for the next ten days. Lord knows i love to bury myself in rifles and pistols and swords. Orgasmoville.
Since no one is left in Singapore to run the company, I'm being sent off this 19th to a show with one of his old friend to rig up some effects. It's my first time standing out there on my own doing stuff like this... I'm not sure what to expect. Maybe a missing finger or two at most. And not my finger.
After the hoo-ha a few weeks ago, with the girl, I've somehow felt relieved. Sure, i get restless sometimes and feel like something is missing but that only means I have more free time to chew nuts. And by chewing nuts, I spent it with some of the old guys from secondary school. Just in luck that all of us got dumped by our lovers (oh, wait, I dumped mine...) so what more than to stay over, up all night, cursing all the girls that fucked all over us, waving our angry fists into the air, then regretting not actually doing things we've always wanted to do together, crying rivers at the same time and of course... have little tiny adventures around the neighborhood. It was fucking nice... but god knows there will come a time i better be serious and find one lady to settle down with. Ill give myself a target... hmmm... try ten years.
Honestly, when i came back to school a couple of days ago I'm starting to think whether this little boy inside of me tagging my testicles saying,"YOO ARE NEGLECTING SKOOL!" really is saying the truth. Here I see Daryl stressing out all over the editing station, Kai Xiang and Zhong Hui all moody with their AFP projects. People running around loading lights into box trucks then zooming off to location and every effing second someone comes to me sighing, "I'm so tired.. I didnt sleep last night." What the hell can i do? Keep you company? Would you like a motherfucking pillow?
But hey... school ends the middle of next month. All the best.
Im running a few things right now that I'd like to keep under the sheets for now so this blog probably isnt gonna move much for the next few weeks. Doesn't make a difference anyways... its not like anyone ever leaves this place loving me more. All i get are some bastards telling me what i can and cannot do at every turn I make and accusing me on retarded deductions they brilliantly thought up with whatever tiny bit of thing they know of from this fucking webpage.
Fucked. Up.
Posted by
Jimmy Low
My Life
Things to come....