I cant get enough of internet news on Digg.com. I especially like the comments.
You could get the patriotic American, the atheist, the this the that the asshole 34 year old you actually thought was 13..... everything.
This news didnt really catch my attention but it kinda hanged over my head for a bit.
Grand Canyon created by Noah's Flood.
I like Bush and all..... ONLY if he was an entertainer.
But he's a frigging prezident!
This year, Bush has already:
-Flip flopped between Iraq war being good and Iraq war being bad.
-Used Saddam's death sentence as a tool to push his votings up (you lost, bugger.... :) )
-Fueled the 911 conspiracies and finally admitted that there WERE bombs in WTC towers.
-Initiated half the world into war, reaching the Mid East and Northern Asia.
-Been an anal religious fanatic turd.
oh.. and claiming space itself is US territory. (Defence and security used as justification).
Dont get me started on the whole UFO thing too.
Apparently Bush's Administration has claimed Noah's Flood as what shaped the Grand Canyon.
His next step?
HALTING all researches conducted by scientists in the area and having them "suspend their scientific beliefs" in order to have Bush's new one put in.
Could you say,"piss off"?
Being a religious fanatic is one thing.... but pushing it so hard to use it as a political tool and downright blinding oneself from other rationale is just so wrong and..... childish.
I've learned something over the years... and that is... censorship.
A quote from a comment made on the article:
"it's sad that shit like this never makes a splash (pun intended) in the major media outlets. THIS IS REAL NEWS. instead, we hear about trailer trash brittney spears on a daily basis." -cybortrip
What we get in the news and newspapers really depends on what the big people up there want us to believe.
It's like for example if they want us to believe we are doing well as a country in times of crisis then news reports on how much we've grown over the years.... what we've contributed.... some Creative guy.... and all that stuff.... like they wanna take us on a candy-flossed guilt trip on something and say, "YESSS!! WE ARE DOING FINE! NOW BACK TO WORK..."
I was at Far Coast a few days ago... watching Javis working... doing his stuff.... and i happen to pick up a British newspaper after reading the Straits Times.
I'm telling you.... as much as i hate the British and their accents....
... their newspapers were ALIVE and VIBRANT, cliche Singaporean style totally absent from it. And whats more.. they report REAL news... instead of some heavily photo-shopped picture with all the funky swirly designs covering half a section and the title goes sth like, "Trend?".
I want real news. I want good news. and I want Bush on the next comedy drama.
Then again..... reading all these other news doesn't leave you with a good taste in the mouth after a while.
You could get the patriotic American, the atheist, the this the that the asshole 34 year old you actually thought was 13..... everything.
This news didnt really catch my attention but it kinda hanged over my head for a bit.
Grand Canyon created by Noah's Flood.
I like Bush and all..... ONLY if he was an entertainer.
But he's a frigging prezident!
This year, Bush has already:
-Flip flopped between Iraq war being good and Iraq war being bad.
-Used Saddam's death sentence as a tool to push his votings up (you lost, bugger.... :) )
-Fueled the 911 conspiracies and finally admitted that there WERE bombs in WTC towers.
-Initiated half the world into war, reaching the Mid East and Northern Asia.
-Been an anal religious fanatic turd.
oh.. and claiming space itself is US territory. (Defence and security used as justification).
Dont get me started on the whole UFO thing too.
Apparently Bush's Administration has claimed Noah's Flood as what shaped the Grand Canyon.
His next step?
HALTING all researches conducted by scientists in the area and having them "suspend their scientific beliefs" in order to have Bush's new one put in.
Could you say,"piss off"?
Being a religious fanatic is one thing.... but pushing it so hard to use it as a political tool and downright blinding oneself from other rationale is just so wrong and..... childish.
I've learned something over the years... and that is... censorship.
A quote from a comment made on the article:
"it's sad that shit like this never makes a splash (pun intended) in the major media outlets. THIS IS REAL NEWS. instead, we hear about trailer trash brittney spears on a daily basis." -cybortrip
What we get in the news and newspapers really depends on what the big people up there want us to believe.
It's like for example if they want us to believe we are doing well as a country in times of crisis then news reports on how much we've grown over the years.... what we've contributed.... some Creative guy.... and all that stuff.... like they wanna take us on a candy-flossed guilt trip on something and say, "YESSS!! WE ARE DOING FINE! NOW BACK TO WORK..."
I was at Far Coast a few days ago... watching Javis working... doing his stuff.... and i happen to pick up a British newspaper after reading the Straits Times.
I'm telling you.... as much as i hate the British and their accents....
... their newspapers were ALIVE and VIBRANT, cliche Singaporean style totally absent from it. And whats more.. they report REAL news... instead of some heavily photo-shopped picture with all the funky swirly designs covering half a section and the title goes sth like, "Trend?".
I want real news. I want good news. and I want Bush on the next comedy drama.
Then again..... reading all these other news doesn't leave you with a good taste in the mouth after a while.
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