Monday, October 31, 2005
*The following is an edited script of the video playing
So im very pissed today on some... certain... personal matter pertaining to myself.
I should say that i am very upset, not pissed.
I was very upset on certain issues today.
Which today is the 31st of october 2005 (Manas' bday everyone! wish him.... :) )
Well i dont know how "this" could happen because i clearly stated what was gonna happen after "sth".
I think that a lot of people have a lot of opinions in a single thing.
Like, for example, cookies.
Yeah... cookies.
Just like cookies, people have opinions on cookies.
Some say cookies are nuclear-toxic, others say that cookies are full of... well.... nuts...
So i can understand how some things work out.
But anyways... i would like to suggest that i hope that sometimes.... somethings.... could be taken in my perspective.
But then again, who am i to demand all these.
I should say that i, for one, should think thoroughly about my future actions and how i treat other people.
and secondly, I should... well... not be so abrupt on my decisions and opinions.
So as i was saying, i am, indeed, very pissed.
At myself, nonetheless.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
ah yes.... school starts tomorrow.
hopefully i start writing better posts.
Okay.. a lot of people mistake race for religion.
Not all malays are muslims, not all chinese are buddhists, and not all indians are hindus.
if we were to realy judge race for religion, then i should say that:
Malays believe in objects having spirits and all that jazz (i thought it was animalist, but that's so wrong),
Chinese are not buddhists,
and indians are buddhists.
Anybody getting worked up yet?
People confuse religion to be specific for just one race.... or rather.. ethnicity.
Cos i like the idea that Chinese and Malays are one race; Mongoloids.
*Danny Boey made it clear... we see more malays that look liek chinese and vice versa than we see indians looking liek chinese or malays, right?
( so i wonder why people complain that the Chinese are taking over this great old island from the Malays. It's just a family thing... lol )
Then there's that stereotype that Muslims must wear sarong.... and that songkok (the black hat).... which is wrong, really. Muslims in America and Australia sure as cheese look like any other Chrsitians out there; shirt and pants.
I think its nice to note that religion may be the same... but culture is diversified.
Religion is not attached to culture, i should say.
So it is totally fine, if we see a mosque, that looks like a chinese temple because of the achitecture.
So this is why i hate it when people say i'm trying to be "a Chinese" or "Chrsitian" by using shirts and pants or suits. Or worse, speaking English. (really, people pointed me out for that..)
Personally, Malay is not my culture. I didnt grow with sarongs or the language itself. i grew up with Sarawakians, for pete's sake! Those are like, Ibans, Dayak and Chinese, mostly.
Another thing is that i think ethnicity is quite restricting.
Because if you think about it, long before... people consider ethnicity like clans,i think.... becuase they have things in common.. like... looks... and stuff... and how they grow up. Like gangs, only much bigger.
So i think ethnicity is kinda... not fixed. states ETHNICITY as... er... ethnic character, background, or affiliation. (you get what i mean, right?)
So therefore... it depends on an individual's character, background and affiliation.
And if i were to really be an ass, i should say my ethnicity would be one of those westerners.
But id rather nt say that.. because ill get shot down by many people (since my head's in the sky..)
So we come to race.
So, the defintion (again from the same source), Race, is; A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
which,... pretty much explains the Mongoloid FACT.
Thai people look like a mix of Chinese and Malays, Mongolians even look more so.
Some mainland Chinese also look like Thais or Mongolians.
So i guess.... Chinese and Malays.... we're a family. lol.
(personally, i think there's a few different breeds in the malay society....)
And remember, religion is not culture... there are a few churches out there which look mosques, and mosques that look like churches (just without the cross). Like., Turkey, which is largley a Muslim-Christian society.
So things mix..
So let's not judge religion by culture, or race, or ethnicity.
BEcause, really, the rest is bullcrap.
Religion should be the only thing that seperates people from each other.
But then again, that doesnt mean we cannot work together.
besides, all of the major religions encourage, well, making friends from other places.
So there.
Now, i end my rant.
*Mongoloid ( - Anthropology. Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as yellowish-brown skin pigmentation, straight black hair, dark eyes with pronounced epicanthic folds (that's your single or double eyelid hoobla..), and prominent cheekbones and including peoples indigenous to central and eastern Asia. Not in scientific use.
lol, not in scientific use.
Friday, October 28, 2005
lol heard about that fact that you cant lick your elbow? (then everybpody starts trying lol...)
well i can.. and i sure dont htink i have the tongue of a cow.....
maybe cos my neck is longer than other people... :(
haha.. jsut one of the things you start doing when you never step outta the house, literally, for three straight weeks.
....and the internet becomes your best friend, of course.
So i havent read the news... ah well... let;s check the Newpaper online and see what;s on, shall we? That's the link... fri... 28th octboer 2005.
ok welcome screen.... OMFG... WTF ARE THOSE?!?!
holy shite.. arent those fugly.... xD
hmm lets see... electric blog???? wtf? Attention seekers!!
i blame the Government.
bla bla bla... ah ... headlines.... Family Mistook Dengue For Flu....
Well what do you know.... the guy probably went to a polyclinic.... where all fresh-grad's at... or lousy doctors, if u really wanna follow the stereotype.
okay im bored alreayd witht his tabloid.... let me see which article i should nitpick...
Oh great... another lame headline... She Snaps.. She Kills...
let me guess... must be one about some ass not knwoing how to cool down again.
*reads....... or tries to...*
Maid in murder-suicide case.... wow...that;s sth new.... -.-
yawnz.... what a boring writer.... oh wait... writerS... ... hmm.. makes more sense... (cmon... forum posts are more interesting than that....)
you know what?
this tabloid sucks. to the core. Not that that's not good in a real blowjob (it is... perfectly timed, of course), but it's very annoying when it's on a printed publishing.
ah well... typical.. these are the news the Newpaper claims to be.
Just to clear a few things... let me see what "tabloid" means...
A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.
(Source: )
SEE that???? SENsATIONAL material!! (oh wait.. OFTEN sensional... well... maybe im wrong in my perception)
Does this silly tabloid paper consider maid-murders and suicides and pop-stars having babies as sensational!??! sure hope not... that's so mass-comm-ish.. (welcome to stereotype-land)
It's like asking Slipknot which Muppet character they like....
I think i would rather have the public know about very special talents we have amongst us (in case you lame-oids didnt know, we do have talented people around) or maybe that little speech Mista Bush spoke about eradicating all Native Americans and maybe having each newborn baby the privelege to three nuclear bombs (im not joking.. lol.. there's a complete video on tht speech... though i question its authenticity... it's still news...)
or maybe maybe maybe... hmm... well let's just say that i want more happy, unmaterialistic, unposh and serious headlines gracing this tabloid..... since a lot of people buy it anyway... (the reason why they do is out of my anti-social, proud and irrational thinkings)
So i stand where i always did with the Newpaper..... rubbish.... utter rubbish.... Straits Times it is...
*even their game reviews are so wrong... and they're reviewing less-than-popular games, in fact...... wtf... Simpsons?!?
We shall now go to the sports section..
ah yes... the usual.. SOCCER... waht a bore... it's basically turned into a hairy old man's soap opera, just with a lot more money and brainless playrs involved (well.. they way they make things sound like.. it seems like these football players are just mere toys which cant think for themselves and the "Generals" play around with... buying and selling.... Cmon.. we know better than that....)
So it's common you see old men with angry faces or balls flying here adn there on sports sections...
and lots of numbers... dont forget.... another sport losing its virginity to the evils of money, i guess.
so i guess the sports section completes the entire package of the Newpaper as well. Garbage.
I think the tabloid itself will sell if they only had that Horse-racing page...
So there you have it... more reason for people like me to stop reading newspapers... :)
Tomorrow i shall read REAL news online.... then i shall tell you how knowing about everything happening in the world is not healthy at all.
*Newpaper New Face.... Act-cute Haven?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I'm totally freaked out.
I did more research on Stereo 3D cos, honestly, i havent been checking updates on this technology.
So this technolgy has advanced a great deal over the past year.
in fact, now, nVidia has released a driver that enables EVERYONE with a dual monitor (and a mirror) set up to EXPERIENCE 3D.
REALLY! OMG.... CALL ME and i will SHOW you how!!!
ok ok over reacting... it's not like ppl care about 3d as of now but really.... It_s*Da_fUture!
and it seems like.... the dream of you being able to hardwire your neurons to the computer might jsut come true.
Seriously... some guy in Europe managed to wire his neurons to his wife's arm nerves and was able to lift it up, swing it.. bla bla bla... IT'S TRUE!
and yes yes hologrophic screens are alreayd appearing (since the 1980s, actually) and now... Stereo 3d projectors are on sale (for about US$4K...) .
I think gaming shoudlnt be thought of as childish Donkey Kong games.
Wei Shan always mocked me for playing games all_the_time (lol... i was spending too little time on her...) and saying i was a kid bla bla bla when in reality, i was figuring out fuel mixtures at different altitudes in a Messerscmhitt and propeller pitches on an IL2.......
bet she thought i was playing Tetris. LOL
gasp! or worse! Counterstrike!
In any case, i think gaming is the future for a lot of things.
First person shooters and simulations are my forte.
Leaning more to simulations (I chose my FPS shooters based on how real the textures, gameplay and sounds were. Plus graphics, of course...).
I'm telling you, games are at the forefront of technology!
In visual and AI aspects, actually.
I bet many of you havent heard of pixel shaders or intellisample before or maybe even anisotropic filtering or anti-aliasing. The AGP bus speed and PCI-Express technology and aaarrgghhhH!!!!!
Games nowadays look like movies.
Even movies are using graphical systems meant for gaming!
Or wait. maybe it's the other way around.... well...
And on the simulation side, you will be freaking impressed by what;s available out there.
Rudder pedals! Saitek joysticks! Force Feedback! Force Feedback headphones! Surround Headphones! 3d Glasses! Multi-monitor set ups! Rumbling chairs! Motion capture devices like the TrackiR Pro! HOTAS control! Steering wheels! VOICE RECOGNITION PROGRAMS!!
A few peopl out there already have consumer-grade VR set ups at home. I'm on the way there.. lol.... i jsut need a rudder pedal, TrackiR pro, and voice recognition software+ microphone.
Oh my.... now i really DO feel like a nerd. A tech geek.
and many tech geeks blog and talk to themselves. LOL.....
Hi Audi!
Why, hello, sexy.....
ANWYAYS..... my comp here is disappointing me again.
Apparently, my activities ont he computer seem to harsh for the motherboard (or processor...It's an Intel, for the love of cheese!)
So maybe i'll be seellling away the mobo... and CPU.. and buying another meant more for intense gaming. Anybody willing to spare a thousand?
I''m so intrigued by games today that i think... i think i should involve myself in these types of stuff..... lol....
NO... NO AUDI NO.... you have FSV... NO...
ah well... CG it is then...
So there you have it.... a geek talk by the one and only, Audi.
Now on to more..... realistic stuff.....
okay so school starts next week... i have no idea wht day it is today.... but nvm... mum will rmeind me if the next day is the 31st of october. Must remember to get new glasses as well... the one now has a rubber band holding the lens together. Lol... a true geek.
Will be seeing T1A1 again (now... T1B1...).... wheee.....
but as usual... i stuff myself and my arse with lots of stuff so yes.... i AM overworking myself.... no no no... i''m OVERCLOCKING myself... LOL LOL LOL (ok ok lame geek joke there) so much that.... err...... well elt's just say that i'll still be running around WITHOUT pay when school term starts.
Such a sad boy liek me.... lol.... my allowancce isnt enuf to support my interests (S$250 dollars? tts nt much... that's like... wht... 5 dollars a day? what a joke...) so i guess work it is for me..... well i cant be complacent... sales seem to be the only available job out there... so i'm gonna pamper myself with geek toys in a computer shop. Heeellllllooooooo AMD, Intel, Gigabyte, ATI and all that names... lol
Money... MONEY!!!
That's what i need! all i need! MONEY!!
now now audi... that;s being materialistic.... that's against your princiPLEs (remember, kids, your princiPAL is your PAL.... so it is spelt that way... :) ).
Uh no.... i need money so that i can further explore my knowledge on matters... liek for example... i want to explore the simulation technologies of today, and write a review on them and how it benefits us, as human beings. Oh... the sun is shining so brightly today..... this world is perfect, indeed.
The festivals are coming and i am not a tad bit interested at all.
Gotta hide my comp and all its goodness from little kids soon... dang... if only they were scared of bad smells... then they wouldnt even come into my room....
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
okay this post is dedicated to gamers and tech freaks alike.
and some porno addicts if that really is the case....
Have you ever thought of playing games in FULL 3d? as in... things appear to POP OUT of your screen? kinda like a holographic image....
and for some nifty tricks, you can have some of your pictures... of maybe ur boyfren or that girl u like (nearly undressed lol) appear to be right infront of you... so much so that u think you can actually reach out and um... do stuff?
Well if u did, so did i. If u didnt, well you should. and if you are on the fence, get down!
its been a year since i got this stereo 3d glasses from eDimensional for about 150 dollars plus shipping. It took me a lot of lying to get his.. lol... father was on the bed lying down iw as pestering him, twirling all around just to get his credit card details lol.
Its ony recently that i managed to figure this thing out (cos not much troubleshooting help is available as of these times...) and i finalyl got it to work, reliably!
I'm telling you, this technology is so simple, but diffiult to pull off!
first let me show you what happens to my screen when i turn on the stereo 3d feature.

Okay its not that LAME.... i cant find a picture online that represents whts onscreen but just cut these two images, superimpose them on each other. that's how it looks like.
EDIT!! OKAY OKAY TRY THIS!!!! LOOK AT THAT PICTURE ABOVE..... okay... now bring ur head a bit lcoser to the screen... now CROSS YOUR EYES till somehow... you see THREE pictures, CLEARLY, SIDE BY SIDE. Now... focus... slowly... do you SEE 3D?!!?!? LOL!!!! TRY IT!!!
ok so u see what happens really, is that the screen produces TWICE the 3d image shown onscreen, with a bit of perception alteration between them. This is called err..... something-somehting-multiplexing.... ok so basically the screen produces two SEPERATE images, flip flopping with each other really fast that it looks as if the picture has been superimposed but it's not. I was running this game on 120HZ which means 60hz per screen. But whtever... technical details may not fancy you. lol.
So then, this glasses, it also does the same thing. Let me xplain. Now, this galsses are actually just tinted a bit. but then, a wire is connected to each lens. when electricity is passed through the wires, to the lens, the lens magically turns dark. As in, DARK. It works like the LRT windows i think.... you know... where all of a sudden that window turns opaque so that you cant see that bloke wanking in his room.
i think they call this technology... Liquid Crystal Shutter (LCS)
So the two speerate images produced on ur screen are actually meant for each eye, the left eye and right eye. And if u consider your dick having an eye (for the guys..) then omg sorry u cant see stereo 3d. LOLZ!! ahem..
so when the image onscreen is meant for the left eye, the right lens of the glasses turns dark, blocking MOST of your view. Then this alternates between the other side.. really fast.... that you start to see things in REAL 3d. I quik look up on this and the method this glasses are using is called Page-Flipping.
I think it makes more sense if you understand that both your eyes dont look at things the same way in real life. Each eye sees an object in a slightly ifferent perspective than the other, rite? Riiiiight....
Such a simple theory right?
but then again, the problem with this technology is that it's VERY VERY VERY troublesome to synchronise the darkening of the lenses and image onscreen. As well as creating that ultra-dark lens.
because there's this phenomenon called "ghosting" common in consumer stereo 3d tehcnolgy today. Basically you see a faint image mean for the other eye appearing... it gets irritating sometimes.... because you cant discern some object on screen..
Ive played Counterstrike (OMG... i'm an arcade player?!!?), IL2 Sturmovik, Operation Flashpoint.... bla bla bla.. basically i dug up my old games just to try this stereo thingy...... and i'm very very impressed.
but there are some setbacks... well... nto some.. A LOT... really.... with playing in stereo. You have to compromise a lot of things.
For games, your frames per second dwindles to LESS THAN HALF on some games. That's one of them.... then there's ghosting.... and overworking of your graphics card.... driver issues.... Directx and OpenGL stuff...
Could you imagine... hmmm... like.... for fps gamers like me, shooting without the crosshair is POSSIBLE.... well it's always been possible but as in really... shooting... BY INSTINCT... IT's true! just look around... find that guy, give him a shot or two as you would in real life (lol...) and he's dead.
but nowadays, people use ironsights. Works as well. Flick up the sight, and before the other guy playing in 2d could line up his shot, you've already killed two fascist bastards! whee!
and i guess distance perception kicks in here as well.
I tried watching some pictures in 3d as well (naturally... some naughty pics... and a few cars... lol ) and yes... though it works... it's not that 3d as you would expect from pictures that werent intended for stereo 3d viewing. What i got usually were like.... you know those paper cut outs? it's like having paper cut outs placed at different distances in my screen. .... irritating for me cos i hate paper cut outs... heh...
otherwise those pictures taken with stereo 3d in mind (which is, really, taking two pictures with slightly different persepectives) do in fact pop out in some way.
But all in all... this thing's meant for gaming and should very well be.
You can check out their eDimensional's webbie at
If you're thinking of buying it, please, be prepared for a lot of cursing and swearing and evil intentions of throwing this thing away. I did. Lucky i didnt.
oh and if that isnt enough, you need at least a 20 inch monitor capable of producing 100HZ or more in the resolution you love playing games (mine is a 19incher, playing at 1280x760)
And just ot make sure, come on down to muh place and see it for yourself....
Warcraft with 3d aint bad at all lol...
Sunday, October 23, 2005
It's been a year since ive sat down and watched tv.
Firstly is my more or less accurrate perceptions of the Singapore media being extremely biased and immature i.e. encouraging pseudo-accents, shameful reality tv shows, sap-happy sitcoms (PCK was a classic... till things screwed up when new boring casts were brought in who just have to be so sarcastic in the way they speak). Channel I and that other channel were actually doing great the last time... they showed real good LOCAL MADE shows most of the times and real classic films.
I dont think that stupid news of it having less-than-expected-reception-therefore-it-has-to-close-down was beleivable at all. My class groans and moans about the closing down of those two channels (or one of them...)..
I can only say that that stupid swirling 5 is jealous that other TV stations are promoting senseful, rich, programmes that clearly are for mature audiences (as in... not naive "I WANT AN ACCENT" thinking type of fuckers) so they just forcefully close down the other productions and steal the backstage workers of the other channels that have so much more substance in them than wannabe tv personlaities who just dream of running around naked in MediaCorp studios and sutffing thme in shit jobs that leave them in no control whatsoever in voicing out what shows the PEOPLE need.
maybe that's a bit too exaggerated but well... i stand on my grounds.
The TV media here is bogus.
but then again... i havent watched it for so long so how would i know?
We have a fuck-load of bands... music bands here in Singapore and we even have a reporter int he Straits Times specially picked to make news out of all these.
now, Straits Times is a very very good newspaper. Not unlike silly tabloids that have huge colourful fonts to "excite" little kids to read their papers and believe that "this is life. Prepare." called.. welll... e all know that bogus tabloid newspaper.
Musicc bands here are not getting the attention they need. We have.. liek i said.. fuckloads of them. Some are just awesome. Id otn knwo the names. But ive heard people play them. Seen them in clubs and such.
But then.. it seems like nothing is happening ont he news or super-duper-i'm-a-fucking-kid-running-around-living-my-life channel 5 even close to PROMOTING these people. Where are the ads that speak of that gig coming along?! Ok fine.. so maybe ads are a bit too expensive... but please... these bands need more publicity. At least, make some poeple.. like me... know that their names! NaMES!!! where are they?!
Then at least people start supporting and the bands can actually play and get paid! and get jobs they LOVE to do instead of well.... sucking up to the boss's ass or stripping nude in the middle of those city hall buldings roof beause some rich bastard's holding a party, just to get everyone's attention and get you that raise!
*i'm pissed. it shows in my more-disorganised-than-usual-and-unreal explanations.
You know, because of all these, i threw away that 42inch tv to the johor house and stopped my dad from buying a plasma hdtv as well.
reason? "i dont use that".
but i regret not reading news.
Did you know that i didnt know abut hurricane katrina till some asswipe made a comment on this blog for me to donate?
i was like... wtf's katrina?
But i soon caught on and then the Texas hurricane came by and the "Bush hates Black people" message started spreading ( i can understand why he said that.)
I shall read the papers tomorrow... somehow... and see what's new in the world.
*is that war in Iraq still on? I hope not. I'm sick of Middle Eastern settings appearing in my games.
lol yesterday night tianyu slept over at my place (ok he played games the whole night..) and i happened to look through my recent playlist after he left a few hrs ago and ooo that guy has been watching my porn video stash. LOL....
i just messaged him abt it.. LOLZ....... wonder what he's thinking now.... HAHAHAHA
Saturday, October 22, 2005
so the gathering was just as i expected.
at the start of everything i said,"Every year, we lose more faces.".
it holds true, really.
Though in any case... it nice to know who are still around. Who are not.
sad thing really sarah and her two midgets couldnt come (lol midgets...) cause the umm.... i didnt manage to get things clear to them. lolz...
deeply sorry....
Henry's grown... Aik's talkin more often.... Sheng's the usual... Hasrul's a nurse (who shaves patient's and their balls and pulls ass hair. LOLZ... and henry still asked,"The ass got hair meh?! and your balls also got hair?!") ... vicky's as holy as usual and donald is frighteningly white and has he grown shorter, clara?
Tianyu? okay tianyu... you and i need some quality time.... you need to learn how to play games properly.
A few couldnt make it. Others didnt want to make it.
but its ok... so i have more plans.... after their O-retakes... i'm taking them all to johor for a day of slack. :)
lol and everybody couldn beleive that i sleep on an air bed. And aik... yes i bought that Sly album.. lol... he looks like you~~~HAHAHA!!!
i told them about my recent same-sex relationship and they were surprised but not anywhere near disappointed. i guess i was lucky.
even after saying "no" when hasrul asked if i was a "virgin".
Hormones of a 16 year old. watch out. lol.
the guys stayed longer than i expected. Just a few minutes to midnight. Got my cap and slippers then rushed outta the door to walk tanny and hasrul back home.
then ran home in a jiffy to clean the house. lol.
i guess everybody has a different view to what friends are and how they should be treated. Some think they have to do lots of things together all the time. Some say they gotta know each other initmately. others claim that "if he aint talkin to me, we aint friends." some use friends as tools to get stuff. others just forget the "old" ones because they're in a new instituition.
but whatever it is... no one can survive alone by himself.
and i was discussing all these with shaun and joyce a few weeks ago.... and it seems like... it's only after a certain age do we stop making friends... and start to sieve through our many contacts over the years and come to only a few which we actively keep in contact with regularly. Then only after a period of time do we make more new friends.
These two periods are the so called working-age period and the other is the middle age period. Which is like... your age... and your father's age.
i hope some would get some things straight in their heads again.
*there were some outstanding figures in payment of the food... but i'll let it go... i'll sit through till the end of october to my next allowance.
ok ok enuf... back to school.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Was surfing planetvids for a while today....
found this guy on the net. wootz...
hmm most probably asian... judging from body structure (small shoulders and skinny body frame lol what stereotype...) and room...
lol. Love his "performance" nevertheless.
Gatherings... oh i hear that word and i feel so childish already. Why? cos images of silly barbeques... sleepovers... sing-alongs (LOLZ LOLZ WTF WTF!?!?) and picture/video sharing just pops in to my head....
btu well what do u noe... i'm hosting one tomorrow tonight... HAHA..... jsut right off the bat, i took out my phone and messaged a few of the guys if they were okay with it. by the evening i was sending messages to everyone. to come.
such a sad thing that we never had prom night... aww... no costumes... no parties.. nothing to say bye bye to.... oh well.. whatever.. as friends.. i just think that it is just right for us to at least TALK to each other, right?
then maybe go out sometime.... then dinner.. whatever...
but then again not everyone has grown out of the "he aint my friend cos he did this this this" when sometimes peple do stuff to make u LEARN.... its hard for someoen to see the intentions of the other sometimes.
but then again... anyways.. yeah...
so yes.. gathering.... im the host again (second time in the freaking row, biatch! lolz) .. the house will be the place again.... and canadian pizza again... haha.. last year we had steamboat and it became a mess.... and my sister wasnt too happy with soo many peple she didnt know existed (or maybe there were too many chinese.... :) ) making things a tad bit worse...
but its great to know that some guys around me do help in clearing up instead of just eating and playijng games (with the stupid reason that "i'm the host" aka "i do everything and everything i pay and everyting i provide") and well.. coming on time with more or less respectable reasons.
I dont thiunk i'll be seeing some faces again this year (as always... there has never been a time i know where everyone was together as far as i can emmeber for now.)
.... hmmm i wonder how are they gonna do without seats lol.... im practically furniture-impaired.
i dream of the day that everyone of us gets more independance (or learn to use it properly) and able to drive cars and go home late at night and maybe be truly engaged (with papers...) with well-to-do partners and some cash as well only then i think can we finally have one undisturbed, fun, joyful and near-perfect gathering (in my view, of course).
but then again... do we actually need all that to be able to really enjoy each other as friends?
some say no... some say yes.... i'm on the "no" side... along with a few more others as well.
Canadian pizza's gonna get a hell lot of change tomorrow night.
What? you didnt expect a full blown 8 course dinner, right?
you know... some people love it perfect. they love and crave all things classy or rich or posh or other crap like that.
I dont see/taste the freaking difference between that fucking expensive chocolate and this thai made one!! okay wait... maybe not this thai one... mm... this american one!
oh then they say that i dont have "the tongue"...
the mentality maybe....
they just want that spoon to be on the left side of things... and that fork on the other...
no wait.. or is it the other way round?
okay maybe i can understand that "utensils to be put togehter after finishing meal instead of wide apart" because duh... the so called SERVANTS (aren't they... waiters?) hae to clean up ur stupid unfinished food which u deem to be so low class to eat and then they have to rush because you cant stand their smell because they have been working much harder than u would ever be in your goddamned narrow fucking life for maybe half the salary u are earning (or maybe u arent... u're just acting) so geez for the love of all things holy! put the fucking utensils side-by-fucking-side!
then there are those that go "eeww i hate white cabs... they have low-class service" ...
i think that every cab is different because the drivers are different.
and those that COMPLAIN and COMPLAIN just because what is around thme just doesnt fit in with their pseudo-lifestyle.
sure... build one grand empire jsut for you and live in that fucking bubble.
we'd be here.. probably getting much wiser than your and ur stale bubble down the road.
anyways we call these people snobs.
they call us unintelligent.
i call them stupid.
just bring a beggar in front of them see what they say. u can hear a lot of nonsensical, senseless blabber coming out of their (the stupids') mouth.
or mouths... cos the other end speaks as well.
or maybe they're both the same to them? to those.... "other beings".
so to all snobs.... fuck off...
and i just MUST add in this last bit. i got this from Manas' current msn nick.
"You are not what you own."
and the snobs sarcastically go, "WWWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
okay i feel very... happy today... after ive helped sheryl with putting up videos on her blog... okay umm... so i'm startign a few services... lolz....for free... maybe...
I can help in hosting ur videos or songs online (no bigger than 20mbs, please) * I can lend my video camera (if it's not in use) for a day with absolutely no charge. Though tapes, you get it yourself. Computer troubleshooting advice for Windows XP (Aik loves that...) Computer hardware installation (actually, anyone can do that) PC Gaming resources. and yes... i was thinking.... maybe chrge a little for those wanting to edit their videos or play games with my comp... lolx...
*Video camera... oo... that's my love... if anything goes missing or spoilt, you pay for repairs..... well.. most of it. :)
so it comes again... on the third day that i dont blog, out comes this silly little "Sorry i'm quite busy" message again to you, readers. (then the next day i post some ultra-long post. hee hee.)
in the meantime (like... what... 24 hrs?) enjoy some of the music ill be playing here from my music library.
till then enjoy.
*btw... i'll be at home alone (literally.... mum just left for kuching to be with dad, sister's in university having exams.... all the way till sunday.. muahaha.....)
and yeah... what is making me so busy nowadays? well... basically cmpleting my crew's video, and learning part of computer crap like
[mg1, aP, EAST] exec "paradrop.sqs" and maybe even,
radio1=1; apc1 setfuel 100; apc2 setdammage 100; not alive patrol; this moveincargo chinook.
lolz.... trying my hands at scripting AI....
Song now : Huang Yi Da - Xian Wei Jing Xia De Ai Qing
Monday, October 17, 2005
Okay.... Sarah wanted me to do this umm... "quiz" .... (it's a questionnaire of somesort, really.. lol) ... so here it is....
10 years ago okay... i was... seven.... that was in...1995.... which means.... oh ya! i was in Lodge... Grade 1... class 1.1 (first class, babay~~!!) with a Russian classamte named Anna Fillipova with a father who cant walk through the door and my future gangster leader, Graham Toganivalu from Fiji whose father's in the Salvation Army and bla bla bla... oh did i mention that i scored all As for my subjects? lolz.... oh yes and during tests, i had the Malaysian artiste's coomic book, Lat, opened up for the world to see... lolz...
and i took music then as well.... all the way till Grade 6...
5 years ago Ok let me do maths again... zzz.... erm.. 12 years old... ah yes.. puberty.. on March the 13th, one week after some faggot played with me... yes... Failing all my subjects... STILL cant play the freaking recorder (but able to read musical notes), drawing comic books... smashin windows anda ll that.. basically being an ass... finally able to handle an old Hi-8 Video Camcorder... with girls touching my inner thighs to boot...and oh yes.. my first ever "I-dint-have-to-ask" girlfriend, Cheryl.. who passed away three months later... aww.... i think i'm geting over it.... No.. wait... I still arent....
1 year ago 17 minus one equals to..... erm.. 16.... OMG... 16 years old!!! Sweet effing 16! OMG wht can i say.... sex-wise... i've done a lot of things... seen a lot of things... other-wise.... i think this was the time when everybody started realising who their true friends are (not me... everyone's a friend.... I love you.. you love me.... Barney the bear....). Ah yes... the Classic Three; Manas, Donald and I.... basically me yapping all day, donald sleeping and studying all day.. Manas being himself (skinny) and my German-language practitioner.... lolz... I loved the that year... really.... O levels gave us hell... at least.. that's what the teachers did.... all study/.. no play and/or looking outside the window.... My vision became blurrer at the end of the year as well.... and oh yes.... I suddenly received serious cases of asthma which got me absent at a total of one and a half months from school.
Yesterday Wait, what day is it today? *hovers mouse pointer over time display on taskbar* .... OMG.... it's been two days?! okay .... i've done nothing but editing and gaming.
5 snacks I enjoy How do u define snacks?
5 songs I know all the words to AN JING!!!!! LOLZ... thanks Sly!!! Kai Bu Liao Kou... Tong Hua.... Ke Ai Nu Ren and okay okay u want english? err.. Can You Feel The Love Tonight and all those old classics.... Go, Elvis! you uncircumcised fag!
5 things I would do with a 100 million dollars Upgrade PC... donate to friends and beggars.... put some in the bank for future generations.... start a business and then keep quiet.
5 places I would run away to Kuching (lolz...), Javis's house, Changi Airport, Singapore embassy, Kranji War Memorial where Shaun brought me..., storeroom.
5 things I would never wear ..... I... would.... never.... wear.... anything....
5 favourite tv shows ok it's been a year since i browsed through the tv channels.. but all i can remeber is..... Whose Line Is It Anyway?, The Drew Carey Show, Friends, Frasier and umm..... that other one with... that guy... with the deep voice....
5 bad habits Pissing standing up (what?), slouching, never sleeping, saying nice things to other people when i dont mean it and of course, lying.... i love lying...
5 biggest joys *Looks at condom in hand... hides it...* Umm.... Friends..... umm..... computer... umm... comfortable life.... umm... great people ive met along the way and umm..... producing videos...
5 favourite toys Toys? oooo GAMES!!!! ok not just any games... REAL CLASSIC FPS war games!! other than that... the camera.... mud... sticks... some sports shoes/combat boots and a field...... i can make-believe "soldier" al year long...
5 fictional characters I would date wait wait.... dating??? uh okay.... i dont think i wanna do that yet...
5 people I tag to do this NO ONE..... i'm doing this for Sarah.
7 things you plan to do before you die PRAY A LOT.... lol... bid all friends good bye and tlel them how much they mean to me (or tell them how much of an asshole they've been.. la la la...) and umm... pass all my money to someone i could trust (doesnt have to be a family memeber, right?) and umm.... yeah that's it.. i dont need to do many things.... okay fine maybe give my room in its entirety to someone who's poor.... but has some matter "up there".
7 things I can do Wanna hear me speak in French,German, British, Canadian, South Indian, North Indian, Russian, Chinese accents? *everybody runs*
7 celebrity crushes ...... jeez.... Jay Chou.. lolz...
Seven often repeated words LOLZ..... -.- yeah ok okay okay okay, enough! dotz waddafak?! (wtf) lolz lolz ccb~~ ccb _l_ !!
7 physical traits I look for in the opposite sex Well.. everything must fit my hands nicely.... ok... wait.. i dont need that big of a.... umm... p***y...
7 tags to go to i tag?
3 names I go by Audi.... Audi? ... AUDI!!!! otherwise it's every degradotary term you know.
3 screen names you've had BroK3n, Mein Bereich and Audi
3 physical things you like about yourself My d*** ! ..... .... .... i dont really look at myself...
3 physical things you DONT like about yourself ...... read older posts and/or infer from thoughts reflected in blog posts. lolz
3 parts of your heritage I have no idea...... some say my "grands" were from Saudi Arabia, some say from Java, others from Madura, another from China.
3 things that scare you darkness. darkness. darkness.
3 drinks what's water?
3 of your everyday essentials internet, computer and a wordpad.
3 things you're wearing right now nothinggggggggggggg much
3 of my favourite movies okay... Taekguki.... Nobody Knows and Rise of Hitler..... which im still wondering where those cds are....
2 truths and a lie I'm a male human being and i'm not overly-"curved", sexually. and umm.... i (as in... I...) am a millionaire.... now that's a lie.
3 physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you Add ina bit of Hui Shi... a bit of Clara.. a bit of sheryll.. there u have it... a perfect woman going by the name of.... er.... Hui Shlaryl.....
3 careers you're considering/have considered Acting.... Videographing and Infantry.
3 ways that you're stereotypically a guy I play games. I make models. I swear.
no.... i dont think thinking from the dick is a steretypical guy behaviour. if that's the case, girls can tell the wheather by their boobs.
3 people I would like to see take this quiz right now No!! please!! everyone there!! DONT!! DONT DO IT!!! it took me an hour or so to finish this!!
Well.. that;s the end of it.... enjoy th music as well... a soundtrack from the farking good show on Pearl Harbour, Pearl Harbour.... thought it's not so historically accurate (as in... plane strafing were never that even and straight.) but ti was a nice show.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ok let's talk about beds. or rather.. let me talk about beds and you listen... lolz.. yeah ok...
It's been a month or so since my lovely super single migrated over-straits to johor.. and since then i've been a nomad when it comes to sleep. One day ill be sleeping on my room floor, the next ill be in my sister's room and sometimes... when there's no nice place to lure me to sleep, i force myself to stay awake. It's fun.....
But i guess i shouldve listened to Shaun whne he sternly adviced me ove the phone to get a freaking bed... or mattress at least....
Now i;m having twice the number of headaches, neck aches, back aches and all that....... whee...
so moral of the story? get a bed....
and airbeds dont freaking help at all!
Yesterday, i tried sleeping on one and i kept sinking into awkward positions. It's only air below there so you know how it is... the whole mattress curls up on you... eesh... and never never never lie on ur side with the chest forward a bit... unless you wanna look liek a dinosaur fossil the next morning; all curled up invertedly.
but whatever... tonight ill battle the bed again.... im very very intent on keeping a farking space empty in my room ( i did a cartwheel in my room the other day for the first time!!! whee!!!)
Okay yesterday i went out the house for the first time in many weeks...... on so-called normal school days. wink wink....
I must say that i have never seen all these people before!!!
It's like all the buildings are the same this and that but the PEOPLE around it look so.... different.
i walkled aroound the interchange... saw Sheryl's Lee Boon with her boyfriend or somesort y the way.... and i find that there seem to be more.... old people.....
and youngsters!
and where the fuck are the bengs?!?!?! all i see are preteen to teen boys walking around.... and okay.... has the fashion trend changed since i last walked out of the house? girls are wearing much more... lolz... revealing tops and the classic jeans.... and i also saw some guys wearing shirts and (OMG) pasar-malam 3/4 beach shorts.
and i'm still stuck here in my green pants, black shoes and black shirt and a black cap!! ergh!
nvm... next time i'll wear a singlet, sports shorts, slippers and hold my phone and wallet in one hand and walk around... .... jus to set fashion here straight.. lolz.... wonder how it's like to wear sports shorts with boxers and walking around te neighbourhood like that...... oh wait... i've tried that.... it was nice....
Yishun is changing.... whee.... no more nerdy computer geeks in tightly strapped bags and super-tucked in (what? they look like fishes!) and that ever oily perfectly combed hair.
lolz then ask them to speak english... =p
wait.. aren_t i a* computer+geek as well ctrl+alt 0-0-1-1-0?
I saw this girl yesterday... ok ok fine.. WOMAN..... ive grown... =p
i saw this woman(girl).... okay.. girl.... i saw this girl yesterday.... we waited for the lift under my block......... ....
..... ........ ....
....... ......
she pressed 10th floor.... had Canon in D as her ringtone.... perfectly shaped boobs and a nice ass.... slim tummy (not skinny) .... ooo....
and ponytails!!!
10th floor... somewhere up there..... lolz.....
ahem ahem ok ok ill snap out of it
*closes "asian porn" window*
lolz i think my stash of "naughty videos" in my hard drive is piling up... lolz....
There;s this Canon Dv Fest contest coming up... Charlene flagged me on it and seems lke she doesnt mind the idea of making a video for this competition.... I dont mind too... and if Justin doesn mind then so be it..... we al dont mind.... ahh yes... but then again... some MUST at least take action to do it right? LOLZ.... Just remember that silly Anybody, Everybody, Nobody and Somebody story we've all read posted on the wall while waiting for fat teachers to squeeze through the already overcrowded staffroom.....
I've got Sir's lovely 19inch monitor already.... everything's falling into place.... ah yess..... thank you....
And here's a little video dedicated to Vis.....
Okay another dedication..... from my comp to all of you.. lolz.... (pictures werent edited... so judging by the lack of proper white balancing, you can be sure that this cameraman degrades all things related to his so-called profession. *Pictures taken by me. )
i dont use the flourescent light, really. Hate the colours they give in pictures and real life. That table lamp works well enough.

Current set up. Three monitors (only two plugged in so far) made up of the monitor from Kuching on the far left, Sir's monitor and my original 17incher.)

wheee.... two monitors... lots of space.... both are at 1280x960 resolution.

Here's what i have on Sir's monitor... editing the Savage Cravings - Behind The Scenes video....

And on my monitor, windows... msn... bla bla bla...

and intorducing the sole thing that's slowly shortening my life span, WIRES!!! Electromagnetism rawks! makes u think faster.......
faster doesnt mean smarter, btw.... :)


and here's the mofo comp i'm using.. lolz.... Acer Aspire 600 sth sth.... most part replaced by newer technology with parent's money, of course.... without them knowing... i just say that i have a problem with my comp and it's hindering my video editing and a few persuasive questions over the next few days (or hours), i get some cash....
Oh yeah... see the cool blue light? That's the GeForce 6600GT....

A closer look.... and rmemeber... i fixed that! lolz... wowwwwwwwww -.-

And of course, the Stereo 3d glasses from eDimensional ( which i bought online for hundred and fifty dollars in last year's november which was sent by FedEx in about two days....
oh yes.. not forgetting my sound system... :) That's my subwoofer... the three front speakers are on each monitors....

The left rear speaker tucked nicely amongst "my" stash of bedsheets...

and let's play a game! Where's my right rear speaker? =p

and this is the space that i keep fighting for.... just to put that stupid fan somewhere so that i can get some freaking wind! oh and did i mention that my room's getting more messy now? My mum just utilized those empty boxes and now they're REALLY filled with junk at a corner in my room... zzz.....

This picture has been up on the wall since 2003, after the National Day parade... or wait.. was it ORD? Anyways... yeah..... Audi, Javis and me..... err.... Me, Javis and Donald... back when things were much happier between us... :)

Last but not least, ..... ahem....... my WIRELESS INTERNET ANTENNA!!! LOLZ.... ok fine fine.. SLY~~~~~ haha.....
Well... hope you guys understand where i'm coming from now..... a nerd from the swamp, sitting down all day infront of a box.....
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The house's monthly electrical bills evens out to be around the 200 dollars range.... even though it's only my mom and me living in this house and its not like she uses elecricity that much (other than the tv and fan and sweing machine.
So how?.... how can this be? this... 200 dollars figure on this slip of paper?
My mom doesnt knwo the naswer yet.. she think's its my aircon usage (6-12 hrs a day) but no.... it's not.... the answer?
Mein Bereich.
Yes... my area.. this... computer desk is a.... a powerhouse!
wires! plugs! lights! whirring fans and electricity surrounds my work area and yes... i believe that i'm slowly harming myself with all these potentially harmful electromagnetic fields.....
This entire week were days after days of great "Leaps of Improvement" (just another one of my passing phases....).... My computer has received soo many upgrades! I thought it was only this beautiful GF6600GT card which lights a cool blue onboard LED light whenever the comp is on (ah beng-ish, i know... but it's still cool) but NO... it NEVER stopped there...!
In fact, i tried my hands some more on overclocking.... my CPU.... graphics.... RAM... FSB and all that nonsense to get more POWER (and more heat... and more risks of frying my components) and tweaking Windows XP and the nVidia drivers and games and mnitor refresh rates that finally... yesterday.. i thought EVERYTHING was gonne be perfect for my comp. Things open and close like a well oiled.. umm.... rifle (here we go again...) ..... audio is so crisp and clean.... refresh rates are pleasing (85hz monitor overworked to 97hz on 1280x960 resolution!!) .. games are a s smooth as can be with all these new technology and high overclocking rates for this beautiful card... and wow.... plus the presense of two monitors infornt of my eyes... what else could be better? *and i also cleaned up all the dusts clogging up the cpu, psu and gpu fans, now i have a much cooler comp.
MORE could.. really...
I was bathing this morning and i was thinking about my area and how else it can be mproved (aside from dusting, cleaning up.... deco.. bla bla...) and YES..... in addition to the fact that my father is brining back a THIRD monitor from kuching TOMORROW (which i will be replacing this lousy lcd screen because the highest resolution it can give is 1024.768), i thought of maybe buying another monitor from someone i know.... who else?
WHO ELSE but SIR LATIFF, my one and only male NCC officer (sorry, i dont really recognise the rest.. except for Mr. Hiew... :) )
Beginning of this year, i transferred my comp to the NCC room in school with the reason that i needed to edit videos for the CCA open house in a "clean and quiet and condusive environment" (actually my mum had the habit of banging my door whenever it's locked and keeps claiming i'm surfing porn so i HAD to get away form her. She's more quiet now.... =p. I surf porn? hmmm)
So Sir graciously lent me his 19 inch CRT monitor to use during that period of about a months or so ( imagine... wearing that visitor's pass for month.... the clerks didnt even care if i took it home... i'd just be back again the next day...lolz... ) and i liked it a lot.... i can see more htings... games look much more... crispy... (i know i know! i the correct word is "crisp"!)
so anyways... Sir was nice.. i was actually preparing to expect a 200 to 300 payment for the montior if he agrees to sell it but guess what? SIr just sms-ed me and said,"you can carry it home for free".
WOOTZ... LOLZ.... so 'there! almost complete! my SURROUND GAMING set up... THREE CRT monitors! TWO videos cards, TWEALED video driver settings and a whole arsenal of gaming accessories like 3d Stereo glasses, headphones and a mike and a black cap to match (or a 1970 helmet if the situation calls for it.)
and to add a nice soothing touch to my area, my trusty tungsten IKEA light which acts as a nice soothing ambience lighting once shined against the wall. The stupid flourescent light hasnt been on for ages....
What's more... my router.. an old one... my father was nuts about wireless technology (which sucks...) when it came out so he transformed the house to a hotspot as a testbed for plans he's thinking for the hotel (as he usually does). uh.. okay.. extra info.. lolz... anyways that old faggot (the router) passed away... i went out of the room, told my mum about it.... in half an hour we were out to get a new router.
and i fixed it up.. miraculously (since routers always have an attitude problem)... and now i'm enjoying FIVE times more my previous bandwidth with a nice name i put as my connection id; MeinBereich.
And there;s no password! come on everybody!! use my hotspot!! lolz
And now... i'm tweaking my laptop.... clearing stuff up.. defragmenting... registry cleaning and all that plus graphics driver tweaking and stuff.... it seems to be running smoother now already. And i have another monitor in the corner.. could hook it up.. and there.. TWO gaming systems! oh and waht about the comp in my sister's room? and th eone in the study room? WHOO HOO.... FIVE gaming systems! -.-
okay maybe one hardcore gaming system, another gaming, one text/audio player machine and another for just browsing the net. :)
WAIT! i'm still not done with my technical talk!! (lolz.. my technical period is here...)
i've thought of my dream PC... and upgrade from this two year old Acer ASpire (the only thing original from the 2002 is the main board, cpu and cd drive.)... okay i'm gonna change my motherboard (mobo) to one with HYper Threading technology.. which means that i can add in TWO processors on one comp!! it's like.... i can add a 2.7ghz and 2.7ghz processor to get around 5.4ghz PC!! okay maybe the value is a bit lower in real practice but whatever... The main board costs around 160.... CHEAP....
THen i woould need another processor, yes? Sure.. what's the price?
400 dollars?!?!?
so whatever... i still want that freaking mobo and cpu by ermm.... New Year... yes! that's it... NEW YEar!! my birthday's near there as well! Then i'll be turning 18.... and going for driving lessons....and smoking with Vis (lolz jk.. he's not smoking for now... i heard he's been changing his wholeself for the good of good) and maybe going to clubs to laugh at pseudo-drunk people.
560 dollars.... perfect...... that's about 2 months 2 weeks of my allowance...
Today was also another big day..... i FINALLY played with a SINGAPOREAN, the game, OPERATION FLASHPOINT....
and the first ever person goes to.... drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... Jia Hui of Yio Chu Kang!! LOLZ.... Jia Hui of Yishun; Where The Beng's At.
Imagine.. i had to wait four years to play a local multiplayer server for htis game.
Superb.. this freaking game gets better and better as time goes by..... just play the freaking demo! endings are infinite! whatever! i'll post a video now (22.2 mbs)!
I sold Jia Hui my Geforce Mx440se card for about 35 dollars (a loss? sure... but whatever.. anything to make people happy.) plus lending him the entire Flashpoint package which i bought back when i was 13 years old plus the most recent patches and best mods around.
lolz fun.... I'm not really a multiplayer guy (anti_social, i_am) cos i jsut fear the superb thinking and control of an average person armed witha keyboard and mouse and a really good fps game but i must say that playing with a rela life person is very very very very exhilirating.
I hope to see more Flashpoint players as well. SO i heard Jason Zhang wants to play... hmm good... another pro gamer and Mac user.. lolz....
People handling Macs somehow have a different way of working than those with the ever troublesome Windows. We Windows user do love to multi task though..... a lot. and troubleshooting.. and upgrading... and money waving.
Flashpoint has an open source engine so you know what that means.... more adddons.. mods.... upragdes.. physics... AI.... technical data.. bla bla.... :) sweet.
In fact... i made a face texture of a picture and Javis ( one of the best people ive ever met to ever talk about serious matters ) and here it is.... :)

Okay back to the ground.....
VIDEOs..... AH YES....
V I D E O S.
I'm literrally gasping for air with the amount of video requests i'm receiving from the crew and friends and family.
and i just found out that my 120gig hard drive is soon to be full. A simple pie chart shows me that the bulk of the vidoes (50gigs? whee) are related to the Savage Cravings project which is, by far, has the most comprehensive coverage from projects ve been in starting from its pre production stages to its productions stage (post production.. no have...)
so much material... so much content... and i'm squeezing it all into a nice 4.7 gb cd.....
I cant wait....
Then there's a video request from my father on his johor house... then there's that NVP1 project to run... then there's that superb-english action-suspense storyline Thena sent me yesterday night that got me thinking of how we little "amateur project crew" could shoot that and bla bla bla.... projects ....
and my timetable's out (since a very long time) ... and it seems like i'm having about 5 hrs at MOST in school... or is it 8? lolz....... back to secondary school hours... lolz...
But i think it wont be tat slack... with Studio Productions and all....
and sadly, i think the crew's not gonna be in the same class anymore.... well.... fark...
And tomorrow, i shall talk about how not having a bed... is the BIGGEST mistake anyone could make. (real life experince told first hand!)
and plus (!), the experience of a guy who never left his house for three weeks and finally meeting the real world in a fateful day!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Here's an email i received from school early this morning:
Dear students,
You may know by now that Blogging is a very popular internet past time and may have your own personal Blog site or participated in some.
Whatever your blogging experience, here are some very important info to protect you.
Recently 2 bloggers were charged under the Sedition Act for posting insulting and reckless racial comments on the internet. One of the blogger was jailed for a month while another was given a one-day jail term and a maximum fine of $5,000. (ST, Oct 8).
In another case of 5 junior college students punished for criticising 2 teachers and a vice-principal on the Net. These students were suspended for 3 days and their parents were also informed. (ST, Sep 27)
While you Blog, please stay on the right side of the Law and stay sensitive to other people around you. Do not blog on things that promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore (Section 4 of the Sedition Act).
Students should use the blog appropriately and not to misuse it to arouse social disorder or 'flame' a person online. In a multi-racial society like in Singapore, every citizen or resident should respect other races and religions. As all Bloggers are personally responsible for what they blog, please be careful.
Regards Computer Centre Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Well seems like noone has made any complaint of my condemnation of the *ahem* race. I wonder... they say...,"other races" in the second last sentence... which means it's okay to speak ill of your own race? or at least... the one stated on your IC? ... well....
Interesting... when i think that i'm actually quite well known to be a racist.
Jail term... 5 thousand... nah.. not worth it... i'll just do my evils on other mediums (like videos...and assignments and word-of-mouth.)
oh yeah.. and the line about staying ont he right side of the Law and hmm..... not promoting feelings of ill will bla bla bla..... well ive seen many blogs doing that. :) ..otherwise what else is there to blog? business? adverts? announcements? ..... i say... it seems like we can only post up opinions..... but then again.... opinions are meant to be diverse as well right? there's bound to be someone who wont like what you write.
i just wonder what are the chances of anyone just browsing thourhg millions of blogs that get new posts thousands of times a day and then spotting a very very bad post and even taking the initiative to report it to somewhere.... wow... that person must be very hurt...
Then again... no matter what anyone does.. no matter what anyone posts.. no matter how good-good it is... there will definitely be a prick or two out there who wont be happy with it. If that''s the case.. that means everyone else can be charged for causing hurt, right?
Sarge: Get over here! Give me a boost! Caboose: Ok. Caboose runs up Caboose:You are a good person -- and people say nice things about you. Sarge: Not a morale boost, moron, a physical one. I need to see what's in that window. Caboose: That window is very high. I don't think you are tall enough. Sarge: I know. I need you to help me look through it. Caboose: I don't think I am tall enough either. Also, my head is round. That window is square.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
So i've scrapped the initial script of NVP1.... was planning to do a take on racism (chinese and malays, naturally....) but im putting that on hold for a while and looking out for what other moral values are out there for us to explore....
I think it's only in this part of the world where anyone can see more than half of the people around them wearing earphones.
I find it irritating. Some little teen boy's wearing it... occasionally taking one side off to listen to what his other friend is saying.. then putting it back on...... looking around anxiously, obviously uneasy with the surrounding around him then taking it back off to listen to his friends again...... some other peple do this for many times before finally getting the idea that you cant bloody mix in with society with that freaking thing on (!) and decides to put it away.
I mean.. evrywhere you go... people are using it.... it's like.... they cant stand the natural sounds hustle and bustle around them.... like they have some tolerance level issues or maybe more accurately, lack of self esteem (i dont know.... scared to listen to other people talking?) Some girl with "the face" comes in the mrt cabin... leans on the glass... digs vicously into her ugly jamaican-like bag.. takes out a (oooohhhh wowwww) pair of headphones.. fumbles with the wire... puts it on... clicks a few buttons on the thing in her bag then looks up blankly like she's being brainwashed, adjusts herself... and slumps back, witht he galss as her support.... typical.
and with this growing popularity of iPods and other mp3 players.... pretty soon i think our children will be walking around in capsules complete with a TV and surround sound system.
I dont know.. i just dont like this "cutting off" from other people. it's kinda anti-social to me... like you dont belong there.... where they're at (even amongst their friends? hmmm)
oh dont get me started on those arseholes who blast NOISE (not music) in that cheapo 5 dollars earphones (emitting more static than music) into those empty skulls of theirs which probably is the reason for thme to wear super-tapered-tight pants (showing their lack of genitals...) and pierce their lips, ears and nose and eyelids and hmm maybe get a stupid diamond tattoo in the middle of their eyebrows then caliming to be fighters (simplistic thinkers, if u ask me... like aligators) and oh yes..... speak very very very very bad malay.
if not that then maybe a tupee-like hairdo with buttoned up polo shirts or maybe thick black frames for their zero-degree glasses or maybe (gasp!) white framed ones! and maybe with an ugly stiff vinyl sling bag to match and that ever-potruding "blemish-mania-land" buttocks.
Please.. take off those earphones use them only when you realy need to like gaming.....sound checking.... audio editing..... radio communications... and when you really DO have to listen to music for inspirations..... :)
*ive bought my geforce 6600GT for S$175 dollars.... charlene wasnt there to bargain for me (she went for lunch -.- ) so i tried my sweet talking (lolz...) and brought the price down from 189..... and soon buying another card and another monitor to complete my three-monitor set up for surround gaming..... sweeeeeeeett........
and i'll be busy doing some 3d model building as well.... gonna try making Justin's ident character..... :)
Current song stuckED in muh (blog)head: Percy Faith's Theme from A Summer Place
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Hmm..... a few things are going on now.... will be MIA again....
A few videos and song smight pop up everynow and then to keep this blog running (cos im still paying for that webbie...)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I think... just like girls.... guys have their "period" as well....
Girls.... well.. around their period period.... a few things happen, rite?
Bleeding from that ugly spot (lolz... vulgar.. i know...) ... PMS and i just learnt from Mitch and Joyce recently... boobs enlarge aka cleavage is more prominent.
Lolz i like that breast enlarging thing... one day its all small and limp next day they're ready to float...
and what the.... girls can somehow have periods together because of some "smell".... -.- .... .... .... ... it's like another way to say, "let's have an orgy..."
So guys... hm.. what do we have?
okay so i've been observing (my friends.... =p) and have this feeling that at a certain time of the month or sth like that..... a guy could suddenly look his best... meaning... suddenly he has this nice smooth body with nice muscle definitions and his face is clear of bumps (or flaws... well.. most of them) and suddenly he just smells so attractive to girls (and some guys around him.. lolz) and "omg he's just gorgeous!".
and, i think, ... his wee wee tool suddenly feels more.. ... manly...
Any guys out there ever noticed all these?
ahh... okay... i should say that it's just that period of time the guy naturally is ready to make babies!!... or... has a higher level of sperm count (maybe semen as well) maybe because his testerone hormone level just shot up.
does all these make sense?
I think that for some of us... we have the urge to "look for a stead" and for others already with a girlfriend or boyfriend.... well... they get more intimate (cmon admit it... you've all had sex havent you?) around this "boy period".
i think it's also around this time that the guys start to think of how they look and maybe go for an entire change of the wardrobe (just like me.... from a nerd with no fashion sense to a guy crazy of baggy stuff to formal wear to suits to more practical things..... like the same pair of pants all year round.... lolz)
i thnk it's an interesting theory but then again.... could be another twisted one of mine.
lolz the tree diretly outside my window (literally.. it's blocking my freaking feng shui and view....) is blooming with funny spiked ball flowers..... and the birds and the bees... okay where's my blowpipe...
My urge to "improve" myself has kicked in again (seems like everything likes to "kick in" here...) so..... lolz.... i'm getting more new things for my sweet little comp. (my other half?)
okay i wanna brag here and lots of the following are very technical... sorry for those that do not understand (no... read! learn!)
here are my system specs...
Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHZ (able to overclock to 4GHz but no freaking way!... i've alreayd fried many RAMS and my video card with overclocking...) Phoenix Technologies 6.00PG motherboard. 512MB Nanya DDR RAM with god-knows-what-speed.... *512MB Corsair DDR RAM 400mhz (which i cant fix cos my mobo cant accept it. It's for sale though.. hundred twenty... anyone?) GeForce 4 Ti4200 with AGP8x (tht thing's fried a litle... having some thread problems...) Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS (wootz... 5.1 surround sound.... which isnt that good really.... 7.1, that's the killer) with MIDI output... eDimensional 3d Stereo gaming glasses (games played in stereo 3d! sweet....) Creative ProdikeysDM (the keyboard Shaun calls a toy..) 80GB hard drive (2gbs left... lolz...) 120GB Hard Drive (11 gbs left.. boo...) and a nice laptop mouse i use from Acer.. plugged in to one of my six USB ports (down with wireless keyboards and mouses!!)
ahh yes..... a nice comfortable set up.... but is that enough?
i'm a gaming freak (when the time comes...) specialising in FPS games so i think that this 17" CRT monitor of mine really isnt giving me my gaming pleasure. So what to do? buy a 19" CRT?
btw... if you love gaming.. DONT BUY LCD SCREENS!!! Their refresh rates are minimal compared to CRT monitors and that can cause lots of flickering onscreen and lead to headaches and eyesores for some.... i think..... in any case.... CRT rawks...
So why buy a 19"CRT monitor? it could cost about 500 dollars to a thousand.... so... mm..... i'm a poor man.... lolz..... so what i did.... yesterday... was getting myself a DVI to VGA converter.... plugged it into my graphics card (on it's last few breaths) and stole an LCD monitor from my sister's room and tada...!! DUAL MONITORS!!
So what's so good aout dual monitors? well.... it gives you LOADS more of real estate i.e. space... so now i'm having my msn messenger and Firefox on one screen and my video editing or wordpad (for blogging) or some other things on the other.... whee....
and it's so cool to be able to turn your head more than 10 degrees while on the computer and still be able to work......
And i tried gaming on dual monitors..... i flew a helicopter in the greatest most ultra realistic war simulation ever, Operation Flashpoint, and omg i was literally looking around physically out of my helicopter window.
*okay audi.. stop.... dont talk like that.... you sound nerdy...
ahem.... but then again... for FPS games.... WTF??? two screens?!?! my crosshairs are split into half!!!
so i got out another monitor from a corner of my room (yes... i do have plenty of junk around here...) and OMG.... i cant fix it!!..
LOLZ.... so a short Google search (hey who needs technicians these days.. LOLZ... jk jk...) and it seems like the best way to fix three monitors is by adding another graphics card..... to the PCI Express slot.... whoops... bad.... all my other graphics cards (two GeForce MX440) are AGP-based.... aww..
so another Google search.... and a nice GeForce 5 PCI express card costs around S$122 dollars.... cheap...
but then with technology.... do i have a PCI Express slot? no? what to do? change my motherboard!
and the cycle repeats all over again.
I'm gonna go get a GeForce 6600GT soon (just so that i can beat Donald and Sze Aik... dang.. they have GeForce 5 cards!)........ for about S$290 dollars..... maybe cheaper cos Charlene is helping me bargain... lolz...
and maybe a 1GB DDR RAM as well while i'm at it...
lolz... see..... technology! it repeats itself!!
uh... hello? anyone else still there?
Saturday, October 08, 2005
I still dont understand. Why cant i ever keep a long-term relationship?
It always starts with me simply admiring the girl (girl girl GIRL!!!....) then watching her legs... butt.... torso..... then if nothing else happens... my attention goes elsewhere....
Then sometimes...i get news... "oh mah gott audi.... she likes you..."... ok.. fine... what's for lunch?
but then again.... sometimes... i get jiggy with it... start getting physical.... as in... teasing... slapping...tapping.... yeah...
then poof!.... in a relationship....
then maybe a month or two later... aww..... my little willy wonka gets tired and my chest feels more.... irritated.... and thus this is when i say "bye bye" to the person even though that person was super-uber-fantastik!..... normally..... the other person would be thrown off-guard by a mile and thus follows a series of very draggy and tiresome process of "cleaning up papers"....
I think i'm very fickle.. particularly in relationships. It is so immature and unfair. Basically... it sucks.
Some of you might remember me as being that asswipe who'd go miles just to get that chocolate bar for ahem ahem or asking friends if they ever need anything from here or there. .... ... or sometimes just by that special super delicious yet expensive italian ice cream from town and high-tailing it back to Yishun to be given to the receiver early in the morning....( okay.. fine.. 11am's not early.)
I can do that.. i dont mind... but once that mentality of "we are in a special relationship" is introduced... i just get.... well..... bored.
The stereotypical responsibilities of the man always having to acc the girl and buy silly crap for her every 20 nanoseconds is embedded in my head. I dont do it... I detest those kidns of actions... it's too submissive for a guy i think... so here i am... dealing with my mental backfire and all that. So.... how do i treat my girl (woman? uh... ok... still not so sure.. arent they too big for me?) ?
hmmm how do i treat my special partner?
i think... to many... it's crap-treatment.
Hold hands? nah no thanks.... whoops... how did my hand get there? :p
Kiss? sure!... nah on second thought... maybe next time............. (pause)........ kiss... :P
movies? boooring..... orcahrd? booooring.... let me give some suggestions..... okay.... i lend u this game... install it... ok ok i'll meet u tonight online and we'll shoot down Messerschmitts together... (what? it's cool... a couple fighting together...)
The sun is shining.... the surounding is quiet.... here ya go... a present... .... ..... ... for what? oh... i just felt like it...
walk walk walk down the corridor.... whoops... did i just give u a peck on the cheek? and here's another.... (pause).... just kidding.. (taps shoulders)
Okay girl... change ur clothes... we're going to climb some mountain...
Hear my laugh... my evil.... high-pitched laugh!!! mauahhahah!!!! hia hia hia hia!!!
and not forgetting my favourite treatment...
Hey.. could u settle that bill please?
i told javis how i treated my partner... particularly Wei Shan... ... he didnt like it one bit and told me i was being very harsh and in some cases.... an asshole...
I donno... maybe it's the way i treat my partners..... maybe it's my mentality..... maybe I'm just not cut out to have a partner now.... maybe because all my partners were young teenagers..... maybe maybe maybe....
but i know that i cant keep one any longer than 3 months.....
I was happy with wei shan... our relationship lasted 5 months (my longest!!.... ... what?) ... whee.... but if i were to be very critical.... i'd say it only lasted 3 months... after that... i got very bored and started disappearing......
*maybe i'm missing something.... that thing called love?.... hmmm *speculates* what are we supposed to feel anyways?
And sorry, what? give in to them? my partners? NO!!! NO bloody way!!
okay fine maybe sometimes.... but no no no! i will NOT be with my partner 24/7! i wont be calling her sweet names all the time and no no no.... i will not take neoprints!!! and eff you. cant she be much more tougher?!?!
So isnt it apparent that i'm currently unattached and messed up on one side of my brain now?
and i'm sleeping around 5-6 am these days after subconcious sessions and sessions of thinking (while a game is running) and munching on cereals out-of-the-box..... definitely not a good sign of my physical and mental status... something's bothering me but whatever..
You know... there is no such thing as someone sacrficing his needs and his own personal bla bla/goals/visions/himself for what ever reason like humanitarian aid or community work and such.
No such thing. Let me explain.
You see... i think.... and have read... that EVERYONE of us here.. CRAVES to feel important and ultimately.. feel good. Sure.. why not? everyone needs to feel good, right? but to feel important? to feel recognised? yes... yes... even to you... you self-proclaimed selfless patriot.
Okay let's review.... simple things..
why do you want to please that someone? oh because if you do.. you'll feel taht you've accomplished something.. thuse u feel good. duh... plus.. u get his attention... aha... recognition... DOH.
Food.... why that banana? The colour is nice... you're hungry..... you like bananas.... YOU YOU YOU... it's all about you!
This little wicked theory is in fact, being used....... look at our advertisements (good ones we know, at least).... it's all about, YOU....
that's how they get ur attention... make things appeal to YOU... if it were for Mr. Tom, Dick and Harry from Tom's Dick Is Hairy Corp then i guess you wont be interested.
YOU... aww we all just love that word.....
let me take a very twisted example.... okay... those people who suddenly feel compassionate to do something for the affected people of a very very horrible disaster.
yes i know.. people do have huge amounts of compassion sometimes so put ur guns down and sit; i'm not finished yet.
But what if they did not succumb to the desire to help these people? The person might feel anxious... helpless.... guilty... and all that... they wont FEEL good.
there... such a simple theory.
And before i end my rant... ok hmm.... nah... nvm.. i'm done... i'll hold my tongue on this one.
Ah yes... Audi explains LIFE....
Why are we here on earth?
TO some.. to please our parents (for...?).. to some others... make money.... to more others... SEX...... but no... sorry... i think that that's just part of why we're here.
btw... i think money is not that important... anyone can live without money... just go elsewhere if you're broke.... seriously.
ermm.. okay... so why are we here? I say... we're here to do a simple thing..... pray to God....
ahh yes... once God comes into play... everything falls into place..... doesnt it?
please our parents.. ahh... God's teachings...... make money.. but for what? no.. not material gain... but use it to further expand ur knowledge and HELP OTHERS (geeezz!!! and you rich bastards spend it on your stupid little underground gold plated jacuzzi...) and sex... yes.. to copulate and make children! make new Audi-s and Bloggers! evolve into a superior human race where AIDS is nothing!... doh... not stick ur dick into any hairy arses and animals....
So yes... ultimately.. i thnk we're here to please God Almighty....
but then again.. my twisted thnking kicks in... why are here? are we some sort of experimental beings... some play thing...... that higher beings are watching and are able to manifest themselves into things like angels and all that... are we in something like a strategy game? gain status.. level... gain mana.... get that super-rare gem and all that...
argh... i fried my brain.... ok... tzzt..... brain.. fried..... tzzzt.....
btw... i just realised.. you guys using Internet Explorer would get this irritating little pop-up everytime u enter here... uh.. ok... i cant disable it.. sorry.... it's affiliated to the tagboard.... and for those using Mozilla Firefox (like me... and everyone else should use... because IE is a virus-nest in someway) wont have much problems.... just that the media player will end up to the SIDE of the post instead of the bottom of the page like in IE and Firefox users get a smaller, distorted video too.... IE gives the video in it full size. So there.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Apparently, my creative juices.. if i ever had some... arent bubbling with freshness. See? Bubbling with freshness... doesnt make sense.
Anyways i present to you an event (possibly the only...) that took place during the recent kuching trip. Yeah we went fishing off Damai Beach.
My uncle was gracious enough to lend us his boat for the day along with the entire gear plus food (delicious food... sad i didnt manage to finish it...).
Was a fun day i should say.... sea was calm ... the GPS system was an eye-opener (i didnt noe we could actually buy them... -.- ).
We caught five fishes in five hours. Mitch was sea sick and puking all over the sea... scaring away fishes in doing so... calculating the contents of the puke, i say that we could have caught about 25 fishes instead.... dang....
Interesting..... off the coast of Damai Beach was a sunken Japanese warship.... my other uncle who's in charge of the boat house in the hotel showed the ship to me on the GPS system... the mast and all.. sweet... adn we fished above it....
And also... behind one of those mountain peaks of Mount Santubong... lay the metal remains of a Japanese War plane. Not bad... i asked if we could hike there... he said sure... and that's just wht i'm gonna d the next time round.
okay okay boring stuff..... still in rehabilitation....
till then.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
ok back in Singapore.... comfortable in this "command centre" of mine also known as a computer area.
Just like a DJ spinning with much fluid actions all his records into one crammed night, I'm a "computer potato" (couch potato? ok potato means something... quite stupid right? oh well) fluidly typing and scribbling across his keyboard triggering synchronised actions and visuals across his motherboard and monitor screen and adjusting with much precision his surround sound system, ever tweaking to suit what's the event onscreen and hooking up firewires to cameras and linking this to that and such... ah yes... my everyday job.... (so that was an example of a bad umm..... comparison...).
And also not forgetting the constant tightening of the chair screws and adjustment of its height.
Before i continue, i thank YOU.... for actually bothering to check out this site even though i clearly stated that i'll be in Kuching. lolz.. well done....
thank you thank you okay back to your seats i'm all pumped up to spit out disarranged messages and thoughts from this black hole of mine and lead a revolution against things that defy my very preferences.... or am i?
will be back soon (again).... need lots of sleep and clearing up of certain matters before i can continue doing the things that i do....
enjoy (try to) the overused and super-old Battle of The Field video....
and HELLO HUI SHI!!!!!!!! muacks muacks kiss kiss....... -.-
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I am very ashamed of myself. Such a waste of meat and flesh. A destroyed human being. A destroyed son and friend. The evils ive done upon myself and others.
I just looked through some of my old photos.
I saw many of times....a happy cheeky boy.. making faces and posing himself in many funny positions.
It was me before 1999.
A clean... pure.... fair.... untroubled child.
But what do i see after 1999?
a boy in specs twice the size of his face.
Dead... still... unenergetic portrait shots.
A young boy who has done many activities that would bring shame to his family and those who know him if they were to find out.
A racist was born.
A communist at one time or another.
Astray from his religion.
Relatives shun away.
A lot of evil..... so much evil that God took away the face he once had.
And replaced it with what he is now.
scarred... with a black heart.
I think i forgot something along the way.......
*apart from the NVP1 project and Justin's crew's mini video project...... i will be disappearing once again.... from Mein Bereich.... from Messenger.... from everything.... i think i need some time to reflect on things....
The end of a sad story?