It is with deep regret that I, a friend of Audi's, would have to inform you of a tragic accident he has encountered.
Yeserday, Audi fell and broke his leg while maneuvering a steep ledge while climbing Mount Santubong. He is now in coma.
However, he is in the welfare of the most professional and experienced doctors in Normah Hospital, in Kuching.
I pray for his safe recovery.
Tan Ah beng.
HAHAHAHA you believe ar?
ok la actually i was away at Damai but my father say they never put any wireless internet so bo pian lor... i went around th ebeach to take pics.
but now im back in Holiday Inn Kuching, and soon going down to have dinner.
After i eat i come up entertain you all ok?
ta ta!
p.s. eerr... did any of u believe that thing i wrote way up there?
Yeserday, Audi fell and broke his leg while maneuvering a steep ledge while climbing Mount Santubong. He is now in coma.
However, he is in the welfare of the most professional and experienced doctors in Normah Hospital, in Kuching.
I pray for his safe recovery.
Tan Ah beng.
HAHAHAHA you believe ar?
ok la actually i was away at Damai but my father say they never put any wireless internet so bo pian lor... i went around th ebeach to take pics.
but now im back in Holiday Inn Kuching, and soon going down to have dinner.
After i eat i come up entertain you all ok?
ta ta!
p.s. eerr... did any of u believe that thing i wrote way up there?
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