WOOTZ!!! i finally got my left hand to play Romance in F Major!! well.. the starting part at least.... now to work onmy timing and coordination with my left hand.
and crap... the Creative Prodikeys has only 3 sets of keys (laugh all you want, piano-boys/girls) so i cant play the full intro in one sitting.
well well well.. wht to do wht to do?
Simple.. book the audiotech down in the FMS block, hook up the keyboard there to the audio console and start practising! whoo!!
o otherwise go around ppl's hse to play their pianos.
But then again... the house in Johor is near its completion stage. I have never seen it before (ok... maybe once, last year) but my family and relatives have been going up and down to Johor and back regularly and they keep saying how big the rooms are (compared to Singapore.. pfft... big deal) after they have been extended.
As usual.. my parents.. they want a malay house... so they plan to add wood wood wood and funny flowery grillings (which i think is just ugly and degrading to be called as an art.). Wont too much wood be hazardous? I mean... with wood being flammable and all.
Quite a few things would be going off to Johor as well from my house here. The 30 thousand dollars four piece couch set bought at Da Vinci's would be sent to johor(damn.. i love that couch... ) along with a few more sets of chairs and junk.
Then there'd be space here in Yishun so i thought of buying an upright piano to fill up the space. LOLZ...
Shaun asked me to buy a grand piano for the Johor house but OMG i'm nt tt rich!
and if i bought it for the yishun house then i thnk the piano would be used as a dinner table more often than a musical instrument.
And i just heard that my father's eldest brother (a.ka.... my uncle...) also bought a hse in Johor. and i heard its a three-storey freaking penthouse bungalow!
my god.. ..... singaporeans and their lust for cheap houses in Johor...
and wootz~~ .. my late fraternal grandfather (though ive never seen him alive before) left the family a little gift. My uncle and dad found it in johor just recently (after how many years past his death.. i meant my grandfather).
My grandfather left us a PIECE OF LAND in Johor!!
How big is it?
hmm.. my dad said that we can built FOUR SEMI-DETACHED houses on it PLUS have some extra space for a garden and what not. WOOO!!!!
currently the land is just grass and dead insects.
and we have a problem. The Governemnt in Johor does not ackowlede the land as belonging to my grandfathe (they just put there: Owner.). His name is not there. So now my uncle is getting along to try to put the name there, then change it again to recognidse the family as the owner of that land so we can build sth on it.
I dun care man.. im gonna build my own video studio there.Fourwalls, many partitions, simple and clear cut.
So another plane crashed. This time in Venezuala..
my mum is going over to Kuching this Friday to meet my dad and my sis would be i campus so wootz!!! i'm alone again!!! Whee!!
lolz... but in friday i'll be going over to shaun's place (just going over.. not sleeping... i cant take the risk...) cos there'll be another SHOOTING this week end at bukit batok and pasir ris.
I unveiled the BOB the Secret Weapon to the crew a couple of days ago and they had some fun with it and yes.. they were impressed at how stable the shots have become.
mauahah!!! we will own everyone else in the competition!! mauahah!!
but dang i can feel myself getting sick.... there's a lump behind my throat whihc should be phlegm so i might be getting fever soon. shiote... i cant be absent for the shooting!! I'm the cameraman!! eveything that's gonna appear on-screen will be my job!!
So this friday at 1250pm ill be over at North View to meet up with Bird-bird (elizabeth lee cui wen). She promised (agreed) to show me her super-duper grade 8 skills on piano playing to me. Will be video-taping her performance on that grand piano sitting by itself in the hall. Then up it goes on this blog!!
yeah i thnk i'll be taking up piano lessons soon too.
Quite a few people (and lecturers) have urged me to get a tutor if i wnana play the insturment.
we'll see...
and crap... the Creative Prodikeys has only 3 sets of keys (laugh all you want, piano-boys/girls) so i cant play the full intro in one sitting.
well well well.. wht to do wht to do?
Simple.. book the audiotech down in the FMS block, hook up the keyboard there to the audio console and start practising! whoo!!
o otherwise go around ppl's hse to play their pianos.
But then again... the house in Johor is near its completion stage. I have never seen it before (ok... maybe once, last year) but my family and relatives have been going up and down to Johor and back regularly and they keep saying how big the rooms are (compared to Singapore.. pfft... big deal) after they have been extended.
As usual.. my parents.. they want a malay house... so they plan to add wood wood wood and funny flowery grillings (which i think is just ugly and degrading to be called as an art.). Wont too much wood be hazardous? I mean... with wood being flammable and all.
Quite a few things would be going off to Johor as well from my house here. The 30 thousand dollars four piece couch set bought at Da Vinci's would be sent to johor(damn.. i love that couch... ) along with a few more sets of chairs and junk.
Then there'd be space here in Yishun so i thought of buying an upright piano to fill up the space. LOLZ...
Shaun asked me to buy a grand piano for the Johor house but OMG i'm nt tt rich!
and if i bought it for the yishun house then i thnk the piano would be used as a dinner table more often than a musical instrument.
And i just heard that my father's eldest brother (a.ka.... my uncle...) also bought a hse in Johor. and i heard its a three-storey freaking penthouse bungalow!
my god.. ..... singaporeans and their lust for cheap houses in Johor...
and wootz~~ .. my late fraternal grandfather (though ive never seen him alive before) left the family a little gift. My uncle and dad found it in johor just recently (after how many years past his death.. i meant my grandfather).
My grandfather left us a PIECE OF LAND in Johor!!
How big is it?
hmm.. my dad said that we can built FOUR SEMI-DETACHED houses on it PLUS have some extra space for a garden and what not. WOOO!!!!
currently the land is just grass and dead insects.
and we have a problem. The Governemnt in Johor does not ackowlede the land as belonging to my grandfathe (they just put there: Owner.). His name is not there. So now my uncle is getting along to try to put the name there, then change it again to recognidse the family as the owner of that land so we can build sth on it.
I dun care man.. im gonna build my own video studio there.Fourwalls, many partitions, simple and clear cut.
So another plane crashed. This time in Venezuala..
my mum is going over to Kuching this Friday to meet my dad and my sis would be i campus so wootz!!! i'm alone again!!! Whee!!
lolz... but in friday i'll be going over to shaun's place (just going over.. not sleeping... i cant take the risk...) cos there'll be another SHOOTING this week end at bukit batok and pasir ris.
I unveiled the BOB the Secret Weapon to the crew a couple of days ago and they had some fun with it and yes.. they were impressed at how stable the shots have become.
mauahah!!! we will own everyone else in the competition!! mauahah!!
but dang i can feel myself getting sick.... there's a lump behind my throat whihc should be phlegm so i might be getting fever soon. shiote... i cant be absent for the shooting!! I'm the cameraman!! eveything that's gonna appear on-screen will be my job!!
So this friday at 1250pm ill be over at North View to meet up with Bird-bird (elizabeth lee cui wen). She promised (agreed) to show me her super-duper grade 8 skills on piano playing to me. Will be video-taping her performance on that grand piano sitting by itself in the hall. Then up it goes on this blog!!
yeah i thnk i'll be taking up piano lessons soon too.
Quite a few people (and lecturers) have urged me to get a tutor if i wnana play the insturment.
we'll see...
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