Saturday, April 04, 2009 |  
I once wrote on Facebook: My life is a matter of luck and coincidences.

I have no doubt now, after the events that lead up to the climax on April Fool's, that God is real, and he is a film scriptwriter.

Which other profession reserves its sadistic views of life for the pleasure of seeing its' characters suffer?


I thought I got life all figured out. And that the many turns of events that has shaped me into who I was has plateaued. I guess not, and there seems to be more surprises up the road.

I lost a friend, only to have another come in. It'll be just a stroke of luck, if it wasn't because they bear many similarities between each other. The coincidence is frightening. Sort of god's way of saying, "Here, you can have second best!"

I'm not afraid of meeting new people. In fact, this new person is mighty fine. But I yell with frustration to the man who giggles as he plays my strings.

I took the one thing I loved and broke it to pieces. What more do you want?!