have anyone of you heard of this new upcoming club called
Ting.. here you go... :)
Saturday, September 30, 2006
have anyone of you heard of this new upcoming club called DRAGONFLY? Ting.. here you go... :)
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Things to come....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bullets whizzing past, people yelling, pants getting muddy and sweat floods your balls. The siren blows and everyone on the field stand back and reflect on what they’ve did, smiling at what they’ve done, rejoicing, forging stronger bonds between friends and acquaintances and at the same time having done just a terrific work out.
It’s not so accurate, but paintball mags and ads promise something along these lines. I’ve had quite the luck to have the paintball idea resurrected with the help of Jason and what a great time to play paintball, a new experience for us, than on Tharik’s and Aik’s birthday? Cool masks, cool vests, cool gun but ultra-Kiddy-Palace-bubble-gum-loader. Guo Xiong’s gang was present along with Don and Clara plus Jason’s brother, Ronald (finally... i get to see his brother). So that makes us 13 ppl, playing at Yishun’s Orchid Country Club. i wont say anything much….. omg! REAL brothers! … but one thing’s for sure; paintball will be a monthly event for us now. For about SGD$70 per person for about 2 hours, why not? Just work for two days at least and you’d get the money to play paintball. If you’re a girl, play paintball. If you’re gay, play paintball. If you’re gay and still hiding, play paintball. If you’re a religious zealot with three horns with grey hair and still a virgin, hey, why not? Play paintball. GX under fire. Umm.... but mummy... wont getting shot hurt? OF COURSE! Just imagine a ball, 3cm in diameter, smacking right onto ur skin at 50 km/h, tearing off the first layer like a cannon ball on a plate of sea shells. Nicholas relates to us his story of being tortured with ciggarettes after being held hostage by gay clowns. But what is a simple bruise compared to the benefits of finally raining a volley of fire at Henry, hitting him hard countless times and feeling so good about it as you watch him run back in fear? Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about! Shah got a new job..... So, Audi, Mr. I’m-so-pro-at-FEAR, what’s your injury story? You know those kinds of soldiers who come out of the battlefield without a scratch? I thought I was one of them. The first round had me standing clean and bright from the others who had been stained with paintballs and dirt. GX is an alien! I knew it! So I thought I was lucky. I went back into the field. The siren rang. I ran… and ran.. and ran… I hid behind a couple of barrels. I shot one guy. Down. I turned over to the other side. Down. I peeked through the openings, the guy was suppressed. Then POW! I felt one hit my right forearms. My first injury of the day. omg it's looking at me! That couldn’t compare to other people’s injuries; Henry got one on his ass, arms, legs and the most painful he said was the one that hit him straight on top of his head. Just now I talked to him and his skull has reduced to half of its original thickness. He fished out who the hell shot him… and lo and behold – it was Clara. Supreme being: Thou shall eat this fruit and thou shalt like it! Clara: Orh orh.. ok.. GX had countless on his legs. His knew was shot and it was bleeding. Don had a few bleeding ones. Zhen Ling, standing at seven foot high got a fat one on his inner thigh. Seven-foot tall Zhen Ling regrets undergoing knee surgery ten years ago to increase his height. And the most battered of all…. Is Nicholas (I just found out you were Niko. Damn, I need to know my readers…). I think he got three on his neck (OUCH), a few on his legs (WHOOHOO) and countless more on his arms (So... this means no nighttime quickie?) I would hate getting that. Clara and I seem to be the only chickens who never got shot. (actually *some ppl* were urging me to do a friendly fire at her…. But where the hell do I shoot? Her butt?) So I thought I was lucky. The siren rang again. I trudged out into the field. No one has appeared yet. I kept low. Clara ran across my path, I almost tripped. I swerved to the right, side-stepping to the wooden pallets on my 2 o’clock….. And then….. wwhhiizzz…… SPLAT! If you're drooling while looking at this shot, congratulations; you're a straight guy. I stumbled. I fell. I said “shit”. I backtracked my way to the left of my field, trying hard to hold on to something, making my way back to the medic hut. I felt someone run past me. “Hey! Bring me to the medic hut!” “it’s there! It’s there!” I tripped. I fell. I stumbled. The guy next to me was shooting. “Where’s the cloth?!” I yelled. “Cloth? What cloth?” “Cloth!!!!” “Why do u need that for?!” “I’ve been shot in the head and I cant see!” Whosoever was the one who had that once-in-a-lifetime chance of flying a paintball straight into the goggles of mine, who was stooping, sprinting sideways and a foot from undeniable cover in addition to the fact that I was at the back end of the field, I SALUTE YOU for who you are and what you’ve done! Jason is kind and nice. Jason is kind and nice. Jason is kind and nice.... Sometimes luck just balances out everything. I wonder if I had turned me head elsewhere just a split second more, would my injury then balance up to the injuries of others? Then i guess that leaves Clara to be the "clean" one. We'll get her next tme, boys... we'll get her next time...
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Travel and Adventure
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Correct me if i'm wrong.... but did i hear someone say.... PAINTBALL? hint hint.... :)
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Things to come....
Thursday, September 21, 2006
How can you not love two of the most powerful American entertainers of modern times?
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I did it for the lulz
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I finally felt the power of love today. But he knew i was there - he buried his head in my elbow again, trying to endure the pain... lots of it. "Hospital, right away!"
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Sincere coffessions
This is Audi.
Audi has a blog. A blog that is full of fabricated half-truths that seek the “oohs” and “aahhs” of audiences. A novelty. A stunt. An outright bastardization of reader’s trust. But who said entertainment has to be “real”? At the same time, the blog documents his school work. This is Audi. He does well in school, right? He makes good lighting, right? He writes Grade A storytelling scripts, right? He feels a substantial amount of support from peers in school, right? Heck… he cant possibly be a loser in CG animation seeing how he likes to draw, design, spend 72 hours on the comp crafting make-belief digital lines and curves all for the sake of creating something out of nothing and then be graded on it, right? This is Audi…. And he bloats his experiences as he writes them. ![]() I think I’m good at lying to myself; So good i believe i am good when i am clearly not good.
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Sincere coffessions
Thursday, September 14, 2006
What happens when you suddenly got rich, liked sweating, get erections when you see couples but still a slim young shaven 65kg 170cm tall guy with nice mocha-coloured skin?
Who said I was dead? more updates coming soon!
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Things to come....
Monday, September 11, 2006
5 years ago around 930 I was at my rented Bedok Reservoir house watching some channel 5 show when these big fonts ran across the screen many times.
It went something like, “WORLD TRADE CENTER HIT BY PLANE.” My first reaction was the Singapore Expo got attacked. But attack Expo for what? Its only when I started flipping channels that I saw on CNA that the WTC was being bastardized and I saw people flying, as opposed to falling, off the building. Then the collapse came….. And I realized….. damn.. that looked like the time they blew up kuching library. I remember that for the next three weeks I was jotting down the current events as I saw it at that tender age of 13 which probably sparked my diary habits. I believed at that time that one day I will look back (or someone will look back) and they’d have a feel of what people felt on the day of the Sept 11 attacks. The booklet of yellow old pages is lost now. I cant seem to find it. If you’re asking me if I believed in all the controversies of the 9/11 attacks then I’d have to say, “Some of it.” Like say… I’ve seen buildings collapse on its side, crumble to the floor and all that thanks to Discovery channel and real-life events and I really… really have to admit that the WTC fell like the Kuching Library when they rigged it with explosives and blew it down, saving the Holiday Inn Kuching carpark from destruction. I wont go further into the controversies since papers on it can be easily found online… but I just wanna say….. … “Bush… you suck.” ---------------------- Of course.. after all these… there are plentiful groups of mothers/children/bimboes/gayfags/JCkids/universitynerds that shout and shout and protests and say they want peace on earth…. Like Hippies if you ask me. What they do here is that mothers come and beg and cry and give that irritating glare that war should be stopped and peace should reign on earth. Then there are those who look at tanks and weaponry and roll their eyes and walk away. I wish they die and go to hell. If anyone has ever had any genuine interest in war history they would’ve noticed from very early on that THERE HAS NEVER BEEN PEACE ON EARTH. If you wanna argue that after WW2 there were no wars then I must say you probably came from a baseless family devoid of culture and ethics and probably don’t have anything interesting to amuse me. Between WW2 and now are the Cold war, vietnam war, Kosovo war, Kuwait war, Lebanese war, Afghanistan war, Iraq war and now the damned Israel-Lebanon war. Wars are ever-present and cannot be eradicated thanks to the human being’s most basic instinct of survival. The very nature of survival itself meant killing other things (cows, deers, etc) and then feeding on their benefits (hide, meat, etc) Some of my friends have said that they found the Israel-Lebanon war to be something new. But really? Is it a new war? Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember my friend from primary school who has a grandma from Lebanon and she had to run to Kuching because the damn jews were knocking on her doors. Periodically she had to come to and fro the two countries to fight/save/salvage her family/property. War, the way I see it, is a necessity. I’m not fluent in wars before the Industrial Revolution but from what I know, World War One introduced the cavalry replacement; tanks. But you bimbotic girl idiots may sit there with your lipstick and makeup with stretch-marked legs with your fake boobs and go, “Seh whot?” along with your head bobbing and shaking. I have the right to fuck you in the neck! Trench crossing tanks paved the way to transport developments and research in armour and automobile designs. Now who doesn’t like that? You wont wanan drive in rusty flammable cars do you? During war, technology advances rapidly. So much so that sloths turn to real, bulky strong men. Which is better – slimy lazy “men” of society or people who actually wor to produce something? If World War Two never happened I’m afraid we wont have cars like we do now thanks to Hitler and his German associates and their perfect engineering ingenuity with their tanks and cars and behemoth trains. Think about airplanes, radio communication, UFOs, propaganda, films….. You bimbo shits wont even have your freaking music if it wasn’t for Old Man Hitler! Then there are of course architecture, production, and at the same time the mindset of the society evolves. Other names you should think about – Genghis Khan, Napolean, Alexander, Prophet Muhammed, and just to balance things up…. The Crusade. Now who said war is entirely evil when major religions of peace start wars to spread the religion? It’s just a tool…. i can use a hammer to help build a house or help end a life in cold blood. War is inevitable… and is necessary in the development of the human society. Anyone who flatly opposes war or at the same time welcomes war ought to be shot, thrown off the building and trampled on by mobs of angry moms. Opposing war is ignorance. Welcoming war is stupidity. When its time to happen, it happens. One thing’s for sure; I’ll volunteer for the infantry frontlines when war reaches our shores (or we go to their shores.) But that probably wont happen since we’ll all be killed by nuclear warheads.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Audi has been reported missing from the blogosphere and internet....
..... he's much happier now.... no more irritating MSN nicks... no more half-cooked chat sessions.... no more self-infered rage (aka getting worked up over something you thought it meant something, but the other person meant something else). Out with Tharik on another one of our near-daily meetings.... we chanced upon a very rare phenomenon right here in the heart of Yishun. Tharik would call it a "Phare Renomenon" though.. thanks to his native Indian tongue (he's frm India la.) Check out the video to see what we saw. God's powers. "It's just the top of the iceberg." - Tharik.
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My Life
Monday, September 04, 2006
My friends....
the end is near. And so we face the final curtain. I've lived a life that's full haven't I? I've travelled each and every highway. And more... much more than this.... I did it my way. yeah... there were times I'm sure you knew.... when i bit off more than i could chew. But through it all.... when there was doubt.... I ate it up! and spit it out... The blog says it all; i took the blows. And did it my way. Regrets? Ive had a few. But then again.... too few to mention. I did what i had to do. And saw it through.... ...without exemption. I've shown you my life.... my world... my loves..... my hates... my tears.... We've laughed together behind our different screens. And cried together at one point or another. And made a few friends here and there. We've had our fill.... ...our share of losing. But now.... as tears subside... i find it all so amusing. To think I've did all that. ... and may I say, not in a shy way... oh no.... oh no not me... I did it my way. For what is a man, what has he got?If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels. The record shows I took the blows and did it my way! to be continued..... modified from Frank Sinatra's My Way.
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Sincere coffessions
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